Holger Reinhardt 8ce93dd336 Open Tabs No 4
2016-09-19 22:50:08 +02:00

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layout: post
title: Open Tabs No 4
subtitle: On Microservice Benefits, API Design and Offline-first Mobile Apps.
category: opinion
tags: [devops, culture, cto]
author: holger_reinhardt
header-img: "images/bg-post.alt.jpg"
Here is the latest from [Open Tabs]( - my weekly column with links and commentary on my browser tabs.
The recently published paper on [The Hidden Dividends of Microservices]( caught my attention. It inspired me to open an issue against our tech strategy to incorporate some of its conclusions. And it is only fitting that [The Five Principles of Monitoring Microservices]( is open right next to it.
You might have seen our [Haufe API Styleguide]( We were honored to be included in the new [API Stylebook]( which was published last week. I still want to read up on [The New API Design And Deployment Solution Materia]( and the [Restful API Versioning Insights](
Last weeks post talked about me playing with [Rancher]( as container management solution. After finishing my private setup on Digital Ocean I am now replicating part of it on AWS. My goal here is a complete CI/CD environment including [Building docker images with Jenkins]( and a private [Docker Registry]( In order to make the latter accessible from beyond 'localhost' I need to set it up with TLS. While the registry appears to support [Let's Encrypt]( out of the box, I nevertheless started researching for projects providing a containerized and automated SSL termination proxy: [Dead-simple HTTPS Set up with Docker and Let's Encrypt]( pointing to <> and [Docker Registry 2.0 proxy with SSL and authentication](
On a somewhat related note - the following initiative at the intersection of Container and DevOps caught my eye: [Label Schema: A New Standard Approach to Container Metadata]( pointing to [Label Schema Specification DRAFT (RC1)](
In this week's IoT corner we have [Build your own robotic arm out of cardboard]( and [Add Motion to Your Project](
And I finally came across someone who seems to be as passionate about 'Offline-first' in mobile apps as I am - Check out his post at [Build More Reliable Web Apps with Offline-First Principles](
Node.js is hardly emerging technology anymore but it is sometimes worth remembering how it all began with [Ryan Dahl: Original Node.js presentation](
[Build more and Manage less With the Serverless Framework]( on the other hand is cutting edge and definitely worth keeping an eye on. A bit more meta yet equally important is [The need for algorithmic accountability]( for the software industry in general.
Two more links on cultural topics. I definitely recommend checking out the
[Open Innovation Toolkit by Mozilla]( and [How WD-40 Created a Learning-Obsessed Company Culture](,
This should cover it for this week. Plenty to read, think and catch up on. See you again next week.