Or if you prefer, a more detailed walkthrough including details of a lot of the workflow benefits and intro to Jekyll here: [Getting Started With Jekyll](#)
With this fork first setup you can get a feel for what Jekyll is like extremely quickly. Make sure you use YOURGITHUBUSERNAME.github.io instead of souploaf.github.io!
Your site is customized and looking great. Now you just have to write that epic blog post! We're going to edit the existing Hello World post for your first post.
To add additional posts you can hit the + icon in the _posts folder (shown at the end of the video) to create new content. Just make sure to include the [front-matter](http://jekyllrb.com/docs/frontmatter/) block at the top of each new blog post and make sure the post's filename is in this format: year-month-day-title.md
To publish new blog posts, go into the _posts folder and click the New File button. Name your post in this format: year-month-day-Title.md, save it, and you're set!
Follow the latest [GitHub Pages Custom Domain Guide](https://help.github.com/articles/setting-up-a-custom-domain-with-pages) to set up your custom domain name. I've created the CNAME file already, so that you can easily edit it within the repository.
If you'd like me to let you know when I release a new theme, just [drop me your email for updates](http://getresponse.com). I'm currently working on a personal portfolio site Jekyll Now theme.