<inputtype="checkbox"id="other"name="activities"value="other"aria-label="checkbox for other">
<labelfor="other">Other (Please type):</label>
<labelfor="other-activities"hidden> Other (Please type): </label>
<inputtype="text"id="other-activities"name="other-activities"size="25"aria-label="text for other activities">
<imgclass="logo"src="TcdLogo.png"alt="image of Trinity College Dublin logo">
<imgclass="logo"src="TudLogo.png"alt="image of Technological University logo">
<legend> Auditory </legend>
<h2> Auditory </h2>
<h4> Rate the environmental qualities of the setting you are in and the impact it has on your participation </h4>
<!--rate environment-->
<h3> General ambient background noise (fan, chat, movement noises) </h3>
<h3class="part"> How much of this feature is present?</h3>
<pid="phrase1feat">Move the slider below</p>
<!-- slider-->
<inputid="range1"oninput="showPhrase(this.value)"type="range"min="0"max="6"value="0"steps="1"aria-label="range for general ambient background noise"aria-valuemax="6"aria-valuemin="0"aria-valuenow="0">
<h3class="part"> Impact of feature on my participation </h3>
<p> Move the slider below </p>
<!-- slider-->
<inputid="range1a"oninput="showPhrase1a(this.value)"type="range"min="0"max="6"value="3"steps="1"aria-label="range for impact on participation of general ambient background noise">
<!--rate environment-->
<h3> Specific noises (voices, a machine) </h3>
<h3class="part"> How much of this feature is present?</h3>
<pid="phrase2feat">Move the slider below</p>
<!-- slider-->
<inputid="range2"oninput="showPhrase2(this.value)"type="range"min="0"max="6"value="0"steps="1"aria-label="range for specific noises (voices, a machine) ">
<h3class="part"> Impact of feature on my participation </h3>
<p> Move the slider below </p>
<!-- slider-->
<inputid="range2a"oninput="showPhrase2a(this.value)"type="range"min="0"max="6"value="3"steps="1"aria-label="range for impact on participation of specific noises (voices, a machine) ">
<!--rate environment-->
<h3> Intermittent noise (unpredictable) </h3>
<h3class="part"> How much of this feature is present?</h3>
<pid="phrase3feat">Move the slider below</p>
<!-- slider-->
<inputid="range3"oninput="showPhrase3(this.value)"type="range"min="0"max="6"value="0"steps="1"aria-label="range for Intermittent noise (unpredictable)">
<h3class="part"> Impact of feature on my participation </h3>
<p> Move the slider below </p>
<!-- slider-->
<inputid="range3a"oninput="showPhrase3a(this.value)"type="range"min="0"max="6"value="3"steps="1"aria-label="range for impact on participation of Intermittent noise (unpredictable)">
<!--rate environment-->
<h3> Cueing noises (calling a person’s name, bell) </h3>
<h3class="part"> How much of this feature is present?</h3>
<pid="phrase4feat">Move the slider below</p>
<!-- slider-->
<inputid="range4"oninput="showPhrase4(this.value)"type="range"min="0"max="6"value="0"steps="1"aria-label="range for Cueing noises (calling a person’s name, bell)">
<h3class="part"> Impact of feature on my participation </h3>
<p> Move the slider below </p>
<!-- slider-->
<inputid="range4a"oninput="showPhrase4a(this.value)"type="range"min="0"max="6"value="3"steps="1"aria-label="range for impact on participation of Cueing noises (calling a person’s name, bell)">
<!--- <div class="buttons">
<ahref="#auditory"class="previous"> Previous </a>
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</div> --->
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<imgclass="logo"src="TudLogo.png"alt="image of Technological University logo">
<legend> Visual</legend>
<h2> Visual </h2>
<h4> Rate the environmental qualities of the setting you are in and the impact it has on your participation </h4>
<!--rate environment-->
<h3> General background (walls, workspaces) have objects on them </h3>
<h3class="part"> How much of this feature is present?</h3>
<pid="phrase5feat">Move the slider below</p>
<!-- slider-->
<inputid="range5"oninput="showPhrase5(this.value)"type="range"min="0"max="6"value="0"steps="1"aria-label="range for General background (walls, workspaces) have objects on them">
<h3class="part"> Impact of feature on my participation </h3>
<p> Move the slider below </p>
<!-- slider-->
<inputid="range5a"oninput="showPhrase5a(this.value)"type="range"min="0"max="6"value="3"steps="1"aria-label="range for impact on participation of General background (walls, workspaces) have objects on them">
<!--rate environment-->
<h3> Contrast in the visual environment (dark objects on light surfaces, light objects on dark surfaces) </h3>
<h3class="part"> How much of this feature is present?</h3>
<pid="phrase6feat">Move the slider below</p>
<!-- slider-->
<inputid="range6"oninput="showPhrase6(this.value)"type="range"min="0"max="6"value="0"steps="1"aria-label="range for Contrast in the visual environment (dark objects on light surfaces, light objects on dark surfaces)">
<h3class="part"> Impact of feature on my participation </h3>
<p> Move the slider below </p>
<!-- slider-->
<inputid="range6a"oninput="showPhrase6a(this.value)"type="range"min="0"max="6"value="3"steps="1"aria-label="range for impact on participation of Contrast in the visual environment (dark objects on light surfaces, light objects on dark surfaces)">
<!--rate environment-->
<h3> Unexpected visual events </h3>
<h3class="part"> How much of this feature is present?</h3>
<pid="phrase7feat">Move the slider below</p>
<!-- slider-->
<inputid="range7"oninput="showPhrase7(this.value)"type="range"min="0"max="6"value="0"steps="1"aria-label="range for Unexpected visual events">
<h3class="part"> Impact of feature on my participation </h3>
<p> Move the slider below </p>
<!-- slider-->
<inputid="range7a"oninput="showPhrase7a(this.value)"type="range"min="0"max="6"value="3"steps="1"aria-label="range for impact of participation of Unexpected visual events">
<!--rate environment-->
<h3> Moving visual environment (for example, other people are moving about or there is movement on screens or displays) </h3>
<h3class="part"> How much of this feature is present?</h3>
<pid="phrase8feat">Move the slider below</p>
<!-- slider-->
<inputid="range8"oninput="showPhrase8(this.value)"type="range"min="0"max="6"value="0"steps="1"aria-label="range for Moving visual environment (for example, other people are moving about or there is movement on screens or displays)">
<h3class="part"> Impact of feature on my participation </h3>
<p> Move the slider below </p>
<!-- slider-->
<inputid="range8a"oninput="showPhrase8a(this.value)"type="range"min="0"max="6"value="3"steps="1"aria-label="range for impact on participation for Moving visual environment (for example, other people are moving about or there is movement on screens or displays)">
<!-- buttons -->
<ahref="#touch"> Next</a>
<imgclass="logo"src="TcdLogo.png"alt="image of Trinity College Dublin logo">
<imgclass="logo"src="TudLogo.png"alt="image of Technological University logo">
<!-- touch -->
<legend> Touch </legend>
<h2> Touch </h2>
<h4> Rate the environmental qualities of the setting you are in and the impact it has on your participation </h4>
<h3class="part"> How much of this feature is present?</h3>
<pid="phrase9feat">Move the slider below</p>
<!-- slider-->
<inputid="range9"oninput="showPhrase9(this.value)"type="range"min="0"max="6"value="0"steps="1"aria-label="range for Consistent contact with others/objects (e.g., tight sitting area, firm clothing)">
<h3class="part"> Impact of feature on my participation </h3>
<p> Move the slider below </p>
<!-- slider-->
<inputid="range9a"oninput="showPhrase9a(this.value)"type="range"min="0"max="6"value="3"steps="1"aria-label="range for impact on participation for Consistent contact with others/objects (e.g., tight sitting area, firm clothing)">
<!--rate environment-->
<h3> Intermittent opportunities for contact (bumping into people/things)</h3>
<h3class="part"> How much of this feature is present?</h3>
<pid="phrase10feat">Move the slider below</p>
<!-- slider-->
<inputid="range10"oninput="showPhrase10(this.value)"type="range"min="0"max="6"value="0"steps="1"aria-label="range for Intermittent opportunities for contact (bumping into people/things)">
<h3class="part"> Impact of feature on my participation </h3>
<p> Move the slider below </p>
<!-- slider-->
<inputid="range10a"oninput="showPhrase10a(this.value)"type="range"min="0"max="6"value="3"steps="1"aria-label="range for impact on participation of Intermittent opportunities for contact (bumping into people/things)">
<!--rate environment-->
<h3>Other touch events (e.g., breeze, fan blowing)</h3>
<h3class="part">How much of this feature is present?</h3>
<pid="phrase11feat">Move the slider below</p>
<!-- slider-->
<inputid="range11"oninput="showPhrase11(this.value)"type="range"min="0"max="6"value="0"steps="1"aria-label="range for Other touch events (e.g., breeze, fan blowing)">
<h3class="part"> Impact of feature on my participation </h3>
<p> Move the slider below </p>
<!-- slider-->
<inputid="range11a"oninput="showPhrase11a(this.value)"type="range"min="0"max="6"value="3"steps="1"aria-label="range for impact on participation of Other touch events (e.g., breeze, fan blowing)">
<ahref="#movement"> Next</a>
<imgclass="logo"src="TcdLogo.png"alt="image of Trinity College Dublin logo">
<imgclass="logo"src="TudLogo.png"alt="image of Technological University logo">
<!-- movement-->
<legend> Movement Sense </legend>
<h2> Movement Sense</h2>
<h4> Rate the environmental qualities of the setting you are in and the impact it has on your participation </h4>
<!--rate environment-->
<h3> Predictable/routine movements needed/expected (e.g., getting in line)</h3>
<h3class="part"> How much of this feature is present?</h3>
<pid="phrase12feat">Move the slider below</p>
<!-- slider-->
<inputid="range12"oninput="showPhrase12(this.value)"type="range"min="0"max="6"value="0"steps="1"aria-label="range for Predictable/routine movements needed/expected (e.g., getting in line)">
<h3class="part"> Impact of feature on my participation </h3>
<p> Move the slider below </p>
<!-- slider-->
<inputid="range12a"oninput="showPhrase12a(this.value)"type="range"min="0"max="6"value="3"steps="1"aria-label="range for impact on participation of Predictable/routine movements needed/expected (e.g., getting in line)">
<h3class="part"> How much of this feature is present?</h3>
<pid="phrase13feat">Move the slider below</p>
<!-- slider-->
<inputid="range13"oninput="showPhrase13(this.value)"type="range"min="0"max="6"value="0"steps="1"aria-label="range for Unpredictable movements needed/expected (losing balance)">
<h3class="part"> Impact of feature on my participation </h3>
<p> Move the slider below </p>
<!-- slider-->
<inputid="range13a"oninput="showPhrase13a(this.value)"type="range"min="0"max="6"value="3"steps="1"aria-label="range for impact on participation of Unpredictable movements needed/expected (losing balance)">
<!--rate environment-->
<h3>Movement requirements are linear (walking, scooting, rolling in a chair)</h3>
<h3class="part">How much of this feature is present?</h3>
<pid="phrase14feat">Move the slider below</p>
<!-- slider-->
<inputid="range14"oninput="showPhrase14(this.value)"type="range"min="0"max="6"value="0"steps="1"aria-label="range for Movement requirements are linear (walking, scooting, rolling in a chair)">
<h3class="part"> Impact of feature on my participation </h3>
<p> Move the slider below </p>
<!-- slider-->
<inputid="range14a"oninput="showPhrase14a(this.value)"type="range"min="0"max="6"value="3"steps="1"aria-label="range for impact on participation of Movement requirements are linear (walking, scooting, rolling in a chair)">
<!--rate environment-->
<h3>Movement requirements are angular (bending, twisting)</h3>
<h3class="part">How much of this feature is present?</h3>
<pid="phrase15feat">Move the slider below</p>
<!-- slider-->
<inputid="range15"oninput="showPhrase15(this.value)"type="range"min="0"max="6"value="0"steps="1"aria-label="range for Movement requirements are angular (bending, twisting)">
<h3class="part"> Impact of feature on my participation </h3>
<p> Move the slider below </p>
<!-- slider-->
<inputid="range15a"oninput="showPhrase15a(this.value)"type="range"min="0"max="6"value="3"steps="1"aria-label="range for impact on participation of Movement requirements are angular (bending, twisting)">
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<ahref="#body"> Next</a>
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<imgclass="logo"src="TudLogo.png"alt="image of Technological University logo">
<!-- body-->
<legend> Body Position Sense</legend>
<h2> Body Position Sense</h2>
<h4> Rate the environmental qualities of the setting you are in and the impact it has on your participation </h4>
<!--rate environment-->
<h3> Predictable/routine body positions needed</h3>
<h3class="part"> How much of this feature is present?</h3>
<pid="phrase16feat">Move the slider below</p>
<!-- slider-->
<inputid="range16"oninput="showPhrase16(this.value)"type="range"min="0"max="6"value="0"steps="1"aria-label="range for Predictable/routine body positions needed">
<h3class="part"> Impact of feature on my participation </h3>
<p> Move the slider below </p>
<!-- slider-->
<inputid="range16a"oninput="showPhrase16a(this.value)"type="range"min="0"max="6"value="3"steps="1"aria-label="range for impact on participation of Predictable/routine body positions needed">
<!--rate environment-->
<h3>Constant challenges to postural control (unstable surfaces for sitting, walking)</h3>
<h3class="part"> How much of this feature is present?</h3>
<pid="phrase17feat">Move the slider below</p>
<!-- slider-->
<inputid="range17"oninput="showPhrase17(this.value)"type="range"min="0"max="6"value="0"steps="1"aria-label="range for Constant challenges to postural control (unstable surfaces for sitting, walking)">
<h3class="part"> Impact of feature on my participation </h3>
<p> Move the slider below </p>
<!-- slider-->
<inputid="range17a"oninput="showPhrase17a(this.value)"type="range"min="0"max="6"value="3"steps="1"aria-label="range for impact on participation of Constant challenges to postural control (unstable surfaces for sitting, walking)">
<!--rate environment-->
<h3>Opportunities for body feedback occur (holding door, pushing a cart, wiping table or board)</h3>
<h3class="part">How much of this feature is present?</h3>
<pid="phrase18feat">Move the slider below</p>
<!-- slider-->
<inputid="range18"oninput="showPhrase18(this.value)"type="range"min="0"max="6"value="0"steps="1"aria-label="range for Opportunities for body feedback occur (holding door, pushing a cart, wiping table or board)">
<h3class="part"> Impact of feature on my participation </h3>
<p> Move the slider below </p>
<!-- slider-->
<inputid="range18a"oninput="showPhrase18a(this.value)"type="range"min="0"max="6"value="3"steps="1"aria-label="range for impact on participation of Opportunities for body feedback occur (holding door, pushing a cart, wiping table or board)">
<!-- buttons -->
<ahref="#smell"> Next</a>
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<imgclass="logo"src="TudLogo.png"alt="image of Technological University logo">
<!-- smell-->
<h2> Smell</h2>
<h4> Rate the environmental qualities of the setting you are in and the impact it has on your participation </h4>
<!--rate environment-->
<h3> Distinct smell in the context (air freshener, grass, sweaty bodies)</h3>
<h3class="part"> How much of this feature is present?</h3>
<pid="phrase19feat">Move the slider below</p>
<!-- slider-->
<inputid="range19"oninput="showPhrase19(this.value)"type="range"min="0"max="6"value="0"steps="1"aria-label="range for Distinct smell in the context (air freshener, grass, sweaty bodies)">
<h3class="part"> Impact of feature on my participation </h3>
<p> Move the slider below </p>
<!-- slider-->
<inputid="range19a"oninput="showPhrase19a(this.value)"type="range"min="0"max="6"value="3"steps="1"aria-label="range for impact on participation of Distinct smell in the context (air freshener, grass, sweaty bodies)">
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<ahref="#print"> Next</a>
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The tool has been developed as a collaboration between Technological University Dublin and Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin, by the development team of Kieran Lewis, Dr Clodagh Nolan, Aoife Dempsey, Claudia M. Fernandez Rivera, Deirdre Staunton and Declan Treanor.
Funding for the development of this tool has been provided by Higher Education Authority through the Fund for Students with Disabilities.
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