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<h1>Who Are Eco-Congregations?</h1>
<h1>Began in 1999</h1>
<p>Initiated by Forth Environment Link outreach (central Scotland, environmental education charity), later funded by Keep Scotland Beautiful, Scottish Government and ECS member congregations.</p>
<div align="left"><h2>Over 350 Churches in Scotland Participate (~9%)</h2>
<p style="text-align:left">Compare that with...</p>
<li>233 Development Trusts</li>
<li>88 Climate Action Groups<br>
&amp;Transition Initiatives</li>
<li>14 Permaculture Projects</li>
<section><div align="right"><img style="" data-natural-width="530" data-natural-height="630" data-src="images/ECS_map.png"></div>
<h2>Participating in a variety of low carbon activities...</h2>
<p>including 41 CCF funded projects</p>
<li>Food growing</li>
<li>Improving building heating &amp; energy use</li>
<li>Implementing renewables</li>
<li>Hosting educational events</li>
<li>Linking religious values and pro-environmental behaviour</li>
<h4>Slightly more urban, but with a strong presence in specific remote areas</h4>
<img style="" data-natural-width="900" data-natural-height="500" data-src="images/UR8_fold.png">
<h1>Our Research</h1>
<p><span style="font-size:1.6em">Co-funded by AHRC / ESRC<br>
<p><span style="font-size:1.6em"></span></p>
<img data-src="images/team_photo.jpg">
<h4>Working with a lot of data</h4>
<li><span style="font-size:0.7em">participant observation at worship and community events</span></li>
<li><span style="font-size:0.7em">researchers assisted with site visits / assessments</span></li>
<li><span style="font-size:0.7em">documentary analysis of a Eco- Congregation award applications<br>
(90 of 133 total awarded sites, or 67.7%)</span></li>
<li><span style="font-size:0.7em">analysis of ECS church websites</span></li>
<li><span style="font-size:0.7em">researchers attended, participated and observed at network events, board meetings, green group meetings, and annual conferences</span></li>
<li><span style="font-size:0.7em">social network engagement analysis of ECS</span></li>
<li><span style="font-size:0.7em">interviews with individuals and groups across Scotland</span></li>
<li><span style="font-size:0.7em">interviews with volunteers and executives at related secular groups</span></li>
<li><span style="font-size:0.7em">interviews with the ECS staff team and board members</span></li>
<li><span style="font-size:0.7em">GIS-based comparative demographic analysis</span></li>
<li><span style="font-size:0.7em">sampling of at least 10% across a variety of demographics (denomination, region, urban/rural, deprivation)</span></li>
<h2>Our primary research question:</h2>
<p>Do unique conceptions of time maintained within spiritual communities offer a possible synergy between heritage and environment?</p>
<h1>Our Findings?</h1>
<h2>Eco-Congregations tend to stay "off the radar"</h2>
<li>No mention in 2015 Changeworks study (cf. p. 31; Table 7.2)</li>
<li>Active but silent partner behind some Community Development Trusts and Transition Groups, but also working in some communities in an independent capacity.</li>
<li>Partnerships with large environmental charities<br>
(RSPB, WWF)</li>
<h2>Reasons for Action?<br>
<span style="font-size:0.5em">Climate justice, stewardship, love of nature, intergenerational concern...</span>
<img data-src="images/motivations.png">
<h3>A place where values are linked with pro-environmental behaviours, but more than this as well...</h3>
<h2>Hidden pro-Climate Impacts?</h2>
<li>Trialing new ideas for sustainability<br>
(case study: solar panels, community gardens, boilers)</li>
<li>Provide personnel and "endurance" for CCF grants, sustainability projects, venues for other groups</li>
<li>Linking spirituality with environmental concern</li>
<li>Validating "moral" aspect to climate change mitigation</li>
<li>Highlighting the international aspect of climate impacts and relational side to mitigation</li>
<h2>For discussion</h2>
<li>How can our research assist government in improving outreach to and targetting of and support for religious communities in Scotland on low-carbon activities?</li>
<li>Covering the spectrum, from "uninvolved" to "climate champions"</li>
<li>Mobilising values frameworks, but also affirming the role of lay knowledge in reckoning with climate change</li>
<li>CCF engagement with churches</li>
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