I found Jekyll a little tricky to set up. I ran into complications setting up local development, configuring plugins, and figuring out a good workflow for blogging. After [publishing my blog](http://jekyllkickstart.com), I found that I really didn't need a lot of those complexities in the first place.
I created Jekyll Kickstart to help you get your Jekyll blog set up extremely quickly, avoiding the pitfalls that I fell into. It features my lovely GitHub influenced responsive base theme and most importantly **no need to touch the command line**.
After forking, click the Settings button on your new repository and change the repository name to username.github.io -- make sure that username is replaced with your GitHub username!
Input your details by simply editing the configuration file. Go to your forked repository and open up _config.yml. In there you'll be able to input your:
Go to the _posts folder and edit the Hello World post that's there to create your first post! Jekyll pulls the date of the post from the filename, so change that to today's date.
To publish new blog posts, go into the _posts folder and click the New File button. Name your post in this format: year-month-day-Title.md, save it, and you're set!
Follow the latest [GitHub Pages Custom Domain Guide](https://help.github.com/articles/setting-up-a-custom-domain-with-pages) to set up your custom domain name. I've created the CNAME file already, so that you can easily edit it within the repository.
#### Option 1) Building and viewing your site via GitHub Pages
You can make quick changes to the theme without needing to set up Jekyll and it's dependancies on your local machine if you allow GitHub Pages to tackle building and deploying the site for you. Here's what the workflow looks like:
- Type "grunt" in the command line to watch and compile any edits that you make to sass files within the SCSS folder.
- Edit layout, styles and content.
- Push your changes back up to your repo, triggering GitHub Pages to rebuild your site, to view them.
If you're looking to do significant theme development, then you might prefer to set up Jekyll to build your site locally so that you can watch your local changes and view the site.