Data Prep, Prelim Graphs

Cleaned datafile more for analysis and ease of viewing (changed text to numbers for Q25, Q26, Q3 in order to create frequency tables for pie charts and bar graphs).

Preliminary checking of pie chart and bar graph for frequencies

Notes on how to analyze responses in last section (ANOVA)
This commit is contained in:
rehughes07 2021-10-20 19:34:54 +01:00
parent 8ef7c5d737
commit a14e1fde4c
3 changed files with 140 additions and 4 deletions

View file

@ -29,21 +29,50 @@ Note that the `echo = FALSE` parameter was added to the code chunk to prevent pr
### To Do List ### To Do List
## Upload Data
```{r Data Upload}
connect_data = read.csv("connectDATA.csv")
## Summary of Data ## Summary of Data
Data summary/visualisation with subsetting: Data summary/visualisation with subsetting:
- RH: display simple summary of data (bar/pie chart) to Q25/26, Q3 - RH: display simple summary of data (bar/pie chart) to Q25/26, Q3
#Frequencies# ```{r Frequencies}
```{r Q25 bar/pie} Q25_frequencies = table(connect_data$Q25)
Q26_freq = table(connect_data$Q26)
Q3_freq = table(connect_data$Q3)
#test3 = as.factor(connect_data$Q3, levels = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5), labels = c("Worldviews", "Religion", "Theology", "Ethics", "Philosophy"))
``` ```
```{r Q25 bar/pie}
pie(Q25_frequencies, labels = c("Maybe", "No", "Yes"))
pie(Q25_frequencies, labels = c("Maybe", "No", "Yes"))
# rough draft of piechart
```{r Q26 bar/pie} ```{r Q26 bar/pie}
``` ```
#very messy as a pie chart - split by type? Or is it important to see crossover
```{r Q3 bar/pie} ```{r Q3 bar/pie}
``` ```
#also not optimal as pie...perhaps bar
- RH: display summaries of responses to key questions for Q22 (syllabus evaluation), Q23, Q24, Q25, Q26, Q27, with subsetting by: - RH: display summaries of responses to key questions for Q22 (syllabus evaluation), Q23, Q24, Q25, Q26, Q27, with subsetting by:
- Q8 (school type) - Q8 (school type)
- Q9 (school size) - Q9 (school size)
@ -69,6 +98,15 @@ Data summary/visualisation with subsetting:
# Q27 # Q27
``` ```
Correlation testing: ## Correlation testing:
- RH: test for correlation between "social issue" box ticked on Q20 and responses to ?? - RH: test for correlation between "social issue" box ticked on Q20 and responses to Q22, Q23, Q27
- Make Q20 a factor with 14 levels
- Collapse 2 Q22 columns into one mean for analyses
- Analyse 1 way anova Q20 (14 levels) by Q22; Q23[1-2]; Q27[1-7]
```{r Correlation 1}
- RH: test for correlation between responses to religion questions: Q12-14, Q15-16 and Q21 and responses to Q22, Q23, Q24, Q25, Q27, Q30 - RH: test for correlation between responses to religion questions: Q12-14, Q15-16 and Q21 and responses to Q22, Q23, Q24, Q25, Q27, Q30

data/connectDATA.csv Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
StartDate,EndDate,Status,IPAddress,Progress,Duration (in seconds),Finished,RecordedDate,ResponseId,RecipientLastName,RecipientFirstName,RecipientEmail,ExternalReference,LocationLatitude,LocationLongitude,DistributionChannel,UserLanguage,Q1,Q35,Q2,Q3,Q22_1,Q22_2,Q23_1,Q23_2,Q24,Q25,Q26,Q27_1,Q27_2,Q27_3,Q27_4,Q27_5,Q27_6,Q27_7,Q28,Q29,Q30_0_GROUP,Q30_1_GROUP,Q30_2_GROUP,Q30_0_1_RANK,Q30_0_2_RANK,Q30_0_3_RANK,Q30_0_4_RANK,Q30_0_5_RANK,Q30_0_7_RANK,Q30_1_1_RANK,Q30_1_2_RANK,Q30_1_3_RANK,Q30_1_4_RANK,Q30_1_5_RANK,Q30_1_7_RANK,Q30_2_1_RANK,Q30_2_2_RANK,Q30_2_3_RANK,Q30_2_4_RANK,Q30_2_5_RANK,Q30_2_7_RANK,Q4,Q5,Q6,Q7,Q8,Q9,Q10,Q11,Q12,Q13,Q14,Q15,Q16,Q18,Q18_6_TEXT,Q19,Q19_5_TEXT,Q19_8_TEXT,Q19_12_TEXT,Q19_16_TEXT,Q19_17_TEXT,Q20,Q21,Q31_1,Q31_2,Q32,Q21 - Parent Topics,Q21 - Topics
6/22/21 5:51,6/22/21 6:03,IP Address,,100,711,TRUE,6/22/21 6:03,R_XgZyEbCrviQUw1P,,,,,52.53289795,-1.579101563,social,EN-GB,secondary,Teacher,5-10 years,"2,3,4,5",4,4,3,5,"Human beings responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview)",Yes,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,No,,"Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.",Example units of work,Case studies of classroom practice,1,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,1,,,Religious Studies,More than 50%,No,Full time (paid employee),academy,25-100,West Midlands,CV21 3AG,No,,,No,,Male,,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,,,,,"health,education,environment",Nonreligious,Simeon Wallis,,,,Unknown
6/22/21 6:19,6/22/21 6:22,IP Address,,100,193,TRUE,6/22/21 6:22,R_2yk0rVnQzYe2KPW,,,,,51.55050659,0.018295288,anonymous,EN-GB,secondary,Teacher,5-10 years,"1,2,3,4,5",4,3,2,5,"Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,Human beings responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview),The climate crisis and/or biodiversity crisis in relation to any religion or worldview",Yes,4,4,5,5,3,4,4,4,No,,"Case studies of classroom practice,Example units of work","Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.,New pedagogies",Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead,,,,1,2,,1,,2,,,,,1,,,,,,More than 50%,Yes,Full time (paid employee),local authority,9-Jan,,rm109qh,Yes,Church of England,,No,,Female,,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,,,,,"economy,immigration,crime,health,education,housing,welfare,defence,environment,family life,transport",Christian,,,Yes,,Unknown
6/22/21 6:30,6/22/21 6:34,IP Address,,100,242,TRUE,6/22/21 6:34,R_1Fh13ZAPiKTPBcY,,,,,51.51449585,0.070602417,anonymous,EN-GB,secondary,Teacher,11 or more years,"1,2,3,4,5",3,3,3,4,"Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,Human beings responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview),The climate crisis and/or biodiversity crisis in relation to any religion or worldview",Yes,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,No,,Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead,"Example units of work,Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.","Something else,Case studies of classroom practice,New pedagogies",,1,,,,,2,,,,1,,,,3,2,,1,Sociology,More than 50%,Yes,Full time (paid employee),local authority,25-100,London and South East,,No,,,No,,Female,,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,,,,,"crime,health,housing,welfare,environment",,,,,,
6/22/21 8:22,6/22/21 8:27,IP Address,,100,326,TRUE,6/22/21 8:27,R_s7rgQ9fWe1q93DX,,,,,51.58340454,-0.075500488,anonymous,EN-GB,secondary,Teacher,11 or more years,"2,5",4,2,4,5,"Human beings responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview)",Yes,"7,8,9",4,3,2,3,2,2,2,No,,"Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.,Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead,Example units of work",Case studies of classroom practice,New pedagogies,1,2,,,3,,,,,1,,,,,1,,,,Theology ,More than 50%,Yes,Full time (paid employee),independent school,25-100,London and South East,E7,Yes,Muslim,,No,,Female,,Any other Black/African/Caribbean background,,,,,,"brexit,economy,immigration,crime,health,education,housing,welfare,defence,environment,tax,pensions,family life,transport",Muslim British ,,,,,Unknown
6/22/21 8:21,6/22/21 8:36,IP Address,,100,913,TRUE,6/22/21 8:36,R_xlm1MZwsxj7PmXn,,,,,51.34880066,-0.032104492,anonymous,EN-GB,secondary,Teacher,11 or more years,"1,2,3,4,5",4,2,1,4,"The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview)",Maybe,3,5,4,2,5,4,3,3,Yes,"It's a really old publication -
RE in Practice...Whose world is it anyway? (CEM) - practical lessons across different world religions","Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead,Example units of work","Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.,Case studies of classroom practice","New pedagogies,Something else",,1,,,2,,1,,,2,,,,,1,,,2,Religious Studies,More than 50%,Yes,Full time (paid employee),local authority,25-100,London and South East,CR0 ,Yes,Church of England,,No,,Female,,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,,,,,"health,education,housing,welfare,environment,family life",Pentecostal,,,,,Unknown
6/22/21 10:44,6/22/21 10:51,IP Address,,100,433,TRUE,6/22/21 10:51,R_d4invy5EhFhL077,,,,,52.62809753,1.286193848,social,EN-GB,primary,Teacher,11 or more years,"1,2,3,5",4,3,3,3,"Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,Human beings responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview)",No,,4,4,2,3,2,3,2,No,,"Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.,New pedagogies","Example units of work,Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead",Case studies of classroom practice,1,,2,,,,,2,,,1,,,,,1,,,Philosophy ,,Yes,Full time (paid employee),local authority,25-Oct,Eastern England,Nr67ds ,Yes,Church of England,,No,,Male,,Any other White ethnic background,,,,,,"brexit,economy,immigration,crime,health,education,housing,welfare,environment,tax,pensions,family life",RC - Lapsed,,,,,Unknown
6/22/21 11:02,6/22/21 11:08,IP Address,,100,324,TRUE,6/22/21 11:08,R_Or2XpjCr16F1dfj,,,,,51.9322052,-0.456802368,social,EN-GB,secondary,Teacher,11 or more years,"1,2,3,4,5",5,5,4,5,"Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview),The climate crisis and/or biodiversity crisis in relation to any religion or worldview",Yes,"1,4",4,4,4,4,4,4,4,No,,"Something else,Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.","Example units of work,Case studies of classroom practice","Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead,New pedagogies",2,,,,,1,,,,2,1,,,1,2,,,,Religious Studies,More than 50%,Yes,Full time (paid employee),local authority,25-100,Eastern England,LU2 9AG,No,,,No,,Female,,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,,,,,"crime,housing,environment",,,,,,
6/22/21 11:51,6/22/21 11:58,IP Address,,100,427,TRUE,6/22/21 11:58,R_2wttznEd20wnoav,,,,,51.477005,-0.195907593,social,EN-GB,secondary,Teacher,11 or more years,"2,3,4,5",5,5,5,1,"Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview),The climate crisis and/or biodiversity crisis in relation to any religion or worldview",No,,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,Yes,,"Example units of work,Something else,Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.",Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead,"Case studies of classroom practice,New pedagogies",3,,,,1,2,,1,,,,,,,2,1,,,Philosophy and theology ,More than 50%,Yes,Full time (paid employee),academy,25-100,London and South East,Sw6,Yes,Roman Catholic,,No,,Male,,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,,,,,,,,,No,,
6/22/21 11:52,6/22/21 12:06,IP Address,,100,829,TRUE,6/22/21 12:06,R_22xKOMaYKahuUwP,,,,,51.49639893,-0.122406006,social,EN-GB,secondary,Teacher,11 or more years,"1,2,3,4,5",5,5,5,5,"Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview),The climate crisis and/or biodiversity crisis in relation to any religion or worldview",Yes,1,5,5,5,5,5,5,4,Yes,I use a lot of geography resources and link them to religious thought and stewardship. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Religious studies and theology ,Between 25% and 50%,Yes,Part time (paid employee),academy,25-100,West Midlands,Cv1 5lY,No,,,Yes,,Female,,Any other ethnic group,,,,,Latin American ,"economy,crime,health,welfare,environment",Christian ,Alicia Mckeown,,,,Unknown
6/22/21 12:03,6/22/21 12:28,IP Address,,100,1466,TRUE,6/22/21 12:28,R_12DTxizWqCfcC8p,,,,,52.39070129,-1.291107178,social,EN-GB,secondary,Teacher,11 or more years,"1,2,3,4,5",4,4,3,5,"Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview),The climate crisis and/or biodiversity crisis in relation to any religion or worldview",Yes,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,No,,"Something else,Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead","Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.,Example units of work","New pedagogies,Case studies of classroom practice",,2,,,,1,1,,,,2,,,,1,2,,,Theology,More than 50%,Yes,Full time (paid employee),academy,25-100,West Midlands,cv21 3ag,No,,,Yes,There is nothing official but our assemblies reflect a Christian nature,Female,,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,,,,,"crime,health,education,housing,welfare,environment,family life",Non religious,Jennifer Quartly-Watson,,,,Unknown
6/22/21 12:24,6/22/21 12:35,IP Address,,100,683,TRUE,6/22/21 12:35,R_9sK4N6UJRbSbnMd,,,,,52.53739929,-0.582504272,social,EN-GB,primary,Teacher,11 or more years,"1,2,3,5",2,2,2,4,"Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview)",Yes,"1,3,8,9",5,4,2,3,2,3,2,Yes,"
Just personal interests not necessarily as a teaching resource or point of reference ","Case studies of classroom practice,Example units of work,Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.","New pedagogies,Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead",,3,,,1,2,,,2,1,,,,,,,,,,"Related arts: literature, music, dance and art ",,Yes,Full time (paid employee),local authority,25-Oct,London and South East,IG11 0FJ,Yes,Church of England,,No,,Female,,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,,,,,"immigration,crime,health,education,housing,welfare,environment,family life",,,,,,
6/22/21 12:43,6/22/21 13:04,IP Address,,100,1275,TRUE,6/22/21 13:04,R_2YrL3mNpuhfwkb6,,,,,52.13679504,-1.670593262,social,EN-GB,secondary,Teacher,5-10 years,"1,2,3,4,5",2,2,4,4,"The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview)",Maybe,"1,5,9",3,4,2,4,4,4,3,Yes,BBC documentary about sacred rites including section on traditional Chinese religions,"Case studies of classroom practice,New pedagogies","Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.","Example units of work,Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead",,,2,1,,,1,,,,,,,2,,,1,,Philosophy,More than 50%,Yes,Full time (paid employee),academy,25-100,West Midlands,Cv37,No,,,Yes,Christian ethos and history,Male,,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,,,,,"health,education,environment",Secular,,,,,Unknown
6/22/21 13:24,6/22/21 13:30,IP Address,,100,374,TRUE,6/22/21 13:30,R_3OcSThsDDJ6gKPB,,,,,53.30220032,-2.231201172,social,EN-GB,secondary,Teacher,11 or more years,"1,2,3,4,5",4,4,3,4,"Human beings responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview)",Yes,"7,8",4,4,4,4,4,5,4,Yes,"Science and religion in schools.
Had ready made adaptable resources ","Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.,Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead,Example units of work",,,1,2,,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Theology and philosophy ,More than 50%,Yes,Full time (paid employee),academy,25-100,North West,Wa158ta ,No,,,No,,Female,,Indian,,,,,,"immigration,crime,health,housing,welfare,family life",Hindu,,, ,,Unknown
6/22/21 14:03,6/22/21 14:08,IP Address,,100,297,TRUE,6/22/21 14:08,R_blWDNPdZjoGf6Jb,,,,,53.81289673,-1.790802002,anonymous,EN-GB,secondary,Teacher,5-10 years,"2,4,5",3,3,2,4,"Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,Human beings responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview)",Maybe,"1,4",3,3,3,4,4,4,5,No,,"Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.,New pedagogies","Case studies of classroom practice,Example units of work","Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead,Something else",1,,2,,,,,,,1,2,,,1,,,,2,Religious Studies ,Between 25% and 50%,Yes,Full time (paid employee),academy,25-100,Yorkshire and North East,BD10 ,Yes,Church of England,,No,,Female,,Pakistani,,,,,,"economy,immigration,health,education,housing,environment,pensions",,,,,,
6/22/21 14:31,6/22/21 14:36,IP Address,,100,279,TRUE,6/22/21 14:36,R_3DupDvBYJOygzha,,,,,53.82260132,-1.567993164,anonymous,EN-GB,secondary,Teacher,Less than 5 years,"1,2,3,4,5",5,4,2,4,"The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview),The climate crisis and/or biodiversity crisis in relation to any religion or worldview",Yes,4,4,4,2,5,3,4,3,Yes,Those provided by NATRE,"Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.,Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead",New pedagogies,"Something else,Case studies of classroom practice,Example units of work",1,2,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,2,3,1,Theology,More than 50%,No,Full time (paid employee),academy,25-100,Yorkshire and North East,BD,Yes,Church of England,,No,,Female,,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,,,,,"brexit,economy,immigration,crime,health,education,housing,welfare,environment,family life",Christian,,,,,Unknown
6/22/21 14:50,6/22/21 14:54,IP Address,,100,292,TRUE,6/22/21 14:54,R_1mDCWzUD5KU7dLj,,,,,53.7407074,-1.49029541,anonymous,EN-GB,secondary,Teacher,11 or more years,2,4,2,2,3,"Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,Human beings responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview)",Maybe,1,4,4,3,2,3,3,3,No,,"Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.",Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead,Case studies of classroom practice,1,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,1,,,Psychology ,More than 50%,No,Full time (paid employee),academy,25-100,North West,Bd109aq,Yes,Church of England,,No,,Female,,Prefer not to say,,,,,,"immigration,crime,health,education,welfare,family life",,,,,,
6/23/21 0:50,6/23/21 0:58,IP Address,,100,492,TRUE,6/23/21 0:58,R_1jkPiVsydoiHO7Z,,,,,52.91149902,-0.61630249,social,EN-GB,secondary,Teacher,11 or more years,"1,2,3,4,5",5,5,2,5,"Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview)",Yes,7,5,5,2,5,5,5,2,No,,"Example units of work,Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.","New pedagogies,Case studies of classroom practice",Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead,2,,,,1,,,,1,2,,,,1,,,,,Humanities,More than 50%,Yes,Full time (paid employee),academy,25-100,Eastern England,NG31 6RP,No,,,No,,Male,,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,,,,,"health,education,housing,welfare,environment,pensions,family life,transport",Christian,,,,,Unknown
6/23/21 0:59,6/23/21 1:12,IP Address,,100,761,TRUE,6/23/21 1:12,R_3PoDm7qEPwP4Fpk,,,,,51.50740051,-0.119598389,social,EN-GB,secondary,Teacher,11 or more years,"1,2,4,5",4,4,2,4,"The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview),The climate crisis and/or biodiversity crisis in relation to any religion or worldview",Yes,"7,8",4,4,4,3,4,4,4,No,,"Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.",Example units of work,,1,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,Theology Education English ,More than 50%,Yes,Full time (paid employee),academy,25-100,East Midlands,NG27BN ,No,,,No,,Female,,Irish,,,,,,"economy,education,environment",,,,,,
6/23/21 1:36,6/23/21 1:41,IP Address,,100,297,TRUE,6/23/21 1:41,R_1XgssrO1h3cXVu1,,,,,51.50950623,-0.095504761,anonymous,EN-GB,primary,Teacher,11 or more years,2,4,2,2,3,"Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview)",Maybe,"4,7,9",2,2,2,1,2,3,1,No,,"Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.,Example units of work","Case studies of classroom practice,Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead,New pedagogies,Something else",,1,,,,2,,,2,3,1,,4,,,,,,,"Social Anthropology, Computing and Prayer",,Yes,Full time (paid employee),local authority,25-Oct,Eastern England,CM11PA,Yes,Church of England,,No,,Female,,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,,,,,"health,education,welfare,environment",Christian,,,,,Unknown
6/23/21 2:25,6/23/21 3:26,IP Address,,100,3649,TRUE,6/23/21 3:26,R_1rjoqaWYW3T8AI6,,,,,51.563797,-0.076507568,anonymous,EN-GB,secondary,Teacher,5-10 years,"1,2,3,4,5",4,2,1,5,"Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview),The climate crisis and/or biodiversity crisis in relation to any religion or worldview",Yes,"7,9",4,4,4,4,4,2,2,No,,"Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.","Example units of work,Case studies of classroom practice,Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead,New pedagogies",,1,,,,,,,3,4,2,1,,,,,,,,,More than 50%,Yes,Full time (paid employee),academy,25-100,London and South East,OX14 1RF,No,,,No,,Male,,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,,,,,"brexit,economy,immigration,health,education,housing,welfare,environment",N/A,,,,,Unknown
6/23/21 6:01,6/23/21 6:08,IP Address,,100,391,TRUE,6/23/21 6:08,R_2agI4Np4ECu3eCX,,,,,53.23399353,-1.44619751,social,EN-GB,secondary,Teacher,11 or more years,"1,2,3,4,5",5,4,4,3,"Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview)",Maybe,8,5,5,4,5,5,5,5,No,,"Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.,Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead,Example units of work","New pedagogies,Case studies of classroom practice,Something else",,1,2,,,3,,,,1,2,,3,,,,,,,Combined ,More than 50%,Yes,Full time (paid employee),local authority,25-100,East Midlands,DN21 2ST,No,,,No,,Female,,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,,,,,"brexit,economy,immigration,crime,health,education,housing,welfare,defence,environment,tax,pensions,family life,transport",No affiliation.,,,,,Unknown
6/23/21 7:27,6/23/21 7:42,IP Address,,100,879,TRUE,6/23/21 7:42,R_z293ttW0xbnJ7e9,,,,,35.1638031,33.36390686,social,EN-GB,secondary,Teacher,11 or more years,"1,2,3,4,5",5,5,5,3,"Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview),The climate crisis and/or biodiversity crisis in relation to any religion or worldview",Yes,1,4,4,4,5,5,4,5,Yes,"NATRE resources fully resourced material that i have developed into a unit of work for yr7 including the excellent 7 days before the end and God said, and others
Yr8 intro to eithics research project including environmental eithics that i wrote and included the natre resource When Gretta met the Pope.
A Rocha
","Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.","Case studies of classroom practice,Example units of work","Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead,New pedagogies",1,,,,,,,,,1,2,,,1,2,,,,BA QTS (S) RE and PE,More than 50%,No,Full time (paid employee),independent school,25-100,,Cyprus,No,,,No,,Female,,Prefer not to say,,,,,,"brexit,economy,immigration,crime,health,education,housing,welfare,defence,environment,tax,pensions,family life,transport",,,,,,
6/23/21 9:31,6/23/21 9:43,IP Address,,100,713,TRUE,6/23/21 9:43,R_3KIsc1OEh9i3CV8,,,,,55.9631958,-3.254592896,social,EN-GB,secondary,Teacher,5-10 years,"2,3,4,5",5,4,4,4,"Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,Human beings responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview)",Maybe,"1,7",4,5,3,3,4,3,3,Yes,"No single comprehensive resource, just gathering odds and ends from google searches (searching particular themes to find relevant scriptural passages eg. BibleGateway, searching for religious organisations that are focussed on the environment eg. IFEES, searching news websites)","Something else,Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.,Example units of work,Case studies of classroom practice","Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead,New pedagogies",,2,,,4,3,1,,1,2,,,,,,,,,,Divinity,More than 50%,Yes,Full time (paid employee),independent school,25-100,Scotland,EH12 6BG,No,,,Yes,"Informally Christian. This is not expressed in curriculum choices, only in school events. Eg. the school has a carol service, sings hymns in assembly, speech day is in a church.",Male,,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,,,,,"brexit,economy,immigration,crime,health,education,housing,welfare,defence,environment,tax,pensions,family life,transport",Agnostic,,,,,Unknown
6/23/21 11:13,6/23/21 11:22,IP Address,,100,489,TRUE,6/23/21 11:22,R_3KHD4dfqf7OktEX,,,,,53.8361969,-1.768600464,anonymous,EN-GB,secondary,Teacher,11 or more years,"1,2,3,4,5",5,4,2,3,"Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview),The climate crisis and/or biodiversity crisis in relation to any religion or worldview",No,,5,5,4,5,5,5,4,No,,"Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead,Example units of work,Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.",Case studies of classroom practice,,3,1,,,2,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,Theology and secondary education,Between 25% and 50%,No,Part time (paid employee),academy,25-100,Yorkshire and North East,BD10 AHF,Yes,Church of England,,No,,Female,,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,,,,,"brexit,economy,immigration,crime,health,education,housing,welfare,defence,environment,tax,pensions,family life,transport",Christian,,,,,Unknown
6/23/21 12:39,6/23/21 12:44,IP Address,,100,295,TRUE,6/23/21 12:44,R_6xjTIrxF9WJdOA9,,,,,53.14830017,-0.142196655,social,EN-GB,secondary,Teacher,11 or more years,"1,2,3,4,5",5,4,2,3,"Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview)",No,,5,5,4,4,5,5,4,No,,"Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.",Example units of work,Something else,1,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,1,Religious Studies and Music (Combined Honours),More than 50%,Yes,Full time (paid employee),academy,25-100,East Midlands,LN9 5AD,No,,,No,,Female,,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,,,,,"economy,immigration,health,education,environment",agnostic,,,,,Unknown
6/23/21 14:11,6/23/21 14:18,IP Address,,100,411,TRUE,6/23/21 14:18,R_2EGCBnHFRACR18K,,,,,52.74650574,0.056396484,social,EN-GB,secondary,Teacher,11 or more years,2,5,5,4,4,"Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,Human beings responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview),The climate crisis and/or biodiversity crisis in relation to any religion or worldview",Maybe,4,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,Yes,AQA resources,"Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.","Case studies of classroom practice,New pedagogies,Example units of work",Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead,1,,,,,,,,2,1,3,,,1,,,,,Theology and Education Studies,More than 50%,Yes,Full time (paid employee),academy,25-100,East Midlands,PE20 1JS,No,,,No,,Female,,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,,,,,"economy,health,education,housing,environment,family life",Practicing Christian,,,,,Unknown
6/23/21 23:48,6/23/21 23:56,IP Address,,100,434,TRUE,6/23/21 23:56,R_3Hh9DLcBMJ1joSt,,,,,51.49639893,-0.122406006,social,EN-GB,primary,Teacher,5-10 years,"1,2",4,2,2,5,"Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,Human beings responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview)",Yes,"3,4",5,5,4,2,4,2,2,No,,"Example units of work,Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.",Case studies of classroom practice,"New pedagogies,Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead",2,,,,1,,,,,1,,,,2,1,,,,Disability Studies with Education ,,Yes,Full time (paid employee),local authority,25-Oct,East Midlands,NN5 6BW,No,,,Yes,we mark Christian festivals such as Christmas ,Female,,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,,,,,"immigration,crime,health,education,housing,environment,family life",Catholic,,, ,,Unknown
6/24/21 4:31,6/24/21 4:36,IP Address,,100,312,TRUE,6/24/21 4:36,R_1nW9lk1FssIEliA,,,,,52.57359314,-2.113693237,social,EN-GB,cross-phase,Teacher,11 or more years,"1,2",4,4,2,4,"Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,Human beings responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview)",Yes,"7,8",4,4,2,4,4,4,3,Yes,"Eco church A rocha
","New pedagogies,Example units of work,Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.",Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead,Case studies of classroom practice,3,,1,,2,,,1,,,,,,,,1,,,B.Ed (Hons ) in Early years education for Science and Drama ,Between 25% and 50%,Yes,Full time (paid employee),academy,25-100,West Midlands,HR2,Yes,Church of England,,No,,Male,,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,,,,,"health,education,housing,welfare,environment,family life",christian,,,,,Unknown
6/24/21 4:40,6/24/21 4:48,IP Address,,100,439,TRUE,6/24/21 4:48,R_2rOZ2qBOkmAFmLo,,,,,51.48049927,-0.011306763,anonymous,EN-GB,secondary,Teacher,5-10 years,"1,2",4,2,2,1,"The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview)",No,,5,5,2,4,4,4,4,No,,"Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.,Example units of work",Case studies of classroom practice,"Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead,New pedagogies",1,,,,2,,,,,1,,,,1,2,,,,Theology,More than 50%,No,Full time (paid employee),local authority,25-100,London and South East,SE6 2SE,No,,,No,,Female,,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,,,,,"crime,health,education,welfare,environment,family life",Non-believer,,,,,Unknown
6/24/21 4:44,6/24/21 5:26,IP Address,,100,2491,TRUE,6/24/21 5:26,R_2bVumEeTpy5kYJB,,,,,51.49639893,-0.122406006,anonymous,EN-GB,secondary,Teacher,5-10 years,"1,2,3,4,5",4,2,4,4,"Human beings responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview),The climate crisis and/or biodiversity crisis in relation to any religion or worldview",Maybe,"1,4",5,5,4,4,2,4,2,No,,"Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.,Case studies of classroom practice",Example units of work,"Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead,New pedagogies",1,,,2,,,,,,,1,,,1,2,,,,Philosophy,More than 50%,Yes,Full time (paid employee),academy,25-100,London and South East,BR1 5EB,No,,,Yes,Christian,Male,,Caribbean,,,,,,"immigration,crime,health,education,welfare,environment,tax,transport",Open,,,,,Unknown
6/24/21 12:32,6/24/21 12:41,IP Address,,100,519,TRUE,6/24/21 12:41,R_1PdCHMNFVEYzeFF,,,,,52.60420227,-2.491195679,social,EN-GB,secondary,Teacher,11 or more years,2,4,4,2,2,"The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview)",Yes,"2,4,7,8",4,4,4,1,2,2,2,No,,"Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.",Example units of work,Case studies of classroom practice,1,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,1,,,Environment science ,More than 50%,Yes,Full time (paid employee),academy,25-100,West Midlands,Wv8 1RT ,No,,,No,,Female,,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,,,,,"crime,health,education,housing,welfare,family life",Yes,Vicki price-tattersall,,,,Unknown
6/24/21 13:42,6/24/21 13:49,IP Address,,100,390,TRUE,6/24/21 13:49,R_1PbLxSwXuuVGv51,,,,,51.57919312,0.024093628,social,EN-GB,secondary,Teacher,Less than 5 years,"1,2,3,4,5",4,3,3,4,"Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview)",Yes,"4,6,7,8",4,5,3,4,5,5,3,Yes,CAFOD resources,"Case studies of classroom practice,New pedagogies,Example units of work","Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.","Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead,Something else",,,2,1,3,,1,,,,,,,1,,,,2,Education Studies,More than 50%,No,Prefer not to answer,local authority,25-100,London and South East,E17,Yes,Roman Catholic,,No,,Female,,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,,,,,"brexit,economy,immigration,crime,health,education,housing,welfare,defence,environment,tax,pensions,family life,transport",Catholic,,,,,Unknown
6/24/21 15:26,6/24/21 15:40,IP Address,,100,802,TRUE,6/24/21 15:40,R_xgTtbFHQBjYOxR7,,,,,54.67840576,-5.969497681,social,EN-GB,secondary,Teacher,11 or more years,"1,2,3,4",5,4,4,5,"Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview)",Yes,"4,7,8",5,5,5,4,4,4,4,No,,"Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.,Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead","Example units of work,Case studies of classroom practice","New pedagogies,Something else",1,2,,,,,,,,2,1,,,,1,,,2,World faiths and theology,More than 50%,Yes,Full time (paid employee),local authority,25-100,Northern Ireland,Bt72,Yes,Roman Catholic,,No,,Female,,Irish,,,,,,"economy,immigration,crime,health,education,housing,welfare,environment,family life",RC,,,,,Unknown
6/25/21 2:33,6/25/21 2:40,IP Address,,100,418,TRUE,6/25/21 2:40,R_3oLvowq6ixh599S,,,,,53.36810303,-1.376205444,social,EN-GB,secondary,Teacher,11 or more years,"1,2,3,4,5",4,4,4,4,"Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,Human beings responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview)",Yes,"1,7,8,9",4,5,4,5,5,5,4,No,,"Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.,Example units of work,New pedagogies","Case studies of classroom practice,Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead",,1,,3,,2,,,2,,1,,,,,,,,,,Less than 25%,Yes,Full time (paid employee),academy,25-100,Yorkshire and North East,S9 3ty,No,,,Yes,Christian ethos inderpins academy values. Founder us a church leader. We have a church attached to one of the school hubs,Female,,Caribbean,,,,,,"immigration,health,education,housing,welfare,environment",Christian,,,,,Unknown
6/25/21 3:46,6/25/21 3:50,IP Address,,100,241,TRUE,6/25/21 3:50,R_1kYPntMmMqoD4fm,,,,,52.00100708,-0.227005005,social,EN-GB,secondary,Teacher,11 or more years,"1,2,3,4,5",4,4,2,3,"Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview),The climate crisis and/or biodiversity crisis in relation to any religion or worldview",Maybe,1,4,4,3,5,4,4,4,Yes,"Environmental organisation websites, e.g. A Rocha","Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.,Something else","Example units of work,Case studies of classroom practice,Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead",New pedagogies,1,,,,,2,,3,,2,1,,,,1,,,,Philosophy,More than 50%,Yes,Full time (paid employee),academy,25-100,Eastern England,IP14 6BL,Yes,Church of England,,No,,Male,,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,,,,,"immigration,crime,health,education,housing,welfare,defence,environment,tax,pensions,family life,transport",Christian,,,,,Unknown
6/25/21 9:03,6/25/21 9:08,IP Address,,100,308,TRUE,6/25/21 9:08,R_6gRpYYhWysBRqdX,,,,,53.24020386,-2.908798218,social,EN-GB,primary,Teacher,11 or more years,"1,2",4,3,4,3,"Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview)",Maybe,"2,3",4,2,4,1,2,2,2,No,,"Example units of work,Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.","Case studies of classroom practice,Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead","New pedagogies,Something else",2,,,,1,,,2,,1,,,,,1,,,2,Education,,Yes,Part time (paid employee),local authority,9-Jan,North West,ch64,No,,,No,,Female,,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,,,,,"immigration,education,family life",c of E,,,Yes,,Unknown
6/25/21 9:49,6/25/21 9:55,IP Address,,100,343,TRUE,6/25/21 9:55,R_12av6RHT5MXMAiK,,,,,54.88630676,-1.571502686,social,EN-GB,secondary,Teacher,11 or more years,"1,2,3,4,5",4,3,4,5,"Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview)",Yes,"1,2",5,5,2,4,4,5,2,Yes,CAFOD ,"Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead,Example units of work,Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.","Case studies of classroom practice,New pedagogies",,3,1,,,2,,,,2,1,,,,,,,,,Theology ,More than 50%,Yes,Full time (paid employee),academy,25-100,Yorkshire and North East,NE388AF ,Yes,Roman Catholic,,No,,Male,,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,,,,,"economy,immigration,health,education,environment,family life",Roman Catholic ,,,,,Unknown
6/25/21 15:44,6/25/21 15:49,IP Address,,100,259,TRUE,6/25/21 15:49,R_3R4UrVwYAu3rqOM,,,,,53.39920044,-2.704696655,social,EN-GB,secondary,Teacher,Less than 5 years,"1,2,3,4,5",5,5,4,4,"Human beings responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview),The climate crisis and/or biodiversity crisis in relation to any religion or worldview",Yes,"4,6,7",3,3,4,4,4,4,4,Yes,I relied upon aroche and kalifah charity websitesp,Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead,"Case studies of classroom practice,Example units of work,Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.","New pedagogies,Something else",,1,,,,,3,,,1,2,,,,1,,,2,Theology,More than 50%,No,Full time (paid employee),local authority,25-100,North West,M24,No,,,No,,Female,,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,,,,,"brexit,economy,immigration,crime,health,education,housing,environment,family life",Christian ,,,annajoymorris@gmail.coma ,,Unknown
6/26/21 8:27,6/26/21 8:41,IP Address,,100,865,TRUE,6/26/21 8:41,R_3GqUEdaNc4tWcfn,,,,,51.56019592,-1.617294312,social,EN-GB,secondary,Teacher,5-10 years,"2,3,5",3,3,3,3,"Human beings responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview)",Yes,"2,7,8",5,4,2,3,4,3,2,No,,"New pedagogies,Example units of work,Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.","Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead,Case studies of classroom practice",,3,,1,,2,,,1,,2,,,,,,,,,Theology and Religious Studies,Between 25% and 50%,No,Not working (other),academy,25-100,London and South East,AL4 0TT,Yes,Roman Catholic,,No,,Prefer not to say,,Prefer not to say,,,,,,"brexit,economy,immigration,crime,health,education,housing,welfare,defence,environment,tax,pensions,family life,transport",Religious,,,,,Unknown
6/27/21 5:58,6/27/21 6:04,IP Address,,100,363,TRUE,6/27/21 6:04,R_2ToDtpH3tvBcxeg,,,,,51.64680481,-1.250900269,social,EN-GB,secondary,Teacher,11 or more years,"1,2,3,4,5",5,4,4,3,"Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,Human beings responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview)",Yes,,4,5,5,3,2,4,4,Yes,NATRE produced a unit on the climate crisis and its really good.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Religious Studies,More than 50%,Yes,Full time (paid employee),academy,25-100,London and South East,OX28 ,No,,,No,,Female,,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,,,,,"immigration,health,education,welfare,environment,tax",Agnostic ,,,,,Unknown
6/28/21 5:38,6/28/21 5:43,IP Address,,100,296,TRUE,6/28/21 5:43,R_2qasekTiGfcNpd2,,,,,52.49740601,-1.968307495,social,EN-GB,primary,Teacher,5-10 years,2,4,4,4,5,"Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview),The climate crisis and/or biodiversity crisis in relation to any religion or worldview",Yes,7,5,5,4,4,5,5,4,No,,"Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.,Example units of work",Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead,"Case studies of classroom practice,New pedagogies",1,,,,2,,,1,,,,,,,2,1,,,RE,,Yes,Part time (paid employee),academy,25-Oct,London and South East,CM13 1JW,Yes,Church of England,,No,,Female,,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,,,,,"immigration,health,education,housing,environment,family life",Christian,,,,,Unknown
6/28/21 11:19,6/28/21 11:28,IP Address,,100,571,TRUE,6/28/21 11:28,R_4JIYBPm5T0nxEtz,,,,,51.49639893,-0.122406006,anonymous,EN-GB,primary,Teacher,11 or more years,2,3,3,3,4,"Human beings responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview)",Yes,4,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,No,,"Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.",Example units of work,Case studies of classroom practice,1,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,1,,,Bachelor of education ,,No,Full time (paid employee),local authority,9-Jan,London and South East,Se3 0tx,Yes,Church of England,,No,,Female,,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,,,,,"health,education,welfare,environment,family life",,,,,,
6/28/21 14:47,6/28/21 14:53,IP Address,,100,391,TRUE,6/28/21 14:53,R_tLnCoZBzXaynebD,,,,,51.43269348,-0.169296265,anonymous,EN-GB,primary,Teacher,11 or more years,2,4,3,4,5,"Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,Human beings responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview)",Yes,"7,9",4,5,4,4,4,4,4,No,,"Example units of work,Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.","New pedagogies,Case studies of classroom practice,Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead",,2,,,,1,,,3,1,2,,,,,,,,,Sociology,,No,Part time (paid employee),local authority,25-Oct,London and South East,SE3 0TX,Yes,Church of England,,No,,Female,,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,,,,,"economy,immigration,crime,health,education,housing,welfare,environment,tax,pensions,family life,transport",Christian,,,,,Unknown
6/29/21 5:18,6/29/21 5:23,IP Address,,100,283,TRUE,6/29/21 5:23,R_1OrxEBDwzeEVivk,,,,,51.34880066,-0.032104492,anonymous,EN-GB,secondary,Teacher,11 or more years,"1,2",4,4,3,3,"Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview),The climate crisis and/or biodiversity crisis in relation to any religion or worldview",Maybe,"7,8,9",4,4,3,3,4,4,3,No,,"Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.,Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead","Example units of work,Case studies of classroom practice,New pedagogies",Something else,1,2,,,,,,,3,2,1,,,,,,,1,History ,More than 50%,Yes,Full time (paid employee),local authority,25-100,London and South East,SE4 1SA,No,,,No,,Female,,Prefer not to say,,,,,,"health,education,housing,environment,family life",cHRISTIAN ,,,,,Unknown
6/22/21 6:01,6/22/21 6:03,IP Address,,30,99,FALSE,6/29/21 6:03,R_2ts69gqfWGXM2OU,,,,,,,social,EN-GB,secondary,Teacher,5-10 years,"1,2,3,4,5",5,5,4,3,"Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview),The climate crisis and/or biodiversity crisis in relation to any religion or worldview",Maybe,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
6/22/21 12:43,6/22/21 12:48,IP Address,,36,265,FALSE,6/29/21 12:48,R_3MuICyKiNv3u5je,,,,,,,social,EN-GB,secondary,Teacher,11 or more years,"1,2,3,4,5",5,4,4,3,"Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview),The climate crisis and/or biodiversity crisis in relation to any religion or worldview",Maybe,,5,5,5,5,5,5,4,Yes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
6/29/21 12:46,6/29/21 12:52,IP Address,,100,348,TRUE,6/29/21 12:52,R_QcrS6oloaNxW1fH,,,,,53.2796936,-2.912796021,social,EN-GB,secondary,Teacher,11 or more years,"1,2,3,4,5",1,1,1,5,The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Yes,4,5,5,2,2,4,4,2,Yes,,"Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead,Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.,Something else","Example units of work,Case studies of classroom practice,New pedagogies",,2,1,,,,3,,,3,2,1,,,,,,,,Religious and Theological Studies,More than 50%,Yes,Full time (paid employee),academy,25-100,North West,M24 2GT,No,,,No,,Female,,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,,,,,"immigration,crime,health,education,housing,welfare,environment,family life,transport",Christian,,,,,Unknown
6/22/21 12:51,6/22/21 12:52,IP Address,,27,81,FALSE,6/29/21 12:52,R_3gRSF49nx1NmAt0,,,,,,,social,EN-GB,primary,Teacher,11 or more years,2,4,2,1,3,"Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,Human beings responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview)",Maybe,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
6/23/21 14:07,6/23/21 14:09,IP Address,,30,134,FALSE,6/30/21 14:09,R_2tb28DZNGuxGs25,,,,,,,social,EN-GB,primary,Teacher,11 or more years,2,4,4,2,4,"Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview)",Yes,"4,9",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
6/28/21 14:23,7/1/21 4:29,IP Address,,100,223584,TRUE,7/1/21 4:29,R_23VQhp9HIQlIscc,,,,,51.44689941,0.05090332,anonymous,EN-GB,primary,Teacher,11 or more years,2,4,4,3,5,"The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview)",Yes,"4,7,9",4,4,4,3,4,3,3,No,,"Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead,Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.","New pedagogies,Example units of work,Case studies of classroom practice",Something else,2,1,,,,,,,1,3,2,,,,,,,1,Computer Science,,No,Part time (paid employee),local authority,25-Oct,London and South East,SE3 0TX,Yes,Church of England,,No,,Female,,Any other White ethnic background,,,,Kurdish,,"immigration,health,education,housing,welfare,environment,family life","Christian, Sufi",,,,,Unknown
6/24/21 10:57,6/24/21 10:59,IP Address,,30,88,FALSE,7/1/21 10:59,R_274kmFr7ieHlef0,,,,,,,social,EN-GB,primary,Teacher,5-10 years,"1,2",2,2,2,3,"The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview)",Yes,"2,4,6",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
6/24/21 14:10,6/24/21 14:11,IP Address,,36,106,FALSE,7/1/21 14:12,R_3iOvxOWCyQEZ9hM,,,,,,,social,EN-GB,secondary,Teacher,11 or more years,2,4,4,3,5,"Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview),The climate crisis and/or biodiversity crisis in relation to any religion or worldview",Yes,"1,7,8",5,5,5,5,5,5,5,Yes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
6/24/21 13:58,6/24/21 14:16,IP Address,,73,1095,FALSE,7/1/21 14:16,R_1Pbo6cvZo69pLon,,,,,,,social,EN-GB,secondary,Teacher,11 or more years,"2,4,5",5,4,2,3,"Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview)",Maybe,4,4,4,4,3,4,4,4,No,,"Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.","New pedagogies,Example units of work,Case studies of classroom practice",,1,,,,,,,,1,3,2,,,,,,,,,Between 25% and 50%,No,Full time (paid employee),academy,25-100,Eastern England,Al5,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
6/24/21 15:57,6/24/21 16:04,IP Address,,73,460,FALSE,7/1/21 16:04,R_TiOZvH6j9dhEIs9,,,,,,,social,EN-GB,secondary,Teacher,Less than 5 years,"1,2,4,5",2,3,3,5,"The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview)",Yes,4,5,4,4,3,4,3,3,Yes,,"Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.,Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead","Case studies of classroom practice,New pedagogies,Example units of work",Something else,1,2,,,,,,,2,1,3,,,,,,,1,Philosophy,More than 50%,No,Full time (paid employee),academy,25-100,London and South East,,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
6/25/21 1:30,6/25/21 1:33,IP Address,,36,188,FALSE,7/2/21 1:33,R_1jH3yDnmvHcjTsM,,,,,,,social,EN-GB,secondary,Teacher,Less than 5 years,"2,3,4,5",4,4,2,2,Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,Yes,7,4,4,3,4,4,4,4,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
7/5/21 11:18,7/5/21 11:25,IP Address,,100,411,TRUE,7/5/21 11:25,R_T1SN1Zit1YusRKV,,,,,51.82629395,-3.015197754,social,EN-GB,primary,Teacher,11 or more years,"1,2,3",4,4,4,5,"Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview),The climate crisis and/or biodiversity crisis in relation to any religion or worldview",Yes,"4,8",4,5,5,5,4,5,5,Yes,"Understanding Christianity
Discovery RE","Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.",Example units of work,Something else,1,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,1,Environmental Studies,,Yes,Part time (paid employee),local authority,25-Oct,Wales,NP7,Yes,Other Christian,,Yes,,Male,,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,,,,,"economy,health,education,housing,environment",,,,,,
7/5/21 13:52,7/5/21 13:58,IP Address,,100,346,TRUE,7/5/21 13:58,R_R9UMtu2HItMLFi9,,,,,52.27319336,-3.302993774,social,EN-GB,primary,Teacher,11 or more years,2,5,2,2,3,"Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,Human beings responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview)",No,,3,3,4,1,2,2,2,Yes,Resources provided by our diocese,"Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.,Example units of work","Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead,Case studies of classroom practice,New pedagogies",,1,,,,2,,,1,3,2,,,,,,,,,Welsh,,No,Part time (paid employee),local authority,9-Jan,Wales,Ld3 0yb,Yes,Other Christian,,No,,Female,,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,,,,,"brexit,economy,immigration,crime,health,education,housing,welfare,defence,environment,tax,pensions,family life,transport",,,,,,
7/6/21 2:48,7/6/21 2:54,IP Address,,100,336,TRUE,7/6/21 2:54,R_T00xAPfRQAU7waZ,,,,,51.51130676,-0.271392822,anonymous,EN-GB,primary,Teacher,11 or more years,"1,2,3,5",5,4,5,5,"Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview)",Yes,"7,8",5,5,4,4,5,4,4,No,,"Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.,Example units of work","Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead,New pedagogies",Case studies of classroom practice,1,,,,2,,,1,2,,,,,,,1,,, Maths,,Yes,Full time (paid employee),local authority,9-Jan,Eastern England,CM5 0JD,Yes,Church of England,,No,,Female,,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,,,,,"crime,health,education,welfare,defence,environment,family life",Christian,,,,,Unknown
7/6/21 2:44,7/6/21 3:10,IP Address,,100,1540,TRUE,7/6/21 3:10,R_3njXtkaZDtpG9fp,,,,,51.50259399,-0.065994263,anonymous,EN-GB,secondary,Teacher,5-10 years,"1,2,3,4,5",4,2,1,5,"Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview),The climate crisis and/or biodiversity crisis in relation to any religion or worldview",Yes,"4,8",5,5,4,5,5,5,5,No,,"Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead,Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.","Case studies of classroom practice,New pedagogies","Example units of work,Something else",2,1,,,,,,,2,1,,,,,,,1,2,theology ,More than 50%,Yes,Full time (paid employee),local authority,25-100,London and South East,SE16EX,Yes,Roman Catholic,,No,,Female,,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,,,,,"immigration,crime,health,education,housing,welfare,environment,tax,family life",CATHOLIC,,,,,Unknown
7/6/21 3:20,7/6/21 3:27,IP Address,,100,382,TRUE,7/6/21 3:27,R_dcn0MBJ4OrUUxJD,,,,,51.80529785,-0.80859375,anonymous,EN-GB,primary,Teacher,11 or more years,2,4,3,2,5,"Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview)",Yes,"4,7,8",4,4,3,4,3,3,2,No,,"Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.,Example units of work","Case studies of classroom practice,New pedagogies","Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead,Something else",1,,,,2,,,,2,1,,,,1,,,,2,History,,No,Full time (paid employee),academy,9-Jan,Eastern England,SS17,Yes,Church of England,,Yes,Multi-academy Trust with core values that are shared,Female,,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,,,,,"health,education,welfare,environment,family life",Christian,,,,,Unknown
7/6/21 4:20,7/6/21 4:27,IP Address,,100,436,TRUE,7/6/21 4:27,R_1Iz73IwUr01lRNU,,,,,51.55769348,-1.776702881,anonymous,EN-GB,secondary,Teacher,11 or more years,"2,3,4,5",1,2,1,5,,Yes,6,5,5,5,5,5,5,4,Yes,The newest documentaries on Netflix and the environment both meat eating and attitudes to the environment are great as a research platform. ,"Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead,Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.,New pedagogies","Example units of work,Case studies of classroom practice",,2,1,3,,,,,,,2,1,,,,,,,,,More than 50%,No,Full time (paid employee),academy,25-100,South West,sn47hg,No,,,No,,Female,,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,,,,,"health,education,welfare,environment,family life",Athiest,,,,,Unknown
7/6/21 5:15,7/6/21 5:24,IP Address,,100,516,TRUE,7/6/21 5:24,R_2rTa06kkdqoxrZK,,,,,51.76829529,0.145599365,anonymous,EN-GB,primary,Teacher,11 or more years,"1,2",4,4,3,3,"Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview)",Maybe,3,4,5,3,2,3,4,3,No,,"Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.,Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead","New pedagogies,Example units of work,Case studies of classroom practice",,1,2,,,,,,,1,3,2,,,,,,,,Primary Education with QTS,,Yes,Full time (paid employee),academy,9-Jan,Eastern England,CM3 6JS,Yes,Church of England,,No,,Female,,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,,,,,"crime,health,education,housing,welfare,pensions,family life",Christian,,,,,Unknown
7/6/21 5:43,7/6/21 5:48,IP Address,,100,304,TRUE,7/6/21 5:48,R_3kiVHui1BVcwusf,,,,,52.78390503,-1.667602539,social,EN-GB,secondary,Teacher,11 or more years,"1,2,3,4,5",5,4,2,2,"Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview)",Yes,1,5,4,4,4,2,5,2,No,,"Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.","Example units of work,New pedagogies,Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead",Case studies of classroom practice,1,,,,,,,3,2,,1,,,,,1,,,Environmental science and life science,More than 50%,Yes,Full time (paid employee),local authority,25-100,East Midlands,de14 3dr,No,,,Yes,"over 60% of our students are Muslims, so this indirectly influences class discussions and interests",Female,,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,,,,,"immigration,crime,health,education,welfare,environment,family life",Humanist,,,,,Unknown
7/6/21 6:39,7/6/21 6:46,IP Address,,100,421,TRUE,7/6/21 6:46,R_cTNtnbQi3ofK8Fz,,,,,54.8999939,-1.516693115,social,EN-GB,secondary,Teacher,5-10 years,"1,2,3,4,5",5,2,2,5,"Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,Human beings responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview)",Yes,"1,2,3,8",4,4,2,4,4,4,2,No,,"Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.,Example units of work","Case studies of classroom practice,New pedagogies","Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead,Something else",1,,,,2,,,,2,1,,,,1,,,,2,Theology,More than 50%,Yes,Full time (paid employee),academy,25-100,Yorkshire and North East,TS8 0GA,Yes,Other Christian,,Yes,We have a Christian Ethos underpinning the Academy but we are not a faith school,Female,,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,,,,,"brexit,economy,immigration,crime,health,education,housing,welfare,defence,environment,tax,pensions,family life,transport",Christian,,,,,Unknown
7/7/21 2:27,7/7/21 2:33,IP Address,,100,325,TRUE,7/7/21 2:33,R_1dtoO3odjNbYClh,,,,,51.5776062,-0.194702148,social,EN-GB,cross-phase,Teacher,11 or more years,"2,3,4,5",4,4,4,3,"Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview),The climate crisis and/or biodiversity crisis in relation to any religion or worldview",Yes,"4,8",4,4,4,4,4,4,3,No,,"Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.,New pedagogies","Example units of work,Case studies of classroom practice,Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead",Something else,1,,2,,,,,3,,2,1,,,,,,,1,"english, theology, religious education",More than 50%,Yes,Full time (paid employee),local authority,25-100,London and South East,SL4 5EN,Yes,Other Christian,,No,,Female,,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,,,,,"crime,health,education,environment,family life",catholic,,,,,Unknown
7/7/21 3:03,7/7/21 3:15,IP Address,,100,735,TRUE,7/7/21 3:15,R_0U1I31ldIOQsO09,,,,,51.55050659,0.018295288,social,EN-GB,primary,Teacher,5-10 years,"1,2",4,2,2,4,"Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,Human beings responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview)",Yes,"2,3,4,8",2,4,2,4,2,4,2,No,,"Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.","Example units of work,Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead,Case studies of classroom practice,New pedagogies",Something else,1,,,,,,,2,4,3,1,,,,,,,1,Primary education ,,Yes,Full time (paid employee),academy,9-Jan,London and South East,CM15,Yes,Church of England,,No,,Female,,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,,,,,"immigration,crime,health,education,housing,welfare,environment,family life",Christian ,,,,,Unknown
7/7/21 7:11,7/7/21 7:20,IP Address,,100,512,TRUE,7/7/21 7:20,R_22VLsB4xvyZYCBw,,,,,53.65370178,-1.720794678,social,EN-GB,primary,Teacher,11 or more years,"1,2",5,4,2,3,"Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,Human beings responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview)",Maybe,,4,4,3,4,4,4,3,No,,"Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.,Example units of work","Case studies of classroom practice,Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead","New pedagogies,Something else",1,,,,2,,,2,,1,,,,,1,,,2,English and Theology,,Yes,Part time (paid employee),local authority,9-Jan,Yorkshire and North East,HD1,No,,,No,,Female,,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,,,,,"health,education,housing,welfare,environment,tax",Christian,,,,,Unknown
7/7/21 8:31,7/7/21 8:46,IP Address,,100,927,TRUE,7/7/21 8:47,R_1QsBURUrWn2Vxrw,,,,,39.98429871,-75.22660065,social,EN-GB,primary,Teacher,Less than 5 years,4,3,3,3,3,"Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,Human beings responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview)",Maybe,"1,7",4,4,4,3,4,5,4,Yes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,science,,Yes,Full time (paid employee),academy,25-Oct,North West,19131,Yes,Other Christian,,Yes,,Male,,White and Asian,,,,,,housing,,,,,,
7/8/21 7:22,7/8/21 7:29,IP Address,,100,411,TRUE,7/8/21 7:29,R_UT47X0QOtyCVjvb,,,,,52.0625,-1.342895508,social,EN-GB,secondary,Teacher,11 or more years,"1,2,3,4,5",4,2,2,3,"The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview)",Maybe,"1,4",4,3,3,4,4,4,2,Yes,Using sources of wisdom and authority to pull out how this would influence behaviour,"Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.","Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead,Case studies of classroom practice,Example units of work,New pedagogies",Something else,1,,,,,,,1,4,2,3,,,,,,,1,Study of Religion ,More than 50%,Yes,Full time (paid employee),academy,25-100,London and South East,OX15 4LJ,No,,,No,,Female,,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,,,,,"crime,education,family life",Agnostic ,,,,,Unknown
7/9/21 4:54,7/9/21 5:01,IP Address,,100,452,TRUE,7/9/21 5:01,R_1gMjGtT6ZU3e1LU,,,,,51.36439514,-0.092300415,anonymous,EN-GB,primary,Teacher,5-10 years,2,2,2,2,5,,Yes,"3,8,9",3,3,3,1,3,3,3,No,,"Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.,Example units of work","Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead,Case studies of classroom practice",New pedagogies,1,,,,2,,,1,,2,,,,,1,,,,I did Business studies and Tourism and the a PGCE,,Yes,Full time (paid employee),local authority,25-Oct,London and South East,SE6 3EN ,No,,,No,,Female,,Caribbean,,,,,,"economy,crime,health,education,housing,welfare,environment,family life,transport",Catholic ,,,,,Unknown
7/9/21 9:51,7/9/21 10:02,IP Address,,100,627,TRUE,7/9/21 10:02,R_2V4qtqY6IdMzyr2,,,,,52.31280518,-1.503295898,anonymous,EN-GB,primary,Teacher,Less than 5 years,"1,2,4,5",2,2,1,4,The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Maybe,"2,3,4,7",3,2,2,4,3,4,2,No,,"Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.,Case studies of classroom practice,New pedagogies","Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead,Example units of work",Something else,1,,3,2,,,,1,,,2,,,,,,,1,Early Childhood Education Studies,,Yes,Full time (paid employee),academy,9-Jan,West Midlands,CV12 8HG,No,,,No,,Female,,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,,,,,"economy,immigration,health,education,welfare,defence,tax,pensions,family life",Christian,Rebecca Armstrong,,,,Unknown
7/10/21 2:50,7/10/21 2:57,IP Address,,100,392,TRUE,7/10/21 2:57,R_2TMjGaamnNsLQz1,,,,,51.50950623,-0.095504761,social,EN-GB,primary,Teacher,11 or more years,"1,2",4,4,2,4,"Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,Human beings responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview),The climate crisis and/or biodiversity crisis in relation to any religion or worldview",Yes,4,2,2,2,1,2,4,2,No,,"Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead,Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.","Example units of work,Case studies of classroom practice",New pedagogies,2,1,,,,,,,,2,1,,,,1,,,,Music,,Yes,Full time (paid employee),academy,9-Jan,Eastern England,IG10 4AP ,Yes,Church of England,,Yes,,Female,,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,,,,,"immigration,crime,health,education,housing,welfare,environment,tax,pensions,family life,transport",Christian,,,,,Unknown
7/10/21 3:54,7/10/21 4:03,IP Address,,100,542,TRUE,7/10/21 4:03,R_3iPSssHAneNAsGH,,,,,53.35069275,-2.334197998,social,EN-GB,primary,Teacher,11 or more years,"1,2",3,3,2,4,"Human beings responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview)",Yes,"4,7,8",4,4,2,2,4,4,2,No,,"Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead,Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.","Example units of work,Case studies of classroom practice,New pedagogies",,2,1,,,,,,,3,2,1,,,,,,,,,,Yes,Full time (paid employee),local authority,25-Oct,London and South East,UB7 0AU,No,,,No,,Male,,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,,,,,"economy,crime,health,education,housing,welfare,environment,transport",Anglican Christian,,,,,Unknown
7/10/21 9:53,7/10/21 10:00,IP Address,,100,413,TRUE,7/10/21 10:00,R_2UgBh0WempUe3xI,,,,,51.64680481,-1.250900269,social,EN-GB,primary,Higher Level Teaching Assistant,5-10 years,"1,2",5,4,4,3,"Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,Human beings responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview),The climate crisis and/or biodiversity crisis in relation to any religion or worldview",Maybe,4,4,4,4,3,4,4,4,No,,"Case studies of classroom practice,Example units of work,Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.","New pedagogies,Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead,Something else",,3,,,1,2,,,2,1,,,3,,,,,,,,,Yes,Full time (paid employee),local authority,9-Jan,London and South East,Ox13,Yes,Church of England,,No,,Female,,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,,,,,"brexit,economy,immigration,crime,health,education,housing,welfare,defence,environment,tax,pensions,family life,transport",,,,,,
7/10/21 10:07,7/10/21 10:13,IP Address,,100,369,TRUE,7/10/21 10:13,R_1IL8gk2YdtWCZHf,,,,,51.979599,-0.223800659,social,EN-GB,primary,Teacher,11 or more years,2,5,4,5,5,"Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview),The climate crisis and/or biodiversity crisis in relation to any religion or worldview",No,,5,4,4,3,4,4,4,No,,"Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.,Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead,Example units of work","New pedagogies,Case studies of classroom practice",,1,2,,,3,,,,1,2,,,,,,,,,Design and Technology ,,Yes,Full time (paid employee),academy,25-Oct,London and South East,Sg5 4dl,Yes,Church of England,,No,,Female,,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,,,,,"health,education,welfare,environment",Agnostic ,,,,,Unknown
7/5/21 10:52,7/5/21 10:55,IP Address,,36,157,FALSE,7/12/21 10:55,R_1Ft7c0elY4DbBJS,,,,,,,social,EN-GB,secondary,Teacher,11 or more years,"2,3,4,5",4,4,4,2,"Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,Human beings responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview)",No,,5,4,4,4,4,4,4,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
7/5/21 15:47,7/5/21 15:58,IP Address,,36,618,FALSE,7/12/21 15:58,R_23HjJq7BKt44hrz,,,,,,,social,EN-GB,primary,Teacher,11 or more years,"1,2",3,2,1,1,"Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,Human beings responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview),The climate crisis and/or biodiversity crisis in relation to any religion or worldview",No,,5,3,4,2,4,4,4,Yes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
7/14/21 3:46,7/14/21 3:56,IP Address,,100,590,TRUE,7/14/21 3:56,R_3iDRlE6VP4OjzPS,,,,,51.84240723,-2.05430603,anonymous,EN-GB,primary,Teacher,11 or more years,2,2,2,2,4,The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Yes,"2,4,7",3,2,2,1,2,2,1,No,,"Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.,Example units of work","Case studies of classroom practice,New pedagogies",,1,,,,2,,,,2,1,,,,,,,,,English literature,,Yes,Part time (paid employee),local authority,25-Oct,West Midlands,CV37,No,,,No,,Female,,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,,,,,"health,education,housing,environment",C of E,,,,,Unknown
7/16/21 10:00,7/16/21 10:09,IP Address,,100,501,TRUE,7/16/21 10:09,R_2UgbG6myvCouyLR,,,,,51.44250488,-0.926696777,social,EN-GB,primary,Teacher,5-10 years,2,2,2,1,5,"Human beings responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview)",Yes,"4,7,8",4,4,3,4,4,3,3,No,,Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead,"Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.,Example units of work,Case studies of classroom practice,New pedagogies",Something else,,1,,,,,1,,4,3,2,,,,,,,1,Religious Studies & Theology,,Yes,Full time (paid employee),local authority,25-100,London and South East,RG31 4XG ,No,,,No,,Female,,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,,,,,"brexit,immigration,crime,health,education,housing,welfare,environment,family life",Atheist ,,, ,,Unknown
7/10/21 10:53,7/10/21 10:55,IP Address,,64,67,FALSE,7/17/21 10:55,R_5c0i8QxUt3yFDl7,,,,,,,social,EN-GB,primary,Teacher,Less than 5 years,2,4,3,3,4,Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,Maybe,3,3,4,3,2,3,3,4,Yes,,"Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.,Case studies of classroom practice",,,1,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Yes,Not working (retired),free school,9-Jan,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
7/11/21 4:28,7/11/21 4:43,IP Address,,88,903,FALSE,7/18/21 4:43,R_1gGbhd56kDHm2nL,,,,,,,social,EN-GB,secondary,Teacher,11 or more years,"1,2,4",5,4,5,5,"Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,Human beings responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview),The climate crisis and/or biodiversity crisis in relation to any religion or worldview",Yes,9,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,Yes,,Case studies of classroom practice,Example units of work,Something else,,,,1,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,1,Social studies and humanities with re,More than 50%,Yes,Full time (paid employee),academy,25-100,East Midlands,LE4,No,,,No,,Female,,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,,,,,,,,,,,
7/18/21 11:10,7/18/21 11:14,IP Address,,100,225,TRUE,7/18/21 11:14,R_2Rb7yspNjL0JATD,,,,,28.79350281,-81.28679657,social,EN-GB,primary,Higher Level Teaching Assistant,5-10 years,"1,5",4,4,5,5,"Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview),The climate crisis and/or biodiversity crisis in relation to any religion or worldview",Yes,"3,4,7,8",5,5,5,4,4,5,5,Yes,,"Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead,Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.","Example units of work,New pedagogies,Case studies of classroom practice",Something else,2,1,,,,,,,2,3,1,,,,,,,1,,,Yes,Full time (paid employee),local authority,25-100,London and South East,,No,,,No,,Male,,White and Black African,,,,,,"economy,health,education,environment,family life",,,,,,
7/11/21 16:10,7/11/21 16:14,IP Address,,30,255,FALSE,7/18/21 16:14,R_3gT5K7U7CH9RohJ,,,,,,,anonymous,EN-GB,primary,Teacher,11 or more years,"1,2",2,1,1,3,"Human beings responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview)",Maybe,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
7/25/21 10:26,7/25/21 10:34,IP Address,,100,499,TRUE,7/25/21 10:34,R_2BhDufKhbDmMNeC,,,,,52.90950012,-0.645599365,social,EN-GB,primary,Teacher,11 or more years,"1,2,4,5",1,1,1,5,,Yes,"2,3,4,7,8,9",1,3,1,1,1,3,1,No,,Example units of work,"New pedagogies,Case studies of classroom practice,Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.,Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead",,,,,,1,,3,4,1,2,,,,,,,,,Professional studies,,Yes,Full time (paid employee),academy,25-Oct,East Midlands,Ng24 5hu,Yes,Church of England,,No,,Female,,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,,,,,"immigration,crime,health,environment",,,, ,,
7/19/21 14:30,7/19/21 14:32,IP Address,,30,131,FALSE,7/26/21 14:32,R_22X0hD5g2Ps0RyO,,,,,,,anonymous,EN-GB,primary,Teacher,11 or more years,2,4,3,3,3,"Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview)",Maybe,"4,7",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1 StartDate EndDate Status IPAddress Progress Duration (in seconds) Finished RecordedDate ResponseId RecipientLastName RecipientFirstName RecipientEmail ExternalReference LocationLatitude LocationLongitude DistributionChannel UserLanguage Q1 Q35 Q2 Q3 Q22_1 Q22_2 Q23_1 Q23_2 Q24 Q25 Q26 Q27_1 Q27_2 Q27_3 Q27_4 Q27_5 Q27_6 Q27_7 Q28 Q29 Q30_0_GROUP Q30_1_GROUP Q30_2_GROUP Q30_0_1_RANK Q30_0_2_RANK Q30_0_3_RANK Q30_0_4_RANK Q30_0_5_RANK Q30_0_7_RANK Q30_1_1_RANK Q30_1_2_RANK Q30_1_3_RANK Q30_1_4_RANK Q30_1_5_RANK Q30_1_7_RANK Q30_2_1_RANK Q30_2_2_RANK Q30_2_3_RANK Q30_2_4_RANK Q30_2_5_RANK Q30_2_7_RANK Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10 Q11 Q12 Q13 Q14 Q15 Q16 Q18 Q18_6_TEXT Q19 Q19_5_TEXT Q19_8_TEXT Q19_12_TEXT Q19_16_TEXT Q19_17_TEXT Q20 Q21 Q31_1 Q31_2 Q32 Q21 - Parent Topics Q21 - Topics
2 6/22/21 5:51 6/22/21 6:03 IP Address 100 711 TRUE 6/22/21 6:03 R_XgZyEbCrviQUw1P 52.53289795 -1.579101563 social EN-GB secondary Teacher 5-10 years 2,3,4,5 4 4 3 5 Human beings’ responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview) Yes 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 No Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc. Example units of work Case studies of classroom practice 1 1 1 Religious Studies More than 50% No Full time (paid employee) academy 25-100 West Midlands CV21 3AG No No Male Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British health,education,environment Nonreligious Simeon Wallis Unknown
3 6/22/21 6:19 6/22/21 6:22 IP Address 100 193 TRUE 6/22/21 6:22 R_2yk0rVnQzYe2KPW 51.55050659 0.018295288 anonymous EN-GB secondary Teacher 5-10 years 1,2,3,4,5 4 3 2 5 Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,Human beings’ responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview),The climate crisis and/or biodiversity crisis in relation to any religion or worldview Yes 4 4 5 5 3 4 4 4 No Case studies of classroom practice,Example units of work Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.,New pedagogies Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead 1 2 1 2 1 More than 50% Yes Full time (paid employee) local authority 9-Jan rm109qh Yes Church of England No Female Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British economy,immigration,crime,health,education,housing,welfare,defence,environment,family life,transport Christian Yes Unknown
4 6/22/21 6:30 6/22/21 6:34 IP Address 100 242 TRUE 6/22/21 6:34 R_1Fh13ZAPiKTPBcY 51.51449585 0.070602417 anonymous EN-GB secondary Teacher 11 or more years 1,2,3,4,5 3 3 3 4 Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,Human beings’ responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview),The climate crisis and/or biodiversity crisis in relation to any religion or worldview Yes 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 No Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead Example units of work,Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc. Something else,Case studies of classroom practice,New pedagogies 1 2 1 3 2 1 Sociology More than 50% Yes Full time (paid employee) local authority 25-100 London and South East No No Female Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British crime,health,housing,welfare,environment
5 6/22/21 8:22 6/22/21 8:27 IP Address 100 326 TRUE 6/22/21 8:27 R_s7rgQ9fWe1q93DX 51.58340454 -0.075500488 anonymous EN-GB secondary Teacher 11 or more years 2,5 4 2 4 5 Human beings’ responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview) Yes 7,8,9 4 3 2 3 2 2 2 No Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.,Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead,Example units of work Case studies of classroom practice New pedagogies 1 2 3 1 1 Theology More than 50% Yes Full time (paid employee) independent school 25-100 London and South East E7 Yes Muslim No Female Any other Black/African/Caribbean background brexit,economy,immigration,crime,health,education,housing,welfare,defence,environment,tax,pensions,family life,transport Muslim British Unknown
6 6/22/21 8:21 6/22/21 8:36 IP Address 100 913 TRUE 6/22/21 8:36 R_xlm1MZwsxj7PmXn 51.34880066 -0.032104492 anonymous EN-GB secondary Teacher 11 or more years 1,2,3,4,5 4 2 1 4 The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings’ responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview) Maybe 3 5 4 2 5 4 3 3 Yes It's a really old publication - RE in Practice...Whose world is it anyway? (CEM) - practical lessons across different world religions Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead,Example units of work Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.,Case studies of classroom practice New pedagogies,Something else 1 2 1 2 1 2 Religious Studies More than 50% Yes Full time (paid employee) local authority 25-100 London and South East CR0 Yes Church of England No Female Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British health,education,housing,welfare,environment,family life Pentecostal Unknown
7 6/22/21 10:44 6/22/21 10:51 IP Address 100 433 TRUE 6/22/21 10:51 R_d4invy5EhFhL077 52.62809753 1.286193848 social EN-GB primary Teacher 11 or more years 1,2,3,5 4 3 3 3 Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,Human beings’ responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview) No 4 4 2 3 2 3 2 No Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.,New pedagogies Example units of work,Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead Case studies of classroom practice 1 2 2 1 1 Philosophy Yes Full time (paid employee) local authority 25-Oct Eastern England Nr67ds Yes Church of England No Male Any other White ethnic background brexit,economy,immigration,crime,health,education,housing,welfare,environment,tax,pensions,family life RC - Lapsed Unknown
8 6/22/21 11:02 6/22/21 11:08 IP Address 100 324 TRUE 6/22/21 11:08 R_Or2XpjCr16F1dfj 51.9322052 -0.456802368 social EN-GB secondary Teacher 11 or more years 1,2,3,4,5 5 5 4 5 Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings’ responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview),The climate crisis and/or biodiversity crisis in relation to any religion or worldview Yes 1,4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 No Something else,Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc. Example units of work,Case studies of classroom practice Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead,New pedagogies 2 1 2 1 1 2 Religious Studies More than 50% Yes Full time (paid employee) local authority 25-100 Eastern England LU2 9AG No No Female Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British crime,housing,environment
9 6/22/21 11:51 6/22/21 11:58 IP Address 100 427 TRUE 6/22/21 11:58 R_2wttznEd20wnoav 51.477005 -0.195907593 social EN-GB secondary Teacher 11 or more years 2,3,4,5 5 5 5 1 Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings’ responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview),The climate crisis and/or biodiversity crisis in relation to any religion or worldview No 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Yes Example units of work,Something else,Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc. Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead Case studies of classroom practice,New pedagogies 3 1 2 1 2 1 Philosophy and theology More than 50% Yes Full time (paid employee) academy 25-100 London and South East Sw6 Yes Roman Catholic No Male Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British No
10 6/22/21 11:52 6/22/21 12:06 IP Address 100 829 TRUE 6/22/21 12:06 R_22xKOMaYKahuUwP 51.49639893 -0.122406006 social EN-GB secondary Teacher 11 or more years 1,2,3,4,5 5 5 5 5 Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings’ responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview),The climate crisis and/or biodiversity crisis in relation to any religion or worldview Yes 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 Yes I use a lot of geography resources and link them to religious thought and stewardship. Religious studies and theology Between 25% and 50% Yes Part time (paid employee) academy 25-100 West Midlands Cv1 5lY No Yes Female Any other ethnic group Latin American economy,crime,health,welfare,environment Christian Alicia Mckeown Unknown
11 6/22/21 12:03 6/22/21 12:28 IP Address 100 1466 TRUE 6/22/21 12:28 R_12DTxizWqCfcC8p 52.39070129 -1.291107178 social EN-GB secondary Teacher 11 or more years 1,2,3,4,5 4 4 3 5 Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings’ responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview),The climate crisis and/or biodiversity crisis in relation to any religion or worldview Yes 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 No Something else,Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.,Example units of work New pedagogies,Case studies of classroom practice 2 1 1 2 1 2 Theology More than 50% Yes Full time (paid employee) academy 25-100 West Midlands cv21 3ag No Yes There is nothing official but our assemblies reflect a Christian nature Female Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British crime,health,education,housing,welfare,environment,family life Non religious Jennifer Quartly-Watson Unknown
12 6/22/21 12:24 6/22/21 12:35 IP Address 100 683 TRUE 6/22/21 12:35 R_9sK4N6UJRbSbnMd 52.53739929 -0.582504272 social EN-GB primary Teacher 11 or more years 1,2,3,5 2 2 2 4 Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings’ responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview) Yes 1,3,8,9 5 4 2 3 2 3 2 Yes Just personal interests not necessarily as a teaching resource or point of reference Case studies of classroom practice,Example units of work,Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc. New pedagogies,Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead 3 1 2 2 1 Related arts: literature, music, dance and art Yes Full time (paid employee) local authority 25-Oct London and South East IG11 0FJ Yes Church of England No Female Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British immigration,crime,health,education,housing,welfare,environment,family life
13 6/22/21 12:43 6/22/21 13:04 IP Address 100 1275 TRUE 6/22/21 13:04 R_2YrL3mNpuhfwkb6 52.13679504 -1.670593262 social EN-GB secondary Teacher 5-10 years 1,2,3,4,5 2 2 4 4 The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings’ responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview) Maybe 1,5,9 3 4 2 4 4 4 3 Yes BBC documentary about sacred rites including section on traditional Chinese religions Case studies of classroom practice,New pedagogies Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc. Example units of work,Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead 2 1 1 2 1 Philosophy More than 50% Yes Full time (paid employee) academy 25-100 West Midlands Cv37 No Yes Christian ethos and history Male Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British health,education,environment Secular Unknown
14 6/22/21 13:24 6/22/21 13:30 IP Address 100 374 TRUE 6/22/21 13:30 R_3OcSThsDDJ6gKPB 53.30220032 -2.231201172 social EN-GB secondary Teacher 11 or more years 1,2,3,4,5 4 4 3 4 Human beings’ responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview) Yes 7,8 4 4 4 4 4 5 4 Yes Science and religion in schools. Had ready made adaptable resources Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.,Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead,Example units of work 1 2 3 Theology and philosophy More than 50% Yes Full time (paid employee) academy 25-100 North West Wa158ta No No Female Indian immigration,crime,health,housing,welfare,family life Hindu Unknown
15 6/22/21 14:03 6/22/21 14:08 IP Address 100 297 TRUE 6/22/21 14:08 R_blWDNPdZjoGf6Jb 53.81289673 -1.790802002 anonymous EN-GB secondary Teacher 5-10 years 2,4,5 3 3 2 4 Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,Human beings’ responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview) Maybe 1,4 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 No Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.,New pedagogies Case studies of classroom practice,Example units of work Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead,Something else 1 2 1 2 1 2 Religious Studies Between 25% and 50% Yes Full time (paid employee) academy 25-100 Yorkshire and North East BD10 Yes Church of England No Female Pakistani economy,immigration,health,education,housing,environment,pensions
16 6/22/21 14:31 6/22/21 14:36 IP Address 100 279 TRUE 6/22/21 14:36 R_3DupDvBYJOygzha 53.82260132 -1.567993164 anonymous EN-GB secondary Teacher Less than 5 years 1,2,3,4,5 5 4 2 4 The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings’ responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview),The climate crisis and/or biodiversity crisis in relation to any religion or worldview Yes 4 4 4 2 5 3 4 3 Yes Those provided by NATRE Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.,Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead New pedagogies Something else,Case studies of classroom practice,Example units of work 1 2 1 2 3 1 Theology More than 50% No Full time (paid employee) academy 25-100 Yorkshire and North East BD Yes Church of England No Female Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British brexit,economy,immigration,crime,health,education,housing,welfare,environment,family life Christian Unknown
17 6/22/21 14:50 6/22/21 14:54 IP Address 100 292 TRUE 6/22/21 14:54 R_1mDCWzUD5KU7dLj 53.7407074 -1.49029541 anonymous EN-GB secondary Teacher 11 or more years 2 4 2 2 3 Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,Human beings’ responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview) Maybe 1 4 4 3 2 3 3 3 No Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc. Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead Case studies of classroom practice 1 1 1 Psychology More than 50% No Full time (paid employee) academy 25-100 North West Bd109aq Yes Church of England No Female Prefer not to say immigration,crime,health,education,welfare,family life
18 6/23/21 0:50 6/23/21 0:58 IP Address 100 492 TRUE 6/23/21 0:58 R_1jkPiVsydoiHO7Z 52.91149902 -0.61630249 social EN-GB secondary Teacher 11 or more years 1,2,3,4,5 5 5 2 5 Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings’ responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview) Yes 7 5 5 2 5 5 5 2 No Example units of work,Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc. New pedagogies,Case studies of classroom practice Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead 2 1 1 2 1 Humanities More than 50% Yes Full time (paid employee) academy 25-100 Eastern England NG31 6RP No No Male Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British health,education,housing,welfare,environment,pensions,family life,transport Christian Unknown
19 6/23/21 0:59 6/23/21 1:12 IP Address 100 761 TRUE 6/23/21 1:12 R_3PoDm7qEPwP4Fpk 51.50740051 -0.119598389 social EN-GB secondary Teacher 11 or more years 1,2,4,5 4 4 2 4 The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings’ responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview),The climate crisis and/or biodiversity crisis in relation to any religion or worldview Yes 7,8 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 No Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc. Example units of work 1 1 Theology Education English More than 50% Yes Full time (paid employee) academy 25-100 East Midlands NG27BN No No Female Irish economy,education,environment
20 6/23/21 1:36 6/23/21 1:41 IP Address 100 297 TRUE 6/23/21 1:41 R_1XgssrO1h3cXVu1 51.50950623 -0.095504761 anonymous EN-GB primary Teacher 11 or more years 2 4 2 2 3 Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings’ responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview) Maybe 4,7,9 2 2 2 1 2 3 1 No Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.,Example units of work Case studies of classroom practice,Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead,New pedagogies,Something else 1 2 2 3 1 4 Social Anthropology, Computing and Prayer Yes Full time (paid employee) local authority 25-Oct Eastern England CM11PA Yes Church of England No Female Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British health,education,welfare,environment Christian Unknown
21 6/23/21 2:25 6/23/21 3:26 IP Address 100 3649 TRUE 6/23/21 3:26 R_1rjoqaWYW3T8AI6 51.563797 -0.076507568 anonymous EN-GB secondary Teacher 5-10 years 1,2,3,4,5 4 2 1 5 Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings’ responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview),The climate crisis and/or biodiversity crisis in relation to any religion or worldview Yes 7,9 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 No Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc. Example units of work,Case studies of classroom practice,Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead,New pedagogies 1 3 4 2 1 More than 50% Yes Full time (paid employee) academy 25-100 London and South East OX14 1RF No No Male Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British brexit,economy,immigration,health,education,housing,welfare,environment N/A Unknown
22 6/23/21 6:01 6/23/21 6:08 IP Address 100 391 TRUE 6/23/21 6:08 R_2agI4Np4ECu3eCX 53.23399353 -1.44619751 social EN-GB secondary Teacher 11 or more years 1,2,3,4,5 5 4 4 3 Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings’ responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview) Maybe 8 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 No Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.,Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead,Example units of work New pedagogies,Case studies of classroom practice,Something else 1 2 3 1 2 3 Combined More than 50% Yes Full time (paid employee) local authority 25-100 East Midlands DN21 2ST No No Female Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British brexit,economy,immigration,crime,health,education,housing,welfare,defence,environment,tax,pensions,family life,transport No affiliation. Unknown
23 6/23/21 7:27 6/23/21 7:42 IP Address 100 879 TRUE 6/23/21 7:42 R_z293ttW0xbnJ7e9 35.1638031 33.36390686 social EN-GB secondary Teacher 11 or more years 1,2,3,4,5 5 5 5 3 Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings’ responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview),The climate crisis and/or biodiversity crisis in relation to any religion or worldview Yes 1 4 4 4 5 5 4 5 Yes NATRE resources fully resourced material that i have developed into a unit of work for yr7 including the excellent 7 days before the end and God said, and others Yr8 intro to eithics research project including environmental eithics that i wrote and included the natre resource When Gretta met the Pope. A Rocha Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc. Case studies of classroom practice,Example units of work Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead,New pedagogies 1 1 2 1 2 BA QTS (S) RE and PE More than 50% No Full time (paid employee) independent school 25-100 Cyprus No No Female Prefer not to say brexit,economy,immigration,crime,health,education,housing,welfare,defence,environment,tax,pensions,family life,transport
24 6/23/21 9:31 6/23/21 9:43 IP Address 100 713 TRUE 6/23/21 9:43 R_3KIsc1OEh9i3CV8 55.9631958 -3.254592896 social EN-GB secondary Teacher 5-10 years 2,3,4,5 5 4 4 4 Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,Human beings’ responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview) Maybe 1,7 4 5 3 3 4 3 3 Yes No single comprehensive resource, just gathering odds and ends from google searches (searching particular themes to find relevant scriptural passages eg. BibleGateway, searching for religious organisations that are focussed on the environment eg. IFEES, searching news websites) Something else,Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.,Example units of work,Case studies of classroom practice Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead,New pedagogies 2 4 3 1 1 2 Divinity More than 50% Yes Full time (paid employee) independent school 25-100 Scotland EH12 6BG No Yes Informally Christian. This is not expressed in curriculum choices, only in school events. Eg. the school has a carol service, sings hymns in assembly, speech day is in a church. Male Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British brexit,economy,immigration,crime,health,education,housing,welfare,defence,environment,tax,pensions,family life,transport Agnostic Unknown
25 6/23/21 11:13 6/23/21 11:22 IP Address 100 489 TRUE 6/23/21 11:22 R_3KHD4dfqf7OktEX 53.8361969 -1.768600464 anonymous EN-GB secondary Teacher 11 or more years 1,2,3,4,5 5 4 2 3 Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings’ responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview),The climate crisis and/or biodiversity crisis in relation to any religion or worldview No 5 5 4 5 5 5 4 No Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead,Example units of work,Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc. Case studies of classroom practice 3 1 2 1 Theology and secondary education Between 25% and 50% No Part time (paid employee) academy 25-100 Yorkshire and North East BD10 AHF Yes Church of England No Female Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British brexit,economy,immigration,crime,health,education,housing,welfare,defence,environment,tax,pensions,family life,transport Christian Unknown
26 6/23/21 12:39 6/23/21 12:44 IP Address 100 295 TRUE 6/23/21 12:44 R_6xjTIrxF9WJdOA9 53.14830017 -0.142196655 social EN-GB secondary Teacher 11 or more years 1,2,3,4,5 5 4 2 3 Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings’ responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview) No 5 5 4 4 5 5 4 No Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc. Example units of work Something else 1 1 1 Religious Studies and Music (Combined Honours) More than 50% Yes Full time (paid employee) academy 25-100 East Midlands LN9 5AD No No Female Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British economy,immigration,health,education,environment agnostic Unknown
27 6/23/21 14:11 6/23/21 14:18 IP Address 100 411 TRUE 6/23/21 14:18 R_2EGCBnHFRACR18K 52.74650574 0.056396484 social EN-GB secondary Teacher 11 or more years 2 5 5 4 4 Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,Human beings’ responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview),The climate crisis and/or biodiversity crisis in relation to any religion or worldview Maybe 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Yes AQA resources Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc. Case studies of classroom practice,New pedagogies,Example units of work Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead 1 2 1 3 1 Theology and Education Studies More than 50% Yes Full time (paid employee) academy 25-100 East Midlands PE20 1JS No No Female Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British economy,health,education,housing,environment,family life Practicing Christian Unknown
28 6/23/21 23:48 6/23/21 23:56 IP Address 100 434 TRUE 6/23/21 23:56 R_3Hh9DLcBMJ1joSt 51.49639893 -0.122406006 social EN-GB primary Teacher 5-10 years 1,2 4 2 2 5 Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,Human beings’ responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview) Yes 3,4 5 5 4 2 4 2 2 No Example units of work,Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc. Case studies of classroom practice New pedagogies,Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead 2 1 1 2 1 Disability Studies with Education Yes Full time (paid employee) local authority 25-Oct East Midlands NN5 6BW No Yes we mark Christian festivals such as Christmas Female Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British immigration,crime,health,education,housing,environment,family life Catholic Unknown
29 6/24/21 4:31 6/24/21 4:36 IP Address 100 312 TRUE 6/24/21 4:36 R_1nW9lk1FssIEliA 52.57359314 -2.113693237 social EN-GB cross-phase Teacher 11 or more years 1,2 4 4 2 4 Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,Human beings’ responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview) Yes 7,8 4 4 2 4 4 4 3 Yes Eco church A rocha New pedagogies,Example units of work,Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc. Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead Case studies of classroom practice 3 1 2 1 1 B.Ed (Hons ) in Early years education for Science and Drama Between 25% and 50% Yes Full time (paid employee) academy 25-100 West Midlands HR2 Yes Church of England No Male Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British health,education,housing,welfare,environment,family life christian Unknown
30 6/24/21 4:40 6/24/21 4:48 IP Address 100 439 TRUE 6/24/21 4:48 R_2rOZ2qBOkmAFmLo 51.48049927 -0.011306763 anonymous EN-GB secondary Teacher 5-10 years 1,2 4 2 2 1 The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings’ responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview) No 5 5 2 4 4 4 4 No Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.,Example units of work Case studies of classroom practice Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead,New pedagogies 1 2 1 1 2 Theology More than 50% No Full time (paid employee) local authority 25-100 London and South East SE6 2SE No No Female Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British crime,health,education,welfare,environment,family life Non-believer Unknown
31 6/24/21 4:44 6/24/21 5:26 IP Address 100 2491 TRUE 6/24/21 5:26 R_2bVumEeTpy5kYJB 51.49639893 -0.122406006 anonymous EN-GB secondary Teacher 5-10 years 1,2,3,4,5 4 2 4 4 Human beings’ responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview),The climate crisis and/or biodiversity crisis in relation to any religion or worldview Maybe 1,4 5 5 4 4 2 4 2 No Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.,Case studies of classroom practice Example units of work Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead,New pedagogies 1 2 1 1 2 Philosophy More than 50% Yes Full time (paid employee) academy 25-100 London and South East BR1 5EB No Yes Christian Male Caribbean immigration,crime,health,education,welfare,environment,tax,transport Open Unknown
32 6/24/21 12:32 6/24/21 12:41 IP Address 100 519 TRUE 6/24/21 12:41 R_1PdCHMNFVEYzeFF 52.60420227 -2.491195679 social EN-GB secondary Teacher 11 or more years 2 4 4 2 2 The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings’ responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview) Yes 2,4,7,8 4 4 4 1 2 2 2 No Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc. Example units of work Case studies of classroom practice 1 1 1 Environment science More than 50% Yes Full time (paid employee) academy 25-100 West Midlands Wv8 1RT No No Female Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British crime,health,education,housing,welfare,family life Yes Vicki price-tattersall Unknown
33 6/24/21 13:42 6/24/21 13:49 IP Address 100 390 TRUE 6/24/21 13:49 R_1PbLxSwXuuVGv51 51.57919312 0.024093628 social EN-GB secondary Teacher Less than 5 years 1,2,3,4,5 4 3 3 4 Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings’ responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview) Yes 4,6,7,8 4 5 3 4 5 5 3 Yes CAFOD resources Case studies of classroom practice,New pedagogies,Example units of work Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc. Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead,Something else 2 1 3 1 1 2 Education Studies More than 50% No Prefer not to answer local authority 25-100 London and South East E17 Yes Roman Catholic No Female Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British brexit,economy,immigration,crime,health,education,housing,welfare,defence,environment,tax,pensions,family life,transport Catholic Unknown
34 6/24/21 15:26 6/24/21 15:40 IP Address 100 802 TRUE 6/24/21 15:40 R_xgTtbFHQBjYOxR7 54.67840576 -5.969497681 social EN-GB secondary Teacher 11 or more years 1,2,3,4 5 4 4 5 Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings’ responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview) Yes 4,7,8 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 No Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.,Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead Example units of work,Case studies of classroom practice New pedagogies,Something else 1 2 2 1 1 2 World faiths and theology More than 50% Yes Full time (paid employee) local authority 25-100 Northern Ireland Bt72 Yes Roman Catholic No Female Irish economy,immigration,crime,health,education,housing,welfare,environment,family life RC Unknown
35 6/25/21 2:33 6/25/21 2:40 IP Address 100 418 TRUE 6/25/21 2:40 R_3oLvowq6ixh599S 53.36810303 -1.376205444 social EN-GB secondary Teacher 11 or more years 1,2,3,4,5 4 4 4 4 Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,Human beings’ responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview) Yes 1,7,8,9 4 5 4 5 5 5 4 No Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.,Example units of work,New pedagogies Case studies of classroom practice,Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead 1 3 2 2 1 Less than 25% Yes Full time (paid employee) academy 25-100 Yorkshire and North East S9 3ty No Yes Christian ethos inderpins academy values. Founder us a church leader. We have a church attached to one of the school hubs Female Caribbean immigration,health,education,housing,welfare,environment Christian Unknown
36 6/25/21 3:46 6/25/21 3:50 IP Address 100 241 TRUE 6/25/21 3:50 R_1kYPntMmMqoD4fm 52.00100708 -0.227005005 social EN-GB secondary Teacher 11 or more years 1,2,3,4,5 4 4 2 3 Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings’ responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview),The climate crisis and/or biodiversity crisis in relation to any religion or worldview Maybe 1 4 4 3 5 4 4 4 Yes Environmental organisation websites, e.g. A Rocha Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.,Something else Example units of work,Case studies of classroom practice,Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead New pedagogies 1 2 3 2 1 1 Philosophy More than 50% Yes Full time (paid employee) academy 25-100 Eastern England IP14 6BL Yes Church of England No Male Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British immigration,crime,health,education,housing,welfare,defence,environment,tax,pensions,family life,transport Christian Unknown
37 6/25/21 9:03 6/25/21 9:08 IP Address 100 308 TRUE 6/25/21 9:08 R_6gRpYYhWysBRqdX 53.24020386 -2.908798218 social EN-GB primary Teacher 11 or more years 1,2 4 3 4 3 Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings’ responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview) Maybe 2,3 4 2 4 1 2 2 2 No Example units of work,Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc. Case studies of classroom practice,Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead New pedagogies,Something else 2 1 2 1 1 2 Education Yes Part time (paid employee) local authority 9-Jan North West ch64 No No Female Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British immigration,education,family life c of E Yes Unknown
38 6/25/21 9:49 6/25/21 9:55 IP Address 100 343 TRUE 6/25/21 9:55 R_12av6RHT5MXMAiK 54.88630676 -1.571502686 social EN-GB secondary Teacher 11 or more years 1,2,3,4,5 4 3 4 5 Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings’ responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview) Yes 1,2 5 5 2 4 4 5 2 Yes CAFOD Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead,Example units of work,Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc. Case studies of classroom practice,New pedagogies 3 1 2 2 1 Theology More than 50% Yes Full time (paid employee) academy 25-100 Yorkshire and North East NE388AF Yes Roman Catholic No Male Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British economy,immigration,health,education,environment,family life Roman Catholic Unknown
39 6/25/21 15:44 6/25/21 15:49 IP Address 100 259 TRUE 6/25/21 15:49 R_3R4UrVwYAu3rqOM 53.39920044 -2.704696655 social EN-GB secondary Teacher Less than 5 years 1,2,3,4,5 5 5 4 4 Human beings’ responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview),The climate crisis and/or biodiversity crisis in relation to any religion or worldview Yes 4,6,7 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 Yes I relied upon aroche and kalifah charity websitesp Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead Case studies of classroom practice,Example units of work,Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc. New pedagogies,Something else 1 3 1 2 1 2 Theology More than 50% No Full time (paid employee) local authority 25-100 North West M24 No No Female Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British brexit,economy,immigration,crime,health,education,housing,environment,family life Christian annajoymorris@gmail.coma Unknown
40 6/26/21 8:27 6/26/21 8:41 IP Address 100 865 TRUE 6/26/21 8:41 R_3GqUEdaNc4tWcfn 51.56019592 -1.617294312 social EN-GB secondary Teacher 5-10 years 2,3,5 3 3 3 3 Human beings’ responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview) Yes 2,7,8 5 4 2 3 4 3 2 No New pedagogies,Example units of work,Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc. Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead,Case studies of classroom practice 3 1 2 1 2 Theology and Religious Studies Between 25% and 50% No Not working (other) academy 25-100 London and South East AL4 0TT Yes Roman Catholic No Prefer not to say Prefer not to say brexit,economy,immigration,crime,health,education,housing,welfare,defence,environment,tax,pensions,family life,transport Religious Unknown
41 6/27/21 5:58 6/27/21 6:04 IP Address 100 363 TRUE 6/27/21 6:04 R_2ToDtpH3tvBcxeg 51.64680481 -1.250900269 social EN-GB secondary Teacher 11 or more years 1,2,3,4,5 5 4 4 3 Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,Human beings’ responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview) Yes 4 5 5 3 2 4 4 Yes NATRE produced a unit on the climate crisis and its really good. Religious Studies More than 50% Yes Full time (paid employee) academy 25-100 London and South East OX28 No No Female Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British immigration,health,education,welfare,environment,tax Agnostic Unknown
42 6/28/21 5:38 6/28/21 5:43 IP Address 100 296 TRUE 6/28/21 5:43 R_2qasekTiGfcNpd2 52.49740601 -1.968307495 social EN-GB primary Teacher 5-10 years 2 4 4 4 5 Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings’ responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview),The climate crisis and/or biodiversity crisis in relation to any religion or worldview Yes 7 5 5 4 4 5 5 4 No Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.,Example units of work Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead Case studies of classroom practice,New pedagogies 1 2 1 2 1 RE Yes Part time (paid employee) academy 25-Oct London and South East CM13 1JW Yes Church of England No Female Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British immigration,health,education,housing,environment,family life Christian Unknown
43 6/28/21 11:19 6/28/21 11:28 IP Address 100 571 TRUE 6/28/21 11:28 R_4JIYBPm5T0nxEtz 51.49639893 -0.122406006 anonymous EN-GB primary Teacher 11 or more years 2 3 3 3 4 Human beings’ responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview) Yes 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 No Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc. Example units of work Case studies of classroom practice 1 1 1 Bachelor of education No Full time (paid employee) local authority 9-Jan London and South East Se3 0tx Yes Church of England No Female Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British health,education,welfare,environment,family life
44 6/28/21 14:47 6/28/21 14:53 IP Address 100 391 TRUE 6/28/21 14:53 R_tLnCoZBzXaynebD 51.43269348 -0.169296265 anonymous EN-GB primary Teacher 11 or more years 2 4 3 4 5 Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,Human beings’ responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview) Yes 7,9 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 No Example units of work,Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc. New pedagogies,Case studies of classroom practice,Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead 2 1 3 1 2 Sociology No Part time (paid employee) local authority 25-Oct London and South East SE3 0TX Yes Church of England No Female Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British economy,immigration,crime,health,education,housing,welfare,environment,tax,pensions,family life,transport Christian Unknown
45 6/29/21 5:18 6/29/21 5:23 IP Address 100 283 TRUE 6/29/21 5:23 R_1OrxEBDwzeEVivk 51.34880066 -0.032104492 anonymous EN-GB secondary Teacher 11 or more years 1,2 4 4 3 3 Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings’ responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview),The climate crisis and/or biodiversity crisis in relation to any religion or worldview Maybe 7,8,9 4 4 3 3 4 4 3 No Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.,Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead Example units of work,Case studies of classroom practice,New pedagogies Something else 1 2 3 2 1 1 History More than 50% Yes Full time (paid employee) local authority 25-100 London and South East SE4 1SA No No Female Prefer not to say health,education,housing,environment,family life cHRISTIAN Unknown
46 6/22/21 6:01 6/22/21 6:03 IP Address 30 99 FALSE 6/29/21 6:03 R_2ts69gqfWGXM2OU social EN-GB secondary Teacher 5-10 years 1,2,3,4,5 5 5 4 3 Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings’ responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview),The climate crisis and/or biodiversity crisis in relation to any religion or worldview Maybe 1
47 6/22/21 12:43 6/22/21 12:48 IP Address 36 265 FALSE 6/29/21 12:48 R_3MuICyKiNv3u5je social EN-GB secondary Teacher 11 or more years 1,2,3,4,5 5 4 4 3 Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings’ responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview),The climate crisis and/or biodiversity crisis in relation to any religion or worldview Maybe 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 Yes
48 6/29/21 12:46 6/29/21 12:52 IP Address 100 348 TRUE 6/29/21 12:52 R_QcrS6oloaNxW1fH 53.2796936 -2.912796021 social EN-GB secondary Teacher 11 or more years 1,2,3,4,5 1 1 1 5 The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview Yes 4 5 5 2 2 4 4 2 Yes Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead,Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.,Something else Example units of work,Case studies of classroom practice,New pedagogies 2 1 3 3 2 1 Religious and Theological Studies More than 50% Yes Full time (paid employee) academy 25-100 North West M24 2GT No No Female Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British immigration,crime,health,education,housing,welfare,environment,family life,transport Christian Unknown
49 6/22/21 12:51 6/22/21 12:52 IP Address 27 81 FALSE 6/29/21 12:52 R_3gRSF49nx1NmAt0 social EN-GB primary Teacher 11 or more years 2 4 2 1 3 Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,Human beings’ responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview) Maybe
50 6/23/21 14:07 6/23/21 14:09 IP Address 30 134 FALSE 6/30/21 14:09 R_2tb28DZNGuxGs25 social EN-GB primary Teacher 11 or more years 2 4 4 2 4 Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings’ responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview) Yes 4,9
51 6/28/21 14:23 7/1/21 4:29 IP Address 100 223584 TRUE 7/1/21 4:29 R_23VQhp9HIQlIscc 51.44689941 0.05090332 anonymous EN-GB primary Teacher 11 or more years 2 4 4 3 5 The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings’ responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview) Yes 4,7,9 4 4 4 3 4 3 3 No Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead,Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc. New pedagogies,Example units of work,Case studies of classroom practice Something else 2 1 1 3 2 1 Computer Science No Part time (paid employee) local authority 25-Oct London and South East SE3 0TX Yes Church of England No Female Any other White ethnic background Kurdish immigration,health,education,housing,welfare,environment,family life Christian, Sufi Unknown
52 6/24/21 10:57 6/24/21 10:59 IP Address 30 88 FALSE 7/1/21 10:59 R_274kmFr7ieHlef0 social EN-GB primary Teacher 5-10 years 1,2 2 2 2 3 The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings’ responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview) Yes 2,4,6
53 6/24/21 14:10 6/24/21 14:11 IP Address 36 106 FALSE 7/1/21 14:12 R_3iOvxOWCyQEZ9hM social EN-GB secondary Teacher 11 or more years 2 4 4 3 5 Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings’ responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview),The climate crisis and/or biodiversity crisis in relation to any religion or worldview Yes 1,7,8 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Yes
54 6/24/21 13:58 6/24/21 14:16 IP Address 73 1095 FALSE 7/1/21 14:16 R_1Pbo6cvZo69pLon social EN-GB secondary Teacher 11 or more years 2,4,5 5 4 2 3 Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings’ responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview) Maybe 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 No Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc. New pedagogies,Example units of work,Case studies of classroom practice 1 1 3 2 Between 25% and 50% No Full time (paid employee) academy 25-100 Eastern England Al5 No
55 6/24/21 15:57 6/24/21 16:04 IP Address 73 460 FALSE 7/1/21 16:04 R_TiOZvH6j9dhEIs9 social EN-GB secondary Teacher Less than 5 years 1,2,4,5 2 3 3 5 The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings’ responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview) Yes 4 5 4 4 3 4 3 3 Yes Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.,Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead Case studies of classroom practice,New pedagogies,Example units of work Something else 1 2 2 1 3 1 Philosophy More than 50% No Full time (paid employee) academy 25-100 London and South East No
56 6/25/21 1:30 6/25/21 1:33 IP Address 36 188 FALSE 7/2/21 1:33 R_1jH3yDnmvHcjTsM social EN-GB secondary Teacher Less than 5 years 2,3,4,5 4 4 2 2 Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview Yes 7 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 No
57 7/5/21 11:18 7/5/21 11:25 IP Address 100 411 TRUE 7/5/21 11:25 R_T1SN1Zit1YusRKV 51.82629395 -3.015197754 social EN-GB primary Teacher 11 or more years 1,2,3 4 4 4 5 Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings’ responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview),The climate crisis and/or biodiversity crisis in relation to any religion or worldview Yes 4,8 4 5 5 5 4 5 5 Yes Understanding Christianity Discovery RE Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc. Example units of work Something else 1 1 1 Environmental Studies Yes Part time (paid employee) local authority 25-Oct Wales NP7 Yes Other Christian Yes Male Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British economy,health,education,housing,environment
58 7/5/21 13:52 7/5/21 13:58 IP Address 100 346 TRUE 7/5/21 13:58 R_R9UMtu2HItMLFi9 52.27319336 -3.302993774 social EN-GB primary Teacher 11 or more years 2 5 2 2 3 Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,Human beings’ responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview) No 3 3 4 1 2 2 2 Yes Resources provided by our diocese Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.,Example units of work Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead,Case studies of classroom practice,New pedagogies 1 2 1 3 2 Welsh No Part time (paid employee) local authority 9-Jan Wales Ld3 0yb Yes Other Christian No Female Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British brexit,economy,immigration,crime,health,education,housing,welfare,defence,environment,tax,pensions,family life,transport
59 7/6/21 2:48 7/6/21 2:54 IP Address 100 336 TRUE 7/6/21 2:54 R_T00xAPfRQAU7waZ 51.51130676 -0.271392822 anonymous EN-GB primary Teacher 11 or more years 1,2,3,5 5 4 5 5 Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings’ responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview) Yes 7,8 5 5 4 4 5 4 4 No Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.,Example units of work Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead,New pedagogies Case studies of classroom practice 1 2 1 2 1 Maths Yes Full time (paid employee) local authority 9-Jan Eastern England CM5 0JD Yes Church of England No Female Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British crime,health,education,welfare,defence,environment,family life Christian Unknown
60 7/6/21 2:44 7/6/21 3:10 IP Address 100 1540 TRUE 7/6/21 3:10 R_3njXtkaZDtpG9fp 51.50259399 -0.065994263 anonymous EN-GB secondary Teacher 5-10 years 1,2,3,4,5 4 2 1 5 Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings’ responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview),The climate crisis and/or biodiversity crisis in relation to any religion or worldview Yes 4,8 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 No Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead,Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc. Case studies of classroom practice,New pedagogies Example units of work,Something else 2 1 2 1 1 2 theology More than 50% Yes Full time (paid employee) local authority 25-100 London and South East SE16EX Yes Roman Catholic No Female Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British immigration,crime,health,education,housing,welfare,environment,tax,family life CATHOLIC Unknown
61 7/6/21 3:20 7/6/21 3:27 IP Address 100 382 TRUE 7/6/21 3:27 R_dcn0MBJ4OrUUxJD 51.80529785 -0.80859375 anonymous EN-GB primary Teacher 11 or more years 2 4 3 2 5 Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings’ responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview) Yes 4,7,8 4 4 3 4 3 3 2 No Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.,Example units of work Case studies of classroom practice,New pedagogies Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead,Something else 1 2 2 1 1 2 History No Full time (paid employee) academy 9-Jan Eastern England SS17 Yes Church of England Yes Multi-academy Trust with core values that are shared Female Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British health,education,welfare,environment,family life Christian Unknown
62 7/6/21 4:20 7/6/21 4:27 IP Address 100 436 TRUE 7/6/21 4:27 R_1Iz73IwUr01lRNU 51.55769348 -1.776702881 anonymous EN-GB secondary Teacher 11 or more years 2,3,4,5 1 2 1 5 Yes 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 Yes The newest documentaries on Netflix and the environment both meat eating and attitudes to the environment are great as a research platform. Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead,Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.,New pedagogies Example units of work,Case studies of classroom practice 2 1 3 2 1 More than 50% No Full time (paid employee) academy 25-100 South West sn47hg No No Female Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British health,education,welfare,environment,family life Athiest Unknown
63 7/6/21 5:15 7/6/21 5:24 IP Address 100 516 TRUE 7/6/21 5:24 R_2rTa06kkdqoxrZK 51.76829529 0.145599365 anonymous EN-GB primary Teacher 11 or more years 1,2 4 4 3 3 Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings’ responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview) Maybe 3 4 5 3 2 3 4 3 No Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.,Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead New pedagogies,Example units of work,Case studies of classroom practice 1 2 1 3 2 Primary Education with QTS Yes Full time (paid employee) academy 9-Jan Eastern England CM3 6JS Yes Church of England No Female Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British crime,health,education,housing,welfare,pensions,family life Christian Unknown
64 7/6/21 5:43 7/6/21 5:48 IP Address 100 304 TRUE 7/6/21 5:48 R_3kiVHui1BVcwusf 52.78390503 -1.667602539 social EN-GB secondary Teacher 11 or more years 1,2,3,4,5 5 4 2 2 Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings’ responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview) Yes 1 5 4 4 4 2 5 2 No Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc. Example units of work,New pedagogies,Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead Case studies of classroom practice 1 3 2 1 1 Environmental science and life science More than 50% Yes Full time (paid employee) local authority 25-100 East Midlands de14 3dr No Yes over 60% of our students are Muslims, so this indirectly influences class discussions and interests Female Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British immigration,crime,health,education,welfare,environment,family life Humanist Unknown
65 7/6/21 6:39 7/6/21 6:46 IP Address 100 421 TRUE 7/6/21 6:46 R_cTNtnbQi3ofK8Fz 54.8999939 -1.516693115 social EN-GB secondary Teacher 5-10 years 1,2,3,4,5 5 2 2 5 Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,Human beings’ responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview) Yes 1,2,3,8 4 4 2 4 4 4 2 No Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.,Example units of work Case studies of classroom practice,New pedagogies Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead,Something else 1 2 2 1 1 2 Theology More than 50% Yes Full time (paid employee) academy 25-100 Yorkshire and North East TS8 0GA Yes Other Christian Yes We have a Christian Ethos underpinning the Academy but we are not a faith school Female Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British brexit,economy,immigration,crime,health,education,housing,welfare,defence,environment,tax,pensions,family life,transport Christian Unknown
66 7/7/21 2:27 7/7/21 2:33 IP Address 100 325 TRUE 7/7/21 2:33 R_1dtoO3odjNbYClh 51.5776062 -0.194702148 social EN-GB cross-phase Teacher 11 or more years 2,3,4,5 4 4 4 3 Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings’ responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview),The climate crisis and/or biodiversity crisis in relation to any religion or worldview Yes 4,8 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 No Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.,New pedagogies Example units of work,Case studies of classroom practice,Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead Something else 1 2 3 2 1 1 english, theology, religious education More than 50% Yes Full time (paid employee) local authority 25-100 London and South East SL4 5EN Yes Other Christian No Female Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British crime,health,education,environment,family life catholic Unknown
67 7/7/21 3:03 7/7/21 3:15 IP Address 100 735 TRUE 7/7/21 3:15 R_0U1I31ldIOQsO09 51.55050659 0.018295288 social EN-GB primary Teacher 5-10 years 1,2 4 2 2 4 Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,Human beings’ responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview) Yes 2,3,4,8 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 No Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc. Example units of work,Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead,Case studies of classroom practice,New pedagogies Something else 1 2 4 3 1 1 Primary education Yes Full time (paid employee) academy 9-Jan London and South East CM15 Yes Church of England No Female Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British immigration,crime,health,education,housing,welfare,environment,family life Christian Unknown
68 7/7/21 7:11 7/7/21 7:20 IP Address 100 512 TRUE 7/7/21 7:20 R_22VLsB4xvyZYCBw 53.65370178 -1.720794678 social EN-GB primary Teacher 11 or more years 1,2 5 4 2 3 Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,Human beings’ responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview) Maybe 4 4 3 4 4 4 3 No Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.,Example units of work Case studies of classroom practice,Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead New pedagogies,Something else 1 2 2 1 1 2 English and Theology Yes Part time (paid employee) local authority 9-Jan Yorkshire and North East HD1 No No Female Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British health,education,housing,welfare,environment,tax Christian Unknown
69 7/7/21 8:31 7/7/21 8:46 IP Address 100 927 TRUE 7/7/21 8:47 R_1QsBURUrWn2Vxrw 39.98429871 -75.22660065 social EN-GB primary Teacher Less than 5 years 4 3 3 3 3 Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,Human beings’ responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview) Maybe 1,7 4 4 4 3 4 5 4 Yes science Yes Full time (paid employee) academy 25-Oct North West 19131 Yes Other Christian Yes Male White and Asian housing
70 7/8/21 7:22 7/8/21 7:29 IP Address 100 411 TRUE 7/8/21 7:29 R_UT47X0QOtyCVjvb 52.0625 -1.342895508 social EN-GB secondary Teacher 11 or more years 1,2,3,4,5 4 2 2 3 The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings’ responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview) Maybe 1,4 4 3 3 4 4 4 2 Yes Using sources of wisdom and authority to pull out how this would influence behaviour Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc. Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead,Case studies of classroom practice,Example units of work,New pedagogies Something else 1 1 4 2 3 1 Study of Religion More than 50% Yes Full time (paid employee) academy 25-100 London and South East OX15 4LJ No No Female Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British crime,education,family life Agnostic Unknown
71 7/9/21 4:54 7/9/21 5:01 IP Address 100 452 TRUE 7/9/21 5:01 R_1gMjGtT6ZU3e1LU 51.36439514 -0.092300415 anonymous EN-GB primary Teacher 5-10 years 2 2 2 2 5 Yes 3,8,9 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 No Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.,Example units of work Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead,Case studies of classroom practice New pedagogies 1 2 1 2 1 I did Business studies and Tourism and the a PGCE Yes Full time (paid employee) local authority 25-Oct London and South East SE6 3EN No No Female Caribbean economy,crime,health,education,housing,welfare,environment,family life,transport Catholic Unknown
72 7/9/21 9:51 7/9/21 10:02 IP Address 100 627 TRUE 7/9/21 10:02 R_2V4qtqY6IdMzyr2 52.31280518 -1.503295898 anonymous EN-GB primary Teacher Less than 5 years 1,2,4,5 2 2 1 4 The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview Maybe 2,3,4,7 3 2 2 4 3 4 2 No Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.,Case studies of classroom practice,New pedagogies Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead,Example units of work Something else 1 3 2 1 2 1 Early Childhood Education Studies Yes Full time (paid employee) academy 9-Jan West Midlands CV12 8HG No No Female Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British economy,immigration,health,education,welfare,defence,tax,pensions,family life Christian Rebecca Armstrong Unknown
73 7/10/21 2:50 7/10/21 2:57 IP Address 100 392 TRUE 7/10/21 2:57 R_2TMjGaamnNsLQz1 51.50950623 -0.095504761 social EN-GB primary Teacher 11 or more years 1,2 4 4 2 4 Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,Human beings’ responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview),The climate crisis and/or biodiversity crisis in relation to any religion or worldview Yes 4 2 2 2 1 2 4 2 No Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead,Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc. Example units of work,Case studies of classroom practice New pedagogies 2 1 2 1 1 Music Yes Full time (paid employee) academy 9-Jan Eastern England IG10 4AP Yes Church of England Yes Female Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British immigration,crime,health,education,housing,welfare,environment,tax,pensions,family life,transport Christian Unknown
74 7/10/21 3:54 7/10/21 4:03 IP Address 100 542 TRUE 7/10/21 4:03 R_3iPSssHAneNAsGH 53.35069275 -2.334197998 social EN-GB primary Teacher 11 or more years 1,2 3 3 2 4 Human beings’ responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview) Yes 4,7,8 4 4 2 2 4 4 2 No Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead,Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc. Example units of work,Case studies of classroom practice,New pedagogies 2 1 3 2 1 Yes Full time (paid employee) local authority 25-Oct London and South East UB7 0AU No No Male Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British economy,crime,health,education,housing,welfare,environment,transport Anglican Christian Unknown
75 7/10/21 9:53 7/10/21 10:00 IP Address 100 413 TRUE 7/10/21 10:00 R_2UgBh0WempUe3xI 51.64680481 -1.250900269 social EN-GB primary Higher Level Teaching Assistant 5-10 years 1,2 5 4 4 3 Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,Human beings’ responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview),The climate crisis and/or biodiversity crisis in relation to any religion or worldview Maybe 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 No Case studies of classroom practice,Example units of work,Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc. New pedagogies,Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead,Something else 3 1 2 2 1 3 Yes Full time (paid employee) local authority 9-Jan London and South East Ox13 Yes Church of England No Female Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British brexit,economy,immigration,crime,health,education,housing,welfare,defence,environment,tax,pensions,family life,transport
76 7/10/21 10:07 7/10/21 10:13 IP Address 100 369 TRUE 7/10/21 10:13 R_1IL8gk2YdtWCZHf 51.979599 -0.223800659 social EN-GB primary Teacher 11 or more years 2 5 4 5 5 Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings’ responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview),The climate crisis and/or biodiversity crisis in relation to any religion or worldview No 5 4 4 3 4 4 4 No Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.,Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead,Example units of work New pedagogies,Case studies of classroom practice 1 2 3 1 2 Design and Technology Yes Full time (paid employee) academy 25-Oct London and South East Sg5 4dl Yes Church of England No Female Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British health,education,welfare,environment Agnostic Unknown
77 7/5/21 10:52 7/5/21 10:55 IP Address 36 157 FALSE 7/12/21 10:55 R_1Ft7c0elY4DbBJS social EN-GB secondary Teacher 11 or more years 2,3,4,5 4 4 4 2 Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,Human beings’ responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview) No 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 No
78 7/5/21 15:47 7/5/21 15:58 IP Address 36 618 FALSE 7/12/21 15:58 R_23HjJq7BKt44hrz social EN-GB primary Teacher 11 or more years 1,2 3 2 1 1 Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,Human beings’ responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview),The climate crisis and/or biodiversity crisis in relation to any religion or worldview No 5 3 4 2 4 4 4 Yes
79 7/14/21 3:46 7/14/21 3:56 IP Address 100 590 TRUE 7/14/21 3:56 R_3iDRlE6VP4OjzPS 51.84240723 -2.05430603 anonymous EN-GB primary Teacher 11 or more years 2 2 2 2 4 The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview Yes 2,4,7 3 2 2 1 2 2 1 No Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.,Example units of work Case studies of classroom practice,New pedagogies 1 2 2 1 English literature Yes Part time (paid employee) local authority 25-Oct West Midlands CV37 No No Female Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British health,education,housing,environment C of E Unknown
80 7/16/21 10:00 7/16/21 10:09 IP Address 100 501 TRUE 7/16/21 10:09 R_2UgbG6myvCouyLR 51.44250488 -0.926696777 social EN-GB primary Teacher 5-10 years 2 2 2 1 5 Human beings’ responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview) Yes 4,7,8 4 4 3 4 4 3 3 No Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.,Example units of work,Case studies of classroom practice,New pedagogies Something else 1 1 4 3 2 1 Religious Studies & Theology Yes Full time (paid employee) local authority 25-100 London and South East RG31 4XG No No Female Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British brexit,immigration,crime,health,education,housing,welfare,environment,family life Atheist Unknown
81 7/10/21 10:53 7/10/21 10:55 IP Address 64 67 FALSE 7/17/21 10:55 R_5c0i8QxUt3yFDl7 social EN-GB primary Teacher Less than 5 years 2 4 3 3 4 Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview Maybe 3 3 4 3 2 3 3 4 Yes Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.,Case studies of classroom practice 1 2 Yes Not working (retired) free school 9-Jan
82 7/11/21 4:28 7/11/21 4:43 IP Address 88 903 FALSE 7/18/21 4:43 R_1gGbhd56kDHm2nL social EN-GB secondary Teacher 11 or more years 1,2,4 5 4 5 5 Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,Human beings’ responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview),The climate crisis and/or biodiversity crisis in relation to any religion or worldview Yes 9 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Yes Case studies of classroom practice Example units of work Something else 1 1 1 Social studies and humanities with re More than 50% Yes Full time (paid employee) academy 25-100 East Midlands LE4 No No Female Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British
83 7/18/21 11:10 7/18/21 11:14 IP Address 100 225 TRUE 7/18/21 11:14 R_2Rb7yspNjL0JATD 28.79350281 -81.28679657 social EN-GB primary Higher Level Teaching Assistant 5-10 years 1,5 4 4 5 5 Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings’ responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview),The climate crisis and/or biodiversity crisis in relation to any religion or worldview Yes 3,4,7,8 5 5 5 4 4 5 5 Yes Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead,Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc. Example units of work,New pedagogies,Case studies of classroom practice Something else 2 1 2 3 1 1 Yes Full time (paid employee) local authority 25-100 London and South East No No Male White and Black African economy,health,education,environment,family life
84 7/11/21 16:10 7/11/21 16:14 IP Address 30 255 FALSE 7/18/21 16:14 R_3gT5K7U7CH9RohJ anonymous EN-GB primary Teacher 11 or more years 1,2 2 1 1 3 Human beings’ responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview) Maybe 4
85 7/25/21 10:26 7/25/21 10:34 IP Address 100 499 TRUE 7/25/21 10:34 R_2BhDufKhbDmMNeC 52.90950012 -0.645599365 social EN-GB primary Teacher 11 or more years 1,2,4,5 1 1 1 5 Yes 2,3,4,7,8,9 1 3 1 1 1 3 1 No Example units of work New pedagogies,Case studies of classroom practice,Great curriculum resources - e.g., texts, videos, worksheets, etc.,Supportive Head Teacher or Subject Lead 1 3 4 1 2 Professional studies Yes Full time (paid employee) academy 25-Oct East Midlands Ng24 5hu Yes Church of England No Female Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British immigration,crime,health,environment
86 7/19/21 14:30 7/19/21 14:32 IP Address 30 131 FALSE 7/26/21 14:32 R_22X0hD5g2Ps0RyO anonymous EN-GB primary Teacher 11 or more years 2 4 3 3 3 Understandings of nature in any religion/worldview,The relationship between the spiritual and material worlds in any religion/worldview,Human beings’ responsibility towards the earth (environmental ethics in general, or in relation to any religion/worldview) Maybe 4,7