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Pull Requests from our design, development and operations teams of Haufe.Group and its subsidiaries are greatly appreciated. If you've never contributed to an open source project before we are more than happy to walk you through how to create a pull request.

Support for Categories and Tags were inspired by this blog entry. A list of the defined categories and tags can be found at _data/categories.yml and _data\tags.yml respectively. If you want to add new categories or tags, you need to add them to the corresponding .yml file and add the matching template into the meta/category or meta/tag directories.

If you want to find out more about using github-pages for blogging or want to improve our blog the following links might be good starting points

Please note to set the proxy if you are working from within the Haufe Intranet


If you find bugs or issues you can open an issue describing the problem that you're looking to resolve and we'll go from there.