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@ -0,0 +1,947 @@
2 0 obj
/Length 26785
0 0 0 0 k
/GS2 gs
2 i
0.864 89.272 105.933 -88.645 re
0 0 0 1 k
2.546 87.67 102.568 -85.441 re
0 0 0 0 k
18.107 12.903 m
17.935 12.231 l
17.592 10.871 16.133 10.613 15.288 10.613 c
13.271 10.613 11.425 12.059 11.425 15.535 c
11.425 18.712 12.97 20.429 15.217 20.429 c
16.647 20.429 17.592 19.843 17.792 18.955 c
17.906 18.44 l
18.336 18.44 l
18.336 20.356 l
17.32 20.686 16.332 20.857 15.288 20.857 c
11.897 20.857 9.966 18.14 9.966 15.449 c
9.966 12.359 12.269 10.185 15.288 10.185 c
16.461 10.185 17.606 10.442 18.435 10.857 c
18.637 12.903 l
18.107 12.903 l
23.541 15.449 m
23.541 12.359 25.844 10.185 28.863 10.185 c
31.882 10.185 34.185 12.359 34.185 15.449 c
34.185 18.14 32.254 20.857 28.863 20.857 c
25.472 20.857 23.541 18.14 23.541 15.449 c
25 15.535 m
25 18.712 26.545 20.429 28.863 20.429 c
30.866 20.429 32.726 18.94 32.726 15.522 c
32.726 11.915 31.038 10.613 28.863 10.613 c
26.846 10.613 25 12.059 25 15.535 c
44.97 20.228 m
45.914 20.199 46.071 20.157 46.157 20.085 c
46.3 19.971 46.343 18.94 46.343 14.276 c
46.343 11.301 44.641 10.785 43.209 10.785 c
41.435 10.785 40.678 11.815 40.678 13.446 c
40.678 13.933 40.706 14.362 40.706 14.734 c
40.777 18.884 l
40.792 19.956 40.877 20.099 41.078 20.143 c
41.207 20.171 42.008 20.214 42.237 20.228 c
42.237 20.657 l
41.507 20.629 40.777 20.601 40.048 20.601 c
39.447 20.601 38.832 20.629 38.217 20.657 c
38.217 20.228 l
39.332 20.185 39.418 20.157 39.418 19.627 c
39.418 13.39 l
39.418 11.357 40.949 10.185 43.153 10.185 c
45.699 10.185 46.858 11.673 46.915 13.79 c
47.087 19.67 l
47.102 20.143 47.187 20.228 48.046 20.228 c
48.046 20.657 l
47.631 20.629 47.13 20.601 46.572 20.601 c
46.043 20.601 45.499 20.629 44.97 20.657 c
44.97 20.228 l
52.066 10.385 m
52.496 10.413 52.825 10.442 53.526 10.442 c
54.27 10.442 54.613 10.413 55.014 10.385 c
55.014 10.871 l
54.37 10.929 l
53.983 10.957 53.926 11.242 53.912 11.501 c
53.812 13.274 53.812 16.951 53.783 19.055 c
53.812 19.084 l
56.029 16.437 58.776 13.018 60.894 10.185 c
61.28 10.185 l
61.28 11.544 l
61.28 16.094 61.409 19.698 61.48 19.914 c
61.566 20.185 61.738 20.228 62.482 20.228 c
62.482 20.657 l
61.981 20.644 61.48 20.601 60.966 20.601 c
60.622 20.601 60.421 20.629 59.507 20.657 c
59.507 20.228 l
60.365 20.228 60.494 20.129 60.579 20.014 c
60.65 19.914 60.765 19.17 60.765 14.849 c
60.765 13.99 60.751 13.304 60.751 12.444 c
58.705 14.849 56.416 17.725 54.298 20.657 c
53.983 20.629 53.64 20.601 53.326 20.601 c
52.924 20.601 52.524 20.629 52.124 20.657 c
52.124 20.199 l
52.61 20.199 52.968 20.129 53.068 20.042 c
53.182 19.956 53.268 19.727 53.268 18.497 c
53.268 11.973 53.125 11.215 53.024 11.086 c
52.954 11 52.839 10.942 52.066 10.871 c
52.066 10.385 l
74.838 12.903 m
74.666 12.231 l
74.322 10.871 72.863 10.613 72.019 10.613 c
70.002 10.613 68.156 12.059 68.156 15.535 c
68.156 18.712 69.701 20.429 71.947 20.429 c
73.378 20.429 74.322 19.843 74.522 18.955 c
74.638 18.44 l
75.066 18.44 l
75.066 20.356 l
74.051 20.686 73.064 20.857 72.019 20.857 c
68.628 20.857 66.696 18.14 66.696 15.449 c
66.696 12.359 69 10.185 72.019 10.185 c
73.192 10.185 74.336 10.442 75.167 10.857 c
75.367 12.903 l
74.838 12.903 l
80.114 10.385 m
80.7 10.413 81.431 10.442 82.403 10.442 c
83.376 10.442 84.105 10.413 84.693 10.385 c
84.693 10.815 l
83.591 10.886 83.333 10.899 83.19 11.043 c
83.062 11.172 83.047 12.073 83.047 13.661 c
83.047 17.382 l
83.047 18.97 83.062 19.87 83.19 19.999 c
83.333 20.143 83.591 20.157 84.693 20.228 c
84.693 20.657 l
84.105 20.629 83.376 20.601 82.403 20.601 c
81.431 20.601 80.7 20.629 80.114 20.657 c
80.114 20.228 l
81.216 20.157 81.473 20.143 81.616 19.999 c
81.745 19.87 81.759 18.97 81.759 17.382 c
81.759 13.661 l
81.759 12.073 81.745 11.172 81.616 11.043 c
81.473 10.899 81.216 10.886 80.114 10.815 c
80.114 10.385 l
89.68 10.385 m
91.296 10.413 92.856 10.442 93.972 10.442 c
95.001 10.442 96.16 10.413 97.42 10.385 c
97.978 13.046 l
97.577 13.089 l
97.075 12.002 l
96.661 11.086 96.547 10.986 93.485 10.986 c
92.627 10.986 92.498 11.028 92.498 11.429 c
92.498 13.246 92.44 15.207 92.44 17.109 c
92.44 19.227 92.512 19.899 92.583 19.999 c
92.684 20.129 92.769 20.157 93.985 20.257 c
93.985 20.657 l
93.456 20.629 92.641 20.601 91.954 20.601 c
91.425 20.601 90.38 20.629 89.68 20.657 c
89.68 20.228 l
90.909 20.157 90.995 20.114 91.066 20.014 c
91.167 19.87 91.238 19.613 91.238 17.353 c
91.238 13.69 l
91.238 11.429 91.167 11.172 91.066 11.028 c
90.995 10.929 90.909 10.886 89.68 10.815 c
89.68 10.385 l
9.637 23.163 m
10.267 23.191 10.996 23.221 11.883 23.221 c
12.856 23.221 13.585 23.191 14.172 23.163 c
14.172 23.593 l
13.071 23.664 12.813 23.679 12.67 23.822 c
12.541 23.95 12.527 24.852 12.527 26.44 c
12.527 28.257 l
13.457 28.257 l
13.929 28.257 14.115 28.1 14.673 27.084 c
15.36 25.824 15.946 24.852 16.733 23.221 c
17.191 23.221 18.179 23.191 18.779 23.163 c
18.779 23.65 l
17.964 23.707 17.892 23.735 17.749 23.993 c
16.276 26.568 l
15.274 28.315 15.102 28.457 14.845 28.528 c
14.845 28.558 l
16.79 28.957 17.22 30.145 17.22 31.004 c
17.22 32.449 16.133 33.436 14.172 33.436 c
13.328 33.436 12.956 33.379 12.155 33.379 c
11.268 33.379 10.181 33.422 9.637 33.436 c
9.637 33.007 l
10.781 32.935 11.039 32.921 11.182 32.777 c
11.31 32.649 11.325 31.748 11.325 30.16 c
11.325 26.44 l
11.325 24.852 11.31 23.95 11.182 23.822 c
11.039 23.679 10.781 23.664 9.637 23.593 c
9.637 23.163 l
12.527 31.333 m
12.527 32.863 12.656 33.007 13.185 33.007 c
14.816 33.007 15.932 32.606 15.932 30.875 c
15.932 29.315 14.888 28.685 13.014 28.685 c
12.77 28.685 12.641 28.7 12.527 28.715 c
12.527 31.333 l
21.744 23.163 m
22.846 23.206 24.077 23.221 25.65 23.221 c
27.252 23.221 28.841 23.206 29.928 23.163 c
30.386 25.667 l
29.914 25.667 l
29.413 24.107 29.098 23.764 27.725 23.764 c
25.149 23.764 l
24.606 23.764 24.505 23.778 24.505 25.095 c
24.505 26.153 24.535 27.197 24.548 28.257 c
24.964 28.272 25.565 28.286 26.137 28.286 c
26.595 28.286 27.038 28.272 27.367 28.242 c
27.968 28.171 27.997 28.171 27.997 26.969 c
28.426 26.969 l
28.412 27.441 28.397 28.142 28.397 28.528 c
28.397 29.029 28.412 29.486 28.426 30.017 c
27.997 30.017 l
27.997 29.401 l
27.997 28.8 27.954 28.715 26.409 28.715 c
25.55 28.715 24.935 28.729 24.548 28.743 c
24.606 32.463 l
24.606 32.807 24.634 32.921 26.481 32.921 c
28.669 32.921 28.712 32.821 28.869 32.091 c
29.041 31.319 l
29.556 31.319 l
29.556 33.436 l
28.684 33.407 24.734 33.379 24.02 33.379 c
23.49 33.379 22.445 33.407 21.744 33.436 c
21.744 33.007 l
22.975 32.935 23.06 32.893 23.132 32.793 c
23.232 32.649 23.304 32.392 23.304 30.131 c
23.304 26.469 l
23.304 24.208 23.232 23.95 23.132 23.808 c
23.06 23.707 22.975 23.664 21.744 23.593 c
21.744 23.163 l
33.691 23.621 m
34.192 23.292 35.237 22.963 36.167 22.963 c
38.699 22.963 39.672 24.752 39.672 26.067 c
39.672 27.427 39.071 28.043 36.61 29.416 c
34.907 30.36 34.679 30.832 34.679 31.533 c
34.679 32.421 35.352 33.207 36.61 33.207 c
37.926 33.207 38.37 32.521 38.499 31.305 c
39.1 31.305 l
39.1 33.05 l
38.413 33.379 37.726 33.637 36.582 33.637 c
34.522 33.637 33.648 32.135 33.648 31.033 c
33.648 29.803 34.264 28.943 36.739 27.656 c
38.113 26.94 38.642 26.283 38.642 25.467 c
38.642 24.051 37.44 23.393 36.353 23.393 c
34.808 23.393 34.435 24.322 34.321 25.252 c
34.264 25.725 l
33.691 25.725 l
33.691 23.621 l
43.06 23.163 m
44.162 23.206 45.392 23.221 46.966 23.221 c
48.568 23.221 50.156 23.206 51.244 23.163 c
51.702 25.667 l
51.229 25.667 l
50.728 24.107 50.414 23.764 49.041 23.764 c
46.465 23.764 l
45.921 23.764 45.821 23.778 45.821 25.095 c
45.821 26.153 45.85 27.197 45.864 28.257 c
46.279 28.272 46.88 28.286 47.452 28.286 c
47.91 28.286 48.353 28.272 48.683 28.242 c
49.284 28.171 49.313 28.171 49.313 26.969 c
49.742 26.969 l
49.727 27.441 49.713 28.142 49.713 28.528 c
49.713 29.029 49.727 29.486 49.742 30.017 c
49.313 30.017 l
49.313 29.401 l
49.313 28.8 49.269 28.715 47.724 28.715 c
46.866 28.715 46.25 28.729 45.864 28.743 c
45.921 32.463 l
45.921 32.807 45.95 32.921 47.796 32.921 c
49.985 32.921 50.027 32.821 50.185 32.091 c
50.357 31.319 l
50.873 31.319 l
50.873 33.436 l
49.999 33.407 46.05 33.379 45.335 33.379 c
44.806 33.379 43.761 33.407 43.06 33.436 c
43.06 33.007 l
44.29 32.935 44.376 32.893 44.448 32.793 c
44.548 32.649 44.62 32.392 44.62 30.131 c
44.62 26.469 l
44.62 24.208 44.548 23.95 44.448 23.808 c
44.376 23.707 44.29 23.664 43.06 23.593 c
43.06 23.163 l
58.435 32.034 m
58.678 31.49 59.566 29.102 59.794 27.855 c
59.566 27.855 59.309 27.842 59.079 27.842 c
58.45 27.842 57.534 27.914 56.934 27.941 c
57.333 29.273 57.862 30.718 58.435 32.034 c
54.944 24.365 m
54.729 23.808 54.572 23.692 54.358 23.664 c
53.728 23.564 l
53.728 23.163 l
54.101 23.191 54.745 23.221 55.432 23.221 c
56.175 23.221 56.704 23.191 57.033 23.163 c
57.033 23.593 l
55.831 23.664 55.717 23.692 55.717 24.065 c
55.717 24.365 56.29 26.196 56.704 27.327 c
57.548 27.37 58.378 27.412 59.222 27.412 c
59.451 27.412 59.695 27.412 59.923 27.398 c
60.71 25.195 l
60.81 24.923 61.011 24.308 61.011 24.094 c
61.011 23.764 60.867 23.664 59.651 23.593 c
59.651 23.163 l
60.181 23.191 60.897 23.221 61.698 23.221 c
62.499 23.221 63.071 23.191 63.429 23.163 c
63.429 23.593 l
63.014 23.635 l
62.513 23.692 62.398 23.893 62.155 24.595 c
59.337 32.721 l
59.222 33.065 59.157 33.279 59.056 33.616 c
58.407 33.616 l
80.487 44.811 m
80.73 44.267 81.617 41.878 81.846 40.633 c
81.617 40.633 81.359 40.619 81.131 40.619 c
80.502 40.619 79.586 40.69 78.985 40.719 c
79.385 42.05 79.914 43.494 80.487 44.811 c
76.996 37.142 m
76.781 36.584 76.624 36.47 76.41 36.441 c
75.78 36.341 l
75.78 35.94 l
76.152 35.969 76.796 35.997 77.482 35.997 c
78.227 35.997 78.756 35.969 79.085 35.94 c
79.085 36.369 l
77.883 36.441 77.769 36.47 77.769 36.841 c
77.769 37.142 78.342 38.974 78.756 40.104 c
79.6 40.147 80.43 40.19 81.273 40.19 c
81.503 40.19 81.746 40.19 81.975 40.175 c
82.762 37.972 l
82.862 37.7 83.063 37.085 83.063 36.871 c
83.063 36.541 82.919 36.441 81.704 36.369 c
81.704 35.94 l
82.232 35.969 82.948 35.997 83.75 35.997 c
84.551 35.997 85.123 35.969 85.48 35.94 c
85.48 36.369 l
85.065 36.412 l
84.565 36.47 84.45 36.67 84.207 37.371 c
81.389 45.498 l
81.273 45.841 81.209 46.056 81.107 46.393 c
80.459 46.393 l
76.996 37.142 l
65.33 23.163 m
65.96 23.191 66.689 23.221 67.577 23.221 c
68.55 23.221 69.279 23.191 69.866 23.163 c
69.866 23.593 l
68.765 23.664 68.507 23.679 68.364 23.822 c
68.235 23.95 68.221 24.852 68.221 26.44 c
68.221 28.257 l
69.15 28.257 l
69.623 28.257 69.809 28.1 70.366 27.084 c
71.054 25.824 71.641 24.852 72.427 23.221 c
72.885 23.221 73.872 23.191 74.473 23.163 c
74.473 23.65 l
73.657 23.707 73.586 23.735 73.443 23.993 c
71.969 26.568 l
70.968 28.315 70.796 28.457 70.539 28.528 c
70.539 28.558 l
72.484 28.957 72.913 30.145 72.913 31.004 c
72.913 32.449 71.826 33.436 69.866 33.436 c
69.022 33.436 68.65 33.379 67.849 33.379 c
66.961 33.379 65.874 33.422 65.33 33.436 c
65.33 33.007 l
66.476 32.935 66.732 32.921 66.876 32.777 c
67.005 32.649 67.019 31.748 67.019 30.16 c
67.019 26.44 l
67.019 24.852 67.005 23.95 66.876 23.822 c
66.732 23.679 66.476 23.664 65.33 23.593 c
65.33 23.163 l
68.221 31.333 m
68.221 32.863 68.35 33.007 68.879 33.007 c
70.51 33.007 71.626 32.606 71.626 30.875 c
71.626 29.315 70.582 28.685 68.707 28.685 c
68.464 28.685 68.335 28.7 68.221 28.715 c
68.221 31.333 l
85.058 25.681 m
84.887 25.009 l
84.543 23.65 83.083 23.393 82.239 23.393 c
80.222 23.393 78.376 24.837 78.376 28.315 c
78.376 31.49 79.922 33.207 82.168 33.207 c
83.599 33.207 84.543 32.62 84.743 31.733 c
84.858 31.219 l
85.287 31.219 l
85.287 33.136 l
84.271 33.464 83.284 33.637 82.239 33.637 c
78.849 33.637 76.917 30.918 76.917 28.228 c
76.917 25.139 79.221 22.963 82.239 22.963 c
83.412 22.963 84.558 23.221 85.387 23.635 c
85.588 25.681 l
85.058 25.681 l
94.883 23.163 m
95.412 23.191 96.228 23.221 96.914 23.221 c
97.443 23.221 98.487 23.191 99.19 23.163 c
99.19 23.593 l
97.958 23.664 97.872 23.707 97.801 23.808 c
97.701 23.95 97.63 24.208 97.63 26.469 c
97.63 30.131 l
97.63 32.392 97.701 32.649 97.801 32.793 c
97.872 32.893 97.958 32.935 99.19 33.007 c
99.19 33.436 l
98.487 33.407 97.443 33.379 96.914 33.379 c
96.228 33.379 95.412 33.407 94.883 33.436 c
94.883 33.035 l
96.099 32.935 96.185 32.907 96.284 32.777 c
96.355 32.678 96.428 32.006 96.428 29.888 c
96.428 29.459 96.399 29.044 96.385 28.614 c
95.27 28.586 93.938 28.572 93.18 28.572 c
92.564 28.572 91.577 28.586 90.704 28.614 c
90.69 29.044 90.662 29.459 90.662 29.888 c
90.662 32.006 90.732 32.678 90.805 32.777 c
90.904 32.907 90.991 32.935 92.206 33.035 c
92.206 33.436 l
91.678 33.407 90.862 33.379 90.175 33.379 c
89.646 33.379 88.602 33.407 87.9 33.436 c
87.9 33.007 l
89.131 32.935 89.217 32.893 89.288 32.793 c
89.389 32.649 89.46 32.392 89.46 30.131 c
89.46 26.469 l
89.46 24.208 89.389 23.95 89.288 23.808 c
89.217 23.707 89.131 23.664 87.9 23.593 c
87.9 23.163 l
88.602 23.191 89.646 23.221 90.175 23.221 c
90.862 23.221 91.678 23.191 92.206 23.163 c
92.206 23.564 l
90.991 23.664 90.904 23.692 90.805 23.822 c
90.732 23.921 90.662 24.595 90.662 26.712 c
90.662 27.241 90.676 27.67 90.719 28.043 c
91.691 28.085 93.337 28.142 94.582 28.142 c
95.239 28.142 95.884 28.085 96.37 28.043 c
96.413 27.67 96.428 27.241 96.428 26.712 c
96.428 24.595 96.355 23.921 96.284 23.822 c
96.185 23.692 96.099 23.664 94.883 23.564 c
94.883 23.163 l
17.163 41.865 m
17.463 41.851 18.264 41.822 18.264 41.45 c
18.264 41.093 17.921 40.277 16.748 38.731 c
16.19 39.533 14.859 40.921 14.087 41.651 c
15.203 42.193 15.618 42.767 15.618 43.352 c
15.618 44.369 14.687 44.884 13.857 44.884 c
12.813 44.884 12.083 44.04 12.083 43.238 c
12.083 42.666 12.298 42.209 12.942 41.465 c
10.91 40.521 10.381 39.476 10.381 38.475 c
10.381 36.786 11.639 35.741 13.071 35.741 c
14.172 35.741 15.245 36.228 16.375 37.516 c
17.263 36.199 17.792 35.913 18.565 35.913 c
19.28 35.913 19.895 36.113 20.797 36.643 c
20.611 36.958 l
20.067 36.657 19.495 36.514 19.094 36.514 c
18.421 36.514 17.964 36.843 17.062 38.274 c
17.692 39.032 18.25 39.891 18.637 40.663 c
19.123 41.636 19.251 41.851 20.21 41.865 c
20.21 42.294 l
19.695 42.266 19.194 42.237 18.679 42.237 c
18.179 42.237 17.664 42.266 17.163 42.294 c
17.163 41.865 l
16.089 37.959 m
15.302 37.029 14.401 36.514 13.5 36.514 c
12.212 36.514 11.497 37.544 11.497 38.589 c
11.497 39.504 11.926 40.234 13.171 41.164 c
14.158 40.277 15.346 39.047 16.089 37.959 c
14.759 43.281 m
14.759 42.795 14.43 42.309 13.815 41.908 c
13.042 42.58 12.856 43.053 12.856 43.496 c
12.856 43.968 13.257 44.369 13.743 44.369 c
14.301 44.369 14.759 44.012 14.759 43.281 c
28.605 36.399 m
29.106 36.07 30.149 35.741 31.08 35.741 c
33.612 35.741 34.585 37.53 34.585 38.846 c
34.585 40.205 33.983 40.82 31.522 42.193 c
29.82 43.138 29.591 43.61 29.591 44.311 c
29.591 45.198 30.264 45.985 31.522 45.985 c
32.839 45.985 33.283 45.299 33.412 44.083 c
34.013 44.083 l
34.013 45.828 l
33.325 46.157 32.639 46.415 31.494 46.415 c
29.434 46.415 28.561 44.912 28.561 43.81 c
28.561 42.58 29.176 41.722 31.651 40.434 c
33.025 39.719 33.555 39.06 33.555 38.245 c
33.555 36.829 32.353 36.171 31.265 36.171 c
29.72 36.171 29.348 37.101 29.233 38.031 c
29.176 38.503 l
28.605 38.503 l
28.605 36.399 l
39.177 41.007 m
39.177 37.916 41.481 35.741 44.5 35.741 c
47.518 35.741 49.822 37.916 49.822 41.007 c
49.822 43.696 47.891 46.415 44.5 46.415 c
41.109 46.415 39.177 43.696 39.177 41.007 c
40.637 41.093 m
40.637 44.269 42.182 45.985 44.5 45.985 c
46.503 45.985 48.363 44.498 48.363 41.078 c
48.363 37.473 46.674 36.171 44.5 36.171 c
42.482 36.171 40.637 37.615 40.637 41.093 c
62.264 38.46 m
62.093 37.787 l
61.749 36.429 60.29 36.171 59.445 36.171 c
57.429 36.171 55.583 37.615 55.583 41.093 c
55.583 44.269 57.128 45.985 59.374 45.985 c
60.805 45.985 61.749 45.399 61.949 44.512 c
62.063 43.997 l
62.493 43.997 l
62.493 45.914 l
61.478 46.243 60.49 46.415 59.445 46.415 c
56.055 46.415 54.123 43.696 54.123 41.007 c
54.123 37.916 56.427 35.741 59.445 35.741 c
60.619 35.741 61.764 35.999 62.593 36.414 c
62.794 38.46 l
62.264 38.46 l
67.308 35.941 m
67.894 35.971 68.624 35.999 69.598 35.999 c
70.569 35.999 71.299 35.971 71.887 35.941 c
71.887 36.371 l
70.784 36.442 70.527 36.456 70.384 36.6 c
70.255 36.728 70.241 37.63 70.241 39.218 c
70.241 42.938 l
70.241 44.527 70.255 45.428 70.384 45.556 c
70.527 45.7 70.784 45.714 71.887 45.786 c
71.887 46.214 l
71.299 46.186 70.569 46.157 69.598 46.157 c
68.624 46.157 67.894 46.186 67.308 46.214 c
67.308 45.786 l
68.409 45.714 68.667 45.7 68.81 45.556 c
68.939 45.428 68.953 44.527 68.953 42.938 c
68.953 39.218 l
68.953 37.63 68.939 36.728 68.81 36.6 c
68.667 36.456 68.409 36.442 67.308 36.371 c
67.308 35.941 l
89.534 35.941 m
91.151 35.971 92.711 35.999 93.827 35.999 c
94.857 35.999 96.017 35.971 97.275 35.941 c
97.833 38.603 l
97.433 38.646 l
96.932 37.558 l
96.517 36.643 96.403 36.543 93.341 36.543 c
92.482 36.543 92.353 36.586 92.353 36.986 c
92.353 38.804 92.296 40.764 92.296 42.666 c
92.296 44.783 92.368 45.456 92.44 45.556 c
92.539 45.685 92.625 45.714 93.842 45.814 c
93.842 46.214 l
93.313 46.186 92.496 46.157 91.81 46.157 c
91.28 46.157 90.235 46.186 89.534 46.214 c
89.534 45.786 l
90.765 45.714 90.852 45.671 90.922 45.571 c
91.022 45.428 91.095 45.17 91.095 42.909 c
91.095 39.247 l
91.095 36.986 91.022 36.728 90.922 36.586 c
90.852 36.486 90.765 36.442 89.534 36.371 c
89.534 35.941 l
9.766 48.72 m
10.867 48.764 12.098 48.778 13.671 48.778 c
15.274 48.778 16.862 48.764 17.95 48.72 c
18.407 51.225 l
17.935 51.225 l
17.435 49.665 17.12 49.321 15.746 49.321 c
13.171 49.321 l
12.627 49.321 12.527 49.335 12.527 50.652 c
12.527 51.71 12.555 52.755 12.57 53.814 c
12.984 53.828 13.585 53.842 14.158 53.842 c
14.616 53.842 15.06 53.828 15.389 53.799 c
15.99 53.728 16.018 53.728 16.018 52.526 c
16.447 52.526 l
16.433 52.998 16.419 53.7 16.419 54.086 c
16.419 54.586 16.433 55.044 16.447 55.574 c
16.018 55.574 l
16.018 54.958 l
16.018 54.357 15.975 54.271 14.43 54.271 c
13.572 54.271 12.956 54.286 12.57 54.3 c
12.627 58.02 l
12.627 58.364 12.656 58.478 14.501 58.478 c
16.69 58.478 16.733 58.378 16.891 57.648 c
17.062 56.875 l
17.577 56.875 l
17.577 58.993 l
16.705 58.964 12.756 58.935 12.04 58.935 c
11.511 58.935 10.467 58.964 9.766 58.993 c
9.766 58.563 l
10.996 58.493 11.081 58.45 11.153 58.349 c
11.254 58.206 11.325 57.949 11.325 55.688 c
11.325 52.025 l
11.325 49.765 11.254 49.507 11.153 49.364 c
11.081 49.264 10.996 49.221 9.766 49.15 c
9.766 48.72 l
28.438 51.239 m
28.267 50.566 l
27.923 49.207 26.464 48.949 25.619 48.949 c
23.602 48.949 21.757 50.394 21.757 53.871 c
21.757 57.047 23.302 58.764 25.548 58.764 c
26.978 58.764 27.923 58.178 28.124 57.29 c
28.238 56.775 l
28.668 56.775 l
28.668 58.692 l
27.651 59.022 26.664 59.193 25.619 59.193 c
22.228 59.193 20.297 56.475 20.297 53.785 c
20.297 50.695 22.601 48.52 25.619 48.52 c
26.793 48.52 27.938 48.778 28.767 49.192 c
28.968 51.239 l
28.438 51.239 l
31.016 53.785 m
31.016 50.695 33.318 48.52 36.338 48.52 c
39.357 48.52 41.66 50.695 41.66 53.785 c
41.66 56.475 39.728 59.193 36.338 59.193 c
32.947 59.193 31.016 56.475 31.016 53.785 c
32.475 53.871 m
32.475 57.047 34.02 58.764 36.338 58.764 c
38.34 58.764 40.201 57.276 40.201 53.857 c
40.201 50.251 38.513 48.949 36.338 48.949 c
34.32 48.949 32.475 50.394 32.475 53.871 c
43.453 48.72 m
43.882 48.749 44.211 48.778 44.913 48.778 c
45.656 48.778 46 48.749 46.401 48.72 c
46.401 49.207 l
45.756 49.264 l
45.37 49.292 45.313 49.579 45.299 49.836 c
45.199 51.61 45.199 55.287 45.17 57.391 c
45.199 57.419 l
47.416 54.772 50.163 51.353 52.281 48.52 c
52.668 48.52 l
52.668 49.879 l
52.668 54.429 52.796 58.035 52.867 58.249 c
52.954 58.521 53.125 58.563 53.869 58.563 c
53.869 58.993 l
53.368 58.978 52.867 58.935 52.352 58.935 c
52.009 58.935 51.809 58.964 50.893 58.993 c
50.893 58.563 l
51.751 58.563 51.88 58.464 51.966 58.349 c
52.038 58.249 52.152 57.505 52.152 53.185 c
52.152 52.326 52.138 51.639 52.138 50.78 c
50.092 53.185 47.803 56.06 45.685 58.993 c
45.37 58.964 45.027 58.935 44.712 58.935 c
44.311 58.935 43.911 58.964 43.51 58.993 c
43.51 58.535 l
43.997 58.535 44.354 58.464 44.455 58.378 c
44.569 58.292 44.655 58.063 44.655 56.832 c
44.655 50.309 44.512 49.55 44.412 49.421 c
44.34 49.335 44.226 49.278 43.453 49.207 c
43.453 48.72 l
55.66 53.785 m
55.66 50.695 57.963 48.52 60.982 48.52 c
64 48.52 66.305 50.695 66.305 53.785 c
66.305 56.475 64.373 59.193 60.982 59.193 c
57.591 59.193 55.66 56.475 55.66 53.785 c
57.119 53.871 m
57.119 57.047 58.663 58.764 60.982 58.764 c
62.984 58.764 64.845 57.276 64.845 53.857 c
64.845 50.251 63.157 48.949 60.982 48.949 c
58.965 48.949 57.119 50.394 57.119 53.871 c
76.397 48.72 m
77.025 48.749 77.67 48.778 78.314 48.778 c
79.043 48.778 79.773 48.749 80.417 48.72 c
80.417 49.15 l
79.486 49.192 79.344 49.25 79.258 49.378 c
79.043 49.708 78.872 57.305 78.872 57.419 c
78.872 58.478 78.914 58.507 79.544 58.535 c
80.189 58.563 l
80.189 58.993 l
79.615 58.964 79.144 58.935 78.743 58.935 c
78.228 58.935 77.885 58.964 77.527 58.993 c
77.025 57.333 75.652 53.528 74.508 50.852 c
73.778 52.097 71.789 57.147 71.16 58.993 c
70.688 58.964 70.216 58.935 69.744 58.935 c
69.343 58.935 68.928 58.964 68.527 58.993 c
68.527 58.563 l
68.785 58.563 l
69.815 58.55 69.901 58.478 69.901 58.12 c
69.901 57.248 69.3 49.75 69.157 49.45 c
69.071 49.264 68.957 49.207 68.07 49.15 c
68.07 48.72 l
68.456 48.749 68.899 48.778 69.528 48.778 c
70.273 48.778 70.788 48.749 71.375 48.72 c
71.375 49.15 l
70.96 49.178 70.659 49.207 70.344 49.278 c
70.044 49.35 70.016 49.464 70.016 50.48 c
70.016 52.641 70.23 55.53 70.388 57.405 c
70.416 57.405 l
70.96 56.189 73.592 50.208 73.993 48.778 c
74.481 48.778 l
74.484 48.782 77.025 56.046 77.656 57.677 c
77.685 57.677 l
77.784 56.547 77.842 53.342 77.842 51.71 c
77.842 50.967 77.87 49.693 77.742 49.407 c
77.67 49.25 77.369 49.207 76.397 49.15 c
76.397 48.72 l
82.612 48.72 m
83.199 48.749 83.929 48.778 84.902 48.778 c
85.875 48.778 86.604 48.749 87.19 48.72 c
87.19 49.15 l
86.089 49.221 85.831 49.235 85.688 49.378 c
85.56 49.507 85.546 50.409 85.546 51.997 c
85.546 55.717 l
85.546 57.305 85.56 58.206 85.688 58.335 c
85.831 58.478 86.089 58.493 87.19 58.563 c
87.19 58.993 l
86.604 58.964 85.875 58.935 84.902 58.935 c
83.929 58.935 83.199 58.964 82.612 58.993 c
82.612 58.563 l
83.715 58.493 83.973 58.478 84.114 58.335 c
84.243 58.206 84.259 57.305 84.259 55.717 c
84.259 51.997 l
84.259 50.409 84.243 49.507 84.114 49.378 c
83.973 49.235 83.715 49.221 82.612 49.15 c
82.612 48.72 l
97.373 51.239 m
97.202 50.566 l
96.858 49.207 95.399 48.949 94.555 48.949 c
92.537 48.949 90.692 50.394 90.692 53.871 c
90.692 57.047 92.237 58.764 94.483 58.764 c
95.914 58.764 96.858 58.178 97.059 57.29 c
97.173 56.775 l
97.603 56.775 l
97.603 58.692 l
96.587 59.022 95.6 59.193 94.555 59.193 c
91.163 59.193 89.232 56.475 89.232 53.785 c
89.232 50.695 91.536 48.52 94.555 48.52 c
95.728 48.52 96.873 48.778 97.702 49.192 c
97.902 51.239 l
97.373 51.239 l
9.923 64.026 m
11.575 64.09 13.421 64.112 15.782 64.112 c
18.185 64.112 20.568 64.09 22.199 64.026 c
22.885 67.782 l
22.177 67.782 l
21.426 65.443 20.954 64.927 18.894 64.927 c
15.031 64.927 l
14.215 64.927 14.065 64.949 14.065 66.923 c
14.065 68.511 14.108 70.078 14.129 71.666 c
14.752 71.688 15.653 71.709 16.512 71.709 c
17.199 71.709 17.863 71.688 18.357 71.644 c
19.259 71.537 19.301 71.537 19.301 69.735 c
19.945 69.735 l
19.924 70.443 19.903 71.495 19.903 72.074 c
19.903 72.825 19.924 73.512 19.945 74.306 c
19.301 74.306 l
19.301 73.383 l
19.301 72.481 19.237 72.353 16.919 72.353 c
15.632 72.353 14.708 72.375 14.129 72.397 c
14.215 77.976 l
14.215 78.491 14.258 78.663 17.027 78.663 c
20.31 78.663 20.375 78.513 20.611 77.418 c
20.868 76.259 l
21.641 76.259 l
21.641 79.435 l
20.332 79.393 14.408 79.349 13.335 79.349 c
12.541 79.349 10.974 79.393 9.923 79.435 c
9.923 78.791 l
11.768 78.684 11.897 78.62 12.005 78.47 c
12.155 78.255 12.263 77.869 12.263 74.477 c
12.263 68.984 l
12.263 65.593 12.155 65.206 12.005 64.992 c
11.897 64.841 11.768 64.777 9.923 64.67 c
9.923 64.026 l
28.304 72.397 m
28.304 71.731 28.862 71.173 29.527 71.173 c
30.193 71.173 30.75 71.731 30.75 72.397 c
30.75 73.062 30.193 73.62 29.527 73.62 c
28.862 73.62 28.304 73.062 28.304 72.397 c
36.742 64.713 m
37.494 64.219 39.06 63.726 40.455 63.726 c
44.254 63.726 45.713 66.408 45.713 68.383 c
45.713 70.422 44.813 71.344 41.121 73.404 c
38.567 74.821 38.224 75.529 38.224 76.581 c
38.224 77.911 39.232 79.092 41.121 79.092 c
43.095 79.092 43.76 78.062 43.953 76.237 c
44.855 76.237 l
44.855 78.855 l
43.825 79.349 42.795 79.735 41.078 79.735 c
37.988 79.735 36.678 77.482 36.678 75.83 c
36.678 73.984 37.602 72.696 41.314 70.765 c
43.373 69.692 44.168 68.704 44.168 67.481 c
44.168 65.357 42.366 64.37 40.735 64.37 c
38.417 64.37 37.858 65.764 37.687 67.159 c
37.602 67.868 l
36.742 67.868 l
36.742 64.713 l
51.683 72.397 m
51.683 71.731 52.241 71.173 52.906 71.173 c
53.572 71.173 54.129 71.731 54.129 72.397 c
54.129 73.062 53.572 73.62 52.906 73.62 c
52.241 73.62 51.683 73.062 51.683 72.397 c
59.285 64.026 m
60.228 64.069 61.323 64.112 62.654 64.112 c
64.113 64.112 65.207 64.069 66.088 64.026 c
66.088 64.67 l
64.435 64.777 64.049 64.799 63.834 65.013 c
63.641 65.206 63.62 66.559 63.62 68.94 c
63.62 71.666 l
65.015 71.666 l
65.723 71.666 66.002 71.43 66.839 69.906 c
67.869 68.018 68.749 66.559 69.93 64.112 c
70.616 64.112 72.097 64.069 72.998 64.026 c
72.998 64.755 l
71.775 64.841 71.668 64.884 71.453 65.271 c
69.242 69.134 l
67.74 71.752 67.482 71.966 67.097 72.074 c
67.097 72.117 l
70.016 72.717 70.659 74.499 70.659 75.787 c
70.659 77.955 69.028 79.435 66.088 79.435 c
64.821 79.435 64.263 79.349 63.061 79.349 c
61.731 79.349 60.101 79.414 59.285 79.435 c
59.285 78.791 l
61.001 78.684 61.388 78.663 61.603 78.448 c
61.796 78.255 61.816 76.903 61.816 74.521 c
61.816 68.94 l
61.816 66.559 61.796 65.206 61.603 65.013 c
61.388 64.799 61.001 64.777 59.285 64.67 c
59.285 64.026 l
63.62 76.281 m
63.62 78.577 63.812 78.791 64.607 78.791 c
67.054 78.791 68.728 78.19 68.728 75.593 c
68.728 73.254 67.161 72.31 64.35 72.31 c
63.984 72.31 63.792 72.332 63.62 72.353 c
63.62 76.281 l
77.468 72.397 m
77.468 71.731 78.025 71.173 78.691 71.173 c
79.356 71.173 79.914 71.731 79.914 72.397 c
79.914 73.062 79.356 73.62 78.691 73.62 c
78.025 73.62 77.468 73.062 77.468 72.397 c
97.774 67.803 m
97.517 66.795 l
97.002 64.755 94.813 64.37 93.547 64.37 c
90.521 64.37 87.752 66.537 87.752 71.752 c
87.752 76.517 90.07 79.092 93.44 79.092 c
95.585 79.092 97.002 78.212 97.303 76.881 c
97.474 76.108 l
98.118 76.108 l
98.118 78.984 l
96.594 79.478 95.113 79.735 93.547 79.735 c
88.46 79.735 85.562 75.658 85.562 71.624 c
85.562 66.988 89.019 63.726 93.547 63.726 c
95.307 63.726 97.022 64.112 98.268 64.734 c
98.568 67.803 l
97.774 67.803 l
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# The *Scottish Communities Report*
## Jeremy Kidwell
### University of Birmingham
5 June 2018
Stop Climate Chaos Board Meeting
.footnote[[j.kidwell@bham.ac.uk](mailto:j.kidwell@bham.ac.uk) [@kidwellj](https://twitter.com/kidwellj)]
Presentation engineered with remark: https://github.com/gnab/remark/wiki
4 key questions:
- What are community groups in Scotland?
- How do they contribute to climate action?
- What should we know about them?
- How can we improve engagement between national networks like SCCS and community groups?
### Community Groups in Scotland
- Development Trusts Assoc. Scotland
.right-column[<img style="width:100%;margin-top:-1em;" src="derivedData/map1_dtas.png">]
### Community Groups in Scotland
- Development Trusts Assoc. Scotland
- Community Land Groups
.right-column[<img style="width:100%;margin-top:-1em;" src="derivedData/map2_commland.png">]
### Community Groups in Scotland
- Development Trusts Assoc. Scotland
- Community Land Groups
- Scottish Communities Climate Action Network
.right-column[<img style="width:100%;margin-top:-1em;" src="derivedData/map3_sccan.png">]
### Community Groups in Scotland
- Development Trusts Assoc. Scotland
- Community Land Groups
- Scottish Communities Climate Action Network
- City Farms & Gardens
.right-column[<img style="width:100%;margin-top:-1em;" src="derivedData/map4_cityfarms.png">]
### Community Groups in Scotland
- Development Trusts Assoc. Scotland (263)
- Community Land Groups (69)
- .red[Scottish Communities Climate Action Network (95)]
- City Farms & Gardens (92)
- .red[Eco-Congregations (431)]
.right-column[<img style="width:100%;margin-top:-1em;" src="derivedData/map5_ecs.png">]
There are four different types of community environmental group:
- The **.red[lone voices]**: a single person working in the midst of either indifference or hostility in the wider community.
- The **.red[local heroes]**: as above but with sanction and/or indirect support by the wider community.
- **.red[Small but active]**: a small and generally self-contained group of 3-12 persons.
- Large with differential involvements (**.red[LDI]**): many people with varying levels of participation.
The local work of community groups is often invisible from a National perspective.
So what role do these groups play?
# 1. Niche & Experimentation
.right-column[Specific policy interventions can be helped by a "proof of concept"
Smaller community groups can help to form a "niche" which can serve as laboratories for testing out new ideas.red[*]]
.footnote[.red[*] For more on this, check out: René Kemp, Johan Schot & Remco Hoogma, 1998. "[Regime shifts to sustainability through processes of niche formation: the approach of strategic niche management](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/09537329808524310)." Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, vol. 10, iss. 2, pp. 175–198. For an overview of research into sustainability transitions see: Jochen Markard, Rob Raven & Bernhard Truffer, 2012. ["Sustainability transitions: an emerging field of research and its prospects"](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S004873331200056X). Res. Policy 41 (6), 955–967.]
.left-column[<img style="width:70%;margin-top:-1em;" src="https://www.artsfwd.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/IMG_2188-1-427x640.jpg">]
# 2. Up-scaling
Community groups often form ad-hoc regional/national networks.
On the level of these "leaner" networks, information can be disseminated more efficiently and experiments may be multipled.
# 3. Formation of community "values"
Environmental values are often cultivated and deployed through practices on a local level.
Community groups enable persons to express environmental work and advocacy through (and not in spite of) their personal values.
Similarly, community groups can often form the context where environmental transitions are "materialised," that is, embedded in concrete changes to local infrastructure.
# 4. Consolidating opinion
More than serving as the sum of the individuals who are involved, community groups can provide a safe supportive space where convictions can be transformed into action.
**Question 2**: What do we need to know about community environmental groups?
# 1. Groups Overlap!
In some cases, a group will connect with a range of different networks, setting up a Development Trust for the sake of a funding application and a transition group for another project.
Similarly, individual members of these groups may participate in a whole range of activities, performing different eco-identities in each context.
# 2. Issues are not the driver
Whereas for national networks and campaigning organisations, "action" and "issues" can often serve as the main driver.
In contrast, with community groups, the opposite is often the case.
Groups are driven by community formation and support, and issues come afterwards..red[*]
.footnote[.red[*] For more on this form my research, check out the forthcoming article: "Christian climate care: Slow change, modesty, and eco-theo-citizenship", coming out later in 2018.]
# 3. Local groups aren't always "local"
In workshops we've conducted, we have found that these groups can often contain a wide mix: including people who have resided for multiple generations in a community to foreign nationals who have been resident in Britain for only a few years.
# 4. Local groups are often "lean"
Resourcing is extremely scarce. Though some groups are successful at securing lottery funding or a climate challenge fund grant, far more often groups work with minimal resourcing. This means there isn't any formal staff, and their activities are outside working hours, and activities will rely on volunteered expertise.
# 5. Local groups work hard
Many of the volunteers involved in these groups are tremendously hard working people, putting in hundreds of pro bon hours each year. Small successes and public attention can provide a major boost. Similarly, setbacks can often dampen work for long durations.
Quick review:
- Community groups provide a "niche" for experimentation
- Their work can often provide the basis for up-scaling larger sustainability transitions
- Local groups can help galvanise action by connecting environmental concerns with values
- More than the sum of their individual members, local groups can help to multiply enthusiasm and enable action
Quick review (part 2):
- Group memberships overlap, participants often have multiple "environmental identities"
- Groups can tend to be focussed on community building over "issues"
- Local groups aren't always comprised of "locals"
- Local groups usually have no budget or resources, relying on volunteers.
- They work really hard but their work can be precarious. Small resources / encouragement can provide an outside effect. Similarly, for setbacks.
**Question 3**: How can we work more effectively with community groups?
# Idea 1: Use social media
Talk about usage patterns.
Engage on the level of local values; the need for user engagement is not satiated by "messaging", especially with religious groups.
# Idea 2: Targetted communications make a difference
Consider sub-setting groups.
# Idea 3: Build in reciprocity
Community groups can have tremendous impact within a small space and have access to social networks which are unknown to major NGOs.
We're often used to the "direct" appraoch to the public, but can we find ways to treat community groups as intermediaries?
There is tremendous potential for policy co-creation and co-research?
# Idea 4: Consider enabling projects outside the central belt
- Support community anchors as "beacon" projects; invest in established projects to leverage as support agents for new projects
### Calibrate expectations of community-level groups to match SME investment expectations
- Expect failure (Startup failure rate > 90%). Can we fund blue-sky ambitious projects?
- Compare time to ROI for SMB; adjust funding horizons for project maturation and delivery
- Deliverable should be customer focussed ("climate justice" local services, etc.) not investor focussed ("carbon metrics")
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# What is possible in the digital humanities?
## (re)inaugural Workshop
### 15.06.002018
College of Arts & Law - Digital Humanities Forum
University of Birmingham
view online: (http://jeremykidwell.info/files/presentations/presentation_06142018_dh-forum.html)
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Introduce yourself:
- Name
- Department
- What you're hoping to get out of the day
### What is the point of the CAL DH Forum?
Given the professional “risks” involved in taking on digital projects and research methodologies, and the commensurate need to be pragmatic, tactical, and collaborative, we hope that the CAL DH Forum can help UOB academic staff to:
1. **identify clusters** within digital research methods and technologies in use at the University of Birmingham
1. produce **more coherent and successful requests for funding** and **internal resourcing** on DH projects
1. **share ideas** and new technology, pool expertise, and help to make projects more sustainable
1. consolidate the **profile** of DH at Bham
What is the point of this event today?
- To see what kinds of digital humanities scholars @ UOB are practicing
- Strengthen the network
- Welcome new staff to the forum
- Start a longer process of collaborative decision making (==> follow-up workshop TBA for Fall 2018)
## Structure for the event:
12:30-13:00 - Lunch
13:00-13:15 - Welcome and introductions
- 13:15-13:30 - Provocation 1: **Social** Dh Research (Jack Grieve) +Discussion (15 Mins)
- 13:45-14:00 - Provocation 2: **Hacking** Dh Research (Andrew Edmondson) +Discussion (15 Mins)
- 14:15-14:30 - Provocation 3: **Spatial** Dh Research (Jeremy Kidwell) +Discussion (15 Mins)
- 14:45-15:00 - Provocation 4: **Textual** Dh Research (Alba Fedeli) +Discussion (15 Mins)
- 15:15-15:45 - Networking coffee/tea
- 15:45-16:45 - Open Space Technology: 60 minutes
- Wrap up: group presentations
class: center, middle
## **Social** Dh Research (Jack Grieve)
class: center, middle
## **Hacking** DH Research (Andrew Edmondson)
class: center, middle
## **Spatial** DH Research (Jeremy Kidwell)
“Prophecy now involves a geographical rather than a historical projection; it is space and not time that hides consequences from us. To prophesy today it is only necessary to know men [and women] as they are throughout the world in all their inequality.”
–John Berger cited in Edward Soja, Postmodern Geographies
online: https://jeremykidwell.info/files/presentations/presentation_06142018_dh-forum.html#8
class: center, middle
I'm an environmental philosopher and eco-theologian
class: center, middle
### current research concern:
surfacing the eco-dynamics at work with activists / within communities + the spiritual dimensions that may exist within both.
class: center, middle
### in my toolbox?
- geohumanities
- participatory ethnography / GIS
- storytelling
class: center, middle
how does geo + humanities work?
(some examples)
1. odyssey.js
for: research dissemination
example: (http://bl.ocks.org/jonathanlurie/0b8785bc83b56693c089)
2. ushahidi
for: crowdsourcing data collection
example: https://syriatracker.crowdmap.com/?full=1
3. Digital Scholarship Lab at the University of Richmond: American Panorama
4. cartodb
for: dissemination, co-research workshops, data repository
example: (http://carto.mapping.community)
want to see more?
geohumanities SIG is great - http://geohumanities.org
also check out: http://dirtdirectory.org/categories/mapping
tba: hacker within "geospatial"
class: center, middle
**Textual** DH Research (Alba Fedeli)
class: center, middle
class: center, middle
# Open Space Technology
class: center, middle
## Part 1. Opening Circle
(discuss ground rules, roles, generate ad hoc agenda)
## Open Space Technology Principles:
- Whoever comes are the right people
- Whenever it starts is the right time ("spirit and creativity do not run on the clock"!)
- Wherever it is, is the right place
- Whatever happens is the only thing that could have (be prepared to be surprised!)
- When it's over, it's over... (well, sort of).
class: center, middle
## The "law" of open space
"If at any time during our time together you find yourself in any situation where you are neither learning nor contributing, use your two feet, go someplace else.""
# Roles
- facilitator
- hosts
- bees
- butterflies
class: center, middle
# Part 2. "Hosted" Discussion Sessions around tables
class: center, middle
# Part 3. Closing Circle
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