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2017-06-27 20:08:37 +00:00
title: "The Theology of Craft and the Craft of Work: From Tabernacle to Eucharist"
author: Jeremy Kidwell
status: Published
type: monograph
kind: book
citation: "<em>The Theology of Craft and the Craft of Work: From Tabernacle to Eucharist</em>. Routledge."
tag: craft
subjects: work craft
comments: no
date: 2016-09-01
publishdate: 2016-09-15
<p><figure><img class="craftbook" src="" align="right" width=300px alt="The Theology of Craft and the Craft of Work"></figure>An important reconceptualisation is taking place in the way people express creativity, work together, and engage in labour; particularly with the rise of the maker movement and craft work. But is this a new phenomenon? In <em>The Theology of Craft</em> I explore the Hebrew bible and Greek New Testament in conversation with other ancient craft narratives to see whether there is a model for good work embedded there. Through an examination of themes such as agency, aesthetics, sociality, skill, and the material culture of work, I argue that the church (or new temple) is both the product and the site of moral work and furthermore that Christian worship provides a moral context for work.
<a href="">Publisher</a> - <a href="">Hive Books (UK indy sellers)</a> - <a href="">IndieBound (Independent booksellers in the USA) </a>
<p><em>Reviews:</em> <a href=""><em>American Journal of Sociology</em></a> (Greta Krippner), <a href=""><em>American Journal of Transplantation</em></a> (Ben Hippen), <em>Social Forces</em> (Jane Allyn Piliavin), <a href=""><em>Contemporary Sociology</em></a> (Carol Heimer), <a href=";en=f390b3396e0ec28a&amp;ei=5124&amp;partner=permalink&amp;exprod=permalink"><em>The New York Times</em></a> (Virginia Postrel), <a href=""><em>Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly</em></a> (E. Gil Clary), <a href=""><em>Socio-Economic Review</em></a> (Philippe Steiner), <em>Le Mouvement Social</em> (Sophie Chauveau), <a href=""><em>Australian Review of Public Affairs</em></a> (Catherine Waldby), <a href=""><em>EES Newsletter</em></a> (Rene Almeling), <a href=""><em>Medical Anthropology Quarterly</em></a> (Lesley Sharp), <a href=";_udi=B6VR1-4RTCPT9-B&amp;_user=56761&amp;_coverDate=03%2F31%2F2008&amp;_alid=760447016&amp;_rdoc=1&amp;_fmt=high&amp;_orig=search&amp;_cdi=6221&amp;_sort=d&amp;_docanchor=&amp;view=c&amp;_ct=1&amp;_acct=C000059541&amp;_version=1&amp;_urlVersion=0&amp;_userid=56761&amp;md5=4e61d07203022b07cbdc0d671747f7b3"><em>Sociologie du Travail</em></a> (Philippe Steiner). <br /> <br /></p>