Add existing file
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
# Script to create wordcloud from CCF applications stored in CSV
# PRELIMINARIES, load libraries and data
# Clean data set
ccf <- Corpus (DirSource("CCF/"))
ccf <- tm_map(ccf, stripWhitespace)
ccf <- tm_map(ccf, tolower)
ccf <- tm_map(ccf, removeNumbers)
ccf <- tm_map(ccf, removePunctuation)
# tweak by adding extra stopwords, "will"
myStopwords <- c(stopwords('english'), "will", "project")
# tweak by removing extra stopwords, in this example "r"
# idx <- which(myStopwords == "r")
# myStopwords <- myStopwords[-idx]
ccf <- tm_map(ccf, removeWords, myStopwords)
# ccf <- tm_map(ccf, stemDocument)
ccf <- tm_map(ccf, PlainTextDocument)
# Create word cloud
# wordcloud(ccf, scale=c(5,0.5), max.words=100, random.order=FALSE, rot.per=0.35, use.r.layout=FALSE, colors=brewer.pal(8, "Dark2"))
# wordcloud(ccf, scale=c(8,.2), min.freq=2, max.words=Inf, random.order=FALSE, rot.per=.15, colors=brewer.pal(8, "Dark2"))
wordcloud(ccf, scale=c(5,.3), max.words=250, random.order=FALSE, rot.per=0.35, use.r.layout=FALSE, colors=brewer.pal(8, "Dark3"))
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,823 @@
"Ore Valley Housing Association, Cardenden, Fife - Heat and Power Phase 1, to provide biomass-fuelled combined heat and power and other services to the local community - "
"Fintry Development Trust, Stirlingshire - Fintry Community Energy Project, survey work to reduce energy use within the village and ultimately make it a zero carbon and zero waste community - "
"Castlemilk and Carmunnock Community Windpark Trust, Glasgow - funding to ensure the continuation of a Wind Park Development Manager's post for development of a community wind park - "
"Penicuik Sports and Leisure Foundation, Midlothian - grant for more energy efficient and longer life lamps for the Ladywood Leisure Centre exterior all-weather pitch - "
"Craigmillar Community Combined Heat and Power Scheme, Edinburgh - Work Track, to provide more cost-effective energy systems and a community owned Combined Heat and Power (CHP) scheme and a feasibility study on learning, training and employment opportunities in the local community from the CHP scheme - "
"Deveron Arts, Huntly, Aberdeenshire - Sustown Huntly, using creative approaches to engage people of all ages and from all walks of life to transform understanding of sustainability and how each individual and the community as a whole can contribute on climate change - "
"Largoward and District Community Council, Fife - feasibility study for Green Electricity from sewage and other organic matter at Largoward - "
"Badenoch and Strathspey Community Transport Company, Highland - Demonstration of rural community use of a locally sustainably-powered electric vehicle - "
"Colston Milton Parish Church, Glasgow - Colston Milton Community Development Project, conducting a feasibility study on building and maintaining ecologically and economically sustainable buildings for the benefit of the people of Milton - "
"Invergordon Golf Club, Highland - to cover the costs of a planning application for a wind turbine - "
"The Haddington Bridge Centre, East Lothian - Poldrate Mill Complex Renewables Project, a technical feasibility study into the potential to generate power from the Poldrate Mill Water Wheel, and to explore further potential options for the generation of other renewable energy for a complex of community buildings - "
"Strathblane Community Development Trust, Stirlingshire - Energy Awareness Fair to raise awareness of unsustainable lifestyles, provide practical examples and demonstrations, reduce energy consumption, fuel poverty and the carbon footprint of Strathblane, Blanefield and surrounding villages, and encourage the installation of renewable energy systems and energy efficiency measures - "
"The Carrick Centre, Maybole, South Ayrshire - to employ a sustainable energy consultant on developing energy-efficient systems to reduce the carbon footprint of the new Carrick Centre, which is to be available to the community and visitors 7 days a week - "
"Stepping Stanes Youth Cycling Club Development Project, Dumfries - to increase cycling opportunities for young people in Dumfries, with opportunities for additional cycle training in schools - "
"REAP (Rural Environmental Action Project), Keith, Banffshire - Community Carbon Challenge will develop 'Grampian Thermal Surveys', and roll out the Community Carbon Pack, developed along with Moray Council and SNH - "
"Transition Town Forres Ltd, Forres, Moray - Aims to lower the community carbon footprint by awareness raising, allotments creation, community engagement and developing a farmers market - "
"Alyth Environmental Group, Alyth, Perth and Kinross - Aims to develop the Alyth green travel plan and 'hot office'; investigate the feasibility of developing a partnership project with a number of large employers who have a high level of commuters living in or near Alyth, creating an outpost office where employees can hot desk in a local based, cost shared, office building - "
"Loch Tay Community Interest Company, Loch Tay, Perth and Kinross - The Big Shed project is a proposed new build community mixed use building that will contribute to the local economy and infrastructure by providing affordable work and social spaces for local community groups, social enterprises and micro-businesses. Funding has been awarded to go towards the Ecological Building Elements and a Ecological Building Skills Training Programme. "
"Sleat Community Trust, Skye, Highland - A Clean Sleat project propose a two-year programme which aims to reduce Sleat's carbon emissions by 33 per cent through local initiatives and community engagement - "
"Cairngorms Outdoors Access Trust, Strathdon, Aberdeenshire - The Strathdon School Path project is to construct an off-road all-abilities path to allow children to walk or cycle to Strathdon Primary School from the Roughpark and Bellabeg areas. The project will measure the number of parents who no longer drive their children to school once the path has been built - "
"Linlithgow Climate Challenge, Linlithgow, West Lothian - Setting the foundation to produce and distribute a questionnaire to gather community views on climate change to help decide how best to engage with the community - "
"Toryglen Gardening Club, Toryglen, Glasgow - Toryglen Transitions will maintain community gardens, orchards and woodlands and set up a community composting scheme to increase productivity of food crops with the aim of the produce being sold back to the community through local outlets or box schemes - "
"Edinburgh Community Backgreens Initiative, Edinburgh - Backgreen propose regeneration workshops to connect tenement residents with the natural environment and one another. This will provide a platform for the creation of carbon reduction plans and a carbon weight watchers activity - "
"Raploch Community Partnership (RCP), Raploch, Stirling - Feasibility study on opportunities for reducing carbon emissions in Raploch during regeneration - "
"Shetland Amenity Trust, Shetland - Decrease CO2 footprint will work with the community of Shetland on a wide range of carbon reduction measures such as energy reduction, transport use and education, using a full time carbon reduction officer - "
"Falkland Centre for Stewardship, Falkland, Fife - Scoping study of transition aiming to investigate increased communication within Falkland communities, increase local resilience to food and fuel supply changes, decrease carbon emissions, improve engagement of Falkland village with the Estate and rural communities - "
"Dumbarton Road Corridor Environment Trust, Scotstoun, Whiteinch, Yoker, Knightswood and Drumchapel, Glasgow - Climate Challenge CLEAR Project will recruit and train local people to conduct a community survey of attitudes and barriers to addressing climate change - "
"Crichton Carbon Centre, Dumfries and Galloway - the Carbon Busters project involves pupils and teachers in four schools collaborating with the Crichton carbon Centre to reduce school carbon footprints - the ultimate aim being to reduce carbon emissions by 15 per cent - "
"Equal Green Partnership CIC, Linlithgow, West Lothian - Green Flag at Home will look at reducing the carbon footprint at household level by changing behaviour in partnerships with Linlithgow primary schools - "
"Sustainable Haddington Steering Group, Haddington, East Lothian - to cover legal and regulatory costs of setting up the formal organisation Sustainable Haddington Ltd which aims to promote and support local action on climate change and sustainable living - "
"Portobello Energy Descent and Land Reform Group, Portobello, Edinburgh - Portobello Transition Town have a broad climate change awareness raising programme including audits of domestic energy, transport and food - "
"Isle of Eigg Heritage Trust - Isle of Eigg's fossil fuel reduction and outreach programme will reduce CO2 emissions through an extensive programme of insulation and energy conservation, replacement of fossil fuels and train a member of the community to install solar water panels in community and domestic properties. They will share their work with communities across Scotland through an online outreach programme called ""build your own green island"" - "
"Community Power Down - to recruit community project officers to assist 27 mainly remote and rural communities develop proposals to reduce their CO2 emissions. Examples of such projects include energy audits of local houses and buildings, local food allotments and markets, and investigating sustainable transport options - "
"Strathpeffer Community Council - Strathpeffer to Dingwall All Abilities Community Link, to assess the potential for an off-road track to provide a carbon-free, safe travel option for commuters and local residents and link into the national cycle network, between Strathpeffer and Dingwall - "
"Greener Leith - Active Leith project to make a sustained cut in the transport-related carbon emissions of 53,000 Leith residents by an average of 15 per cent per person, with trained volunteer mentors, recycled bicycles, personalised travel packs, innovative marketing and regular community involvement events to help make the shift to a low carbon, healthier lifestyle - "
"North Edinburgh Trust - Community Climate Change Initiative (3Ci), North Edinburgh, adopting an anti-poverty approach in an area with high levels of deprivation, an initiative to support people to take collective action to reduce carbon footprint, with awareness raising, thematic action groups and a community action plan - "
"Linlithgow Climate Challenge - Sustainable Solutions for Linlithgow, to secure a full-time project co-ordinator to promote sustainable lifestyles and taking positive ecological action. Seven projects will focus on saving energy, researching options for renewable energy, engaging community and business groups, and developing local food, waste, recycling and transport strategies - "
"Fife Diet - to build a mass network of people sourcing their food locally, working closely with local farmers, aiming to shorten the supply chain, reduce food miles, innovate around distribution and re-localise production, and exploring sites for collective growing as well as co-operative purchasing on a larger scale - "
"Moffat CAN (Carbon Approaching Neutral) - public engagement, education and enablement, with a public information drop-in point with displays on carbon reduction, towards a first year modal shift from car to public transport, walking and cycling - "
"PIPER, Edinburgh - funding for this environmental group established by Currie Community High School Parent Council for a full-time consultant and office space for two years to raise awareness of the impact of climate change and provide educational resources and practical solutions to cut climate change emissions in schools, homes and the wider communities of Currie, Balerno and Juniper Green, in the catchment area of Currie High School - "
"Tarbert (Loch Fyne) and Skipness Community Trust - Big Green Tarbert, to reduce community carbon footprint across 17 different activities, with encouragement, help and advice, and partnership with Argyll Community Housing Association to tackle fuel poverty, and working towards installing a community-owned wind turbine - "
"Ailsa Horizons Ltd - Girvan Community Windfarm, to carry out a feasibility study for a £4.5 million windfarm in the vicinity of a local industrial estate, to be part-owned by the local community, arising from a strong community interest in renewable energy that has grown as a result of windfarm developments in the area and from a planning application by the community for a town-centre turbine, which received outline approval in 2007 - "
"Sustaining Dunbar - Zero Carbon Dunbar, two years of intensive community engagement to produce a vision of what Dunbar could look like as a zero carbon, locally resilient community, using this to plan the action needed to get there, and employing a team of energy surveyors to survey 1000 homes per year, with personalised home energy reports and follow-up support to enable householders to cut drastically their home energy usage - "
"Fyne Homes - Towards Zero Carbon Bute, development of a programme of carbon reduction measures across the island - "
"Sustainable Communities Initiatives - Climate Change and Our Lives, in Kinghorn and Burntisland, Fife, workshops, practical training and local promotional events, culminating in community Action Plans for carbon reductions - "
"Ecology Centre - Planning for a Sustainable Future for Kirkcaldy and Kinghorn, a community project, in partnership with other local organisations, to work with Kinghorn residents to reduce the carbon emissions of the burgh and, in creating a new environmentally sound base for the Ecology Centre, using the opportunity to inspire individuals and groups to look at how they can contribute to reducing their impact on the planet - "
"Lochaber Environmental Group - Household Renewable Energy Network, a Lochaber Micro Generation Project to pool local experience and establish a network to provide support for those who want to minimise their dependence on fossil fuels and generate energy at a household level - the aim is to benefit from local expertise and offer people unbiased practical experiences of their neighbours to supplement official information available - "
"Energy Action Westray, Orkney - Biofuels and Fuel Poverty: to gather and provide further information on the community's attitude towards the issue of climate change by hosting an event on the topic early in the New Year, and developing a detailed action plan - "
"West Carse Public Hall, Perth and Kinross - Public Hall Insulation Project, for the hall which has been at the hub of the community for over a century, an air source heat pump and associated wet central heating system, a full insulation programme to the walls, ceiling and floor, and adding the most energy efficient lighting available, so that the hall will be not only ecologically friendly but also user friendly - "
"Islay Energy Trust - Islay Community Carbon Saving Project, funding for a full-time development officer, to raise awareness within the local community of the importance of carbon savings, implementing energy conservation and use of renewable energy technologies, with the target of generating carbon savings of 600 tonnes over two years - "
"Lamancha and District Community Association, Scottish Borders - Wood and Wool, working with the neighbouring villages of Carlops and Howgate to cut carbon emissions by helping people insulate their homes using sheep's wool insulation and by installing or improving wood-burning equipment to reduce use of heating oil. The project will also build local capacity by creating a 'green' apprenticeship - "
"Falkland Heritage Trust (Falkland Centre for Stewardship) - Climate Champions at the Big Tent Festival, Fife, promoting the reduction of carbon emissions through the Big Tent Festival, Scotland's top Eco Festival, and one of the country's leading family-friendly events, this will host a Climate Champions Zone, develop the local food village, provide a debate programme and introduce sustainable and low carbon ways of travelling to the festival, measuring carbon emissions and seeking a year-on-year reduction with dissemination of findings - "
"Fallin Community Enterprises - Recyke-a-Bike Sustainable Transport, Stirling, in the Forth Valley area to increase the numbers of reused bicycles for sale and encourage people to travel to work using reused bicycles, and offer bicycles for community use throughout Forth Valley, offering employment and training - "
"Pitreavie Amateur Athletics Club, Fife - Pitreavie Carbon Reduction Project, energy audit and development of appropriate plans for emissions reduction, aiming to set records in energy efficiency by getting members on board with plans to reduce individual car use dramatically and prevent waste at its Dunfermline clubhouse - "
"Blairgowrie and Rattray Regeneration Company, Perth and Kinross - River Ericht Hydro Scheme, for a full feasibility study by the company - established to regenerate the local economy in the twin towns of Blairgowrie and Rattray - of a tourist attraction incorporating a hydro-electricity generation scheme to lower the carbon foot print, with income which would be used to fund community projects and create local employment opportunities, with the aim of applying for planning permission in the spring of 2009 - "
"Tayside Foundation for the Conservation of Resources, Dundee - Carbon Reduction Action and Information Centre (CRAIC), engaging with the local community to tackle the over-consumption of material goods and food in Dundee, moving towards zero waste and beginning the transition to a post-oil world, and working in a ""fun"" way to encourage local food growing and community gardening, and with the local authority to recycle commercial and domestic food waste - "
"Crichton Carbon Centre, Dumfries and Galloway - Carbon Busters 2, reducing greenhouse gas emissions from schools by pupil led action: pupils and teachers from eight schools will work to measure and reduce their schools' carbon footprint, primarily through behavioural change. The project will be facilitated by the Crichton Carbon Centre, who will deliver lessons about Climate Change and Carbon Footprinting, and help pupils create School Action Plans with the ultimate aim of reducing carbon emissions by 15 per cent. - "
"Heal the Earth Ayrshire, East Ayrshire - Assloss Walled Garden Allotments, to grow organic vegetables, using a rainwater catchment system, with minimal CO2 emissions in Assloss Walled Garden, Kilmarnock. Local schools, groups and families invited to join the community venture to grow food for free. - "
"Guildtown Community Association, Perth & Kinross - Guildtown & Wolfhill Carbon Community Action Project, aiming to wean households and businesses off oil-fired central heating; maximise energy efficiency savings; develop, test and promote rural transport solutions; and utilise the project's rural location to investigate opportunities for biomass and reduction of food miles. A co-ordinator will work with the rural community to make it as easy as possible for people to take positive action by developing tailored action plans and raising awareness, to reduce the carbon footprint of participating households by up to 30 per cent a year. It also aims to test the appetite (and possibly trial) for a community wide carbon cap and individual quotas. - "
"East Neuk Communities Group, Fife - East Neuk & Landward Energy Network (ENLEN), community-based energy efficiency program which will provide local solutions, including energy audits, support and advice as well as enabling increased uptake of the various schemes currently on offer for cavity and loft insulation, draught proofing, new double glazing, heating controls and replacement boiler systems. - "
"Perth & District YMCA - The Three C's Project (Community Carbon Champions), involving local unemployed young people working with families to grow vegetables in their gardens. They will also create an educational DVD around Carbon Emission Reduction which will be distributed at local community events celebrating the harvest of the vegetables. - "
"Deaf Connections, Glasgow - DEAFinitely Greener, to ensure deaf people in Scotland have equal access to information and advice about climate change in British Sign language (BSL), overcoming the communication barriers which currently exclude them. It will empower deaf people so they can take both individual action and work together as a community to reduce their carbon footprint by at least 30 per cent. - "
"Barrhill Community Interest Company, Dumfries and Galloway - Climate Champions network, to create a network of Climate Champions from residents within their own and four neighbouring villages who will promote ways for to achieve a sustainable environment. The principal aims are community engagement and capacity building about climate change and making a collective, local response. - "
"Out of the Blue Arts and Education Trust, Edinburgh - The Out of the Blue Drill Hall Refurbishment, to transform a building once heated and ventilated with an emphasis on fossil fuels into one which is an inspirational example of environmental sustainability. New spaces will be created for community participation, namely studios, workshop space, growing garden and community caf_ extension. The benefits of the nature of the Drill Hall refurbishment will be promoted through promotional materials and awareness raising sessions. - "
"Kilwinning Community Sports Club, North Ayrshire - Green & Active, to employ a green and active programme coordinator to implement a wide ranging programme aimed at reducing the carbon footprint of their employees, stakeholders, membership and the wider community. They feel that their project will not only significantly reduce the carbon emissions of both themselves and the wider community but also have an impact in providing choice and opportunity to the participants to become more active and be aware of the healthier lifestyle choices Kilwinning Community Sports Club can offer. - "
"Dumbarton Road Corridor Environment Trust, Glasgow - Scotstoun and Kingsway Focus, addressing climate change at the doorstep of the ordinary household. A range of projects will be undertaken such as composting, creating community gardens, promoting cycling, recycling and changing household behaviour in the areas of energy use and transport choices. - "
"Assynt Renewables Ltd, Highlands - Assynt sustainable communities energy savings and renewables project, an energy audit of houses, community buildings and businesses in the Assynt parish area with support from the Energy Saving Trust Scotland. - "
"Strathblanefield Community Development Trust, Stirlingshire - Energy Audit and Advice, aiming to reduce household energy consumption in Strathblane. Every household will be offered an energy audit of their home, and personalised advice and assistance about energy efficiency. Many properties will have a thermal image taken. The project will cut energy costs, increase the take-up of energy-saving measures and encourage the use of renewable energy. - "
"Argyll, Lomond and the Islands Energy, Argyll and Bute - ALI Energy Argyll Energy Information and Awareness Project, to establish drop-in energy information and advice points in seven communities in Argyll; to develop networks of community energy volunteers and to facilitate and support local community energy projects and initiatives. - "
"Fintry Development Trust, Stirlingshire - Fintry Renewable Energy Supply Company (FRESCo) Feasibility Study, seeking to explore the possibility of a local energy supply company in the village to accelerate the take-up of energy saving behaviours and technologies within the village. This project will look at the feasibility of this approach and will develop a financial model, address the legal issues and establish initial relationships with the key partner organisations so that a pilot project can be run later in the year. - "
"The North Howe Transition Toun Organisation, Fife - North Howe Transition Toun carbon reduction programme, engaging the community via door-to-door surveys, carbon foot printing and public consultation and training events on food, transport and eco renovation; community film and pub nights with visiting speakers; practical projects: local bulk garden-supplies centre, community apple press; and feasibility studies to improve local footpaths, bike routes, and car sharing schemes. - "
"Church of the Sacred Heart, Edinburgh - Lauriston Halls Refurbishment: the 100-year-old Lauriston Hall in Edinburgh's West Port is a large city centre community space. Funding to help to introduce natural light and provide insulation to the ceiling, wall and floor, to reduce by up to 80 per cent the carbon emissions of this elegant building. - "
"Glasgow Steiner School, Glasgow - Sustainability Strategies - Feasibility Study and Initial Implementation, sustainability strategies to reduce the school's energy requirements. - "
"Fife Housing Association - Kirkcaldy Community Energy Feasibility, a feasibility study into the energy potential from minewater lying below Kirkcaldy. If viability can be determined the latent energy will be developed in collaboration with Fife Council and 'Renew Services Ltd' to tackle fuel poverty and provide renewable energy to a wide variety of energy users. - "
"Shandon Local Food Group, Edinburgh - Shandon Local Food Initiative, by a newly established community group which is seeking to reduce the carbon impact of the purchase, production and disposal of food in the Shandon area of Edinburgh. Phase one of the project is researching the current carbon footprint of food and developing innovative ways of assessing this alongside building community views of what works best to support local food. - "
"TEAS: The Energy Advisory Service on behalf of the North Harris Trust, Western Isles - North Harris Trust Community Carbon Challenge, a partnership between North Harris Trust and TEAS: The Energy Advisory Service to work with the residents of North Harris to achieve maximum energy efficiency in terms of advice, insulation and heating. - "
"Lightburn Elderly Association Project (LEAP), South Lanarkshire - The Hands on Project, to deliver an energy efficiency and recycling programme aimed at reducing carbon emissions in the Cambuslang and Rutherglen areas. The community-led project will work with older people to tackle a global problem at a local level. - "
"Sustainable Energy Association Stonehaven - Feasibility to Identify and detail 6 Renewable Energy Projects, by the association established in January 2008 with the aim of developing income generating renewable energy projects in the town, as well as supporting energy efficiency initiatives where practicable. Income generated will feed into a community trust fund which can then be used as a source of funding for other projects in the future. - "
"Here We Are, Argyll and Bute - Cairndow Community Energy Audit, to conduct a comprehensive audit of all the 120 houses in the village and 10 significant commercial sites. They will collate the data from the survey, with the aim of identifying how these premises can be improved in terms of energy efficiency; this will have a direct impact on the reduction of carbon emissions on a local, national and global level. - "
"Pilmeny Development Project / North East Edinburgh Care Action Group, Edinburgh - Community Consultation on the uptake of energy efficiency measures, with older people and carers in North East Edinburgh (primarily Leith and Portobello). This work will aim to raise older people's and carers' knowledge and awareness on how they can reduce their carbon footprint and address their concerns around fuel poverty. - "
"Whitsome Village Hall Association, Scottish Borders - Whitsome Ark Renewable Energy Feasibility Study: the Whitsome Ark is a replacement village hall and has been designed with sustainability to the fore so the main sources of heating are solar panels and ground sourced energy extracted from boreholes using a heat pump. Exploration of the various means of supplying green electrical power to run this equipment and associated control systems. - "
"Milton Rovers Youth FC, Chapleton, South Lanarkshire - Energy Efficiency Upgrade, involving the upgrade and refurbishment of this community facility with the aim of including energy saving measures to reduce carbon emissions and running costs. Any savings made will be re-invested to carry out further carbon reducing/ energy saving measures in addition to reduced hire charges for facility users. - "
"East Fife Allotment Association - a project to create the opportunity for local people to grow their own fruit and vegetables. By doing so, not only will there be a contribution to the reduction of carbon emissions, but the communities will be provided with permanent leisure amenities. The focus will be to help the organisation achieve the necessary planning, legal and financial consents required to take the project to the development phase. - "
"Woodend Bowling and Lawn Tennis Club, Glasgow - Climate Aware Woodend, an attempt to establish a model of good practice for other sports clubs to follow in carbon management. This model will then be promoted to other similar clubs allowing dissemination of good practice. - "
"Callander Community Development Trust - Callander Hydro Project, with the aim to harness abundant supply of water and generate electricity to the benefit of the community, by providing renewable energy and funds from the sale of electricity for the community to invest into other carbon reduction projects. The grant will be used to fund a feasibility study to identify and cost the best location for the development of the Hydro Project. - "
"Transition Edinburgh South, Edinburgh - Switched On to Switching Off in South Edinburgh, two community groups, Transition Edinburgh South and the Edinburgh Southside Energy Efficient Group, aiming to find to best way to transition to lower energy in two tenement streets in South Edinburgh. South Edinburgh householders will share their solutions and plan some more with the two groups. - "
"Friends of the Earth Fife - Scoping Study for Establishing an Environmental Community Information Centre in Kirkcaldy, to investigate the feasibility of establishing an environmental and community information/advice centre in Kirkcaldy. The scoping study will focus on public consultation, but will also investigate the practicalities of setting up such a centre. - "
"Dalavich Improvement Group, Argyll and Bute - Green Heating, for the group, on the west coast of Scotland - which has undertaken to reduce the carbon footprint of their village hall by at least 50 per cent - to use an air recovery heat pump system and significantly improve the insulation of the building's external walls and windows. - "
"The Organic Growers of Fairlie, North Ayrshire - The Fairlie Community Sustainable Garden, to create a sustainable community garden to increase the community's access to locally grown food. The garden uses portable mini allotment beds and worm casts to provide productive growing mediums. - "
"Callander Community Development Trust - Callander and Climate Change, to inspire and encourage the community to achieve a 4 per cent reduction in their carbon emissions each year by preparing a long term action plan covering the next 15 years. Key to this will be development of a carbon footprint measurement tool to engage the whole community, raise awareness of the urgent need for action and identify the projects and resources which will most effectively reduce carbon emissions. - "
"Energy Saving Schools, West Lothian - Energy Saving Schools, to reduce energy consumption in primary and secondary schools in West Lothian using a behavioural change model approach, with a focus on heating, lighting and energy consuming equipment. - "
"Twechar Community Action, East Dunbartonshire - Green Energy Aware Twechar, to help local residents to understand their energy consumption and usage with an Energy Awareness Capacity Builder whilst building on community spirit. A community exchange facility will be developed in the community's Healthy Living Centre as well as looking into the feasibility of equipping it with renewable technologies allowing the community to take real sustained action towards reducing its carbon footprint. - "
"Newburgh Community Trust, Fife - Newburgh Community Windfarm Project, to develop a community-owned wind farm with a generating capacity equivalent to the Trust area's electricity consumption. This will help the area to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions, while income from the scheme will be used to subsidise local energy efficiency and other environmentally and socially beneficial projects. - "
"Drylaw Neighbourhood Centre, Edinburgh - Drylaw and Telford Community Gardens Project in the north of Edinburgh, to create seven food growing areas to grow fruit and vegetables for local people. As well as growing their own food, local people will benefit from a series of cooking classes and Climate Challenge workshops. - "
"Milnbank Housing Association, Glasgow - Milnbank Sustainable Community Nursery and Environmental Education Centre, to save over 1,900 tonnes of carbon over two years. It will create much needed subsidised childcare places for the East End of Glasgow, raise awareness of the climate change agenda, and create 40 jobs in an area with very high unemployment. - "
"Route 81 Youth Project - Garelochhead Youth and Community Centre Carbon Reduction Project, to allow full insulation and double glazing of a derelict building being converted for the centre, adding to its sustainability by increasing energy efficiency, reducing carbon footprint and energy loss, and reducing ongoing revenue costs for this new facility, which will be a resource for the whole community in the linked villages of Garelochhead and Portincaple in Argyll. Funding already secured includes a renewable energy heating system (ground source heat pump). - "
"Muthill Community Development Association, Perthshire - Muthill Low Carbon Community, to encourage and support low carbon lifestyles, with a focus on reducing carbon from heating homes, promoting active travel and encouraging local food production, engaging a project officer to work with the local community to raise awareness and secure lasting benefits. - "
"Millburn Academy, Inverness - Energy + Action = Change, a pilot study consisting of a consortium of seven Inverness schools led by Millburn Academy to work on a variety of projects across many subject areas and work with the local community in reducing carbon emissions, motivating people to see that adjustments to their individual behaviour can have a very positive impact. - "
"Ascend Scotland Ltd, Glasgow - CERCH (Carbon Emission Reduction in Community Halls), to support, encourage and enable local community and church halls and centres across the south-west of Glasgow to improve their energy efficiency, reduce their carbon emissions, and subsequently reduce energy costs. The resultant improvement in the comfort of the halls and cheaper running costs will encourage use by local groups and residents, which will in turn reinvigorate community ownership and interest in the halls. - "
"Raploch Community Partnership, Stirling - A Low Carbon Raploch - Phase 2, to achieve an innovative low carbon regeneration of Raploch, in partnership with a number of local and national organisations. The aim is to 'catch up without the carbon' - to improve opportunities for the whole community by reducing emissions: reduced energy bills, active travel and improved green spaces, with lessons for other communities. - "
"Firth and Mossbank Community Allotment Group, Shetland - Phase 1 Mossbank Allotments, to plot Shetland's role as a self-sufficient, carbon neutral, healthy and active community where everyone can access nutritious local food at a reasonable cost. This will build community strength and knowledge where this is weak and spread the good practice and past horticultural and environmental expertise still found in some sectors of Shetland's community island-wide to the benefit of all sectors and groups physically, mentally, educationally, financially and emotionally. - "
"Aberdeen Forward Ltd - Transition Aberdeen, to provide a community-led platform for the citizens of Aberdeen to effect real environment change, with information sharing and training sessions on carbon reduction activities. As well as seeking to divert waste from landfill through the Creative Waste Exchange, participation in city allotments, growing food for the benefit of family and friends, by new and existing allotment holders will be encouraged with workshops and practical assistance. There will also be workshops on sustainable living, reuse and other topics. - "
"North Howe Transition Toun, Fife - The CaRB (Carbon Reduction in Buildings) Project, energy-saving measures coordinated across the community to reduce carbon emissions and fuel poverty. By developing broad partnerships, the project will increase social resilience and local control in the face of an unpredictable energy future. - "
"Moffat CAN, Dumfriesshire - Grow Allot (Greatly Reduce/Reuse/Recycle Our Waste And Lead Local Organic Trade), to reuse derelict buildings and land to provide recycling facilities, allotments and an organic market garden for Upper Annandale. - "
"Care and Repair Edinburgh Ltd - Edinburgh Garden Share Scheme (EGSS), to match garden owners who have land to spare with people who would like to grow fruit and vegetables. The scheme will be run in such a way as to maximise social and environmental benefits throughout the Edinburgh city area. - "
"Killin and Ardeonaig Community Development Trust, Perthshire - Killin Cutting Carbon, with Environmental Action Killin and supported by Strathclyde and Central Energy Saving Scotland advice centre, to reduce the community carbon footprint by encouraging the uptake of cavity wall and loft space insulation accompanied by an educational programme aimed at adults and children. This will introduce the concept of taking responsibility for our own carbon emissions and enable participants to identify other aspects of life where relatively small changes achieve significant long term carbon reductions, followed by subsequent projects to harness alternative, low carbon, energy sources. - "
"Dalmally Community Company Ltd, Argyll - Dalmally Community Centre Super-Insulation and Heating System, to upgrade the standard insulation and energy efficiency measures planned for a new build community centre. The grant funding will enable a major increase in insulation and allow the installation of a Heat Recovery Ventilation System. These measures will greatly reduce carbon footprint and more than half annual electricity costs. On completion it is intended to use the building to promote and demonstrate the economic advantages of insulation and heat recovery to the community, generally reducing the carbon output of the area. - "
"The Organic Growers of Bothwell - Bothwell Community Garden, to establish a sustainable community garden growing fruit, vegetables and herbs organically with the aim of reducing carbon emissions and preventing local vegetable waste going to landfill. The funding will be used to construct 54 raised beds, two polytunnels and wormeries, along with a small orchard containing fruit trees and soft fruit. - "
Castlemilk and Carmunnock Community Windpark Trust - to build a small-scale 3X2 MW turbine community wind park and use the profits to support the regeneration effort locally by securing a sustainable community resource for the benefit of local residents in Castlemilk and Carmunnock. In the first 12 months the grant will enable the Trust to employ a project development manager on the final construction and switch-on phase of the development. -
"Tullis Russell Environmental Education Ltd - Eco-Interpretation Centre, to build an environmental education centre at Tullis Russell's paper mill in Markinch, Fife. The centre will be built to the highest standards of environmental construction and will provide a resource for schools and community groups to learn about sustainability issues. - "
"Knockando Woolmill Trust - Knockando Woolmill, Moray, to minimise CO2 emissions by 9.2 per cent in a grade A, community-owned woollen mill through use of wool insulation. The Trust and the Margach Hall Committee, Knockando, will hold a joint awareness raising event to promote carbon emission reduction in the summer of 2010. - "
"Margach Hall Management Committee - Margach Hall refurbishment, Knockando, Moray, reducing carbon emissions and making the Margach Hall, originally completed in 1910, a warm friendly place. - "
"Grantown and Vicinity Community Council, Strathspey - Greener Grantown's car to bus timetable will engage the local community to achieve a significant reduction in carbon emissions by replacing numerous car journeys by travel by bus. A new comprehensive community publication for Grantown residents will augment the present nine standard bus timetables giving, at very modest cost, the Grantown departure and return timings with links for onward travel. - "
"The Grange Association, Edinburgh - Grange Energy and Renewables Study Stage 1, the first part of a two-stage project to stimulate continuing area-wide community engagement on energy, carbon and sustainability, and to reduce carbon emissions. In Stage 1, all respondents in a survey of 3,000 households will receive energy efficiency recommendations, technical advice and details of grants for energy improvement measures which lead to measurable carbon emissions reductions. - "
"Scottish Episcopal Church - St Ninian's Heating Project, Alyth, Perthshire, for reduction in carbon emissions by the congregation of St Ninian's as part of the community, changing to gas central heating, as recommended by the Energy Saving Trust, the grant being for the radiators and pipe insulation, as well as an awareness raising weekend to encourage the community to reduce their individual carbon footprints. - "
"Edinburgh University People and Planet Society - Towards a Transition University of Edinburgh, a student and staff led initiative to develop a Carbon Crash programme for their 35,000-strong community. Support for an initial 4-month feasibility project for summer interns to establish a baseline footprint of individuals' actions and to design an innovative programme to complement the low carbon estate projects already under way. - "
"Lambhill Stables Ltd, Glasgow - HorsePower Glasgow, to deliver a programme of activities to raise awareness of sustainable development and climate change in harmony with social, environmental and economic factors. - "
"Coalburn Silver Band, Lanarkshire - Comprehensive upgrading of the Coalburn Silver Band Hall, to reach present day standards of wall, floor and roof insulation in conjunction with a new boiler/ central heating hot water system and solar panels. - "
"Community Development and Regeneration, Caithness - Fill the Gap, a new service by Ormlie Community Association, Thurso, to complement and expand the work of Caithness Energy Advice, addressing the issue of reducing carbon emissions from homes through the delivery of a high-quality thermal imaging service. - "
"Raploch Community Partnership, Stirling - Raploch Carbon Connections, Phase 2 of the Raploch Carbon Cutting Feasibility Study. - "
"GEAN project: Grantown Grammar School, Strathspey - GEAN project, Grantown, a range of activities through the Grantown Energy Action Network (GEAN) project aimed at reducing dependency on oil and other non-sustainable energy sources. Building on the Transition model, the project will educate and train students and the wider community to reduce CO2 production and energy consumption, with out-reach, awareness raising and training events to highlight what the community can do. - "
"Glendale Primary Parent Council, Glasgow - Reducing Glendale School's carbon, to cover the costs of purchasing and installing a cycle shelter, as well as purchasing a bicycle as a prize to be awarded to the pupil who has created the best poster about carbon emissions and how to reduce them. Glendale Primary wants more members of the school community cycling, kick-scooting and walking to school. - "
"St Matthew's Primary School Cycle Club, Bishopbriggs - St Matthew's Primary School Cycle Club, to promote cycling to primary children of all ages, their parents and teachers, seeking to create a culture of cycling within families in the school and reaching more broadly into the wider community in East Dunbartonshire. The project will establish five new cycle ""trains"" by providing cycling competency to groups of children involving cycling skills, maintenance and first aid as well as the production of a cycle map of the East Dunbartonshire area. - "
"Glasgow Steiner School - Glasgow Steiner School Sustainability Strategies Feasibility Study, sustainability strategies to reduce the school's energy requirements, a feasibility study and initial implementation. - "
"Sunny Lochaber United Gardeners - Sunny Lochaber United Gardeners Allotment Project, aiming to provide spaces for people to grow their own organic food, as well as learning from and teaching others growing skills and methods. The project brings together people from Lochaber, with a common aim, regardless of their abilities or background. - "
"Eday Partnership, Orkney - Eday Carbon Reduction Programme (Community Powerdown), for one of the smaller Orkney Islands to increase its sustainability as a community as well as reducing carbon emissions by a further 34 tonnes per annum by the end of 2016. The appointment of a full time Carbon Reduction Co-ordinator will assist the community to achieve its goals. - "
Alness Transition Town Group - The Alness Home Energy Project aims to lower energy consumption in homes across the community to reduce both greenhouse gas emissions and incidence of fuel poverty. Home Energy Officers and Volunteers will provide advice on energy conservation through regular events and home visits. -
"Sustainable Dunblane, Stirling - Dunblane Energy Efficiency Project. The Sustainable Dunblane community group takes action to make homes greener and warmer. Every home is to receive a free household energy report, energy saving advice and a free or discounted insulation service. - "
"Sustaining Dunbar, East Lothian - Connecting Dunbar. The Connecting Dunbar Project will be committed to making it easier for Dunbar residents to walk and cycle around the area, so these greener options become their first choice of transport for making short journeys. It will also examine bus and train routes and timetables alongside data on residents' travelling preferences, so that proposals for making these options more efficient can be developed. - "
"Creetown Initiative, Dumfries and Galloway - Creetown Community Domestic Carbon Auditing and Community Engagement Programme, to undertake community engagement, open discussions and events, domestic carbon surveys and direct support and advice leading to real and measurable reductions in carbon emissions from the Creetown community. - "
"Gatehouse of Fleet Development Initiative, Dumfries and Galloway - Gatehouse of Fleet Carbon Action Project, to undertake community engagement, open discussions and events, domestic carbon surveys and direct support and advice leading to real and measurable reductions in carbon emissions from the Gatehouse of Fleet community. - "
"Dalbeattie Community Initiative, Dumfries and Galloway - Dalbeattie Low Carbon Community Outreach Centre, to undertake community engagement, open discussions and events, domestic carbon surveys and direct support and advice leading to real and measurable reductions in carbon emissions from the Dalbeattie community. - "
"Point and Sandwick Development Trust, Western Isles - Beinn Ghrideag Community Wind Farm. The Beinn Ghrideag project is to build the largest community-owned wind farm in Britain which will supply the domestic energy needs of 6,000 households and save 13,600 tonnes of CO2 emissions a year. It will earn a net income of £20 million over 20 years which will be reinvested in community projects in the Western Isles, creating 90 new jobs in an area suffering from multiple disadvantages and high depopulation. - "
"Friends of Volunteering Clydesdale, South Lanarkshire - Clydesdale Energy Efficiency Project. The Clydesdale Energy Efficiency Project has two aims: these are to reduce the carbon footprint of the people living in Clydesdale and help them save both energy and money. This will be achieved by targeting homes in the Community, which trained volunteers will visit to give home energy advice. - "
"Edinburgh University People and Planet, Edinburgh - Transition Edinburgh University Phase 2. In leading a community-wide goal of cutting carbon by 10 per cent in 2010, Transition Edinburgh University will cut emissions from students' and staff's homes, travel habits, consumables, and leisure - their ""lifestyle"" emissions - by 4,000 tonnes CO2 equivalent through collective practical action projects and peer-learning programmes. Their work will be used to inspire other academic communities, with their unique hurdles and advantages, to take up ""carbon crash programmes"" rooted in their own communities. - "
"The Bike Station, Edinburgh - 80:40:20 Challenge. The 80:40:20 Challenge will help more than 12,500 staff working for small and medium sized companies in Edinburgh to walk, cycle and use the bus more and drive less. This will save carbon emissions, cut pollution, reduce traffic congestion and boost the health and fitness of participants. - "
"Kintyre Recycling, Argyll and Bute - Kintyre Recycling Biodiesel Scheme. Climate Challenge funding will enable Kintyre Recycling to establish the viability of processing biodiesel to run kerbside- and bring-to-site recycling vehicles, which will save 26.6 tonnes of carbon dioxide from being emitted over the next 18 months, as well as supporting employment training opportunities. This project will allow Kintyre Recycling to establish whether biodiesel can become a permanent feature in their operation. - "
"A Greener Hawick: Transition Town - Hawick Transition Community engagement, seeking to encourage Hawick residents to use local produce and reduce energy use and dependence on diminishing fossil fuels by sharing information and expertise in a friendly venue in the centre of town. The group also wishes to help householders reduce waste and improve insulation by visiting homes and offering tailored advice. - "
"Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park Community Partnership - Community Futures Goes Green - Cutting Carbon in Scotland's first National Park. The communities of Strathfillan, Gartmore, Buchanan, Kilmaronock, Lochgoil, Strachur, Benmore and Kilmun and Sandbank will work together through the Partnership to cut their carbon footprint by reducing carbon emissions from homes and community buildings by offering loans of energy monitor equipment, carrying out doorstep surveys for all households, carrying out energy audits for community buildings, offering practical assistance to install measures to improve their performance, supporting each other throughout the project and sharing the experience with the wider community. - "
"Muirton Park Community Development Trust, Perth and Kinross - Greening Muirton Development Officer and Local Green Champions. The Muirton Park Community Development Trust will lead an 18-month pilot project to build a low-carbon community in this large-scale regeneration project. Three Local Green Champions (part time) will work with the Greening Muirton Development Officer (full time) to prepare and implement 'Greening Muirton Plans' with residents. These plans will cover e.g. energy use, transport, composting, waste, recycling and volunteering. They will run a 'Greening Muirton Advice Centre' at the new community flat. - "
"Neilston Development Trust, East Renfrewshire - Energy Efficiency. The residents of Neilston have 'switched on' and are 'powering down' to reduce their home energy emissions and carbon footprint by 10 per cent - about 759.6 tonnes of CO2 emissions - per year. They will achieve this through improved home energy efficiency, climate change and carbon reduction awareness campaigns, and a community carbon footprint programme. Through this project, residents hope to take Neilston one step towards their vision of becoming an exemplary sustainable and low carbon Renaissance Town as expressed in the community's Town Charter. - "
"REAL (Real Education Active Lives), (Inverness) CIC Ltd - Inverness High School Phase 2. A market garden and local food retailing-based social enterprise, operating from Inverness High School will allow pupils to learn how to operate modern, resilient businesses in the context of climate change and fossil fuel depletion. REAL aims to demonstrate what a 21st century sustainable agricultural and food retailing business can look like, re-establishing the link between local food and those who consume it. - "
"Greener Kirkcaldy, Fife - Greener Kirkcaldy Environmental Advice Centre. This environmental advice centre will provide personalised information and support to members of the public about a range of environmental issues, from energy efficiency and sustainable transport to sustainable consumption and waste reduction. The centre will be supported by outreach work, environmental events, and a dedicated project website. - "
Comrie Development Trust - Comrie Climate Change Delivery Plan. Comrie Development Trust will implement the Scottish Government's Climate Change Delivery Plan: Milestones and Actions at a community level in Comrie and act as a model for other communities. This work will build on the existing Carbon Challenge Project and focus on the sustainable development of the Cultybraggan Eco-Hub and on village-wide activities aimed at reducing carbon emissions by 80 per cent by 2050. -
"PKAVS (Perth and Kinross Association of Voluntary Services) - Powerful Choices. Powerful Choices aims to support 'hard to reach' communities in taking positive environmental action to reduce the carbon footprint. In practical terms this means involving the communities in installing energy saving equipment within the Gateway community hub, raising awareness amongst Adult and Young Carers and Mental Health groups, providing training on energy saving methods producing community action plans and promoting behaviour change within these communities. - "
"Culter and District Community Association, Aberdeen - Culter Hall Carbon Reduction Feasibility Study, to investigate carbon reduction opportunities for Peterculter Village Hall. The study will consider energy conservation and renewable energy options in terms of cost, technical requirements, community acceptability and carbon reduction. - "
"Haddington Events Programme, East Lothian - Sustainable Haddington. This project is a programme of community events to raise awareness of climate change and how it can be tackled locally. Some of the events have been designed as low-impact entertainment, to avoid the need to travel for a night out. - "
"COBRA User Study, Perth and Kinross - COBRA - Campaign to open Blackford Railway station again. COBRA recently organised an e-petition to the Scottish Parliament which was first considered in January 2008 and is still open as more information is considered. The group also lobbies key stakeholders including TACTRAN, Network Rail and ScotRail amongst others. COBRA are fully committed to developing the detailed business case for the reopening of Blackford railway station. Funding is being sought to engage suitably qualified consultants to work with COBRA and its stakeholders to assess formally the social, environmental and economic benefits that a reopened station would bring to the community and its wider environs. The group are particularly committed to assessing the environmental impact of a reopened station on reducing pollution, encouraging the use of public transport over the growth in private car use, improving the multimodal use of public transport and providing commuters, tourists and local residents with a real alternative to car use. - "
"Girl Guiding Inverness-shire - Refurbishment of Leachkin Guide Hall, Inverness. The hall is a training base for Girlguiding Inverness-shire and Highland Region, and provides overnight accommodation for young people from outwith Inverness. The funding will be used to install insulation material between existing wall framing and roof space. The aim is to reduce heat loss, avoid condensation and allow the building to be used efficiently all year round. - "
"LifeCare Edinburgh Ltd - Stockbridge House Roof Project. LifeCare has been committed to reducing its carbon footprint for many years and the project at Stockbridge House in Edinburgh will reduce levels of energy consumption further. This will be achieved through insulating a significant part of the roof to a U value of 0.2, which is well over and above current building standards. This will save seven tonnes of CO2 per year. - "
"Fauldhouse Community Development Trust, West Lothian - Fauldhouse Climate Challenge. The Trust will employ a Climate Challenge Officer to initiate carbon saving projects in Fauldhouse. This includes household energy surveys, awareness raising community events, practical informative workshops and setting up a local environmental group. - "
"Creetown Initiative Ltd, Dumfries and Galloway - Creetown Community Wind Farm Feasibility Study. The project objective is to create a community wind farm which would contribute at a local level to carbon emission reduction, whilst generating funds to support future green energy projects in the community. - "
"Gatehouse of Fleet Community Centre, Dumfries and Galloway - Gatehouse of Fleet Community Centre Project, to improve significantly the thermal insulation of the Community Centre through improved loft insulation, secondary glazing, draft proofing and improved lighting, to undertake community awareness raising of what can be achieved, and to engage users in the Centre in lower carbon lifestyles. - "
Walkerburn Community Development Trust - Walkerburn Public Hall Renewable Energy Project - a detailed two stage feasibility study into ways of reducing the carbon emissions of Walkerburn Public Hall. The outcome will be a well-developed proposal for the hall using renewable energy technologies and other suitable measures. -
"The Mill on the Fleet, Dumfries and Galloway - Mill on the Fleet Renewable Energy Demonstration Project, to provide a community renewable technology resource that introduces visitors to the centre to various renewable technologies, and directly contributes to the uptake of renewable energy in Gatehouse of Fleet by facilitating local demonstration projects. - "
"Woodend Arts Association, Aberdeenshire - Allotment Gardens Extension. The provision of forty-five new allotment gardens will extend Woodend Allotments to over 100 allotments in total. The project is responding to the extraordinary demand for allotments in Banchory since Woodend Barn initiated the first phase of allotments in 2007. - "
"Transition Black Isle - Preparing for transition in the Black Isle. Transition Black Isle is working locally to raise awareness of the challenges people will face as oil becomes scarce and the impacts of climate change begin to bite. A dynamic programme of events is now underway to explore the issues and share knowledge and experience, sparking ideas and bringing people together to find positive, practical ways forward for their communities. - "
"Edinburgh World Heritage - Energy Efficiency for Edinburgh World Heritage Site. Edinburgh World Heritage is leading the way towards a carbon-neutral future, with the launch of a new project aimed at tackling energy efficiency in Edinburgh World Heritage Site. A project officer will be employed to lead a series of initiatives from energy saving measures to promote good practice which could lead to savings up to 400 tonnes of CO2 over the 16-month project and continue to generate savings on an ongoing basis. - "
"Rousay, Egilsay and Wrye Development Trust, Orkney Islands - Affordable Warmth, Rousay, Egilsay and Wrye. Residents of Rousay, Egilsay and Wyre are seeking affordable warmth to redress the fuel poverty of the islands. Through improved insulation and improving energy efficiency they aim to reduce their carbon footprint in this manner by 76.95 tonnes per year. - "
"Tollcross Energy and Carbon Saving (TECS), Edinburgh - to survey and involve local residents in Tollcross, Edinburgh. TECS will work with residents to identify ways to save energy and reduce carbon in their homes and their activities, potentially resulting in further bids to funders to implement the findings of TECS's Feasibility Study. - "
"Development Coll, Argyll and Bute - Coll Carbon Reduction Challenge. This funding will assist with the purchase of a glass imploder to recycle glass transforming it into a useable material and 12 OWL smart meters to encourage awareness of use of household power usage, as well as a number of books to provide resources for people on the ways they can reduce their carbon footprint and live more sustainably. The funding will pay for hall hire and administrative costs relating to the project. The aim is to reduce the overall carbon emissions on Coll from 898 tonnes per annum to 698 tonnes per annum - "
"Glenlyon Woodfuel Initiative, Perth and Kinross - Glenlyon Woodfuel Initiative - Research and Evaluation Proposal. The aim is to reduce reliance on heating oil in Glenlyon by replacing it with a wood fuel sourced entirely from under-utilised woodlands in the glen. Doing so will provide employment and benefit biodiversity while reducing fuel expenses and carbon footprints. - "
"Lewis and Harris Horticultural Producers - Growing Carbon Reduction. The Islands of Lewis and Harris aim to tackle climate change through the Growing Carbon Reduction Project. This innovative project will provide education, motivation and encouragement to new and existing growers as well as developing a sustainable horticultural legacy for future Island generations. - "
"Argyll and Bute Regional Environmental Education Forum (ABREEF) - ABREEF Environmental Education Fair. The fair aims to encourage children, families and communities to develop enthusiasm about environmental issues, raise awareness of the need for sustainability in our lives and help children to develop an understanding of the values and skills they will need to contribute to a sustainable world. These aims will be delivered through a wide range of interactive activities and displays provided by local and national organisations and individuals. - "
"Alness and District Allotments Society - Alness and District Allotments Society Polytunnel and Composting System, to install a polytunnel to produce a greater variety of fruit and vegetables and extend the growing season. A new composting system will also be constructed to provide sufficient compost for the entire site. - "
"Community Powerdown Consortium - Community Powerdown Training Programme. In 27 communities across Scotland this training programme will provide community capacity building which will enable and sustain long term, ongoing awareness of carbon reduction and energy saving activities. The programme will also provide leadership and development skills which will support the sustainability of some of Scotland's most fragile communities. - "
"Church of St John Evangelist (St John's), Edinburgh - Earth Be Glad. Earth be Glad is a web tool to enable the whole community of St John's Church, Princes Street, to measure and reduce its carbon emissions collectively, with the help of resources already provided by other organisations. Other faith communities will be able to use the programme to monitor progress towards a target reduction in carbon emissions of 5 per cent per year. - "
"Glentrool Microenergetics Development Trust - Glentrool Biomass Production / Biomass CHP Feasibility Study . The Trust aims to look into the feasibility of setting up a biomass-fuelled combined heat and power plant near Glentrool village, using locally-sourced biomass to generate electricity for the national grid and building a community heating system to use waste heat from the plant. They are also planning to examine the feasibility of setting up a production unit in the area to provide fuel for the plant and for other local biomass consumers using locally-sourced forest timber and other suitable materials such as waste cardboard, paper or wood and other combustible material within SEPA guidelines. "
"Isle of Gigha Heritage Trust - Isle of Gigha Awareness Raising Scheme. The awareness raising scheme aims to provide information for the wider community of the Isle of Gigha regarding renewable energy use (at home and for community benefits) for reducing carbon emissions and using greener electricity, energy savings/efficiency and recycling. The scheme involves the 23 pupils of the local primary school and the residents of the island and will enable global carbon emissions reductions through behavioural change. "
"Linlithgow Climate Challenge - Resilient Linlithgow. This project is assisting the town to become a more resilient and sustainable place to live by encouraging community participation across a range of activities and striving for beneficial and lasting results. With this funding, the aim is to increase improvements in their built environment, develop local food provision, reduce energy consumption, support clean energy generation and encourage low carbon travel. "
"Newburgh Community Trust - Sustainable Newburgh. Newburgh recognises that it has various impacts on the environment, including the unsustainable use of finite resources, generation of waste and pollution, and a contribution to climate change. In order to manage these impacts effectively, the first objective is to understand them; the aim of this project is to measure their impacts on the environment and to use this information to plan a route to a sustainable way of life. "
Sandwick Community Allotments. This project aims to grow produce that is carbon neutral and healthy through a community led project and to build community capacity and strength and find people with practical knowledge of growing local crops.
"Stranraer to Ayr Line Support Association (SAYLSA) - The Stranraer Line Carbon Reduction Project aims to increase ridership on the Stranraer to Ayr rail line by 5 per cent by diverting 10,000 passengers who would otherwise travel by car and contribute 90 tonnes of carbon into the environment, onto rail services. This is to be achieved through promoting sustainable tourism and travel opportunities aimed at walkers, cyclists and the local communities and delivered by a community based sustainable travel and tourism social enterprise organisation. "
"Bits and Bobs (Intowork) - Unite Skills With People (USP) will involve people in South West Edinburgh aged from 4 to 104 sharing creativity and knowledge as they re-engage with traditional skills, promote wise use of resources and discover cheap and easy ways of saving of energy. USP aims to spread the message that action on carbon reduction can reinvigorate our communities. "
"Aith Development Group - Aith Community District Heating Scheme aims to take further steps towards making the community of Aith more socially, economically and environmentally sustainable. The project will allow engagement with all members of the community with a view to reducing their carbon footprints while also investigating the feasibility of a community owned wind turbine and district heating scheme thereby reducing its carbon footprint and becoming a sustainable independent community. "
"Fintry Development Trust - FRESCo Pilot Study Energy Advisor. Fintry Development Trust has created the FRESCo project to deliver a micro renewables programme for the village. The FRESCo concept is to provide a renewable energy supply contract (ESCo) service to Fintry village. The FRESCo model will consist of two main services; heating energy fuel contracts in the first service whereby FRESCo will procure and install micro renewables equipment (wind turbines, solar panels, heat pumps, biomass boilers and hydro systems) on Fintry village residents' properties. The second service is to source heating fuel contracts on behalf of the village. This will include electricity contracts for all the residents in Fintry and wood pellets for homeowners that have pellet boilers installed in their homes. "
"St. Ninians Old Parish Church Hall has been refurbished to reduce its carbon footprint, through insulating its external walls, installing secondary glazing and ceiling insulation, fitting energy efficient lighting and reducing draughts in this 19th century listed building. This will enable a renewable heating system (based on air-source heat pumps) to be installed, and a planned display area will highlight the importance of energy saving improvements in existing buildings in reducing climate change. "
"Playbusters Ltd - Grow Green with Glasgow's East End. This project will take on the challenge of climate change through raising awareness and promoting behavioural change with the community to reduce carbon emissions. This will be carried out through roadshows, events looking at energy saving, recycling and local food growing initiatives. "
"Coimhearsnachd Bharraidh agus Bhatarsaidh Ltd - Household Energy Efficiency Taskforce (HEET). HEET will enable householders on Barra and Vatersay to examine their energy usage in the home, and will assist and enable them to take action to improve their energy efficiency. By implementing this project it will not only reduce carbon emissions but will also reduce fuel poverty which is prevalent in the Western Isles. "
"Community Food Initiatives North East (CFINE) - Food Action Regeneration and the Environment (FARE). The FARE network was based around strength from the collective, competitive prices through group buying, sharing experience, information, ideas etc. This continues but the scale with the range of operation considerably increased with many more community groups becoming part of CFINE which remains rooted in the community. "
"Grassmarket Community Project (GCP) - Dochas Vegetable Garden. GCP Plough to Plate makes links between people who are marginalised and the wider community by making a stronger link between growing and cultivating and the nutrition and enjoyment of food once grown. This will significantly reduce the carbon footprint of the project and through community events, help others do so. In addition, skills and confidence will develop through the beneficiaries experiencing a holistic view of food rather than just as items to consume. "
"Kilfinan Community Forest Company - The Kilfinan Community Forest Project aims to achieve an ongoing reduction in local carbon emissions in Tighnabruaich and the surrounding area, while building a more sustainable and resilient community by decreasing dependency on fossil fuels. A Carbon Reduction Officer and a one stop shop for energy audits; conversion to wood burners; allotments and composting scheme; market days and encouraging car sharing will make a positive impact on the local carbon footprint while promoting a healthy lifestyle. "
"Tweedgreen - 'Tweedgreen: energy descent for Tweeddale' is working in the local community with families, organisations and businesses to reduce collective energy consumption and move towards local energy generation. Providing tools, expertise and encouragement to measure energy use and reduction, facilitate local food production and consumption and change travelling behaviour. "
"Edinburgh Hindu Mandir and Cultural Centre - Edinburgh Hindu Community Initiative. The project will educate, encourage and support people to reduce their carbon emissions by making changes in their present lifestyles. The Community will be using a behavioural change approach with a focus on energy consumption, travel and adopting a low carbon lifestyle. "
Urban Roots Initiative's Food and Waste project will work with local southeast Glasgow communities to reduce food waste and adopt climate friendly eating habits. It will also help people with very little garden space to find innovative ways to grow food in built up urban areas.
"North Edinburgh Trust's NET Your Carbons 2 project will give individuals and communities in North Edinburgh (Muirhouse, Pilton, Granton, Royston Wardieburn and Drylaw) the ability to implement actions to reduce their carbon emissions resulting in increased awareness and knowledge around climate change which will lead to collective practical solutions and new approaches to energy savings. "
"Unst Partnership - Community Allotment Scheme. Community Powerdown Officer, Mike Smith intends to develop a Community Allotment Scheme in collaboration with the island's market gardeners. This project is designed to show how small scale food production can educate the island's inhabitants regarding food production, significantly reduce waste, food miles and greenhouse gases, whilst providing a strong sense of ownership within the community. "
"Laggan Forest Trust's Woodfuel Initiative aims to address the potential for renewable resources to be practically and effectively utilised by the Laggan community in order to reduce reliance on fossil fuels. This will be achieved through raising awareness and provision of expert information, carrying out a feasibility study to examine all possible alternatives and completion of all necessary preparatory studies in order to take the initiative through to implementation. "
"Glentrool Microenergetics Development Trust - Recovered Vegetable Oil Diesel Replacement Feasibility Study. This project aims to find out if it is feasible to set up a social community enterprise in Galloway and South Ayrshire to replace or supplement diesel fuel for road and agricultural vehicles with recovered vegetable oil from the tourist industry. The enterprise would collect and process waste oil and supply it, along with support and advice on its use, to diesel vehicle users. "
Transition Edinburgh South - Switching On to Switching Off - Stage 2. This is the second stage of a community-led initiative aimed at finding the best way to lower energy consumption and reduce carbon emissions in two tenement streets in South Edinburgh. Two community groups are working closely with their neighbours to find creative solutions to improve energy efficiency and build the community's resilience to climate change and peak oil.
"Energy Action Westray's Local Food Westray project intends to demonstrate how small scale production of food can be encouraged locally through facilitation and group activity. Promoting and demonstrating such activity which is replicable in many similar areas will significantly reduce waste, food miles and greenhouse gasses, leading to a healthy sustainable community. "
"Knoydart Foundation - Knoydart Food Strategy's Community Garden project aims to turn the former 'big house' market garden into a community food-growing project, with collective growing, individual plots, composting, polytunnels and food events. Reducing imports of food by road and sea to this land-locked area will decrease food miles and carbon emissions, and the garden will use an electric quad bike locally to reduce carbon footprints further, charging it on renewable electricity from the community's own hydro scheme (not grid connected). "
"Latheron, Lybster & Clyth Community Development Company's Allotments and Polytunnels project aims to contribute to physical wellbeing by supporting a healthy lifestyle, providing fresh produce to support healthy diets and contributing to carbon reduction. Lifelong learning opportunities will be created with the sharing of knowledge and learning together to further enhance the social cohesion benefits of gardening. "
"Eco Drama Productions - Magic Van Tour. The tour will deliver educational workshops and theatre shows to primary schools within Glasgow City Council. The aim is to reduce carbon emissions through education and raise awareness of environmental issues with young people and the community, with an ultimate aim to instigate behavioural change. Emissions of the tour will be reduced by using bio diesel in the touring vehicle (fuel made from 100 per cent reclaimed vegetable oil). "
Northmavine Community Development Company - the Community Polytunnels project aims to erect 12 community use Polytunnels. These will be distributed throughout the region to maximise use and will be constructed from recycled materials.
"The Rotary Club of Huntly - Glamourhaugh Allotment Project. Huntly Rotary Club is creating a community allotment site and orchard on unused land at Glamourhaugh, Huntly, including a communal summerhouse and a new walk. A total of 16 allotments, including one for disabled people, will be plotted out and will be available to the schools, groups and individuals, subject to membership of a new Allotment Association. "
South Kintyre Development Trust's Tidal Energy project aims to investigate the potential for deploying tidal energy devices within the Sound of Sanda.
"Ullapool Community Trust - Ullapool Thermal Imaging Sample. This project will provide senior citizens in Ullapool a free professional thermal image of their property. This image will identify heat loss anomalies which, with targeted follow up, could reduce their carbon emissions and save them money. "
"Sustainable Dunblane - Routes for the Future. Sustainable Dunblane Transport Group (SDTG) will work with Dunblane residents and key groups to collect information for walking and cycling routes for everyday journeys, which will be used to create an easy-to-use map that will be distributed free to residents and visitors to the city. The group plans to organise activities and events to support walk/bike to school week and a Car-Free day in Dunblane, to encourage people to use the map and change their habits - a shift to walking, cycling and public transport from car journeys will reduce carbon emissions, and promote health and other environmental benefits. "
"LifeCare Edinburgh Ltd - Stockbridge House Energy Action and Insulation Project - Stage 2. The group has received funding for stage two of the refurbishment of Stockbridge House, Edinburgh. These elements include double and secondary glazing of windows and front door, alteration to flooring and associated building works, event and associated materials and publicity and professional fees. "
"Park Ecovillage Trust - Sustainability Education and Carbon Reduction in Moray Schools. This project proposes to develop a 'hands-on' sustainability education package for schools in Moray that will prepare students to take action to reduce their schools and their own carbon footprints and those of their families and friends, with carbon footprint reductions tracked during the programme. "
"LoveMilton, The Milton Community Development Trust. The Trust will employ a full time Sustainability and Carbon Reduction Co-ordinator to help plan to reduce Milton's collective carbon footprint. This will help to create and begin to implement a roadmap to a sustainable low carbon future for the whole of the community of Milton. "
"Transition Town Forres Ltd will employ a Programme Manager for development, management, monitoring and evaluation of projects started with funding received in the second round of CCF funding. Successfully started projects include a large community garden, regular farmers markets, an energy group, carbon calculations, a food group and a re-skilling programme. "
"Aberdeen University Students' Association's Student Climate Challenge project aims to provide students studying at the University of Aberdeen with the tools and knowledge to start cutting their carbon emissions in every aspect of their lives. The tools will impact in their homes, on their diets and in their travel in the move towards a low-carbon student community. "
"Grangemouth Community Council - Grangemouth Transition Town. The development of Grangemouth Transition Town aims to raise awareness of the steps people can take to reduce their carbon footprint by exploring healthier, more sustainable alternatives and challenging long-held perceptions and encouraging people to embrace new ways of living. "
Woodlands Community Development Trust - Woodlands Community Garden and Energy Awareness Hub. The Trust aims to transform an existing derelict urban gap-site into a Community Growing Space and Energy Awareness Hub. This community amenity space will demonstrate how lifestyle changes and improvements to home and work can have a real and demonstrable effect on reducing carbon emissions and provide a one-stop shop for the community for accessing up to date and relevant information about how they can play a role in reducing the impact of climate change.
"UNISON South Lanarkshire Branch - Green Workers, at work and at home. This project will enlist the enthusiasm of union members to reduce their carbon footprint at work and at home. This will contribute to Scotland's climate change goals ensuring workplaces and homes become more sustainable and saving money for employers and their families. "
Letham Residents Association's Community Food Project will save carbon by growing food in the gardens and green space of Letham and create a garden share scheme matching gardens with enthusiastic local gardeners. It will build on the carbon savings achieved through the Letham Street by Street energy reduction and insulation project currently ongoing in the area.
"Selkirk Regeneration Company - Selkirk Carbon Reduction Project. Selkirk plans to appoint a Carbon Reduction Officer, who will engage directly with householders throughout the Selkirk area to help them identify and reduce their energy use and carbon footprint. The Carbon Reduction Officer will also assist in taking forward a plan to develop a community-owned wind farm on Selkirk Common Good land. "
"Langholm Initiative - Carbon Reduction and Energy Efficiency Campaign. The residents of the Langholm area are 'powering down' to reduce energy consumption in their homes; this will be achieved through improved home energy efficiency and carbon reduction awareness. Through this project, residents hope to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 10 per cent [about 759.6 tonnes of CO2 emissions] per year. "
"East Renfrewshire Community Enterprise - Powerdown to Go Greener. Working with their key delivery partners Go Greener, Eaglesham and Waterfoot Community Development Trust and the Energy Saving Scotland advice centre, East Renfrewshire Community Emterprise Trust will reduce local fuel poverty and carbon footprints through supporting improved home energy efficiency and awareness of climate change. This will be done through undertaking a campaign of awareness raising to householders on potential carbon reduction measures, scoping key projects for further development, and providing advice on energy efficiency improvements that can be made to reduce household energy bills and carbon emissions. "
"Jura Development Trust - Jura Powerdown: Energy Advice and Hall Insulation Project. The renovation of the community hall will provide both a highly energy efficient community space which can be used all year round, and act as a focus for carbon-saving initiatives within the wider community. This will include a targeted insulation drive by the Jura Development Trust's new Energy Advisers and a '50 tonne Challenge' encouraging local people to make changes to their lifestyle to help the island reduce their carbon emissions by 50 tonnes. "
"Stronsay Development Trust - Stronsay Green Island Project. Through Community Powerdown, Stronsay Development Trust is seeking to minimise the island's carbon emissions by reducing the amount of produce being transported to the island. This will be achieved by providing a community greenhouse for growing vegetables and fruit which will help to minimise the effects of the exposed climate, extend the growing season and promote new skills and knowledge. "
"Partick Community Association - Annexe GROWS. Residents in the inner city area of Anderston in Glasgow are to become vegetable growers, using 600 square metres of a disused concrete garage roof. The project is part of a self-help environmental development, backed by the Climate Challenge Fund and The Annexe Healthy Living Centre, which will enable residents to rekindle a community spirit and at the same time deliver carbon savings. "
"West Ardnamurchan Community Council's Garden Project will establish a fruit and vegetable garden to provide fresh local produce for and by Scotland's most westerly community. By doing so the community aims to reduce food miles, food waste and car journeys made to buy food, all of which will in turn reduce the community's carbon footprint while at the same time improving its environmental, economic and social sustainability. "
"Lochwinnoch Millennium Events Group's Energy Audit Project aims to help the community of Lochwinnoch achieve a low carbon lifestyle by raising awareness of climate change and carbon emissions from domestic energy consumption using energy audits, advice on energy saving measures and renewable energy, and the provision of low cost insulation. The project also aims to measure and reduce the carbon footprint of the village with an eventual aim of becoming carbon neutral. "
Baldernock Community Council - Baldernock Cut the Carbon. This carbon reduction project aims to provide an opportunity to develop community involvement within the scattered rural area of Baldernock. It will also provide a step towards learning how to reduce carbon emissions and to work together to develop a more sustainable community for the future.
"Transition Edinburgh South's Drop-in Centre aims to develop a friendly community environment hub based in South Edinburgh. The hub will engage and train local residents in home energy efficiency and renewables, low-carbon food and travel choices, recycling, reducing waste and saving water. "
"Springfield, Nethermill, Palnackie, Auchencairn, and Twynholm Primary Schools - 'Carbon Busters 3' - Carbon Reduction in Schools - Phase 3. Pupils and teachers are taking part in this Carbon Busters project to help achieve a reduction in their carbon emissions. The key to the lasting impact of this Project is that the pupils collect the data themselves, learn how to measure the school's carbon footprint and come up with the ideas for action. "
"A Greener Hawick's Transition Community Engagement project seeks to encourage Hawick residents to use local produce, and reduce energy use and dependence on diminishing fossil fuels, by sharing information and expertise in a friendly venue in the centre of town. The group also wishes to help householders reduce waste and improve insulation by visiting homes and offering tailored advice. "
"Kirkhill and Bunchrew Community Trust - Beauly to Inverness Cycle Route. The Trust aims to commission a design specification for two off-road, segregated stretches of a proposed Beauly to Inverness cycle path which will run alongside the fast and busy A862. This project will help the community realise its long-held ambition of a 15km route which will link the many communities along the south side of the Beauly Firth with Inverness and each other, allowing local people to leave their cars at home and travel safely by bike or foot. "
"Transition Black Isle is working locally to enable communities to adjust to the challenges people will face as oil becomes scarce and the impacts of climate change begin to be felt. A dynamic programme of practical projects and events is now underway to help people to reduce their electricity use, find out how to make their home more energy efficient and to grow and consume more locally grown food. The programme helps to bring people together to share knowledge and experience and to find positive, practical ways forward for their communities. "
"Banchory and District Initiative Ltd - Banchory Energy Reduction Initiative. This project will reduce energy demand in households and community facilities, encourage the installation of micro-renewable energy sources and reduce private car use. This high profile campaign will help the community reduce CO2 emissions and, in the process, save money. "
Kirknewton Community Development Trust - Kirknewton Energy Efficiency and Carbon Footprint Reduction Project. The Trust is working with local residents to set up the community's carbon footprint reduction and energy efficiency programme. This aims to reduce the community's carbon footprint by 5 per cent over the coming year through improvements to home energy efficiency and a carbon reduction awareness raising campaign. Energy assessments of homes using thermal imaging will be carried out and energy advisers be will visiting residents in their homes to offer advice on how to reduced their energy use. Through this project local residents hope to put Kirknewton on the map as a exemplar sustainable village for the future. The project also aims to reduce incidents of fuel poverty in the village alongside energy efficiency improvements to homes.
Knowetop Community Farm Ltd's Sustainable Food Initiative will enable more volunteers and groups to become involved in community gardening activities on the farm to increase local production of fresh vegetables and fruit. Healthy eating workshops in the Farm caf_ will increase awareness of the benefits of healthy eating and growing your own food to address local food poverty with further workshops to promote food waste recycling and composting to add to the sustainability of the project.
"Walkerburn Community Development Trust - Walkerburn Community Allotments. This project aims to develop allotments on an unused site within the village. It will include individual and shared plots, community plots, composting, food events, training and education. Reducing imports of food by road will decrease food miles and carbon emissions. Promoting a more sustainable lifestyle will further reduce carbon footprints. "
"North Queensferry Transition Initiative's Carbon Reduction Project. Residents of North Queensferry are joining forces to cut carbon emissions, grow local produce and reduce household energy bills in a bid to make their village less reliant on fossil fuels. "
"Comann nan Lios 2009 - Regeneration of Old Allotment Site in Inverness. By regenerating an old allotment site, this project aims to promote local action on global environmental issues through sustainable food production, education, responsible travel, organic methods and composting. By encouraging community food production and establishing the growing and eating of fruit and vegetables in season, the aim is to cut 'food miles' therefore reducing carbon emissions whilst improving the quality of life for present and future generations. "
"Watch Us Grow Nursery's Creating Opportunities and Diverting from Landfill Project, based in Cumbernauld, aims to use positive environmental action to enable people with additional support needs to lead more fulfilling lives. The group recycles the re-use of children's nursery equipment, toys, books, fabrics and paint. "
"South Perth Community Partnership's Allotment and Garden Project aims to deliver a locally based community allotment project that encourages social cohesion and the reduction of waste and CO2 emissions through organic gardening. An inclusive approach will ensure that equality groups are included in the project and offer opportunities for educational awareness about recycling, waste reduction and growing organic vegetables. "
"Neilston Development Trust - Banking on Neilston. This ambitious project seeks to reduce the carbon emissions of Neilston Development Trust's community asset, the Old Bank, and improve its sustainability to achieve an ecologically and user friendly building, reducing its carbon emissions by up to 74 per cent. This will be achieved through carefully considered energy efficiency measures and renewable energy generation incorporated into the retrofitting of the building. "
"Sustainable Uist - Carbon Neutral Uist. Sustainable Uist will appoint a project manager to deliver and co-ordinate carbon reduction programmes in the islands from Berneray to Eriskay. These include facilitating more local production of food through establishing a 'Horticultural Education and Research Centre' and Community Allotments, working with residents to improve home energy efficiency, carrying out a feasibility study into a District Heating Scheme for Balivanich, further feasibility studies into off-grid renewable energy schemes, a Uist-wide Car and Lift Sharing Scheme and an associated website to act as a development tool and portal for community sustainable action. "
"Broughty Ferry Environmental Project - East Dundee and Dighty Walking and Cycling Initiative (EDDWAC). EDDWAC harnesses the efforts of community organisations to encourage and assist local people in taking up more active ways of travelling to work, school, shops and for leisure. This will result in an improvement in health and social benefits, whilst road traffic and carbon emissions will be reduced. "
"Lochalsh and Skye Housing Association - Energy Advice Service. The Association proposes to establish an energy advice service for individuals, groups and organisations within Skye and Lochalsh to work in partnership with them, to increase energy efficiency and help eradicate fuel poverty in the area. The proposal is to employ two people to deliver advice and information on a range of energy issues, energy efficiency, availability of and assistance to access grant and other funding sources, pre and post installation guidance, discounted energy tariffs, SAP rating and the production of Energy Performance Certificates, signposting service users to advice agencies where appropriate. "
"Greenworks (Scotland) Ltd - Every Tonne Counts. Greenworks aims to mobilise communities and individuals by providing the skills, tools and knowledge to reduce their carbon emissions. Through workshops, practical advice and demonstration this will ensure that the saving of every tonne of climate changing gas will count. "
"Tarbert and Skipness Community Trust - North Kintyre Horticultural Adviser. The Tarbert Community Gardens Horticultural Adviser will assist several groups working in gardens across North Kintyre and bring them together to provide a network of opportunities for all of the community to become involved in growing their own vegetables. The Adviser will provide training and information on growing and propagation, and co-ordinate workshops on cooking local and seasonal food as well as researching the possibility of allotments locally. "
"Hawick Baptist Church - Renovation of The Well. The aim of the project is to provide an eco-refurbishment of The Well, an old Hawick building serving the community with clubs for young and old. A programme of education on energy-saving measures, and free energy-saving home assessments to all hall users and associates will also be introduced. "
"East Kilbride Development Trust's Food Initiative (Seed Exchange and Organic Vegetable Growing Project) will promote sustainable low carbon living, community education, social inclusion, health and anti-poverty; using local natural resources to enable everyone who wishes to grow affordable organic food, for optimal health. The project will engender a greater degree of self sufficient food production, thus local food sovereignty and security, forming robust community networks allowing the exchange of sustainable organic growing methods and seed saving knowledge. "
"Rousay, Egilsay and Wyre Development Trust's Reducing Food Miles through Community Gardening Project. Residents in Rousay, Egilsay and Wyre are seeking to share horticultural knowledge and skills through a Community Gardening project which aims to encourage self reliance within the islands and so reduce their carbon footprint by up to 25 tonnes of CO2 emissions per year. A new community vegetable garden will be planted at a site at the Community School, and an allotment site set up adjacent to the houses at the pier to provide the opportunity for residents to grow their own produce. "
"The Composting at School and College (CASC) Partnership Pilot Programme for Scotland will involve five trained Composting Advisors from community organisations throughout urban and rural Scotland working with 21 schools (16 primary schools, four secondary schools and one brand new adult education college) in their local communities to establish exemplary food waste composting systems in order to divert nutrient-rich organic material from the waste stream, cutting carbon emissions and working alongside pupils and students to become committed composters. Where possible, compost will be used to grow food and, with the help of a CASC toolkit, these schools will act as demonstration sites for other schools in the area to learn about closed-loop recycling of valuable nutrients and organic matter. "
"Balerno Village Trust's Sustain Balerno carbon reduction project aims to engage the community and inspire change in the way they travel, consume and grow food and create a sustainable, secure energy future. "
"Shettleston Community Growing Project is a resident-led initiative to grow food locally and improve diets, while raising awareness of issues around reducing food miles and food waste, recycling and energy consumption. The project will also promote community cohesion, health and well being and local ownership. "
Grange Campus Eco Committee's Power Off and Learn Outdoors (POLO) initiative will support Grange Campus go green by increasing understanding of environmental issues and encouraging healthy lifestyle choices. The campus is to develop an outdoor classroom with raised beds and a cycle to school scheme which will help students and members of the wider community to be more aware of the environment and what we can do to improve energy usage and positive lifestyles.
"Moray Art Centre - 350 Community Champions: Creating a More Sustainable World is an awareness raising educational programme being set-up by the Moray Art Centre focusing on global warming and climate change. The workshop series will allow participants of different age groups to explore, understand and appreciate their environment and will give them innovative practical solutions to help them make a long-term commitment to reduce their carbon footprints. "
"Lismore Community Council's Energy Project aims to build capacity and resilience within the community, to ensure a sustainable future by reducing emissions of greenhouse gases and dependency on fossil fuels, through energy saving installations and behavioural changes, education and awareness, training, promotion of local produce, low carbon travel and community renewable projects. The project also aims to identify the barriers to individuals becoming actively involved in carbon reduction measures in remote rural and specifically island communities and to find ways of overcoming them. "
"Stranraer Recycling Group - Education, Community and Sustainability. The group is committed to the environmental and social benefits of recycling. Through raising awareness, education and example, they aim to make a difference at a local and global level. "
"Talamh - Blackland Centre for Local Production. The Blackland Centre supports the relocalisation of food and fodder production in the Uists, through programmes of knowledge exchange among crofters and scientists, community capacity building, land-based demonstrations and development of resource materials. "
"REAP - Cosy Keith Continuation. Cosy Keith aims to provide information and assistance for households in the Keith and Strathisla area on how to reduce their energy usage. The team of staff and volunteers will provide drop-in sessions at their local office, organise home visits and organise events and information materials. "
Ardoch Development Trust - Ardoch Powerdown Project Energy Advisor. Householders in Braco and Greenloaning aim to reduce their energy consumption by appointing an energy advisor who will assist householders in implementing measures aimed at reducing their emissions by an average of 10 per cent for a total CO2 reduction of over 100 tonnes per year.
"Stonehaven Allotments Association - Stonehaven Starter Site. To satisfy some of the demand for plots, Stonehaven Allotments Association is providing 35 starter plots in the area to help members learn how to produce their own seasonal food while cutting down on waste and packaging. This will help to reduce CO2 emissions while also highlighting the many environmental, health and social benefits for allotments. "
"Falkland Centre for Stewardship's Big Tent Community Engagement is at the heart of Big Tent 2010. Big Tent 2010 brings even more practical carbon reducing solutions to an audience of more than 10,000. "
"PEDAL - Portobello Transition Town's Carbon Reduction Initiative aims to work with local people in Portobello, Edinburgh, to reduce the community's carbon footprint focusing on food and energy use. Working with other organisations, PEDAL will implement a programme of home insulation, education on wise use of energy, and renewable energy installation, and will encourage the growing of more local organic food through a pilot local organic market, re-skilling courses, a community orchard, a garden sharing scheme, a 'virtual' orchard and a feasibility study into an urban community farm. "
"Galson Estate Trust's (Urras Oighreachd Ghabhsainn) Polytunnel Project aims to involve children in growing their own produce and Lionel, Airidhantuim and Barvas Schools are installing a polytunnel to produce a greater variety of fruit and vegetables and to extend the growing season as at present they are limited due to weather conditions in Lewis. This will also educate the children on growing locally and reducing food miles. "
"Lauderdale Development Trust - Carbon Reduction: Home Energy Assessments. The Trust is facilitating a carbon reduction project for households in the area to undergo a Home Energy Assessment and participate in a year long series of exercises to help reduce carbon emissions by 1,000 lbs per household by March 2011. Participants will benefit from one to one support from the Trust as well as project partner, Energy Saving Trust Scotland to access new technology and renewable energies for their homes as well as awareness of latest advancements and ways to maximise energy use with minimum carbon emission. "
"Edinburgh Rudolf Steiner School Trust Ltd's 'Being the change we want to see' project will develop an action plan to enable the school and families of pupils and staff to reduce their carbon footprint over the next ten years in line with the targets in the Scottish Climate Change Act. In doing this, the school community aims to play its part in the society-wide effort that is needed to ensure that Scotland continues to lead the way in tackling the climate crisis and in finding solutions for a greener future. "
"Troon Allotment Society - Water Borehole and Storage Facility. This project will, upon completion, enable The Troon Allotment Society to have a supply of natural water for the allotment community. The activities include installing a borehole well and storage facility that will provide a sustainable source of water, whilst having a minimal impact on the environment. "
"Garrioch Residents Association's Low Carbon Garrioch project aims to implement several ways of reducing their own energy consumption by improving energy efficiency in their homes, growing and purchasing local food, increasing the use of bikes, public transport and car sharing, reducing waste to landfill through composting and improving recycling, as well as raising awareness of what is possible with a programme of workshops and visits. "
"St Andrews Energy Network's Energy Champions project aims to help reduce the carbon footprint of the town of St Andrews. The project aims as a minimum to reduce carbon emissions from the domestic sector by 3 per cent of 2008 levels in year one, and continue to generate savings on an ongoing basis thereafter. This amounts to over 921 tonnes of CO2 over the one year project. "
"Transition North Berwick aims to raise awareness of the issues around climate change and over-reliance on fossil fuels in North Berwick and its surrounding communities. A 12 month programme of activities is planned to engage with all members of the community to promote and support local projects in areas like food, energy, transport and recycling and initiate a debate about how the community can adapt and flourish over the next 15 years. "
Low Carbon Kincardine. A 10 per cent reduction in CO2 emissions in 2010 is the challenge of the Low Carbon Kincardine project. A series of workshops will aim to inspire local residents to sign up.
"North Queensferry Primary's Kitchen Garden project. Through growing their own fruit and vegetables the children of North Queensferry Primary are learning about sustainability by reducing their CO2 emissions, recycling, self-sufficiency and a range of other Eco issues . All of the pupils and staff as well as a lot of the parents in both the school and nursery are involved in this on-going project. "
"The James Young High School. The JYHS Cluster are a group of local authority schools in the Dedridge, Bellsquarry and Murieston areas of Livingston consisting of the James Young High School (JHYS), its feeder primary schools: Dedridge Primary School, Bellsquarry Primary School, Williamston Primary School and Bankton Primary School and Glenvue Nursery. A climate change officer will be employed within the cluster to reduce its carbon footprint by engaging the school communities in activities that save energy, reduce transport and food waste. "
"The Guildtown Community Association's Community Woodland project aims to sustainably manage eight hectares of woodland near Guildtown to provide a reliable supply of woodfuel for local residents, displace oil fired heating and reduce CO2 emissions by 24 tonnes. "
"Pilmeny Development - H(EAT) Project. A recent community consultation undertaken with older people and their carers in North East Edinburgh identified concerns about their high energy use and lack of awareness of how to reduce their carbon footprint and avoid fuel poverty. The H(EAT) Project, run by Pilmeny Development, will train 10 volunteers to deliver face-to-face advice to help 110 older people in North East Edinburgh to understand and control energy usage in their homes. "
Cranhill Community's Glasgow East Synergy - Climate Challenge Pilot project aims to develop its 1950s building as a flagship for carbon reductions. They also intend to raise awareness and change behaviour locally to reduce carbon emissions.
The Langholm Initiative's How We Can Eat Locally and Why We Should project will deliver four main food events and smaller awareness raising events to bring about behavioural change by encouraging people to eat fresher locally sourced produce. Fewer food miles will bring the added benefit of reducing Langholm's CO2 emissions.
Jura Development Trust's Woodfuel Supply Pilot project will examine the practicalities of developing a biomass supply for Jura to facilitate the increased use of locally sourced sustainably-managed timber for heat and hot water. This will pave the way for the development of a consistent local biomass supply chain which will help islanders tackle their carbon footprint by offering a cleaner local alternative to burning fossil fuels.
"Shapinsay Development Trust's Save, Save & Save! project aims to help the people of Shapinsay save money by reducing energy usage in their homes which will help reduce the community's carbon emissions. "
"The Knoydart Foundation's Renewable Energy project will encourage and enable residents to become more energy efficient in their use of fuel, to reduce the use of fossil fuels and to become more skilled in the application of renewable technologies. The project will also hold events which will be open to the general public during the ""Scottish Renewable Energy Festival"" in June 2010 to demonstrate community and household approaches to renewable energy. "
"A Greener Melrose's Transition TD6: Phase Two project aims to take action to reduce the community's carbon footprint and tackle issues raised by climate change through awareness raising, reducing electricity use and training. "
"SPOKES - the Lothian Cycle Campaign. Tackling inadequate cycle storage for tenements and flats in central Edinburgh would remove a major hurdle to people choosing to cycle on an every-day basis, for work, school, shopping and leisure. SPOKES aims to reduce car dependency and promote more sustainable travel through a research study and provision of practical information to local residents to help to enable residents, local authorities, developers and others to find appropriate bike storage solutions and encourage local action. "
"Alness Transition Town Group (ATTG). As part of its Local Food Project, ATTG will be holding a series of workshops to help locals grow their own fruit and vegetables and harvest wild foods. Increasing local food production will help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and engage more of the community on environmental issues. "
"Ullapool Community Trust's Community Buildings Energy Efficiency Upgrade project aims to reduce heat loss and improve energy efficiency in community buildings in Ullapool. A selection of these buildings will have their leaky, inefficient and in some cases single glazed windows replaced with super efficient triple glazed windows and their insulation levels brought up beyond building regulations. "
Banff Castle Community Association's Castle Community Carbon Challenge aims to reduce the community's carbon emissions by reducing heat loss in their homes and recycling their waste.
"Lawfield Primary School's Edible Garden project, in Dalkeith, will develop a community garden for local and seasonal food which will reduce carbon emissions and support a sustainable food future. This project will encourage different people living in the community to think about the way they live. "
"Mull and Iona Community Trust - Community Insulation Programme. By overcoming increased costs for insulation contractors working on Mull and Iona and engaging help to prepare the attics of older and infirm residents, islanders are now able to benefit from Government subsidised insulation. Loft and cavity wall insulation will be available where the home is suitable. "
"Stepps Primary School Parent Council's Carbon Footprint Reduction Programme is a community wide initiative aimed at reducing domestic carbon dioxide emissions and encouraging households to grow their own vegetables. Led by the Stepps Primary School Parent Council the project will provide free access to home energy monitors, advice and guidance on energy efficiency and will create a school vegetable garden for pupils, staff and parents. "
Foula Energy Trust's Development Officer project will help deliver electricity scheme improvements which in turn will provide both opportunities for replacing the use of fossil fuels in the island with 'green' electricity and developments beneficial to the whole community.
Tiree Rural Development Ltd - Tiree Community Energy Advisor project. The energy advisor will facilitate Tiree housing stock to become more energy efficient. Householders will be supported to access grants and interest free loans to reduce fuel poverty and ensure significant carbon savings are made on an ongoing basis long into the future.
"Eilean Eisdeal Energy Education Programme. The Easdale Island energy education programme aims to raise awareness of energy usage, change behaviour and reduce household energy consumption and the carbon footprint of the island. The installation of a whole-island electricity usage meter with detailed information displayed via a large screen monitor in the ferry waiting room will raise awareness and assist in evaluating the progress of the project. "
"Raploch Community Partnership's Low Carbon Raploch: Community Garden and Food project aims to allow, help and encourage the community to grow its own food. This will lower the community's carbon footprint by reducing emissions from transport and waste. "
"Cove and Altens Community Council's Cove Bay Community Allotments project is a community led development proposal to turn an unused open space into a vibrant community managed allotment garden in the coastal town of Cove, Aberdeen. Securing this open space legacy from encroaching housing developments will leave the community with a long term community asset that will improve the environment, health and community cohesion. "
"Old Aberdeen Community Council. The Sunnybank Park Allotments project forms part of a community led development proposal to turn a redundant outdoor centre into a vibrant community managed park in the heart of Aberdeen. The proposal aims to secure and improve this valuable community open space asset through development of spaces which link neighbouring communities and mix public with private, formal with informal and people with wildlife. "
Catrine Community Trust - Energy Efficiency and Carbon Footprint Awareness project. The villagers of Catrine are 'powering down' to reduce energy consumption in homes and their carbon footprint by 12 per cent a year. This will be achieved through improved home energy efficiency carbon reduction awareness campaigns and a community carbon footprint monitoring programme. Through this project villagers and the Community Trust will lead the way and reduce greenhouse gas emissions and incidence of fuel poverty and take Catrine a step closer to their vision of becoming a recognised best practice sustainable and low carbon Eco Lifestyle Village.
" Community Central Halls - Maryhill Climate Change project aims to bring the community of Maryhill together to tackle climate change while reducing fuel poverty, improving the appearance of our built environment and improving people's skills, knowledge and capacity to help them deal withælocal and global environmental issues. This will be delivered through community food growing projects, sustainable cookery lessons and energy awareness raising. "
" Velocity Cafe and Bicycle Workshop - BicycleNess will be providing targeted interventions to overcome the barriers to cycling and sustainable transport in Inverness, by providing bicycle confidence courses covering road safety, cycle skills, bike maintenance and cycling theory. These courses will be targeted at school children, teenage girls and women to encourage equality of access to cycling as a mode of sustainable transport and to promote well-being, there will also be open access to a supported workshop environment so everyone can benefit from this project. "
Glasgow School of Art Students Association - Glasgow Artists Climate Challenge is undertaking a feasibility study to consult with local artist groups to establish the feasibility for carbon reduction projects. This is being undertaken in Glasgow by the Glasgow School of Art Students Association and has the aim to initiate plans for carbon reduction projects which will leave a legacy for a more sustainable local arts community.
" Carluke Development Trust's From Small Acorns 2 (Increasing Awareness) project will work with households to help them to reduce their CO2 emissions through free home visits energy advice and audit, and workshops and events to raise awareness of energy use and energy conservation. Theyæwill also work with schools and young people to raise awareness of climate change issues and to encourage behaviour change and encourage young people to adopt a more sustainable lifestyle. Theyæwill work with Eco-Schools committees to take their Eco-Schools programme forward. "
" St Mary's Episcopal Church and Primary School in Dunblane, will work together to reduce the Carbon Footprint of their Church Hall. The project will also raise awareness among local organisations, families and individuals of all ages of the need to be energy aware in the areas of home, travel and food consumption and will therefore have a wider impact on the carbon consumption of the Dunblane community at large, resulting in behaviour change. "
" Ross-shire Waste Action Network (RoWAN) - R U up 4 it? is a 3 year project that aims to reduce the carbon emissions of schools and communities centred around two secondary schools, Dingwall Academy and Charleston Academy (Inverness) through a range of activities. The project will raise awareness of the environmental issues around food, including the carbon emissions created by its production, packaging, storage, transportation and disposal, and promote positive, sustainable behaviour change that will result in significant carbon reductions in the participating households and schools. "
" Students' Association of the University of the West of Scotland - Transition UWS aims to deliver exciting new projects to initiate further reductions in the university communitiesÍ personal environmental impact and help some of the most economical disadvantaged students in Scotland save some cash. This will be achieved through a programme of Carbon Conversation and Your Money, Your Planet courses, as well as a range of activities to encourage sustainable cooking. "
" Sustaining Dunbar - the Resilient Dunbar project will take a holistic approach to enabling behaviour change with a combination of projects supporting food growing, food waste reduction and composting, home energy saving, travel behaviour change and reducing the need to travel. By doing soæthey hope to enhance their communityÍs resilience by reducing dependence on carbon - delivering approximately 18,529 tonnes ofæCO2 lifetime savings - as well as increasing social capital, providing opportunities for learning and sharing skills, engaging many more people in practical projects and increasing local employment opportunities. "
" Lockerbie Primary School's Healthy Lockerbie, Happy Lockerbie project will improve the health and happiness of the Lockerbie Primary School and pupils households by reducing carbon emissions. The pupils will calculate their carbon footprint and take action to reduce it by growing their own food, saving energy and introducing a sustainable transport plan. "
" PlaybustersÍ Grow Green with Glasgow's East End programme will address issues of climate change across the East End of Glasgow with leadership from young people and volunteers. Through local food growing, energy saving, recycling and reuse, they are establishing a change in culture towards climate change and creating a sustainable future for the community. "
" Transition Heriot-Watt - the community at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh is serious about accelerating change in sustainable behaviour, reducing its carbon footprint, not to mention saving staff and students cash, getting them healthier and building a greater sense of community. Transition Heriot-Watt has already converted participant behaviour when travelling to and from the campus.æ Now THW wants to consolidate these gains, diversify and deepen its remit to encourage students and staff to waste less food and eat more healthily, make their homes more energy efficient, and address some of the barriers that discourage people from cycling to the campus. "
" Moffat CAN - the Moffat Youth CAN project aims to lower the carbon footprint of young people _ school pupils and the Guides, Rainbows, Brownies, Beavers and Cubs - via exciting educational programmes. It uses as a rich resource the Moffat CAN staff knowledge and the Moffat CAN site with its low carbon building conversion which incorporates a recycling depot and reuse centre; Scotland's first aquaponics greenhouse growing fruit, veg and fish in water, and a community garden and allotments with food composting and wormeries. "
The Concrete Garden's Fruitful Futures project is a community led food growing initiative tackling waste reduction with a strong intergenerational approach to skills sharing and asset based community development.
" Colintraive and Glendaruel Development Trust's Low Carbon Colntraive and Glendaruel project aims to provide advice and assistance to householders in taking steps to insulate their homes, and reduce their energy bills. It will also provide advice for householders to help them make informed choices to install biomass heating systems to further reduce their carbon footprints. "
" Isle of Rum Community Trust's Greening Rum project aims to make Rum a centre for environmental excellence, making the most of its status as an National Nature Reserve. With energy efficiency improvements to the community hall as a starting point, they aim to educate and encourage residents to grow more of their own food, use electricity more wisely, and make their homes more energy efficient. "
Glamis Primary School's Climate Change project aims to work out the schoolÍs global footprint and develop an action plan involving the entire school to reduce it.
" A Greener Melrose has taken a 20 year lease on a 3.5 acre field at Drygrange, Earleston, to plant and maintain a community orchard. By providing local fruit and nuts, members and volunteers will, by decreasing the amount imported from non-local sources, reduce the transportation CO2 emissions as well as increase the communityÍs resilience and further develop community spirit. "
" Fintry Development TrustÍs F8 Project will move 80% of households, and all community buildings, in the village onto micro-renewable heating and electricity generation systems by 2015. This willædemonstrate that the Scottish GovernmentÍs ambitious 2020 renewable energy target can be met on a community level and will impressively reduce FintryÍs CO2 emissions through a move to micro-renewables, intensive Fintry Community Energy Advice service and supporting low carbon community transport options. To highlight, showcase and share FintryÍs exciting and exemplary low carbon sustainability work, FDT will create and run a living 'Centre of Low Carbon Excellence' that will engage the local community as experts to facilitate the intensive skills and knowledge exchange within the Fintry campus. "
" Comrie Development Trust's New Carbon Challenge project will be tackling behaviour change at a local level through three exciting new projects. Young people in the village will be invited to attend a two-day action packed event to gauge their attitudes to climate change and create their own Carbon Action Plan, householders will be invited to take part in a three year behaviour change study to assess barriers to change and how to overcome them and all residents in Comrie will have access to a dedicated Energy Advisor who will provide energy Audits and promote a solar thermal and PV bulk-purchasing scheme _ all three projects are geared towards finding local solutions to climate change and reducing the collective carbon footprint of the village. "
" Tenants First Housing Co-operative's Co-operation Green project will focus on Aberdeenshire and will support their tenants and those ofætheir partners Castlehill Housing Association to reduce the carbon emissions of their households. This will result in a reduction in their energy use, which in turn will lead to lower energy costs, thus tackling the issue of fuel poverty. "
Strathglass and Affric Community Company Ltd -æCannich Hall Refurbishment project. Aælocal community in the Highlands is using the refurbishment of its village hall to help launch a wider energy awareness campaign. The local school and youth club have been recruited as 'energy monitors' to help cut the communityÍs carbon footprint.
" Fife Diet's Local Food Solutions project aims to expand from 3,000 to 6,000 members over the next three years. They will be creating regular Carbon Impact reports on their collective emissions reductions, rolling out a Being the Change programme engaging new communities in their six steps to sustainable food, and launching a Growing Community project which focuses on collective urban agriculture and forest gardening in Kirkcaldy.æ"
" University of Strathclyde - the Transition University of Strathclyde (Phase 1) feasibility and community consultation study aims to survey the landscape and engage with staff and students within the University of Strathclyde. The project will fund two interns to collect baseline information on their current situation, research which projects will work best considering their unique student and staff demographic and to inform the development of Phase 2 of this project. "
" Lochside Primary's Lochside Green Fingers initiative is a school led community group that will develop a fruit and vegetable garden in the school grounds. The group will be led by the schoolÍs Eco Committee and, with the support of local community groups, will use their extensive school grounds to produce fruit and vegetables to be used in school lunches and tuck shop. "
" Nairn Allotment Society - Sandown Community Gardens project plans to create specific allotment growing space for disadvantaged adults and young people within the Nairn area. The project will provide training & resources not only to help people grow, cook and enjoy their own home-grown fruitæand vegetables, but will also focus on reducing food miles, unnecessary packaging and by reducing waste through effective composting & recycling. "
" Eco Drama's Magic Van Tour 2012-15 will deliver educational workshops and theatre shows to primary and secondary schools within Glasgow City Council. The project will reduce carbon emissions through education, awareness raising and behavioural change with young people and the community and will further reduce emissions through the use of its biodiesel vehicle. "
" Next Step Initiative'sæprojectæaims to transform aspirations, empower and improve lives and buildæsustainable futures for African Communities in the Glasgow region using the African Climate Change Centre in Scotland. The Climate Centre will be part of the larger Africa Centre in Glasgow which has a range of community based initiatives focusing on young people and women utilising media (radio and TV) drama, art and the integration of African music in Scotland. "
" Kirkcaldy Community Gardens and Allotments - Ravenscraig Walled Garden Training Area will provide raised beds and polytunnels for training school and community groups in gardening skills, increasing their confidence to grow their own food. In the fullness of time they will use these skills to grow their own thus contributing to long term reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. "
" Whitlawburn Community Resource Centre's Community Energy project will raise awareness amongst local residents and community groups of practical ways to save energy in the home. It will also provide a more energy efficient Resource Centre, inspiring local people to maintain energy behaviour changes, which will create a lasting impact, reducing the carbon footprint of the Whitlawburn community. "
" Gartmore Community Trust Ltd - the Trust is redeveloping Gartmore Village Hall, to convert a dilapidated building into a valuable, sustainable resource that will be at the heart of community life, sustaining present activities and encouraging new ventures. As part of the development, funding from the Climate Challenge Fund will be used to install a combination of insulation measures that will dramatically alter the energy efficiency of an old building. The project will be used to show how best practice and effective measures can reduce energy loss. It will be used as a showcase for an awareness campaign to stimulate adoption of energy efficiency measures by the wider local community. "
" Elie, Kilconquhar and Colinsburgh Churches - the Kilconquhar Church Insulationæand Lighting project aims to instal ceiling insulation and energy efficient lighting which will lead to a large reduction in energy use and greenhouse gas emissions. This will help the environment and give increased comfort for all users of the only community resource in the village. "
" St Andrews Environmental Network and Transition University of St Andrews have joined forces to bring a unique initiative to the town and gown communities of the St Andrews area to reduce carbon emissions and to build community resilience. Projects will focusing on energy use in homes, community gardens, consumption of sustainable foods, a local exchange scheme, and engaging individuals in practical responses to climate change. "
" Edinburgh World Heritage's Green Heritage project aims to reduce fuel poverty and cut carbon emissions in the World Heritage Site (WHS) by 600 tonnes of CO2 by the end of March 2015. The new community-led projects will include practical energy efficiency workshops, creating more historic vegetable gardens, food-waste activities and innovative active travel initiatives.æ The WHS Energy Efficiency Manager will work with local communities in fuel poverty and in disadvantaged areas around the World Heritage Site, while a new Youth Officer will empower young people to act as leaders in the climate change agenda by ensuring that green skills are passed on to future generations. "
" Trustees for Denholm - the Denholm Carbon Reduction project is starting with the insulation and energy reduction of the Village Hall to allow for increased and varied activities, and to act as the basis for a major refurbishment programme. Concurrently an energy reduction awareness campaign, based on the insulation and energy reduction activities at the Village Hall, relating to private households will be conducted throughout the Village, an activity which is expected to lead to significant carbon reduction. "
" Towards Transition Stirling plans to energise residents in the Stirling area with its new project, Wood For All. This will increase local forestry skills, links between landowners and local communities and the use of wood fuel through both increasing the demand and increasing supply. Free impartial renewable heat assessments are on offer to the local community who will also have an opportunity to be part of a locally managed woodland resource, where the community gains cheap wood and woodland skills and the landowner gains management of an underutilised resource. "
Letham Residents Associationæ- the Letham Community Allotments project aims to turn neglected land within the community into productive fruit and vegetable plots. The project will assist plot holders and community gardeners with a range of practical gardening workshops allowing them the best possible start for our latest community initiative.
Glasgow Bike Station's A Better Way to Work project aims to promote cycling as well as walking and public transport as a convenientæand sustainable way to travel to work. The project will work in co-operation with organisations and companies based in Greater Glasgow.
Kirkhill District Amenities Association's Kirkhill Centre Forward project will provide the community of Kirkhill district with a modern energy efficient building by installing energy efficiency measures to the existing building and new extension. This will make the facilities more attractive and comfortable and provide additional space for community activity in an area with a growing population.
" University of Stirling Students' Union's Lower-Carbon 'University Community Challenge' is a student led project that aims to reduce the carbon emissions of over 36,000 students within the University of Stirling and Forth Valley College community. This will be achieved primarily through education, awareness raising and behaviour change campaigning providing skills, knowledge and resources to the community on energy efficiency, waste, and consumable recycling. "
" Transition Black Isle is working locally to enable communities to adjust to the challenges people will face as energy becomes scarce and the impacts of climate change begin to bite. Through the Black Isle Travel Pilotæproject itæaims to cut car travel by local residents by 1 million miles per year by promoting more sustainable alternatives including cycling, walking, lift-share and public transport. "
" Greener Kirkcaldy's Kirkcaldy Goes Greener! project will help locals to reduce their carbon footprints and learn about positive community-based solutions to climate change. The food project will encourage people to grow and cook local, seasonal food and to reduce waste, and the energy project will help householders, charities and community buildings to save energy, money and carbon. "
" The Factory Skatepark Organisation's project aims to build aælow energy, high efficiency, and low carbon dioxide emissions fun facility for all the family. This new community facility which will be enjoyed by the community for many years to comeæwill play its part in protecting the environment whilst at the same timeæcreating a fun filled community venue. "
" Lochwinnoch Millennium Events Group's LEAP (Local Energy Action Plan) project will enable householders in Lochwinnoch and 3 neighbouring villages to reduce energy wasted in their homes. The project will develop car clubs and lift sharing schemes, expand local food producing initiatives and provide greater access to climate change information through local schools and other organisations working with children and young people in these local communities. "
" Eastwood Nursery -æa local community driven project is converting a derelict site within Eastwood Park East, Renfrewshire into allotments and delivering food waste reduction programmes and gardening advice to local residents and schoolchildren. Thornliebank, Giffnock and Thornliebank Community Councils and the Woodfarm Residents Group have joined forces to help clear an overgrown site to make vegetable plots, greenhouses and polytunnels and raised beds available to the local residents schools and nurseries. "
" Whitmuir Initiative - the Black and Green projectæaims to collect woody residues from local gardens, tree surgeons and farms that would otherwise be dumped, incinerated or sent to landfill to make a form of charcoal known as biochar. When added to horticultural and agricultural soils biochar enhances plant growth, improves crop yields and 'locks up' atmospheric carbon in the ground for hundreds of years; local residents and farmers will learn how to use biochar. "
" Beith Community Development Trust's Beith Big Swap project aims toæhelp sports clubs and teams in Beith kick the carbon habit by swapping driving for walking, sharing lifts and up-cycling sports kit. "
Angus Care and Repair's professional staff can give talks and carry out Home Energy visits for older and disabled people to give advice on how to reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions. They also have a handyperson service to clear out lofts to enable them to get insulated or hang thermal curtains to retain heat.
Wick St. Fergus Church of Scotland's heating and lightingæproject involves the provision of first time insulation in the roof space of the church to minimise heat loss. The replacement of filament light bulbs with energy efficient bulbs to reduce electricity consumption will also helpæto reduce the carbon footprint of the church.
" North Glasgow Housing Associationæaims to be at the forefront in implementing change through recycling and re-use, energy saving, food growing and in the process will change attitudes and behaviours to create a lasting legacy. "
Gargunnock Community Trust's project aims to refurbishæthe Gargunnock Community Centre and help minimise its carbon footprint. The refurbished Community Centre will be insulated and have energy efficient heating and lighting which will demonstrate to individuals across the village the positive impact of such measures in both tackling climate change and reducing costs.
Mure Memorial Church in Baillieston is replacing all 62 windows in the Sanctuary and halls.
Kyle Academy Bike Club - a community based project adjacent to the banks of the River Ayr that will promote cycling as a sport in a safe and challenging environment for the whole family. Cycle trails with varying levels of difficulty will be created to support the novice bike rider and develop the enthusiast. The overarching aim of this project is to reduce local journeys by car and promote the sport of cycling leading to reduced congestion on local roads while promoting lifelong cycle skills training opportunities within the Kyle Community.
Shettleston Housing Association - the Shettleston Energy Advice project will help local people to reduce their energy consumption and in so doing save money on fuel bills. The project's advisors will visit people in their own homes to give advice on measures they can take and signpost them to agencies for specialist input and access to grants.
South Seeds - the South Seeds Energy Catalyst project aims toædeliver practical advice and support to improve energy efficiency in properties in the South Glasgow area by working with local energy partners to maximise uptake of efficiency measures cut fuel bills and improve people's lives. Tenements will beæencouraged to tackle energy efficiency by setting up Close Troops in which people will work together to improve close efficiency and work alongside the local community to work together to refurbish and manage green spaces for local food growing.
" Allotment Association of Crieff - the demand for allotment space in Crieff has led to the provision of 30æplots where members will be able to grow their own seasonal produce. In addition to the undoubted health benefits, this will help to reduce CO2 emissions and cut down on food waste packaging and food miles. "
" Lesmahagow Development Trust's Grow a Lot Lesmahagow project aims to cut carbon emissions, promote a healthier lifestyle and improve the economic circumstances of Lesmahagow residents. The project which will create a new community allotment will enable local schools, interest groups and individuals to grow their own produce thereby reducing food miles and food waste. The establishment works will be delivered as an employability project providing waged work experience and training for local people. "
Tighean Innse Gall's Sustainable Hebrides project will work in partnership with the many community land trusts throughout the Western Isles to improve energy efficiency and housing stock of the islands assisting the people of the Western Isles to reduce their fuel bills in a practical ' hands on' approach through free energy home visits. The Western Isles continue to suffer from the worst level of fuel poverty in the whole of the UK with housholds in 'severe fuel poverty' now matching the national average basic ' fuel poverty'. Sustainable Hebrides will have a considerable contribution towards helping vulnerable people reduce their fuel bills and carbon emissions throughout the Western Isles.
" Highland Real Nappy Project - the Wee Footprints project will develop and promote techniques to deliver low-carbon parenting in the Highlands. Through incentives, peer support training and practical events Wee Footprints will work with new families and established early years providers to deliver significant carbon savings with a long term legacy. "
" Skill Share Dundee - people from across Dundee including old and young, students and professionals are coming together to share their knowledge, learn new skills and get involved in exciting new projects all of which will aim to cut their carbon emissions and help lead healthier lifestyles. "
Fyne Futures - the Towards Zero Carbon Bute project aims to reduce carbon emissions through encouraging behaviour change on short journeys and actively support energy saving in Bute's built heritage. The project will alsoæengage people in active travel and developing solutions for hard to treat properties on the island.
" Solar Cities Scotland's Dundee Green Challenge project. The Community Representative structures from the Dundee Wards of the West End and North East are working with Solar Cities Scotland to engage residents in a three stage behaviour change programme that will encourage 2,600 households to take up low carbon living. This will be delivered alongside a household renewable energy and insulation advice service giving tailored guidance on how to improve residents' homes through the installation of energy saving measures and renewable energy technologies linked to ""best price"" offers from installers. "
Grampian Housing Association's Community Energy Challenge project aims to reduce the CO2e emissions from its houses in targeted areas in Aberdeen City focusing on behaviour change in respect of energy use of their tenants and those of itsæsister organisation Langstane Housing Association. This will result in tenants being more aware of climate change and energy efficiency and will tackle fuel poverty resulting in an increase in tenants' well being.
" Lightburn Elderly Association's Energy Efficiency Service will reduce the CO2e emissions from older people's homes and lifestyles within the Blantyre, Hamilton and Larkhall areas of South Lanarkshire. The Make a Difference Project will provide energy efficiency advice and advocacy training. "
" Transition Edinburgh Pentlands, in partnership with Juniper Green, Nether Currie and Currie Primary Schools will deliver a schools programme and community event designed to raise awareness of where energy comes from, how to reduce its usage and explore green alternatives. Through active learning class discussions and games the children will gain an understanding and awareness of how their and their families' actions and behaviour can make a difference allowing them to live more sustainable lives. "
" Pentland Housing Association - the Caithness Carbon Challenge Project will employ an energy adviser to visit people in their homes. The energy adviser will educate householders on heating systems, behavioural change, lifestyle issues, appliances, energy saving measures and encourage them to monitor energy usage. The project aims to reduce electricity consumption as a result of appliance use by an average minimum of 15% across 600 households which it is estimatedæwill alsoæto save householders over £90 per year on fuel bills. "
" Melness and Tongue Community Development Trust's North Coast Energy Efficiency Advice project will provide in-depth energy efficiency advice to households in North Sutherland. The project will also engage householders in a programme of food waste reduction through the Kitchen Canny programme.æThe project aims to save householders in excess of £200,000 in electricity bills. "
" Whiting Bay Village Hall on the Isle of Arran aims to improve the energy efficiency of their hall by using modern, environmentally friendly materials to replace original windows and insulate the hall. This will lead to a decreased carbon footprint as the building will be more efficient to heat. The project will also work to encourage community action that will lead to behaviour change from hall users and the wider community. "
" Ullapool Community Trust Ltd's Pure Power for Lochbroom projectæaims to enhance awareness, knowledge and uptake of renewable energy technologies throughout Lochbroom. A development officer will provide support, advice and training and will assist and encourageælocal residentsæto take advantage of energy efficiency measures and opportunities including the Green Deal. The project will also investigate and promote sustainable use of local biomass such as wood. "
Broughty Ferry New Kirk - St Aidan's Church aims to increase its energy efficiency through improved insulation.æThe church will provide a support and advice service for residents on how to combat fuel poverty and reduce their carbon footprint. It will also act as a base to serve all the needs of the local community by offering a safe and suitable community building adapted for a wide range of uses.
" Parent Action for Safe Play's Growing Greener projectæwill help young people and families in Coatbridge, North Lanarkshire,æto reduce their carbon footprint through education, awareness raising and behavioural change. The project will include gardening, cooking, composting, recycling and energy efficient events. "
Urray and Kilchrist Church of Scotland in the Highlands aims to reduce its CO2æemissions through modern insulation techniques and energy efficient systems at their Community Hall. This will transform the hall into a safe and comfortable environment for the whole community and cut fuel bills. The church is active through the eco-congregation scheme through which it will continue to engage with the local community in raising awareness of its carbon footprint.
" Foula Primary School on the island of Foula, Shetland will work with the local community to create a Polycrub (polytunnel) within the school grounds. The Foula Community Polycrub project will create a space for local year-round food production which will reduce CO2 emissions by cutting the distance food is transported. The project will share the knowledge between generations of 'growing your own' and set an example of how community action can promote long term sustainability. "
" Lochaber Environmental Group aims to empower Lochaber's residents to address fuel and energy issues and cut their carbon footprint. The Lochaber Initiative on Fuel and Energy (LIFE) project will cut CO2 emissions, reduce fuel bills and help people to stay warm. A team of Energy Champions based in their local communities will be available to provide information and support to households, B&Bs, hotels and community buildings. LIFE will also guide a number of projects in schools to ensure an awareness of environmental issues among the young people of Lochaber. "
" Gorbals Healthy Living Network's Greening the Gorbals projectæwill kick start a number of small scale carbon footprint reduction projects to engage residents in growing food and recycling. The participation, learning and experience of these projects will influence both the process of physical regeneration of the area and be beneficial to residents. "
" Bernera Community Association of Great Bernera Island in the Outer Hebrides has been awarded funding to create the community-led Green Great Bernera project to reduce its carbon footprint. The project will grow fruit and vegetables for local consumption, thus reducing CO2 emissions associated with food transport as less food will need to be imported from the mainland. Given the extreme climate of Great Bernera the project will depend on the shelter of gale-resistant greenhouses and polytunnels as well as wind-breaks in order to successfully cultivate the 1600m2 area for growing. The project will ensure all green waste is recycled and will use primarily local resources such as seaweed fertilisers and self-made compost to ensure additional reductions in carbon footprint. "
" Love Milton's Sanctuary project aims to develop a low carbon footprint community space which will be built by local people usingærecycled and reclaimed materials. This project in the Milton area, on the Northern outskirts of Glasgow will build the capacity of local people to lead a sustainable lifestyle, create a sense of community, and increase their chances of employment. "
Park Ecovillage Trust's Moray Junior Eco-Forum project will bring together children from schools across Moray to create a young people's think-tank on environmental change giving them an opportunity to manage a carbon footprint reducing initiative in their own community.
" REAP (Rural Environmental Action Project) has been awarded funding to work in the Keith and Strathisla areas and promote the growing and eating of local fruit and vegetables and reduce food waste through the Food Network Keith project. The project will lower carbon emissions from food in Keith and enhance local public spaces through a variety ofæ fun and practical activities. These will include electric bike deliveries, composting, cookery and gardening courses, planting a community orchard and working with community groups. "
" Upper Tweed Railway Paths (UTRP) will undertake a feasibility study into the development of 36km of multi-use path between Peebles, Symington, Broughton and Tweedsmuir. UTRP believes that the majority of this route could use former railway lines and would provide a safe means for people to access local towns using low-carbon transport such as walking and cycling. "
" Isle of Luing Community Trust aims to make their new Atlantic Islands Centre in Cullipool Conservation Village an energy efficient, low carbon footprint and low maintenance community building. This will be achieved by usingælocal slate for cladding and effective insulation. The Atlantic Islands Centre will enable the delivery of local community based services promoting a more self-sufficient and sustainable community. With services being provided locally there will also be less reliance on car journeys resulting in a further decrease in CO2 emissions. "
" Falkland Stewardship Trust in Fife will receive funding to develop an innovative woodfuel supply project for villages within a five mile radius of Falkland Estate. The Forest of Falkland project will utilise surplus wood and incorporate bicycle-powered delivery. This will increase the fuel resilience and reduce the carbon footprint of the community. At the same time the project will raise awareness of how, via direct community action, people can save money and reduce consumption of non-renewable energy. "
" Hawick Congregational Community Church's Reaching Out GROW project will improve insulation and install double glazing in the church hall. This will help save energy and reduce its carbon footprint as well as providing a warm building, suitable for use as a community hub. The project will also raise awareness of energy efficiency in the local community, changing behaviour to reduce energy consumption. "
" Logie Coldstone Trust - the Trust will refurbish theæ19th century Logie Coldstone Village Hall in Aberdeenshire. This will include insulation of stone walls and new double glazed windows and doors whichæwill reduce the carbon footprint of the building, reduce costs, and make the hall more comfortable and suitableæfor a wide variety of uses.æA number of activities will take place at the building and in the local community to raise awareness of climate change and promote energy efficient behaviour. "
Tarland Development Group's Tarland Community Gardenæproject will encourage people of all ages and abilities to grow their own fruit and vegetablesæwhich will help to reduceætheiræcarbon footprint. The project aims to promote local food production and sustainable living in a rural area with a challenging climate and will include a large polytunnel. Additional outcomes of the project will be enhanced social cohesion and the health benefits that gardening will offer the community.
" Applecross Community Company - the Applecross Energy Efficiency project aims to improve energy efficiency on the Applecross peninsula. This will reduce energy use, bills and the carbon footprint of the peninsula. The project will focus on providing advice and assistance on home insulation and draught-proofing, optimising the efficiency of existing heating systems and facilitating the installation of domestic renewable energy sources. "
" Barra and Vatersay Agricultural and Horticultural Producers Association's Hebridean Living project will assist residents of Barra and Vatersay to take steps towards self-sufficiency and reducing their carbon footprint. The project will encourage local gardening, seasonal cooking using local produce and ways of preserving food. The project will also have additional benefits for the community including a healthier diet and health benefits associated with gardening. "
" The Church of Pentecost will install energy efficient lighting and insulation at their church hall in Mount Florida, Glasgow to decrease energy use, bills and their carbon footprint. They will also increase awareness of climate change issues and promote energy efficient behaviour amongst building users and the local community. This will take the form of awareness raising events and local energy advisors. "
" Stenhouse St. Aidan's Parish Church - Edgar Church Hall in Edinburgh will be refurbished with secondary glazing on all windows. This will provide a modern, multi-purpose space suitable for a wide variety of community uses. The new space will be easier to keep warm, reducing the congregation's carbon footprint. Users of the building will be issued with guidance on energy use which will promote energy efficient behaviour. "
" Creetown Initiative Ltd's Cycle 4 Life project will engage with local people who want to cycle instead of using the car. The project, based in Creetown, Dumfries & Galloway, will offer services such as cycle training, loan bikes and bike repair. It will also encourage the development of bike maintenance skills and offer a range of cycle-themed incentives in return for a written pledge to make a regular local journey by bike on at least 10 occasions. A car-free travel to school programme along safe routes will be promoted together with cycle proficiency training. All of this will reduce car journeys, congestion and the community's carbon footprint while also providing benefits to health. "
" Lanark Community Development Trust will renovate derelict buildings and disused open space in Castlebank Park, Lanark. The Castlebank Horticultural and Environmental Hub project will allow the community to learn about and participate in activities which will help reduce Lanark's carbon footprint. These activities will include local food growing, composting and recycling. "
" Community Food Initiatives North East's FareShare Goes Local! project, based in Aberdeen will build on contacts with local north east stores and growers to negotiate collection and distribution of their surplus produce which would normally go to landfill.æThe project will distribute the produce to low income, vulnerable, homeless and disabled community members. Carbon footprint of the community will decrease as the surplus local food supplies, previously destined for waste are distributed for local consumption. The project will also create opportunities for volunteering and work placements as well as raising awareness of the carbon footprint of food and climate change. "
" St Columba's Church of Scotland in Stirling city centre will thermally upgrade its main hall to save energy and reduce its carbon footprint. The project will also provide advice on energy efficient behaviour to the 150 church users and 325 hall users who make use of the facilities, which will help to further reduce theæcarbon footprint ofæthe local community. "
" Himalayan Centre Edinburgh Ltd'sæLeith Community Climate Change project will support a community initiative to establish a low-carbon, sustainable centre for arts and culture, repurposing a disused B-listed building in Great Junction Street, Leith.æEnergy efficient measures will be installed when the building is renovated, while the second year of the project will see a Community Engagement Officer and five Climate Champions focusing on a community climate initiative. This initiative will work with local people to reduce the carbon footprint of their daily lives. "
" The Aden Community Allotments Association will create 42 allotments and a community garden in the grounds of Aden Country Park in Mintlaw, Aberdeenshire. The project will provide the local community with the opportunity to grow their own food, compost and reduce waste, thus reducing their carbon footprint. It will also provide non-members with a chance to learn valuable skills associated with growing their own fruit and vegetables. "
" Ormiston Grows - the community led Ormiston Grows Green project will reduce carbon footprint within the village of Ormiston, East Lothian through raising awareness of the need to reduce food waste and car journeys as well as providing opportunities for the community to grow their own vegetables. The initiative will have additional positive impacts on health and wellbeing associated with gardening and active travel, while bringing the community together. It also aims to contribute to local economic regeneration. "
" Highland Perthshire aims to be the first cycle friendly community in Scotland through the Highland Perthshire Cycle Friendly Community Project. The project, run by Highland Perthshire Cycling in Aberfeldy, will lead the wayæin enabling the community to reduce car journeys and travel actively more often. The project will also create opportunities for the community to gain the skills, knowledge and confidence needed to achieve this. "
" Peebles Community Action Network - the Back to Basics project aims to empower young people and families to build a sustainable Peebles. The project will expand community growing facilities and raise awareness of local growing, buying local seasonal food and reducing food waste. It will also support the efficient use of natural resources. These actions will reduce the carbon footprint of the community. "
" Greener Kirkcaldy'sæCosy-up Communities project will help 600 households in 6 neighbourhoods to save energy, money and reduce theiræcarbon footprint while staying warm and comfortable in their homes. Pop-up advice shops, volunteer Energy Champions and a wide range of local organisations and community groups will help to get locals on board to understand their energy use, insulate their homes and make efficient use of their heating. "
Wester Hailes Health Agency's Edible Estates project will engage the residents of two large housing estates in the south west of Edinburgh to develop their local greenspace into an asset which supports sustainable lifestyles. The project will help to build the skills and capacity of residents of all ages to work together to regenerate degraded greenspaces throughout their estates. It will focus particularly upon the creation of 'edible landscapes' such as community orchards and food growing plots for local food production which will reduce the carbon footprint of the community.
" Ardersier War Memorial Hall Association in the Highlands will fully insulate and draught proof their 1923 hall to reduce its energy use and carbon footprint and help to make it a desirable community asset fit for purpose. They will also provide advice on energy efficient behaviour to hall users, thus reducing carbon footprint further in the local community. "
" Priorsford Primary School's Greener Food project in Peebles will reduce their carbon footprint by giving pupils, staff and parents the skills to allow them to grow their own food in a school garden and at home. It will also focus on decreasing food waste through a 'zero waste lunchbox' and increase awareness of the carbon footprint involved in food production. "
" Velocity Cafe and Bicycle Workshop will promote cycling to work and play as a travel choice and a contributory factor to a healthy, happy lifestyle when combined with eating local produce. The Eat Cycle Work Play Local! project will work with the community to reduce itsæcarbon footprint by increasing consumption of local food, cutting food miles and make cycling to school and work in Inverness the norm, reducing car journeys.æ The project will provide support to cyclists through cycling training and fix-your-own-bike sessions. It will also provideæsupport to help cyclists find safer routes as well as working with employers to help create more comfortable working environments for cyclists. "
" North Glasgow Community Food Initiative's community-led Milton CRUNCH (Community - Recycling - Upcycling - Nutritious food - Composting - Health) project, based at the Community Garden in Liddesdale Square, Milton,æaims to reduce carbon emissions and boost health and wellbeing for all ages as people cook and eat healthy food which has been grown locally. It also aims to cut carbon emissions and waste through both composting and the creation of growing spaces using recycled materials. "
" St Boswells Hall Management Community's hall refurbishmentæproject in St Boswells, Scottish Borders. After 116 years, the village hall is to be brought up to date by a major refurbishment programme to provide a totally revitalised hub for the whole community of St Boswells. The roof will be insulated, double glazing installed and draught proofing improved throughout, resulting in a much more energy efficient building and a reduction in carbon emissions. The project will also raise awareness of energy efficiency in the community. "
" Harvest Ministries Limited have been awarded a grant to install energy efficient lighting, insulation, double glazing and doors in The Harvest Centre, Elgin. These improvements will result in a comfortable community hub which is more energy efficient, resulting in a decrease in both carbon emissions and bills. The project will also raise awarenessæ of climate change and energy efficiencyæ in the local community through promotion of the measures installed in the Harvest Centre and additional events. "
" The North Perth Allotment Association has been awarded a grant for their North Perth Allotments project. The project aims to utilise neglected land within the community to create small allotments, reducing carbon emissions as fruit and vegetables are grown locally. The project will also support and assist plot holders and community gardeners with a broad range of practical gardening skills. "
Exit Community Centre in Glenrothes has been awarded a grant to install energy efficient windows and doors and raise awareness of energy efficiency in the local community. The improvements to the Exit Centre will reduce fuel bills and cut carbon emissions. In addition a series of community focussed workshops hosted by local experts will show people how they can make more efficient use of energy in their homes and daily lives.
" Islay Community Access Group'sæSouth Islay Distilleries Pathway project aims to reduce car use and carbon emissions by providing safe cycling and walking access between Port Ellen and Ardbeg on the Isle of Islay. The pathway will link homes, local services, places of employment, sites of cultural, historical and environmental significance, plus major visitor attractions.æRecycled and locally sourced materials will be used in the construction, signage and interpretive boards for the route. The project will also provide health benefits for local residents who travel by cycle and foot. "
" Everything Baby Highland aims to provide affordable pre-loved baby goods and parenting support to Highland families. Based from shop premises in Inverness, the project will reduce carbon emissions by promoting the benefits of reusingæbaby goods and other activities. "
" Outfit Moray's Moray Bike Revolution project aimsæto inspire individuals, groups and communities to move away from their cars and instead cycle for leisure, health and commuting activities. Bike maintenance courses and bike ïhealth checksÍ will be provided in schools and the local community while awareness-raising sessions will highlight cycling opportunities and local infrastructure that supports cycling. The project plans to further reduce carbon emissions through the refurbishment and resale of second hand bikes. "
" Central Scotland Regional Equality Council Limited has been awarded a grant to run the Eco-Friendly Falkirk project which will work with Black and Minority Ethnic Communities in Falkirk to reduce their carbon footprint. The project will raise awareness of climate change, fuel poverty and the links between them, supporting the communities in reducing their carbon emissions. Provision of this support to communities will be assisted by volunteer champions who have been recruited from the communities. "
" Transition TurriefieldÍs Carbon Classroom project willæwork with residents in the west side of Shetland, helping them reduce their food related carbon emissions. The carbon classroom will provide the community with information, advice and support on how to grow their own food, make better food buying choices and reduce food waste. "
" Community Central Hall's community-led Maryhill Climate Challenge project will actively reduce carbon emissions in the North West of Glasgow by increasing home energy efficiency and access to lower carbon food. These services will be supported by educational programmes involving the community in all aspects of the food cycle from cooking and consumption through to cultivating and composting. The project will also facilitate discussion and understanding through 'Carbon Conversations'. Maryhill Climate Challenge will act as the catalyst foræchange, leading the community in their carbon emission reductions and building resilience to climate change. "
" Aberdeen University Students' Association's Carbon Academy projectæwill provide training, mentoring, energy efficiency advice, plus awareness raising activities for local charities and students, helping them cut their carbon emissions and save money. "
" Selkirk Parish Church has been awarded a grantæto make energy efficiency a priority in the renovation of the church hall and to encourage energy efficient behaviour at the church and in the community. The project, A Greener Future for Selkirk Parish Church, aims to reduce heat loss, energy use and carbon emissions and make the building more suitable for all sections of the community. The project will also promote and encourage energy efficient behaviour amongst church members and hall users, leading to a greener future for both the church and itsæcommunity. "
" Students' Association University of the West of Scotland's Climate Change and Sustainability project aims toæencourage University of the West of Scotland students, staff and wider community to embed carbon reduction into their everyday lives though the provision of a range of activities that will be attractive to the community. Activities will include reducing energy use in halls of residence and bringing communities together to reduce carbon emissions through food growing and active travel initiatives. The project will also provide work experience opportunities for students, increasing their employability. "
" Glasgow Play-Resource Association's RePlay project, based on GlasgowÍs southside, will reduce carbon emissions and waste by utilising materials diverted from landfill for environmental art and play. In addition, the project will combine environmental awareness and artistic creativity to create a connection between people and their environment. RePlay aims to change behaviour through the children it reaches with the environmental awareness they gain at a young age also influencing their parents to improve and reduce their waste production and disposal practices. "
" Edinbane Community Hall Association in Portree has been awarded a grant to run the Edinbane Hall Energy Efficiency project which will install insulation in the hall, providing the community of Edinbane with a modern, energy efficient building with lower carbon emissions. "
" East Lothian Roots and Fruits has been awarded a grant to run The Garden Plate project, on behalf of five primary schools (Prestonpans, St Gabriel's, Sanderson's, Wynd Cockenzie and Whitecraig). The project will help these schools reduce their carbon emissions by growing local food on school allotments and by taking measures to reduce their food waste at school. "
" Mull and Iona Community Trust'sæSustainable Homes project will help islanders access appropriate and affordable solutions for reducing energy bills and carbon emissions with the help of an energy advisor. The project will also work in conjunction with academic, commercial and housing partners to develop new solutions for ""hard to treat"" properties. "
" Lismore Public Hall on the Isle of Lismore, Argyll and Bute, has been awarded a grantæto run the Lismore Hall Energy project which will insulate and draught-proof the building, reducing carbon emissions and transforming the hall into a comfortable and warm hub for island activities. The project also aims to raise awareness of climate change and cut community-wide transport carbon emissions through promotion of lower carbon travel alternatives. "
" Whiteinch and Scotstoun Housing Association in Glasgow's energy advice project will employ an Energy Advice Officer who will visit residents in their own homes to provide information, advice and assistance on energy efficiency and carbon reduction measures. The project aims to help households reduce their energy consumption, bills and associated carbon emissions. "
" The Island of Hoy Development Trust has been awarded a grant to run the Affordable Warmth and Service Support Scheme. The scheme will co-ordinate and signpost a qualified supply and installation chain of local contractors to install energy efficiency measures and upgrades across the local community. Through education, certified measurement (Green Deal Assessments) and qualified guidance, the project is targeting an overall reduction in carbon emissions. "
" I am Bikes Limited has been awarded a grantæto encourage the people of Cumbernauld to get on their bikes for the first Cycle to the Moon Challenge, which will record the cumulative number of weekly journeys by bike in a business or school. Results will be uploaded onto weekly to create a competitive environment which aims to encourage people to cycle instead of using the car, thus reducing carbon emissions. I am Bikes also aims to help people switch from car to bike by offering bike maintenance sessions, workplace audits, cycle journey planning and helping schools and employers work towards Cycling Scotland's 'Cycling Friendly' status. "
" Twechar Community Action in East Dunbartonshire's Green Energy Aware Twechar Water Reduction project will explore how rain water harvesting and reduction of water consumption both in the home and other premises in the village can reduce carbon emissions, tackle fuel poverty and support local food growing and adaptation initiatives. "
" Penicuik Community Development Trust has been awarded a grant to restore The Lost Garden of Penicuik (once an efficient fruit and vegetable garden) to full production as a sustainable local food source, thus reducing carbon emissions associated with food miles. This community-led project also aims to maximise the benefits of the garden as a place of therapeutic, social, educational and environmental value. "
" East Dunbartonshire's Cycle Co-operative's Good Moves Bishopbriggs project aims to reduce local carbon emissions through smarter (lower carbon) travel choices to school and work. The project aims to give direct support to 2,000 residents aged 3 to 83 and to influence a further 10,000 indirectly. "
" Burravoe Public Hall in Yell, Shetland, has been awarded a grantæto run The Burravoe Public Hall Energy Saving Improvement project. The project will insulate the hall to make it a warm and comfortable community building with reduced energy use and carbon emissions. In addition, the project aims to inform the community how they can use the hall and their own homes in an energy efficient manner, decreasing energy use, bills and carbon emissions. "
St Michael's Parish Church of Scotland in Linlithgow has been awarded a grant to run the EMPOWERING St Michael's and Linlithgow project which will replace inefficient lighting in the church with modern LED lighting technology. This will substantially reduce electricity consumption and carbon emissions and serve as a catalyst to encourage all users and visitors to St Michael's to take similar action at home.
" Robert Gordon University Student Association in Aberdeen, has been awarded a grant to run the RGU: Union Carbon Footprint Initiative project. The project will drive initiatives that allow students to gain transferable skills through training in energy efficiency, bike maintenance and development of vegetable plots. The acquired skills will allow students to give back to the community while reducing local carbon emissions, helpling to tackle climate change. "
" The Gate Christian Fellowship's Gate Church Carbon Saving project in Dundeeæaims to promote behaviour changes towards low carbon lifestyles, increase the uptake of low carbon transport and install energy efficiency measures in two buildings in the West End of Dundee; Grade A listed St Marks Church on Perth Road and the community centre on Greenfield Place. "
" Milnathort and Kinross Allotment Association has been awarded a grantæto provide community members and organisations in Kinross-shire with an opportunity to grow their own fruit and veg to reduce food miles and carbon emissions. They will convert an unused field into 30 allotment plots of various sizes, a community garden with communal facilities such as storage buildings, a poly-tunnel and water supply. They will also install raised beds to make gardening more accessible for older and disabled individuals and hold a range of educational activities. "
" The Grampian Housing Association has been awarded a grantæto reduce carbon emissions from their houses in targeted areas in Moray. The Community Energy Challenge Moray project will focus on behaviour change in respect of the energy use of their tenants and alsoæthose of Langstane Housing Association. This will result in tenants being more aware of climate change, energy efficiency and will tackle fuel poverty resulting in an increase in tenants' wellbeing. "
" Fallin Community Enterprises Recyke-a-Bike's Cycling into Sustainability project aims to reach all sectors of local communities in Stirling, Clackmannan and Falkirk and promote cycling as a healthy, environmentally friendly activity and a first choice in local travel. Bike Doctor events and training in both cycle skills and bike maintenance aim to help individuals, community groups, youth groups, schools, businesses and third sector organisations make journeys by bike instead of byæcar, thus reducing local carbon emissions. "
" Glasgow School of Arts Sustainability in Action Group's Artists using Resources in the Community (ARC) project will help the local artist community tackle climate change in their studios, halls of residence, flats and kitchens. The project will see action to save energy, water and food, plus initiatives to increase recycling levels and re-use more artistic materials. Together, these measures aim to reduce the school community's and local artists' carbon emissions. "
" Colintraive and Glendaruel Development Trust in Argyll & Bute has been awarded a grantæto run the The Greener ColGlen project which aims to reduce carbon emissions in the areas of food, waste and energy within their local communities. The project will grow food locally in two polytunnels, compost waste and use the local forest as a sustainable source of woodfuel. Further initiatives will include a website, blog, food waste workshops and a harvest festival to celebrate their first growing season. "
" SCOREscotland'sæGreen Futures project will work with members of black and ethnic minority communities in south west Edinburgh to raise their awareness of climate change and support them to take actions to reduce carbon emissions that also have a positive impact on their lives and those of their families, friends, community and neighbourhoods. The project also aims to reduce fuel poverty, facilitate safe travel by lower carbon transport alternatives such as public transport and provide new opportunities for volunteers. "
" A partnership between Islay and Jura Community Enterprises Ltd and Islay Energy Trust has been awarded a grantæto deliver the Whisky Island Sustainability project. The project will incorporate an Island Lift Share Scheme and the promotion of active modes of travel to reduce car journeys and associated carbon emissions on 'Islay Whisky Island'. Further reductions in carbon emissions will be achieved through installation of new technology LED lighting and extra insulation at Mactaggart Leisure Centre, which will also reduce energy use and bills at this community hub. "
" West Lothian Financial Inclusion Network's Home Energy Advice project will provide a range of advice and support to vulnerable groups and those in fuel poverty. As well as reducing bills, energy usage and carbon emissions through these activities the project also aims to provide education on long-term measures for fuel efficiency. "
" West of Scotland Regional Equality Council (WSREC) has been awarded a grantæto run the Cook, Sew, Grow project. The project will focus on working with the Polish, African and Middle Eastern communities in Glasgow to increase community understanding of climate change and how to reduce carbon emissions. WSREC will be offering a programme of information sharing, cooking, growing, sewing and cycling to encourage individuals from these communities and others to take the lower carbon route. "
Shopmobility Aberdeen's Public Transport Outreach project will encourage the use of lower carbon transport alternatives instead of the car whilst providing mobility solutions.æShopmobility Aberdeen will provide trained volunteer companions to assist people with mobility and sensory impairments in their travel by lower carbon transport alternatives such as public transport.
" Tullibody Healthy Living Initiative, has been awarded a grant to run the Tullibody Garden project which will engage with local people who have expressed a wish to buy and grow local produce. The aim of the garden project is to provide fresh produce for sale locally and to encourage every resident to grow their own in order to reduce food miles, and thus, the communityÍs carbon emissions. "
Gorbals Healthy Living Network's Greener Cleaner Gorbals project will create local food growing spaces and offer food growing workshops to the community to encourage consumption of locally grown and seasonal produce. As well as reducing carbon emissions associated with food miles the project also aims to reduce carbon emissions associated with vegetable waste going to landfill by offering a collection service and then composting the material.
" The Maxwell Town Information Centre has been awarded a grantæto run The Maxwell Centre Community Garden and Environment project which will give the community the chance to grow fruit, vegetables and herbs locally, thus reducing food miles and packaging waste. The project will also address air pollution, conservation and the sustainability of food through learning and development opportunities. "
" Sandwick Social and Economic Development Company, Shetland, has been awarded a grant toærun the Hoswick Visitor Centre Energy Preservation project which will install energy saving measures such as insulation in the visitor centre. These measures will reduce energy use, bills and carbon emissions and will also mean that users of the centre will be able to plan events during the winter months knowing that the centre will be warm. "
" RecyColl's Moving Coll Towards Zero Waste project will support the community on the Isle of Coll in adopting behaviours and practices to reduce carbon emissions, utilise local resources more effectively and increase social cohesion. The group is also working towards providing a centre for learning, information sharing, practical recycling and reuse activities on the island. "
" Forward Coupar Angus Ltd's Energy Savings for Coupar Angus (ESCA) project will open an Energy Advice Centre in the Perthshire town. The Centre will give advice and practical help to the community on how to cut fuel bills and carbon emissions through reducing energy consumption and accessing existing funding for measures such as home insulation, heating and micro-renewables. "
" Transition Edinburgh South has been awardedæa grantæto run the Gilmerton, Gracemount & Moredun Grow Stronger project. This community-led food initiative aims to tackle barriers to local food production and reduction of food waste (including associated carbon emissions) by using community asset based approaches. The project will be delivered through building community capacity and individual volunteer skills and will use an inclusive inter-generational approach to involve the whole community in tackling carbon emissions and climate change. "
* 21st Century Families in East Kilbride has been awarded a grant to run the Families on a Budget project which aims to help reduce fuel poverty through supporting families to manage their household budget as well as to change habits to reduce energy usage and carbon emissions.
"Fairness, Race Awareness & Equality (FRAE) will work with the ethnic minority communities of Fife to cut carbon emissions from 200 households through the Fife BME Energy and Environment Challenge. The project will recruit local 'Community Champions' to raise awareness of energy saving measures that will reduce energy use, bills and carbon emissions, thus reducing the number of families in fuel poverty and helping to tackle climate change. "
"Oban Phoenix Cinema will install energy efficient measures including lighting, insulation and draught proofing through their 'See the Change' project. 'See the Change' will also enable Oban Cinema to become a central hub for volunteer champions to work with the wider community to reduce carbon emissions. Workshops, films and discussion will support the volunteer champions in engagement with the local community to demonstrate how efficient energy use and recycling can save money, reduce carbon emissions and help take action on climate change. "
"Dundee University Student Trading and Innovative Enterprise (DUSTIE) will work with the local community to increase energy efficiency and decrease car use through their 'Carbon Crushers' project. Energy efficiency advice will be provided through a Green Advice Centre and by trained student advisors whoæwill visit homes. The move away from cars towards lower carbon alternatives will be facilitated by activities such as cycle lessons, maintenance classes and hire bike promotion. These measures will help the community to reduce carbon emissions, taking action on climate change while saving money. "
"Calvay Housing Association Limited's Calvay Energy Efficiency project will install insulation and motion sensor controlled lighting at the Calvay Centre in Glasgow. This will reduce energy use and bills at the Centre and also reduce carbon emissions, helping to combat climate change. The project also aims to raise awareness of energy efficiency in the local community, increase recycling levels of clothes and household goods and provide access to land where people can grow their own food. "
"Destiny Church Trust will take steps to reduce the energy use and carbon emissions of their church building in the south side of Glasgow through installation of double glazed windows and energy efficient lighting. As well as providing a warmer, more comfortable building and reducing bills, the project will help to tackle climate change through the reduction in carbon emissions. In addition, the project will work with the local community to reduce energy use by providing information and advice on energy efficiency measures. A community growing space and food waste composting will also be encouraged through workshops offered at the church cafe. "
"Allan Church and Community Halls' projectæinæBannockburnæwill install insulation, secondary glazing and energy efficient lighting in the Allan Church Halls Community Facility. These measures will help to reduce energy use and carbon emissions, both reducing bills and helping to tackle climate change.æThe project also aims to work more widely with the Bannockburn community to reduce carbon emissions associated with energy use, travel and waste. "
"St Oswald's Church will install insulation and secondary glazing at their premises in the south side of Glasgow as part of their Kings Park Climate Action project. The reduction of energy use, bills and carbon emissions will help save money and combat climate change.æThe project willæalso work with the local community to improve energy efficiency and provide community growing space by converting an area of derelict land into allotments. "
"St Joseph's Church will transform the Cardowan Old School Centre, Stepps into a sustainable community hub through installation of energy efficient measures. As well as reducing energy use and carbon emissions at the Centre, the project will work with local residents to improve energy efficiency with advice available from a dedicated energy advisor.æThese activities will help local residents save money and reduce carbon emissions. Further reductions in carbon emissions will be made through the provision of community growing space enabling local residents to grow and consume food locally, helping them to experience the benefits of a healthy diet and learn new skills. "
"Royal Tarlair Golf Club's project in Macduffæwill install replacement windows, insulation, draught proofing, LED lighting and water reduction measures to reduce energy use and carbon emissions at the clubhouse in Macduff. The reduction in energy use and carbon emissions will help to decrease running costs and tackle climate change. The clubhouse is used by many community groups and the project will work with them to provide advice on how they can reduce their own energy use, carbon emissions and costs by adopting energy efficient measures and lower carbon transport options such as lift-sharing. "
Killandean Community Allotment Development Association will develop a community growing space at Killandean in Livingston. This space will enable people to enjoy the benefits of growing and consuming their own fruit and vegetables which will lower their carbon emissions as both the food and consumers travel less. The project will also include other carbon emission reducing activities to combat climate change including food waste composting while horticultural training will be made available.
"Horshader Community Development will work in partnership with Western Islands Council to run the Horshader Community Growing project. The project will involve the erection of six polytunnelsæwhichæthe community will use to produce local fruit and vegetables, thusælowering carbon emissions as both the food and consumers travel less. Additional activities such as food waste composting, practical demonstrations to reduce food waste, rain water harvesting, re-use of tools and reduction of car journeys will help to further reduce carbon emissions. "
"Ardgour Memorial Hall's Sustainable Ardgour project will see energy efficiency measures such as insulation, draught proofing, double glazing, LED lighting and light tubes installed in the hall. The retrofitted hall will be used as a hub from which a variety of additional carbon emission cutting activities will be co-ordinated to help tackle climate change. These activities will provide opportunities for hall users and local residents to improve home energy efficiency, increase food waste composting and recycling and decrease waste and car journeys. "
"West Kintyre Astronomy Society's Power to the People project will work with the Kintyre community to raise awareness of energy consumption and how to reduce it. The projectæwill offer advice on energy efficiency and renewable technologies to homes, businesses and a school enabling the community to save money and reduce carbon emissions. "
"Healthy n Happy Community Development Trust will launch a new Bike Town project to help people get out of their cars and onto their bikes for local journeys around Rutherglen and Cambuslang. This will decrease carbon emissions, helping to tackle climate change while also decreasing travel costs and providing health benefits from active travel. Healthy n Happy will offer a range of activities to help people switch from car to bike such as group cycle lessons, led cycle rides, (including 'bike trains' for children who want to cycle safely to school), bike maintenance workshops, a bike loan scheme and personalised route planning. "
"Greatway Foundation will work with the African and Caribbean Community in Edinburgh to reduce carbon emissions, save money and take action on climate change. The Low Carbon Edinburgh African and Caribbean Community Scheme will provide workshops on energy efficiency and climate change and also circulate information via Radio Kilimanjaro. These initiatives will help the community save money and reduce fuel poverty while also reducing carbon emissions. "
"South West Community Cycles will run Heritage Station: Pedal Power project from their adopted Station Resource Centre within Pollokshaws West Railway Station. The project aims to help people reduce their car usage by making cycling the primary travel option in the local area, thus lowering carbon emissions and helping to tackle climate change. The project will provide quality refurbished bikes at zero cost, cycle lessons, maintenance courses and also a fully resourced cycle hub at their Station Resource Centre. A series of pledges will help to enable project participants of all ages and abilities to make small positive changes within their transport choices. "
"Kyle of Sutherland Development Trust's Greening Kyle project will work with the community to decrease energy use, bills and carbon emissions by offering advice on how to use energy efficiently in the home which will help to reduce fuel poverty.æThe projectæwill also provide information and support to enable local people to decrease food waste and grow their own food. Both of these activities will help to further decrease local carbon emissions and tackle climate change while helping residents save money. "
"Connect Community Trustæ(Re-Connect Glasgow Ltd) will cut local carbon emissions and combat climate change through re-use and recycling of furniture in Glasgow. Training opportunities will be provided to support local people to increase their skills and reduce the furniture and household waste going to landfill. The project will also work with local schools, colleges and community groups to facilitate workshops providing information to the wider community on climate change and what they can do to help tackle it. "
"Mid Yell Junior High School Grounds Committee will work with the local community in an intergenerational project to grow a wide variety of fruit and vegetables to feed their island community through their Yell for Food project. This will reduce the need to import foodstuffs to Yell resulting in a reduction in carbon emissions. The project will also provide opportunities for young people to learn skills, develop healthy lifestyles and enjoy the natural environment. "
"Blackwood Homes will form Blackwood Energy Ambassadors Team (BEAT) to work with tenants to help them use their heating more efficiently. This will help tenants save energy and money, while also reducing their carbon emissions, helping to tackle climate change. Further support and information will be communicated via 'how to'æ instruction sheets, audio podcasts, videos and online platforms. "
"WHALE Arts Sustainable Development Initiative will improve energy efficiency at the WHALE Arts Centre, Edinburgh through installation of measures such as energy efficient lighting to reduce costs, carbon emissions and help tackle climate change. The project will also work with Arts Centre users to reduce their energy use and will hold a consultation event with the community to explore how best to work with local tenants and residents. "
"Fintry Sports and Recreation Club will reduce their carbon emissions by installing improved insulation, cladding and energy efficient lighting. Local contractors will be helped by volunteers to carry out the work in an attempt to create a more sustainable community hub. Activities to raise awareness of how energy saving measures can reduce costs, carbon emissions and help to combat climate change will be delivered from the hub in partnership with Fintry Development Trust's F8 project. "
"Organisation for Nepalese Culture & Welfare will work with the minority Nepalese community living in Aberdeen to help them reduce their carbon emissions and take action on climate change. The project will increase energy efficiency, establish a bike club and start home growing initiatives. Activities to engage with the community will include workshops, home visits, the creation and screenings of a video documentary and publicity via internet radio. "
"Ardroy Outdoor Education Centre'sæArdroy Recycle project in Lochgoilhead is designed to contribute to protecting the environment by recycling wetsuits and other equipment to eliminate part of their landfill usage and to reduce their energy consumption by using polytunnels as part of theædrying process. These two strands added to the food/garden waste recycling plant already establishedæat the centre will enable themæto give practical examples and guidance to children, teenagers and adults attending residential courses. "
"Linwood Community Development Trust's Kit and Caboodle project will work in conjunction with the local football community to encourage behaviour change principally around sports related activities such as travel habits and recycling sports kits and equipment.æActivities will include kit and boot recycling, bulk laundry including air drying and the promotion of long term travel behaviour change. "
"Blantyre Soccer AcademyÍs PASSBACK project aims to change the behavioural habits of parents and coaches and encourage them to recycle, reduce and reuse kit by changing the wayæthey wash and redistribute their sports kit which will leadæto a reduction in landfill emissions.æThe project will also reduce carbon emissions associated with travel. "
"Tron St MaryÍs Parish Church's Red Road Climate Challenge project will look to help local people take positive initiatives to tackle climate change and improve their quality of life during a period when the demolition of the Red Road flats results in a poor quality environment. Placemaking workshops will involve local people in producing an action plan, develop community growing, while making the church hall an energy efficient community hub, and helping local people to reduce their fuel bills. "
"Wardie Parish Church's Climate Champions project will improve the energy efficiency of Wardie Church Halls, north Edinburgh, reducing energy use, bills and carbon emissions while helping to combat climate change. Energy efficient measures installed will include new windows and doors, plus insulation. The project will also work with the local community to help them reduce their carbon emissions through sustainable travel to the Halls, local food growing and adoption of energy efficient behaviour in their homes. "
"Leith Community Food project in Edinburgh run by Leith Community Crops in Pots will help the community grow their own food at sites including Leith Primary School, Stanwell Nursery and Dr BellÍs Family Centre. The project will also provide information on sourcing sustainable food and how to reduce food waste. These activities will reduce food related carbon emissions, helping to tackle climate change while also increasing community cohesion and enhancing health and wellbeing. "
"Huntly Development Trust's Room to Roam Green Travel Hub will provide, develop and promote lower carbon travel alternatives to reduce car use and carbon emissions in and aroundæHuntly, Aberdeenshire. Huntly Development Trust, together with their partners will develop a car club, e-bike rental scheme and video conferencing facilities as well as promoting cycling, walking and public transport. In addition to cutting carbon emissions, the project aims to improve local access to employment and training opportunities and help cut the cost of rural living. "
"St Ninian's Craigmailen Parish Church, Linlithgow will install energy efficient measures including insulation and cladding as part of its Greening Longcroft Community Halls project. This will reduce energy use, bills and carbon emissions, helping to tackle climate change as well as making the building more comfortable for all users. The project will also promote energy efficient behaviour and lower carbon travel amongst church members and hall users leading to a more sustainable future for the church and community. "
"North Coast Connection's Greenproofing the Kyle Centre project in Tongue will involve installation of energy efficient measures such as insulation and new windows and doors in the refurbishment and extension of the building.æThese measures are forecast to significantly decrease energy use, fuel bills and carbon emissions, helping to tackle climate change. The project will also enable the community to find out more about the building work and how to reduce their own carbon emissions through a variety of activities including open days and eco-driving training. "
"The Carbon Crib, managed by a youth panel and supported by Beith Community Development Trust will develop a derelict area in Beith, North Ayrshire into a food growing space. The youth panel will have the services of a project officer to help them execute their plans. As well helping the community decrease carbon emissions by encouraging growing and consumption of local produce the project will also deliver a variety of workshops with aims including decreasing food waste. Additional benefits will include volunteering and skills development opportunities for young people and an increase in community knowledge regarding efficient food use and climate change. "
"The WARMTH (Warmth Arrives at Roberton's Memorial Hall) project will insulate and draught proof the 90 year old Forman Memorial Hall, Roberton in the Scottish Borders helping to reduce energy use, bills and carbon emissions.ææ Sustainable travel by hall users will be promoted in addition to initiatives to increase local food production and reduce food waste. "
"Gauchalland East Tenants & Residents Association in Galston will work with the community to make local produce available through growing of fruit and vegetables in two bio domes, plus raised beds. By providing fresh, local produce for sale the project plans to cut carbon emissions involved in transport of food, helping to combat climate change while also improving diets. The project will also provide information on how residents can reduce food waste, helping to further reduce carbon emissions and save money. "
"Aberdeen Forward will improve energy efficiency in the Sustainable Communities Centre through installation of energy efficient measures including insulation, lighting, doors and draught proofing. The completed works aim to provide a model of how to reduce carbon emissions that other organisations can visit and learn from. The building improvements will be supplemented by a comprehensive community engagement programme illustrating how small changes can reduce carbon emissions, helping to tackle climate change while also saving money.æ"
"Arisaig Community Trust (ACT) in the Highlands will install draught proofing and replace existing windows, doors and lighting systems in the community-owned Land Sea & Islands Centre, Arisaig. These measures will reduce energy use, bills and carbon emissions. The refurbishment process will be used as a practical way of demonstrating to the community how they can reduce their carbon emissions and a Project Officer will work with householders to achieve specific reduction targets. "
"Greener Living Coupar Angus (GLCA),ærun by Forward Coupar Angus will develop a range of activities to help the community reduce their carbon emissions in the areas of food and travel, helping to tackle climate change. GLCA will work with local farmers to supply local produce through a shop and farmers market while community growing space and workshops will provide opportunities for residents to grow their own. Development of a car club, hire bikes, cycle training and a bike festival will help people make less journeys by car and promote lower carbon travel options. "
"Food Education at Stirling (FEAST) will bring local, healthy and sustainable food to the University of Stirling. The project, run by University of Stirling Students' Union will provide on-campus food growing space and composting facilities. FEAST will also deliver a food education programme for students and local school children and form a food co-operative enabling the purchase of local produce in bulk. As more food is locally grown and consumed and less wasted the project will reduce local carbon emissions. "
"Charlie's Plot in Methilhill, Fife is a project led by young people and supported by Methilhill Community Children's Initiative. The project will develop a plot to grow food, cook it and help the local community learn to do the same. Information will be made available to help people grow their own produce, buy local produce and reduce food waste - all helping to reduce carbon emissions. Charlie's Plot will help young people learn about climate change and share that information with their community. "
"Chain Reaction (Reducing Carbon Through Active Travel & Education) is aæprogramme of cycling activities to be delivered by young people in the Muirhouse, Pilton and Granton areas of Edinburgh with the support of a Development Officer from local social enterprise MY Adventure's Cycling. The project will help local people move away from car use towards active travel, reducing carbon emissions and tackling climate change while also improving health. Chain Reaction will deliver cycle training, bike maintenance, guided rides and provide affordable year round workshop facilities for public use to encourage the move towards travel by bike. "
"Edinburgh and Lothians Regional Equality Council will work with diverse ethnic minority communities to reduce carbon emissions in the areas of energy efficiency and food through the Communities for Conservation project. Project officers and volunteer co-ordinators will work with communities and offer home energy efficiency advice, food growing training sessions and waste advice. There will also be an opportunity to learn more about climate change through 'Carbon Conversations'. "
"Al-Mahdi Sustainability project will improve the energy efficiency of the Al-Mahdi Foundation (Al-Mahdi Islamic Centre) on the southside of Glasgow through installation of insulation, draught proofing and lighting controls. These energy efficiency improvements will reduce energy use, bills and carbon emissions. The project will also involve energy advisors and local 'energy champions' raising awareness of practical measures community members can undertake to reduce home energy use and carbon emissions. "
"Nari Kallyan Shangho will raise awareness of climate change amongst South Asian communities in Edinburgh and provide information on ways that they can reduce their own carbon emissions. A combination of paid staff and trained volunteers will help the community save energy in the home, reduce food waste and move away from car use towards lower carbon travel options such as cycling. "
"Al-Meezan's climate change project will decrease carbon emissions of the Al-Meezan community premises in Glasgow through installation of energy efficient measures such as insulation, lighting and an automated control system. The project will also work with the community to raise awareness of climate change and actions that can be taken to reduce carbon emissions such as travelling sustainably to Al-Meezan and reducing energy use in the home. "
"Milton of Campsie Parish Church's Stirling Hall Eco Project will reduce energy use and carbon emissions by installing roof and wall insulation, energy efficient lighting and triple glazing. These measures will create a more comfortable community space with the project also working with the local community to help reduce energy use, fuel poverty and carbon emissions. "
"Broadford and Strath Community Company on the Isle of Skye will reduce carbon emissions by creating a community growing hub to encourage local people, hotels and restaurants to grow and source food locally and compost food waste. The facilities within Broadford Community Woodland will provide access to raised beds for growing and polytunnel space for seed propagation while supporting educational workshops and distribution of hot compost bins. "
"St Columba's RC Parish Church, Edinburgh, will install energy efficient measures such as insulation, draught proofing and secondary glazing in the three church halls as part of its Energy Efficiency and Community Project 2014. These improvements will reduce carbon emissions and running costs and be used as an example to the community of measures that can be taken to improve energy efficiency in the home. Presentations and workshops will further support the local community to reduce energy use, fuel poverty and carbon emissions as well as raising awareness of climate change. "
"Ayr United Football Academy's FreshAyr CleanAyr GreenAyr project will involve Academy staff and players in reducing carbon emissions through activities including recycling of strips and boots, plus energy efficient washing and drying of strips. The project will also provide fuel efficient driver training and encourage lift-sharing to reduce carbon emissions associated with travel to practice and matches. In addition, the Academy will incorporate an educational component into the project by promoting sustainable practices and lower carbon choices in the schools and communities of South Ayrshire. As well as reducing carbon emissions the project will provide the community with a supply of used sports kit helping to reduce the costs of participating in sport. "
RePlay Too run by Glasgow Play-Resource Association will reduce waste and carbon emissions through an innovative environmental art and play project diverting and utilising materials destined for landfill. The project will combine environmental awareness and artistic creativity to create a connection between local people and their environment. RePlay Too aims to change behaviour through the children it reaches as they influence their parents to reduce carbon emissions through decreased waste production and effective reuse of waste.
"South Seeds will be working to tackle fuel poverty and carbon emissions in the communities of East Pollokshields, Govanhill, Crosshill, Queen's Park and Strathbungo through the Southside Energy Saving Champions project. The project will include activities to engage with ethnic minority communities as well as creating a private landlords forum. The project will help the local communities reduce their energy use and bills through offering home energy efficiency advice and facilitation of practical home energy efficiency improvements. It will also support uptake of home composting and renewables. "
"The Concrete Garden's Growing Together project will enable communities in the North of Glasgow to reduce carbon emissions through local food growing and creative waste reduction initiatives. The project will feature a large new growing space in the heart of Possilpark, development of an Urban Growing Learning and Demonstration Hub and the 'Cultivate' food growing mentoring scheme. The project will also reduce carbon emissions through the Creatively Carbon Conscious programme using craft workshops, swap shops and tech waste repurposing to inspire and enable people of all ages to reduce waste. "
"Milton Crunch 2, run by North Glasgow Community Food Initiative, willæbuild on the success of the original Milton Crunch project by launching new growing, composting and cooking projects for all ages. The projectæwill also expand the reach of activities to include new areas and schools. Increased production of local food and composting of organic waste will help to reduce carbon emissions while consumption of fresh produce will help improve diets and health. "
"Jack Kane Community Centre, Edinburgh, will bring the local community together in Craigmillar to transform an area of derelict land into aæcommunity growing space through its Garden Globe Community Growing Project. In addition to reducing carbon emissions through production and consumption of local food the project will share food-growing knowledge and help to improve diets. It will also encourage residents to grow local, think global - choosing lower carbon foods and understanding their role in reducing local and global carbon emissions. "
"Greener Kirkcaldy's Climate change - what's that got to do with us? project will work throughout the Kirkcaldy areaæto raise awareness of climate change and help households take more control of their energy use and bills, thus reducing fuel poverty. The project will include activities such as home visits offering advice on energy efficiency and home renewables plus fuel efficient driver training. "
Amina - the Muslim Women's Resource Centre's Save Energy Saves the Environment project will work with ethnic minority women and disadvantaged communities in the South and North of Glasgow to raise awareness of climate change and how to reduce energy use. The project will include activities such as workshops and home visits to raise awareness of climate change and offer advice on how to use energy more efficiently.
"Hope Amplified's Climate-Philes Initiatives projectæwill work withæhouseholds in Castlemilk, Carmunnock, Greenlees and East Whitlawburn with a focus on the Black and Ethnic Minority community to raise awareness of climate change and how to reduce carbon emissions and fuel poverty. Project staff and volunteers will help the community reduce carbon emissions through support to increase home energy efficiency, improving availability of local produce and providing advice on how to reduce waste. "
"Glencorse Association's Grow Harvest Cook Eat project will work with the communityæof Glencorse to reduce carbon emissions. The project will develop a community garden to increase production and consumption of local food and offer workshops in growing and how to reduce food waste. Food produced will be available for sale in the community centre cafe and shop providing a source of local, fresh and healthy produce. The project will also promote lower carbon forms of travel including public transport and bike. "
"U savers energy project run by the Ucare Foundation will work with 400 Pakistani, Afghani and Bengali households in Glasgow to raise awareness of climate change and decrease carbon emissions. Project activities will include a multi-language interactive climate change web platform and resource centre, home visits to provide energy efficiency advice and support for households to grow their own fruit and vegetables. "
"Lambhill Stables in North Glasgow will work with the local community to reduce carbon emissions through the Plan-Do-Check-Act project. The project will helpæhomes, schools and community buildings to reduce their energy use, increase production of local food through portable growing spaces and provide assistance to manage and reduce food waste. As well as reducing carbon emissions the project will also help the community save money through reduced energy use and bring people together around the new community growing spaces. "
"Firpark Secondary School in Motherwell will reduce carbon emissions by expanding the garden area and composting facilities at theæschool through its Firpark Grows our own Food project. Fruit, herbs and vegetables produced will be used in the school while food waste will be composted on site. The project will also support the local community to reduce food waste and promote cooking with homegrown food through activities such as workshops and resources including information leaflets. "
"A committee of young people supported by The Zone Initiative Limited will lead the Dalmellington Community Allotment Project in East Ayrshire. In addition to food grown and waste composted at the allotment site the project will work with the local community to support home growing, reduction of food waste and increase composting levels by offering advice and a programme of workshops. As well as helping to tackle climate change through reducing local carbon emissions the project will provide health benefits as people consume more fresh, local produce. "
"U Power is a project managed by a youth panel and supported by Rural and Urban Training Scheme Ltd (RUTS) whichæwill work with secondary schools, youth groups and community groups in Midlothian to promote lower carbon behaviour such as cycling instead of car use and consumption of local food. The project will include activities such as bike skills training and bike maintenance sessions, plus the creation a local food map of Midlothian. As well as helping to tackle climate change through reducing local carbon emissions the project will help provide health benefits as people cycle more and increase their consumption of fresh, local produce. "
"Cadder Housing Association's Cadder Cutting Carbon project will install high performance roof, floor and ceiling insulation to increase energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions of the Cadder Community Centre in Glasgow.æ These improvements will contribute to transforming the Community Centre into a comfortable base for local services.æ Energy efficiency advice will be offered from the Centre which will benefit the wider Cadder community, helping to reduce home energy use, bills, fuel poverty and carbon emissions. "
"39th Fife Scout Group will improve energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions at Carron Grove Scout Centre in Dunfermline through installation of energy efficient measures including insulation, double glazed windows and energy efficient lighting.æ The group aims to act as an exemplar for environmental awareness and energy efficiency throughout the community, running sessions on home energy efficiency and providing opportunities for scouts to work towards aæ badge based around these themes. "
"Ahl Al-Bait Society in Glasgow will reduce energy use and carbon emissions through installation of energy efficient measures in their community centre building.æ The project will also work with the local community to reduce energy consumption, fuel poverty and carbon emissions by providing energy advice sessions at the community centre and home energy checks.æ Resources such as energy advice packs will be produced in Arabic and English languages. "
The St Mary's Carbon Reduction project is a new partnership between St Mary's Episcopal Church Broughty Ferry and Balgillo Nursery.æ A state of the art energy saving lighting system in the church will halve carbon emissions while a specially designed educational programme will work with local organisations and households to reduce energy use.æ The project will also raise awareness of climate change impacts in the local community and ways to adapt to them.
"4th West Lothian Scout Group will decrease energy use and carbon emissions in their Scout Hall (MacKinnon Hall) through improvements including new cladding, triple glazed windows, roof and floor insulation and LED lighting.æ The project will involve significant input from young people to encourage energy efficient behaviour by hall users and in the wider community.æ Further project activities including a car share scheme, fuel efficient driver training and improved cycling facilities will help to reduce carbon emissions associated with car travel.æ The community will also be inspired to grow their own produce at home with talks by experts held at the Scout Hall and free growing materials offered. "
"Glenburn Miners Welfare Football Club in South Ayrshire will run the Greener GMW project to reduce carbon emissions and costs associated with local football.æ Project activities include reuse of unwanted sports kit destined for landfill, bulk energy efficient laundry of kit and promotion of both car sharing and fuel efficient driving.æ As well as reducing carbon emissions and helping to tackle climate change the project will help provide the community with access to good quality, low cost football kit. "
"Croy Public Hall's refurbishment project will provide the community of Croy in the Highlands with a modern, energy efficient building with reduced carbon emissions through installation of insulation, new windows and energy efficient lighting.æ The project will also provide information and workshops to allow hall users and the wider community to learn how to reduce energy use, costs and carbon emissions, helping to tackle climate change. "
"Urban Green Cranhill, run by Thenue Housing Association, is a multi-strand community food growing and environmental awareness project in the Greater Easterhouse area of Glasgow.æ The project will give the community the skills and space to grow food locally, provide home energy efficiency advice, loan bikes and composting facilities.æ As well as reducing carbon emissions the increase in community growing and cycling will encourage physical activity providing health benefits, while unemployed young people will be offered the chance to develop skills for employment.æ The project also aims raise awareness of issues surrounding climate change, energy efficiency and waste reduction through workshops, plus innovative schools events and a local environmental Gala Day. "
"Shettleston Housing Association's Energy Advice project will continue its energy reduction message in the Shettleston area to reduce energy bills, fuel poverty, carbon emissions and help tackle climate change.æ Project staff will be working specifically with tenants who have hard to resolve energy issues.æ This will include tenants of private landlords, younger people taking up their first tenancies and owner occupiers whom the project will assist with practical energy saving measures like DIY draught-proofing. "
"Hayfield Food project in Kirkcaldy will develop a community growing space in the grounds of Hayfield Community Centre where local families can grow fresh, nutritious vegetables, cutting food miles, carbon emissions and costs.æ A part-time project manager will lead in organising workshops and providing support on growing, harvesting, cooking and making best use of the produce from the gardens.æ Further project activities include initiatives to reduce food waste and increase use of sustainable travel. "
"Aberdeen Multicultural Centre will help the Bengali community in Aberdeenæto decrease fuel poverty and carbon emissions by increasing home energy efficiency.æ The project will also help the community to grow more fruit and vegetables at home and decrease levels of waste going to landfill.æ This will result in further reductions in local carbon emissions, helping to combat climate change. "
"Tagsa Uibhist's Local Food for Local People project, in partnership with other local community organisations,æaimsæto encourage production and consumption of more local produce and to cut food waste on the remote islands of Uist in the Western Isles.æ New growing spaces and training will increase production of local food, resulting in reduced food miles and carbon emissions.æ Further project activities include advice and workshops to help the local community to reduce food waste and the associated carbon emissions.æ The project will also offer opportunities to gain skills and work experience in the horticulture sector, helping to deliver job opportunities, while the increased consumption of fresh produce will have health benefits. "
"Wallacewell New Charge Church of Scotland's Oasis At Wallacewell project in Glasgow will feature nine raised beds for community growing and a composting facility.æ Workshops will help community members to grow at home and reduce food waste going to landfill.æ The project will further reduce local carbon emissions by improving the energy efficiency of the Wallacewell community building via installation of roof insulation, double glazed windows, LED lighting and zoned heating controls.æ A home energy efficiency advice scheme will enable the local community to reduce their own energy use, bills, fuel poverty levels and carbon emissions. "
"Langstane Housing Association'sæGreening Donside project will work with residents in the Donside area of Aberdeen to help them reduce energy use in the home, save money and cut carbon emissions.æ The project will also focus on growing more food locally in three new community growing spaces while advice will be offered on how to reduce waste going to landfill.æ Carbon emissions associated with car travel will be reduced through promotion of car sharing and public transport, plus the provision of fuel efficient driver training and workshops to encourage cycling. "
"Church of Pentecost (UK) - Glasgow District will run the Travel Less Grow More project which will work with church members to decrease carbon emissions caused by car travel and food.æ The project will promote a car sharing website and offer fuel efficient driving training.æ Free loan bikes, cycle maintenance workshops and cycle proficiency lessons will be offered to encourage shorter journeys to be made by bike instead of car.æ A new community growing space will be created on previously derelict land, enabling the community to grow and consume more locally and seasonally grown food and to compost food waste, with advice also available to help reduce food waste. "
"Glasgow Bike Station's Uni-Cycle project will work directly within universities and colleges around Glasgow andæoffer commuter cycle training courses, maintenance lessons, guided rides and student cycle information at each campus.æ To ensure the voice of each student is heard and to reiterate the climate change agenda Uni-Cycle will establish a city wide Student Cycle Forum to represent and empower students to make changes to the way they and their peers travel. "
"Noah's Ark's Faith and Action for an Eco-Friendly Future project will reduce the Ark Centre in Glasgow's carbon emissionsæthrough installation of energy efficient measures in the building.æ These measures willæ include improved wall and roof insulation, energy efficient lighting and double glazing.æ The new, more efficient community centre will be used as a hub to deliver activities such as workshops to help the community to reduce home energy use, carbon emissions and fuel poverty.æ Multi-lingual radio broadcasts will promote both sustainability and climate change messages. "
"Transition University St Andrews and the St Andrews Environmental Network's St Andrews Towards Transition project will work with the local community to deliver projects that provide simple low carbon solutions and embed sustainable enterprise within the community.æ Project activities will enable local people to take practical action on climate change through tackling issues around rural home energy, local food, sustainable transport and enhancement of neighbourhood links.æ This programme of activities will bring about social, economic and environmental benefits for St Andrews as well as cutting carbon emissions. "
"Communities Along the Carron Association (CATCA), will run CATCA CREATES (Carbon Reductions Exploring Active Travel and Energy Savings) in partnership with Sustrans Scotland.æ This community-led project will work with schools and businesses in Larbert and Stenhousemuir to encourage lower carbon travel by bike through cycle training, route planning and maintenance workshops.æ Further reductions in carbon emissions will result as the project promotes local, sustainable food and community growing space is created in school grounds. "
"Reducing Carbon in the UWS Community is a project run by theæStudents Association of the University of the West of Scotland to work with staff, students and the wider community to reduce carbon emissions.æ Green impact education will enable students to take practical actions to reduce carbon emissions relevant to their area of study while university estates staff will receive fuel efficient driver training and the university intranet will host a furniture re-use scheme.æ Workshops will be delivered at the existing community gardens to provide the skills for the community to grow produce at home, reduce food waste and home compost.æ A sustainability hub will be created at the Paisley campus which will host a permanent swap shop and be the base for a number of workshops with themes including energy advice, active travel, cycle maintenance, re-use and upcycling. "
"Upcycling Coupar Angus is a project run byæCoupar Angus Primary School, Perth and Kinross, which will lead the way in reducing waste in the town by establishing an Upcycling Centre.æ The Centre will save items destined for landfill and the associated carbon emissions, turning them into products which can be sold for the benefit of the school.æ The project will complement and build on other sustainable activities run by the school, many of which have been instigated by pupils and will develop a culture of waste reduction and upcycling which is second nature to the next generation of Coupar Angus children. "
"Tayport Community Trust's Tayport Community Growing Space project will establish aæcommunity garden in Tayport, Fife for vegetables, salads and fruit which will help reduce carbon emissions as food and consumers travel less.æ The local community will be offered the chance to attend workshops to develop growing skills so they can grow their own at home and learn more about the links between food and climate change.æ The project aims to become self-sustainingæby selling surplus produce locally. "
"Aberdour Village in Bloom's F1 Project will establish a community growing space in Aberdour and will cut carbon emissions by reducing food miles and the need for local car journeys to shop for food.æ The project, run by volunteers,æwill work with all ages including Aberdour Primary School to promote sustainable, local food. "
"LEAP (Local Energy Action Plan) will enable householders in Houston, Crosslee, Brookfield, Lochwinnoch, Kilbarchan and Bridge of Weir to reduce the amount of energy they use in their homes and daily lives.æ The Calder and Gryffe Community project will focus on areas requested by the communities and will be delivered by a local community charity that aims to help residents improve carbon efficiency.æ Project activities will include home energy advice, an energy shop, development of a community wood fuel co-op and a Centre of Carbon Excellence, plus further promotion of LEAP Car Club and support for electric vehicles. "
"Stirlingshire's Low Carbon Future project will be run by Transition Stirling in partnership with Fintry Development Trust and will help communities across the Stirling region reduce carbon emissions caused by home energy use and waste being landfilled.æ The project will offer energy efficiency advice and wood upcycling skills through roadshow events, workshops, home visits and drop-in sessions.æ As well as helping to combat climate change the project will reduce levels of fuel poverty and increase understanding of energy use and climate change.æ "
"Engaging the Nepalese Community in Climate Change is a project run by the Glasgow Nepalese Association and will work with the Nepalese community in Glasgow to reduce energy use, car travel, carbon emissions and fuel poverty.æ Project activities to help the community reduce energy use include home visits and community workshops while a bicycle club will facilitate a switch from car travel to cycling for shorter journeys. "
"The Welcoming Association's Welcoming a Greener Future project will work with members of EdinburghÍs migrant communities to reduce carbon emissions associated with home energy use and waste.æ The project will offer advice on ways to reduce energy use in the home and how to effectively re-use, renew and recycle.æ In addition to helping combat climate change the project will help to reduce home energy bills and offer unemployed members of theæcommunity the chance of work experience. "
"Woodfarm Educational Trust's East Renfrewshire BME Community Climate Change and Low-Carbon Living Awareness Programme will work with the black and minority ethnicæcommunity in East Renfrewshire to reduce carbon emissions caused by home energy use and raise awareness of fuel poverty and climate change.æ The project will also decrease carbon emissions through installation of energy efficiency measures in the Woodfarm Education Centre while a decrease in car journeys will be targeted through promotion of healthy, lower carbon transport choices like cycling and walking. "
"The Himalayan Centre Climate Change Hub will operate from the Himalayan Centre for Arts & Culture in Leith, Edinburgh.æ Advice will be available to help the local community reduce home energy use and carbon emissions with the hub also providing a meeting space to learn more about climate change.æ A bike pool and cycle training will support lower carbon travel while swap shop events will re-use items that would have been destined for landfill. "
"McLaren Community Leisure Centre will help people in the Trossachs and Teith reduce carbon emissions through itsæFit for the Future project.æ Improvements will be made to roof insulation and lighting at the Centre to reduce energy use and carbon emissions with the project also promoting measures that can be taken to improve energy efficiency at home.æ Further project activities to reduce carbon emissions include fuel efficient driver training, a lift share scheme and promotion of cycling for local journeys. "
"The Ecology Centre will run the Easy Peas-y project from a new hub at Kinghorn Loch, Fife.æ Food miles and carbon emissions will reduce as food is grown on site and community members learn the skills to grow at home. A Men's Shed project will focus on refurbishment of unwanted garden tools while relationships with two local schools will further raise awareness of the links between food miles and climate change.æ An additional benefit of the project is improved health for those involved with outdoor gardening activities. "
Whitmuir Community Benefit Society will work in partnership with two local primary schools and a range of local organisations to pilot a new local food and waste reduction project called The Circular Food Economy.æ Food growing activities will increase at Whitmuir Community Farm at Lamancha in the Scottish Borders and the primary schools which will also host points where local residents can drop off food waste and pick up compost.
The Magdalene Community Food Growing project is run by the Community Alliance Trust and will bring together residents at Magdalene council estate in the east of Edinburgh to build their own communityægarden.æ Fifty community members will be offered space and training to grow their own healthy produce which will have low food miles while practical cookery workshops will be available to show how to reduce food waste.æ The garden will provide a base for establishing other edible landscaping projects in the estate in coming years.
"Forth Environment Link's Get Ready For Local - Stirling Food Co-operative project will work closely with local communities, community food projects and local food businesses to increase access to local, sustainable, healthier and lower carbon food.æ The project will contribute towards increasing the number of potential community growing spaces in the Stirling local authority area and help support communities cutting carbon emissions via food waste reduction. "
"Whiteinchæand Scotstoun Housing Association's SWITCH project aims to assist tenants in Glasgow City to cut carbon emissions and tackle climate change by reducing energy consumption in the home, increasing recycling in the local community and raising awareness about climate change issues.æ With leadership from local volunteers the project will encourage knowledge and action in the community towards a climate positive future. "
Lochaber Environmental Groupæwill help communities across Lochaber to reduce carbon emissions through the Carbon Reduction Lochaber project.æ Energy information sessions will run in schools with support available to help households and Small Medium Enterprises reduce their energy use and move towards lower carbon travel options.
"The Nature's Pantry project run by Cantraybridge College at Croy, near Inverness will use recycled materials to expand the growing space on campus to create a market garden.æ Fresh, healthy produce will be offered for sale and supply a cafe from which food waste will be composted.æ Cookery workshops will be offered to the local community to highlight local, seasonal food and how to avoid food waste whileæon site and online resources will raise awareness of links between food and climate change. "
"Lightburn Elderly Association Project (LEAP) will reduce carbon emissions caused by landfilling of clothes and soft furnishings through its R Generation project in Cambuslang and Rutherglen.æ Reuse and recycling skills of the local older generation will be shared with children and families through a range of activities which will help the community reuse, recycle and extend the life of their old clothes or swap them for something 'nearly new' within local swap shops. "
"The Growing Greener project run by Parent Action for Safe Play will offer cycle training throughout Coatbridge to encourage cycling as a lower carbon, healthier and cheaper means of transport in a safe manner.æ The project will also cut carbon emissions through the establishment of community growing spaces at local schools and waste-free cookery classes. "
"Leith Schools Food Project, run by Leith Community Crops in Pots, will reduce food-related carbon emissions through theæestablishment of community growing space at three local primary schools and initiatives to encourage production and consumption of local, lower carbon produce.æ Additional project activities include a programme to help reduce food waste and encourage composting. "
"REAP (Rural Environmental Action Plan) will work with residents, schools and groups across Elgin to reduce local carbon emissions through growing and eating, healthy, local produce and composting of food waste.æ Project activities include establishment of community gardens and raised beds, collection of compost by bike and a variety of fun events to attract volunteers and raise engagement levels. "
"Pentland Housing Association's Draught Busters project will use a thermal image camera to identify properties of tenants in Caithness that are suffering from cold air ingress and heat loss.æ A trained technician will be assisted by volunteers to fit corrective measures that will improve energy efficiency, reduce carbon emissions and fuel poverty while creating a more comfortable home.æ Additional project activities include home energy audits and the loan of energy monitors so householders can track their own energy use. "
"Melness and Tongue Community Development Trust will reduce local carbon emissions through the North West Sutherland Energy Efficiency project.æ The project will publish an integrated public transport timetable to be distributed to every home in the area to encourage use of public transport instead of single occupancy car journeys.æ In-depth energy efficiency advice for households across the community will help to increase energy efficiency and decrease energy bills, fuel poverty and carbon emissions. "
"Greenock Morton Community Trust's Greener Morton project will use the brand of Greenock Morton Football Club to promote lower carbon lifestyle choices in Inverclyde.æ Project activities include a sports kit and footwear recycling initiative, an eco-friendly bulk laundry system and the promotion of car sharing, public transport and walking.æ Engagement with local schools and promotional activities including two Greener Morton days attended by the first team will raise awareness of climate change and sustainable lifestyle options. "
Loanhead Community Learning Association's Growing Good Loanhead project will reduce local carbon emissions through increasing the amount of produce grown in Loanhead Organic Garden and offering growing workshops.æ Additional project activities include cooking and cycling workshops to cut carbon emissions associated with travel and waste while monthly film screenings will raise awareness of climate change.
The RGU: Union Sustainable Consumption Initiative is a project run by The Robert Gordon University Student Association in Aberdeen and will cut carbon emissions caused by waste and water use and will also increase environmental awareness throughout the university.æ The project will reduce food waste and recyclables sent to landfill and encourage a move away from cooled bottled water towards mains water and refillable bottles.
"Beechbrae Scotland Ltd's Beechbrae Community Gardens project will cut carbon emissions through increased production and consumption of local produce, reduced food waste and increased composting levels.æ Community days and workshops will encourage the community to grow and cook local produce with the project also building relationships to increase stock of local produce in Blackridge, West Lothian.æ Further workshops will focus on cooking with local produce and how to avoid food waste. "
"Healthy n Happy Community Development Trust's Community Hub Eco projectæwill improve energy efficiency and reduce the carbon emissions of a new community hub in Rutherglen by installing energy efficient measures including lighting and heating controls, upgraded windows and roof insulation.æ The project will also provide an energy outreach programme to help users of the hub take energy efficient action at home to reduce energy use, bills, fuel poverty and carbon emissions. "
"Innerleithen Can Growæis a project run by You Can Cook and will create a community garden within the school grounds of St Ronan's Primary School, Innerleithen to supply fresh salad and vegetables to the school kitchens.æ In addition to reducing carbon emissions through the production of local food the project will provide information, advice and support to the community on how to grow and cook healthy, local, seasonal food and reduce food waste. "
"West of Scotland Regional Equality Council's Lets Cook, Grow and Sew Together project aims toæcut carbon emissions through increased home energy efficiency, growing of more local produce and a reduction in waste of food and household items.æ The project will work with minority ethnic communities from across the West of Scotland with specific focus on South Asian, Chinese and Roma communities living in Greater Glasgow.æ Project activities include the establishment of a community garden, weekly energy and food growing advice surgeries, reuse classes, information packs and recruitment of community champions to engage with their communities. "
"Our Low Carbon Community is a project run by Transition Heriot-Watt which will be working to imbed community sustainability within staff and student populations at Heriot-Watt University.æ The project willæfocus on areas of interventions which can become community led and will be running community activities on food, waste, reuse and volunteering as well as a Travel Active programme, which will use new and innovative methods to get people cycling, walking and jogging to campus more regularly. "
"Methilhill Community Children's Initiative's Charlie's Plot 2 project led by young people in Methilhill, Fife will support the wider community to make informed food choices, reduce food waste and increase composting levels and knowledge of climate change.æ Project activities willæinclude a weekly gardening club, outreach sessions with local schools, nurseries, youth clubs and organisations, plus food waste and composting workshops. "
"The Swap and Reuse Hub (SHRUB) is a student-led co-operative whose aim is to significantly reduce carbon emissions caused by waste from the transient student population in central Edinburgh going to landfill.æ The Edinburgh Use Less Stuff Hub project will enable swapping, fixing and up-cycling of discarded items and will empower members to reduce consumerism, cut waste and gain new practical skills.æ The Scottish Government's Individual / Social / Material (ISM) Tool will be used to evaluate the impact of applying local carbon reduction strategies. "
"LEAP's (Local Energy Action Plan) LEAP Yep! (Youth Engagement Programme)æproject is a series of hands-on green vocational skills workshops, pop-up events and social gatherings devised by and for young people across the four communities of Lochwinnoch, Bridge of Weir, Howwood and Kilbarchan in Renfrewshire.æ Through a range of engaging activities the project will enable young people to learn about their environment and gain practical skills they can use to reduce their carbon emissions. "
"The Leamy Foundation's Carbon Sprouts project will establish a community growing space at St Mungo's Episcopal Church in Alexandria, West Dunbartonshire.æ Additional carbon cutting activities include workshops to help the local community reduce food waste and to promote local and seasonalæfood. "
"Guru Nanak Gurdwara's Sangat Climate Change Initiative will cut the carbon emissions from the Gurdwara through the installation of energy efficient measures including insulation, LED lighting and secondary glazing.æ Additional project activities will help households of the Sikh Community in Edinburgh and the surrounding areas to reduce energy use and carbon emissions through home energy advice including multilingual resources. "
"Glasgow East Women's Aid's Let's Grow! project will establish a safe, community-led allotment where women and children in the East of Glasgow who have experienced domestic abuse can grow fruit and vegetables.æ As well as reducing local carbon emissions through increased production of local food the project will include workshops to help reduce food waste and to encourage consumption of seasonal and local produce. "
Creetown Initiative Ltd's Reuse Matters project will offer upcycled alternatives to traditional fashion and home goods in Mid-Galloway and the Machars.æ In doing this the project will reduce landfill waste and associated carbon emissions.æ The project will offer a free collection service using an electric vehicle and weekly workshops where the local community can learn how to upcycle items.
"Too Good to Waste is a project run by Greener Kirkcaldy to build awareness, skills and opportunities for the local community to reduce waste by reducing, reusing and repairing.æ The project will carry out programmes of practical events and workshops in the community, backed up by community-based social marketing activities and engagement with other local community groups. "
"Awaz _ The Voice of the Community's Swap Shop and Climate Challenge Programme will help the South Asian community residing in the G41 area of Glasgow to reduce carbon emissions through tackling waste and improving energy efficiency.æ Monthly project activities include swap shops and a climate challenge programme to increase knowledge of energy efficiency, reducing, reusing and recycling. "
"Fyne Homes Ltd's Energy Action for Tenants: Fyne HEAT project willæhelp their tenants in Bute, Cowal, Mid Argyll and Kintyre to efficiently heat their homes.æ Tenants will benefit from energy efficiency advice provided by project staff and volunteers to support them to reduce home energy use, bills, carbon emissions and fuel poverty levels. "
"Green Feet is a project run by Food Fruition to help communities in Partick, Hyndland and surrounding areas reduce carbon emissions through growing their own food and reducing both food waste and car journeys.æ A new community growing space will be established at Dyce Park and support will be available to aid home growing and to tackle food waste.æ Further project activities include a car club and cycle training. "
"The St Bryce Kirk Centre in Kirkcaldy will upgrade lighting, insulation and draught-proofing to slash the Centre's energy consumption and carbon emissions through the Action On Energy project.æ The project will also offer a series of activities including household energy audits and fuel efficient driver training to help the local community reduce their own energy consumption and carbon emissions. "
"The West Lothian Financial Inclusion Network's Energy Advice Project willæsupport vulnerable groups and those in fuel poverty to reduce bills, energy usage and carbon emissions.æ Project activities include home energy advice visits, seminars and roadshows in locations including Livingston, Bathgate and Armadale. "
"Al-Meezan Ltd'sæClimate Change Grow and Recycle project will reduce local carbon emissions associated with food miles and waste being landfilled.æ A local growing space will be established at the Al-Meezan garden in Glasgow City.æ Workshops will be offered to support the community growing their own, reducing food waste, composting and recycling. "
"Giffnock Recycling Bikeæand Food Waste Reduction is a project run by local Community Interest Company Big Green Feet in partnership with Giffnock Business Improvement District.æ The project will collect food waste from local shops, restaurants and cafes by cargo bike instead of lorry and transport it to a new anaerobic digester where it will be converted into compost.æ The project will also raise community awareness of food waste through Giffnock Business Improvement District events and a marketing programme developed with local shops and restaurants. "
"Fyne Futures Ltd will run the Isle of Bute Closed Loop Food Chain project to reduce carbon emissions associated with food miles.æ The project will create local community growing space, offer home growing training, a pilot food waste collection service and accredited composting training. "
"Heart of Scotstoun Ltd's A Greener Scotstoun project will offer practical learning opportunities and training to help local residents grow their own produce, eat more healthily, reduce food waste and increase recycling efforts.æ A community garden and polytunnel will be established at Heart of Scotstoun Community Centre in Glasgow with food waste from the cafe providing a local source of compost. "
"Dr Spence Memorial Hall Committee's Udny Energy Efficiency project will install energy efficient measures at Udny Green Hall, in Ellon,æAberdeenshire to reduce energy use, costs and carbon emissions.æ Further project activities include workshops and home visits to inspire hall users and local households to reduce their own energy use. "
"Linktown Community Action Centre'sæPhilp Hall Energy Challenge project will install energy efficient measures in the Philp Hall Community Centre in Linktown, Kirkcaldy, making the building easier to heat, thus reducing its running costs and carbon emissions.æ The project will also offer local householders the chance to save energy in their homes through home energy advice visits, an exhibition and workshops with groups that use the Hall. "
"Edinburgh World Heritage's Green Heritage Project Part III will work with local communities both within and outwith the World Heritage Site in Edinburgh to reduce carbon emissions and create a more resilient and educated community with regards to sustainability.æ The project will alsoæinclude energy efficiency DIY workshops, a sustainable food projectæin partnership with the National Library of Scotland, the creation of a Green Map with the University of Edinburgh and a new growing space in Huntly House courtyard. "
"Lanarkshire's Community Climate Challenge is a project run by Lanarkshire Sports Club to reduce local carbon emissions associated with sports related activities.æ The project will encompass a sports kit and footwear recycling scheme, an eco-friendly bulk laundry system and the promotion of a car share initiative to change people's travel habits long-term. "
Minority Ethnic Carers of Older People Project (MECOPP) willæsupport informal carers and those with a disability or long-term condition in Edinburgh and the Lothians to adopt a low carbon lifestyle through its Heat of the Moment project.æ Project activities include home visits and workshops to improve levels of home energy efficiency and recycling and to reduce food waste.æ As well as reducing carbon emissions and raising awareness of climate change the project aims to help tackle fuel poverty.
"Living Active and Going Green is a project run by Andalus to install energy efficient measures at the Andalus building in the West End of Glasgow to reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions.æ Measures to be installed include roof insulation, LED lighting and double glazed windows.æ The project will also offer energy efficiency advice to help local people save energy in the home and will promote use of lower carbon travel to the Andalus building. "
"Soulriders Cycling Association Scotland's community-led Life-Cycle project willæpromote cycling within the BME community in Greater Glasgow.æ The project will help the community to reduce their car usage in favour of cycling or car sharing for short journeys, thereby leading to a reduction in carbon emissions.æ Project activities include cycle safety training, maintenance workshops, route planning assistance and a establishment of a bespoke car sharing scheme. "
"Cycling Links is a Recyke-a-bike project run by Fallin Community Enterprisesæin Stirling, Falkirk and Clackmannanshire that will work with schools, businesses and the wider community to help lead a shift away from car journeys to lower carbon cycle travel.æ Project activities include cycle training, bike maintenance classes, bike loan, fun community events and support for schools and employers to work towards 'Cycle Friendly' status. "
"Mull and Iona Sustainable Transport is a project run by Mull and Iona Community Trust to reduce the number of single occupancy car journeys on the island.æ The project will establish a lift share system and promote other lower carbon travel options such as a community minibus and cycling, particularly on routes not served by public transport.æ The project will also work to increase electric car use on the island by converting a vehicle to showcase and loan. "
"Small Steps Big Changes is a youth-led project to help young people throughout Tweeddale in the Scottish Borders live a more low carbon life.æ The youth steering group will be supported by Tweeddale Youth Action.æ Cycle training and maintenance classes will encourage travel by bike instead of car with bikes previously destined for landfill being reconditioned.æ Further project activities include aæprogramme of awareness raising events to promote consumption of lower carbon, local and sustainable food. "
RIG Arts Ltd's Green Screen Scotland project will reduce landfill waste and be led by eco-committees at three Inverclyde primary schools.æ Pupils will learn how to reduce food waste and how other items previously destined for landfill can be upcycled into art and alsoæcreate an animation information pack about their activities for other schools in Inverclyde.
"Get Green Group is a youth-led project to reduce local carbon emissions and is supported by Lambhill Stables, a community-owned charity and emerging Development Trust, based in North Glasgow.æ A community garden and food education activities will promote local, lower carbon food while cycle training and maintenance workshops will encourage a shift towards active travel.æ The project also aims to reduce waste through reconditioning bikes destined for landfill and making art and jewellery from salvaged materials. "
"Aberdeen Multicultural Centre'sæAfro-Asian Community Energy Challenge project will work with the Afro-Asian community in Aberdeen to improve home energy efficiency.æ Improvements in energy efficiency will help to reduce energy use, bills, fuel poverty and carbon emissions.æ Project activities include community outreach by community champions, workshops and language specific information material.æ "
"The Robert Gordon University Student Association's Sustainability Partnerships Initiative will work with students at RGU and North East Scotland College to cut carbon emissions caused by home energy use, food consumption and transport.æ Project activities will include home energy advice, a zero waste cafe, waste reduction workshops, fuel efficient driver training and cycle training and hire.æ "
"Royal Tarlair Golf Club's Macduff Leading on Energy Efficiency projectæaimsæto reduce energy use and carbon emissions at the Golf Club and in the local community.æ The Golf Club will install a moveable dividing partition in main lounge area to save on heating and lighting and engage with local households to offer energy efficiency advice.æ Further project activities include the development of a car sharing scheme, plus sessions for local schools to increase awareness of carbon emissions.æ "
"Links Park Community Trust will utilise the power and widespread appeal of sport, and in particular football, to inspire changes leading to a reduction in carbon emissions in Montrose and the Mearns.æ The Tackling Carbon project will offer unwanted sports strips, clothing and equipment to the local community, provide advice on how to improve household energy efficiency and reduce the amount of plastic drinks bottles being binned following training and competitive matches.æ The project will also engage local children in a fun, yet challenging educational programme focussed on tackling carbon emissions. æ"
"Dundee University Students' Association's Dig for Dundee project will use allotments at the Dundee Botanic Gardens and alsoæbuild a growing space on campus to source local, lower carbon and healthy food. æ"
"Kilfinan Community ForestÍs new Low Carbon Classroom will showcase the very latest energy saving and low carbon building techniques, whilst also demonstrating that the technologies installed in the building are also applicable to our homes.æ The construction phase will involve training tradespeople so that the skills can be transferred thereby closing the loop between demand and supply, and the legacy will be a low carbon centre of excellence for sustainable learning.æ "
"Bute Produce Genesis is a project run by Fyne Futures Ltd to establish Bute Produce Horticulture Training Centre and provide an edible teaching garden where the community can grow and learn more about food, carbon emissions and climate change. Project activities include growing, cooking and composting workshops.æ "
"Bridge of Orchy Village Hall Trust will upgrade the village hall to create a hub for the village and provide a demonstration to both residentsæand visitors of the benefits of energy efficiencyæand a more sustainable lifestyle.æ Further activities to help the community reduce carbon emissions include promotion of recycling, composting and the growing of local produce.æ "
"African For Conservation is a project run by the Greatway Foundation and will engage with diverse African and Caribbean minority communities in Leith and West Pilton in Edinburgh by providingæenergy advice visits to help increase home energy efficiency, reducing energy use, bills, fuel poverty and carbon emissions.æ The project will also offer workshops focused on local food growing, food waste and climate change.æ "
"Welcoming a Greener Future is a project run by The Welcoming Association in Edinburgh to help migrant and refugee communities to reduce carbon emissions through improving home energy efficiency and decreasing waste sent to landfill.æ Project activities include home energy efficiency surgeries and home visits while clothes, household goods and furniture previously destined for landfill will be upcycled into useful items.æ "
"Nari Kallyan Shangho'sæClimate Challenge Initiative will deliver home energy audits to South Asian communities in Edinburgh.æ Other project activities include educational workshops in composting, household item upcycling and cycle training courses for women.æ "
"The Green Drying project is run by Comas and will help Edinburgh residents find practical solutions to a modern problem.æ Housing developments have been built without outdoor drying facilities and even where there is space, residents are prevented from hanging clothes out to dry in the free, fresh air.æ Indoor drying means expensive tumble drier use, or increased use of heating for passive drying with condensation contributing to damp housing and poor health.æ Comas will work with residents to remove barriers to outdoor, air drying.æ "
"Bridgend Growing Communities will support five schools in South Edinburgh to reduce local carbon emissions by expanding spaces to grow fruit and vegetables through the South Edinburgh Schools Project.æ As well as working with schools, the project will help parents and children to establish 'growing homes' in which regardless of whether or not they have a garden, they can find a space to grow food.æ "
"Grow Stronger is a project run by Transition Edinburgh South that will involve a community-led initiative to tackle the issues of producing food locally and reducing food waste.æ This will be delivered using an inter-generational approach to build community capacity and improve volunteer skills in food growing, cooking and composting.æ "
"WHALE Arts Agency's Westburn: Climate Action Network project will work with the local community in Westburn, Wester Hailes to tackle carbon emissions caused by waste, food and transport.æ The project aims to increase the capacity to repair furniture and textiles, establish new food growing spaces and run growing and cooking workshops as well as running initiatives to increase cycling.æ "
"Safe Happy Healthy Environment is a project that will work in the Muirhouse area of Edinburgh to reduce carbon emissions though growing fruit and vegetables locally and reducing waste.æ The project is run by Muirhouse Millennium Centre and will work with under twelves, mothers and toddlers and adults with disabilities.æ Project activities include construction of an allotment area and support for the local community to grow at home.æ "
"SCOREscotland's (Strengthening Communities for Race Equality Scotland) Green Futures project will offer help for members of black and minority ethnic communities in West Edinburgh to reduce their carbon emissions.æ Project activities include home energy efficiency advice visits to help cut home energy use, fuel bills, fuel poverty and carbon emissions.æ The project will also offer support to reduce car use with activities including cycle lessons, bike maintenance training and promotion of local walking routes.æ "
"Communities for Conservation is a project run by Edinburgh and Lothians Regional Equality Council and will engage with diverse ethnic minority communities in Edinburgh to improve home energy efficiency, reducing fuel bills, fuel poverty and carbon emissions.æ Project activities include home energy efficiency advice visits and a drop in centre.æ Additional workshops and initiatives will help cut carbon emissions from food and travel and raise awareness of climate change.æ "
"SHRUB's (Swap and Reuse Hub Cooperative) Edinburgh's Creative Reuse Hub is led by the student community and aims to increase awareness on sustainability issues and solutions.æ The project includes a swap shop, food sharing network and bike maintenance workshops.æ "
"MY Adventure will support people to choose lower carbon bike travel over the car through the rollout of itsæChain Reaction project across Edinburgh.æ The project will train and equip community hubs with the knowledge and the tools that they need to act as ambassadors for active travel and offer cycle training so school pupils can develop as safe and skilled cyclists.æ The project will also hire out 1,000 bikes at heavily subsidised rates and run 50 free guided rides through Edinburgh's cycle network.æ "
The Garden Globe Growing project will expand the existing growing garden at the Jack Kane Community Centre in north east Edinburgh and construct a new community garden nearby.æ Additional project activities to further reduce carbon emissions include cookery workshops to cut food waste.æ
"Transition Heriot-Watt's Our Low Carbon Community project willæbring sustainability to the core of the student and staff community at Heriot-Watt University.æ The project will reduce energy use in student accommodation, labs and offices, support community fruit and vegetable growing.æ It will also encourage the uptake of sustainable travel options and work with students to deliver a community composting scheme.æ The project's legacy will be secured by steps including the development of an online sustainability resource hub for the community.æ "
"Edinburgh World Heritage's Green Heritage project will work with local communities within the Edinburgh World Heritage site to cut carbon emissions and create a more resilient and informed community with regards to sustainability.æ Project activities include energy efficiency work with homeowners of traditional buildings, redevelopment of the Acheson House Garden into a productive food growing site and a wellie swapping scheme with local nursery schools.æ "
The Tullibody Community Garden offers the local community the chance to grow their own local produce.æ The project is run by Tullibody Healthy Living and also offers workshops on cooking with seasonal produce and advice on how to reduce carbon emissions caused by food miles and food waste.æ
The Reuse Matters 2 project is run by Creetown Initiative Ltd and will reduce carbon emissions in Dumfries and Galloway by upcycling textiles which would have been sent to landfill.æ The project will offer residents a textile collection service plus free workshops to learn how to upcycle textile items.æ
"Kirkcudbright Development Trust's Kirkcudbright Cycles for Life project seeks to break down barriers to cycling by providing loan bikes, helping restore old bikes and by creating and leading cycling events.æ Working with employers, schools and the local authority, the aim of the project is to promote cycling as a way to get fit, save money and reduce carbon emissions.æ "
"The Equilibrium project run by Yusuf Youth Initiative will offer minority young people in Dundee the chance to reduce their carbon emissions caused by travel, food, energy and waste. æProject activities will include cycle training, food growing, energy audits and discussions around prevention of waste.æ Social media will be used as a platform to promote the project and inspire others.æ "
"Abertay Students Association's ECoAbertay project is run by students at Abertay University in Dundee to reduce carbon emissions.æ Project activities include promotion of travel to classes by bike or foot instead of car, a campaign to reduce consumption of single use bottled water on campus, provision of an ïinterview clothes libraryÍ and exchange events to stop unwanted homeware and clothes going to landfill.æ "
Gate Church International's Carbon Saving project in Dundee will install energy efficiency measures in the Grade A listed St Mark's Church and the community centre on Greenfield Place.æ The project will also include initiatives to tackle food and clothing waste in the community.æ
"Aberlady Conservationæand History Society's Climate Friendly Aberlady project will reduce carbon emissions in the village through the installation of energy efficient measures at the Kirk Stables community-owned hall and offering local households advice on energy efficiency and micro-renewables.æ Further initiatives include a car sharing scheme, promotion of cycling and walking as an alternative to private car use and promotion of local, seasonal food.æ "
"Auchenback Active Limited's Climate Challenge project will reduce local carbon emissions through the installation ofæenergy efficiency measures within the Auchenback Resource Centre.æ The project will also support the local community to improve their household energy efficiency through home energy advice visits and workshops, helping reduce bills, fuel poverty and carbon emissions.æ "
"West Hurlet House Community Hub is a project run by ILC Darnley to install energy efficient measures in West Hurlet House.æ The Hub will serve the needs of residents in Greater Pollok, Barrhead, Paisley and Glasgow and provide support including energy efficiency advice as well as community growing space.æ "
"Pedalwise Making a Wheel Change to Carbon Emissions is a project run by Neilston Development Trust and will work in partnership with local schools and businesses to cut car use by running a programme of events to encourage cycling.æ Project activities include Dr Bike check-up sessions, cycle maintenance courses and training events.æ All activities will support the Wheel Change Awards, a competition to encourage community members to cycle more.æ "
"Delivered in partnership with Sustrans and local schools, CATCA Creates Climate Challenge Champions will engage young people in active travel, food growing, outdoor skills training and waste reduction programmes.æ The project is run by Communities Along the Carron Association and activities delivered in schools will include cycle skills training and led rides, food growing and waste reduction sessions.æ "
"Tayport Community Trust's Tayport Community Garden projectæwill reduce local carbon emissions by developing an inclusive outdoor centre where people can grow their own food.æ Experienced professional gardeners will lead regular workshops and supported workdays offering volunteers and community groups training and support in how to grow salads, vegetables and fruit.æ Initiatives such as tool repair workshops will lead to further reductions in carbon emissions.æ "
"(Still) too good to waste is a project run by Greener Kirkcaldy to cut local carbon emissions by reducing the amount of household items and food waste sent to landfill.æ The project will carry out programmes of practical events and workshops in the communityæincluding the chance to develop repair, maintenance and upcycling skills.æ This will be backed up by community-based social marketing activities and engagement with other local community groups.æ "
"Talking About Climate Change is a project run by Greener Kirkcaldy to reduce carbon emissions and fuel poverty through home energy efficiency and renewable energy advice.æ The project will also offer local people the chance to develop skills and confidence to grow and eat more local, seasonal food.æ Additional activities and events will raise awareness of climate change and the connections to lives, homes and behaviours.æ "
"Action on Climate Change will reduce energy use, bills and carbon emissions at St Bryce Kirk by fitting secondary glazing.æ Further project activities involve work with local households to improve home energy efficiency, increase the consumption of local produce, reduce food waste and reuse and recycle household items.æ "
Rosyth Community Council / Edibleæand Tasty Spaces: EATS Rosyth's Edible and Tasty Spaces project will cut local carbon emissions by developing new community growing sites and delivering a series gardening workshops to increase the capacity to grow local food.æ Barriers to local composting will also be identified and overcome throughout the delivery of the project.æ
"Local Food Works is a project run by Falkland Stewardship Trust that will develop a weekly pop-up market, offering spaces for local growers to sell their seasonal produce.æ Further activities to reduce local carbon emissions include creation of six new community growing spaces workshops focussed on using local, seasonal ingredients and how to reduce food waste.æ "
"Kirkcaldy Old Kirk Greener Heritage is a project to make the historic community building of Kirkcaldy Old Kirk more sustainable by installing energy efficient measures to save energy, reduce bills and carbon emissions.æ The project will also offer help to the local communityæ to improve home energy efficiency through free home energy audits.æ Further reductions in local carbon emissions will be gained by through activities including fuel efficient driving lessons.æ "
"FRAE Fife's BME Home and Transport Energy Efficiency project aimsæto reduce domestic carbon emissions and get more BME households out of fuel poverty by offering a drop in home energy advice service, training a team of community champions and running a series of community events and workshops.æ Further carbon emissions will be saved through a lift share scheme and energy efficient driving lessons.æ "
"St Andrews Environment Network's Low Carbon Hub projectæwill address the barriers to local residents learning about, sharing and living a more low carbon life.æ The project will create a large, new community facility within the Botanic gardens, providing food growing space, a community workshop and social learning area.æ Further project activities include home energy efficiency advice and workshops covering cycle training and maintenance, repair and upcycling of household items, food growing, food waste reduction and composting.æ "
"The Ecology Centre's Lemon Squeezy: Let's get growing at Kinghorn Loch is a project to tackle local carbon emissions by cutting food miles and recycling old gardening tools.æ Building on the Easy Peas-y project of refurbishing old tools and helping people to set up growing spaces in their own gardens, Lemon Squeezy will bring people together to create a new growing hub at Kinghorn Loch. Community recycling volunteers will make gardening tools available to the wider community while individuals and groups will be supported to grow their own produce on the new site.æ "
Hayfield Community Centre's Hayfield Growing More project aims to expand food growing activities in Kirkcaldy and support more local people to achieve a lower carbon diet.æ Further reductions in carbon emissions will be reached through workshops to tackle food waste and a weekly caf_ using food industry surplus where attendees will be able to learn more ways to decrease their carbon emissions.æ
"West of Scotland Regional Equality Council will be working with minority ethnic communities and individuals to increase understanding of climate change and how to reduce carbon emissions.æ The Let's COOK GROW and SEW Together project will offer community garden space for growing and cooking local produce and a host of workshops and training to increase levels of reuse, recycling and fuel efficient driving.æ "
"Tron St Mary's Parish Church's project will reduce local carbon emissions through increased local produce grown at sites within local schools and community areas across Barmulloch and Balornock.æ The project will also raise awareness of the advantages of home growing, recycling and composting.æ "
"LifeCycle is a community-led project delivered by SoulRiders Scotland to promote cycling within the BME community in the West of Scotland.æ The project will reduce local carbon emissions by encouraging and supporting individuals to reduce their car usage in favour of cycling for short journeys.æ Project activities include cycle training, an accessible cycling hub and the refurbishing of bikes previously destined for landfill.æ "
"KPC: A space for change is a project run by Kinning Park Complex, in Glasgow, to cut local carbon emissions through reducing the amount of textile and food waste that ends up in landfill.æ The project will re-distribute waste supermarket food from the Fairshare scheme and develop a community garden and textile bank.æ Additional activities include a workshop and education programme covering gardening, upcycling, textile reuse and ways to cut food waste.æ "
"Spaces to Grow is project developed by Cube Housing Association and local residents in Maryhill, Glasgow, that will offer the community opportunities to reduce carbon emissions by growing food locally.ææLed by local residents, the project will develop new food growing sites and offer a series of food growing, cooking and composting activities.æ "
"A Leading Example of Energy Efficiency is a project run by Ahl Al-Bait Society in Glasgow to cut local carbon emissions by installing energy efficient measures in their community building.æ The project will also offer local households advice on home energy use and climate change in Arabic and English languages to help to reduce energy use, bills, fuel poverty and carbon emissions.æ "
"The Chinese Climate Change project will offeræGlasgow'sæChinese community advice on how to improve home energy efficiency which will help reduce energy use, bills, fuel poverty and carbon emissions.æ The project is run by the Chinese Community Development Partnership and further activities to reduce local carbon emissions will be focused on sustainable travel and reducing waste.æ "
The Inspiring Low Carbon Transformation Initiative is a project run by Awaz which will work with the South Asian community in Glasgow to cut carbon emissions through reducingæwaste going landfill and improving home energy efficiency.æ The project will hold a series of repair and swap events to cut household waste with a monthly awareness raising programme on Radio Awaz.æ
"South Seeds will establish a new energy hub in the bustling centre of Glasgow's Southside providing energy audits, advice and services to its community.æ The projectæwill work intensively with small businesses, tradespeople, families in private rented housing and recent migrant groups to help them reduce energy costs, carbon emissions and ultimately help them take control of energy use.æ "
"Shettleston Housing Association will offer energy saving advice to householders living in the Shettleston area to help reduce energy use, bills, fuel poverty and carbon emissions.æ There will be a particular emphasis on helping tenants in new build properties make the most of their energy efficient heating systems.æ "
"Saheliya's Growing Resilience project will upskill and inspire BME women it works with in Glasgow to take personal action to reduce their carbon emissions.æ Through the development of a vibrant community growing space, a home composting pilot scheme, waste reduction cookery workshops, upcycling drop-in sessions and community gardening activities Saheliya will be transformed in a hub of engagement on climate change issues.æ "
"Eco Kids of Greener Glasgow is an initiative to inform, educate and develop greener behaviours amongst pupils and the wider community of Al-Tawheed Arabic School.æ Project activities will include fuel efficient driver training, cycle workshops and a walking club to reduce carbon emissions of the school run while support will be available to help cut home energy use.æ "
SPC Gardening Group will encourage the Springburn Parish Church community to take up gardening and grow their own fruit and vegetables in raised beds situated in the church grounds. æFurther activities to reduce local carbon emissions will include cookery classes to tackle food waste and a composting scheme.æ
"The Scottish Afghan Society's West End Energy Efficient Home and Environment projectæwill work with members of the Afghan community in the west end of Glasgow to improve home energy efficiency and low-carbon transport choices. æProject activities will include home energy efficiency advice to reduce home energy use, fuel poverty and carbon emissions while single occupancy car travel will be reduced through a car share scheme and access to cycles.æ "
"Embedding North Glasgow's Green Legacy is a project run by North Glasgow Housing Association to cut local carbon emissions by improving home energy efficiency, reducing waste and growing more local food.æ Project activities include home energy visits, initiatives to utilise furniture, textiles and sports kits previously destined for landfill and workshops to support local food growing.æ "
"Al-Meezan's Low Carbon Al-Meezan projectæwill help the community in the south side of Glasgow to decrease their carbon emissions.æ The project will create additional community growing space, provide support for food waste reduction and help the community switch to lower carbon transport methods through cycle training, route planning and showcasing low emission vehicles.æ "
"Plan to Go Green is a project run by Lambhill Stables to cut local carbon emissions by growing more local produce at portable growing spaces made of reclaimed materials. æThe portable nature of the growing sites means they can be distributed throughout the available vacant and derelict land in the neighbourhood and moved to other locations if required.æ In addition to increasing the amount of locally grown produce, the project will implement rain water harvesting systems and involve young people in growing produce, composting and active travel.æ "
"Growing Together is an urban community food growing and waste reduction project run by the Concrete Garden which will tackle carbon emissions through the provision of growing space, activities and events for the people of Possilpark and the wider north Glasgow area.æ The project will work alongside local people to create opportunities to grow, work, socialise, play and learn together.æ "
"Food Fruition'sæGreen Feet project will help the community in Partick, Hyndland, Maryhill and surrounding areas reduce carbon emissions through growing their own food, reducing food waste, composting and decreasing single occupancy car travel.æ The project has established a new community growing space at Dyce Park with project activities including gardening workshops, cooking demonstrations, a car share scheme and cycle training.æ "
"Milton Crunch 3 is a project run by North Glasgow Community Food Initiative to reduce local carbon emissions through providing new growing space and reducing food waste and food miles.æ Project activities will include gardening courses, composting workshops, plus workshops in local schools focussing on food miles and food waste.æ "
"The Andalus Living Active and Going Green project in the west end of Glasgow will help the local community to reduce home energy use, grow more local produce and travel more sustainably.æ The community will be offered home energy efficiency advice, new community growing space and an eco-caf_ will be created.æ Cycling workshops will run in tandem with an urban cycling club while a movie club, will showcase environmental films.æ "
"Glasgow Bike Station's Uni-Cycle projectæaims to get staff and students across Glasgow's further education community cycling byæoffering Dr Bike servicing, commuter cycle training courses, maintenance training, guided rides and student cycle information at each campus throughout the year.æ Cycle Champions at each partnering establishment will receive training and mentorship to create a legacy of cycling within their college or university.æ "
"Connect Community Trust's ReConnect Glasgow project aimsæto reduce local carbon emissions byæsaving furniture from landfill.æ This will include furniture too damaged or old to use in its present form; these items will be upcycled into new forms of furniture.æ The project will make furniture available at low cost for those in need, offer workshops on upcycling and reuse for the community as well as more formal training and volunteering positions.æ "
"A Greener Scotstoun is a project run by Heart of Scotstoun Community Centre to work with the local community to reduce local carbon emissions from food, waste and home energy use.æ Project activities include construction of a new community garden and distribution of surplus supermarket food to those in need.ææThe project will also develop sustainable travel maps, run swap shops and upcycling sessions.æ "
"Green Growers is a project run by Broadford and Strath Community Company on the south of Skye to reduce local carbon emissions through increasing the proportion of space to grow local food, providing a local composting scheme and offering workshops and information to support people to reduce food waste.æ "
"ReMade@NewStart is a project run by New Start Highland to reduce local carbon emissions by saving furniture and household goods from landfill.æ The project will offer upcycling classes where the community can learn skills including joinery, painting and upholstery, to transform items previously destined for landfill into goods which retain their integrity and use for years to come.æ "
"Sustainable Spean Bridge is a project run by Spean Bridge Community Centre that will reduce local carbon emissions through installing energy efficient measures in the community centre.æ The project will also offer a programme of events, workshops and home visits to help the local community reduce household carbon emissions and adopt more sustainable transport methods.æ "
Raasay Primary School's All Weather Gardening project will provide a suitable polytunnel allowing produce to be grown year round to supply the school kitchen.æ Excess produce will be sold through the local community-owned shop.æ The project will also offer a non-avoidable food waste collection scheme for nearby residents with waste composted.ææ
Velocity Caf_ and Bicycle Workshop is working to make the aspiration of 10% of journeys across Inverness being made using active travel by 2020 a reality.æ GoByCycle will use individualised support to encourage and enable people to make the shift from cars to cycling and walking.æ The project will develop individually tailored support packages working alongside employees and schoolchildren across the city.æ
Draught Busters 2 is a project run by Pentland Housing Association to help reduce carbon emissions and fuel poverty by offering expert energy advice to householders in Caithness.æ An energy adviser will offer home visits and advise of small changes such draught proofing that can improve energy efficiency and will be available to help fit appropriate measures.æ
"Nature's Pantry 2 is a project run by Cantraybridge College, Croy, to reduce local carbon emissions through cutting food miles and food waste.æ The project will increase the amount of community growing space and reduce the need for people in the local village community to travel to alternative shop and caf_ facilities.æ "
"Food to Fork is a project run by Inverclyde Community Development Trust to engage young people in a community food growing journey from the garden fork to the dinner fork.æ In addition to reducing local carbon emissions through establishing two new growing spaces, trainees will learn about food growing and sustainable cooking through a series of workshops and special events.æ "
Connecting Food Growing Across the Inverclyde Community is a project run by Belville Community Garden Trust to cut local carbon emissions through growing local produce and will offer people with learning difficulties and/or disabilities the chance to learn new skills.æ The project will involve the construction of accessible community growing spaces made with recycled materials. Produce grown will be used to supply local cafes and the community foodbank.æ
"Recycle Upcycle is a project run by RIG Arts Ltd to cut local carbon emissions by reducing the amount of furniture, textiles and food going to landfill in Inverclyde. æRIG Arts will engage with local schools _ St Patrick's Primary School, Whinhill Primary and Notre Dame High School _ as well as hold community workshops in Broomhill to teach valuable reuse and recycling skills.æ "
"The Rural and Urban Training Scheme will reduce local carbon emissions through the community-led UPower project which will promote active travel.æ Utilising a network of volunteers and a brand new local cycling hub the project will deliver activities such as cycle training, maintenance classes, carbon awareness events and a free hire bike service to encourage cycling over car usage.æ "
"Loanhead Community Learning Association's Growing a Sustainable Future project aimsæto reduce carbon emissions in Loanhead by creating extra growing space, swapping car travel for bike and diverting waste from landfill.æ Project activities include creation of five new growing spaces with raised beds constructed from reclaimed materials, gardening sessions, bike skills training and free bike hire.æ "
"Gorebridge Community Development Trust's Going Green for Gorebridge will work in Gorebridge and Midlothian to reduce local carbon emissions by helping people make greener travel choices.æ The project will focus on swapping car journeys for walking and cycling, in particular for travel to Gorebridge railway station.æ The project will also improve and develop a local path network that links to schools, shops, health centre, work places and public transport stops.æ "
"Elgin Youth Development Group will install energy efficient measures in their community hub and kitchen from which they will deliver the Inkwell Community Food project.æ The project will offer support to local people to reduce carbon emissions caused by food waste with workshops to help effective shopping, budgeting, menu planning and cooking practices.æ "
"Grow Elgin 2 is a project run by REAP (Rural Environmental Action Plan) that will help more groups and communities in Elgin to cut local carbon emissions through increased production and consumption of local food and cutting down on food waste.æ Project activities include a new community growing space, gardening and compost workshops and food waste collection from 15 local businesses via electric bike.æ "
"Arran Community Land Initiative's Growing our Community project aimsæto help people across Arran to reduce carbon emissions through growing their own food and composting. æThe project will provide the community with allotments and composting facilities, plus support to encourage growing, composting and waste reduction at home.æ "
"Big Steps - Smaller Footprints is a project run by Kilwinning Community Sports Club to reduce local carbon emissions through new bulk washing and drying facilities and a sports kit recycling program.æ In addition, the club will offer a carbon literacy and football training programme to local schools and run fuel efficient driver training lessons and a car sharing scheme.æ "
"Low Carbon Cumbrae is a project run by Isle of Cumbrae Initiative to cut the amount of waste food and glass going to landfill on the mainland.æ Islanders will be given assistance to start composting and are invited to learn more about how to reduce food waste by improving food purchasing, cooking and storage practices.æ A new glass imploder will reduce the amount of waste being sent off the island and provide aggregate for other, future community projects.æ "
"Eco Sports Zone is a project run by Beith Community Development Trust to reduce local carbon emissions by installing energy efficient measures in a sports hall facility in Beith.æ Further project activities include a range of home energy efficiency support to help local residents reduce their home energy consumption, bills and carbon emissions.æ "
"The Carbon Clyde project will be delivered by Clyde FC Community Foundation to reduce local carbon emissions in Cumbernauld.æ The project will involve a range of activities including free home energy audits, establishment of a sports kit and boots recycling scheme, low carbon travel and an eco-friendly football program for primary school pupils.æ "
"Well Greener is a project run by Motherwell Football Club Community Trust and will use the power of football to promote lower carbon lifestyle choices across Lanarkshire.æ Project activities include ïKit BankÍ, a sports kit and footwear recycling initiative, and a lower carbon travel program.æ Project staff will also deliver a ïwalk to schoolÍ program in partnership with local schools and new bicycle parking facilities will be created at Fir Park Stadium to enable more fans to travel to games by bicycle.æ "
"Dunkeld Guide Hall Renewal project will reduce local carbon emissions by upgrading Dunkeld Guide Hall with 21st Century insulation.æ The project is run by Dunkeld and Birnam Friends of Guiding and will also work with the Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Senior Section to carry out energy audits that will help the community identify the best ways they can save energy at home.æ "
"Forward Coupar Angus' Low Carbon Coupar Angus project, delivered from itsænewly renovated Low Carbon Centre,æincludes a program of activities to help the community save energy, travel actively and access fresh local food.æ "
"Local Energy Action Plan's Yep! (Youth Engagement Programme) project will develop a new community resource in the form of ReMake Unique Boutique (RUB) - a clothing swap shop and workshop space.æ From this base the project will run a programme of activities to reduce carbon emissions caused by waste, including reuse and maintenance sessions, pop-up events and social gatherings for the local community.æ "
"Local Energy Action Plan's Calder and Gryffe Community project will support individuals, families and community groups in Bridge of Weir, Brookfield, Crosslee, Houston, Kilbarchan and Lochwinnoch to improve home energy efficiency, reduce waste and travel more sustainably.æ Project activities include home energy advice, swishing and upcycling events, plus promotion of the LEAP car club, active travel and public transport.æ "
"Eco Drama's Magic Van Tour 2016-17 project will collaborate with primary schools in Renfrewshire to increase learning and awareness in the area of sustainable development education. æThe project will utilise an arts-based learning approach involving theatre productions and drama workshops.æ This will be combined with orchard planting and composting activities to reduce carbon emissions and inspire behavioural change with children, young people and the wider school community.æ "
"2000m2: Think Global Eat Local is a project to reduce carbon emissions around the North Tweedale area through reducing food waste and helping the community shift towards a more sustainable and healthy diet.æ The project is run by Whitmuir Community Benefit Society and activities include support and information to help reduce food waste, food waste collections and composting guidance.æ "
"Grow to Eat is a project run by You Can Cook to reduce local carbon emissions by increasing the amount of locally grown produce.æ The project will be run from a number of allotment sites including the edible garden built within the school grounds of St RonanÍs Primary School, Innerleithen.æ The project will also offer training, information, advice and support in the Innerleithen and surrounding areas on how to grow and cook local, seasonal produce and reduce food waste.æ "
"Carbon StudioLab is a project run by Peebles CAN that aims to reduce local carbon emissions through simple ways of improving the energy efficiency of local homes such as draught proofing, thermal curtains, thermal blinds and shutters.æ A hub will offer space to run classes, while creative ways of bringing art and science together include a Climate Clock to represent ongoing activities.æ "
Big Wheels Keep on Turning is a project run by Tweeddale Youth Action to reduce local carbon emissions through repairing bikes and preventing them from going to landfill. æThe project will also create a textile recycling hub that young people in Tweeddale can access and learn how to turn unwanted clothes into treasured pieces.æ
"Skills for Sustainability is a project run by Bressay Development Ltdæwhich aimsæto turn school buildings into a community skills development centre, from which activities to help the community to adopt a more sustainable lifestyle will be run.æ The project will reduce carbon emissions associated with waste, food and travel through workshops offering the chance to gain knowledge and skills around furniture restoration, sewing, upcycling craft, local food and bike maintenance.æ "
"Fetlar Community Association's Fetlar Going Green project involves installation of energy efficient measures at Fetlar Community Hall to reduce energy use, bills and carbon emissions.æ In addition, the project will offer the local community support to save energy, grow their own food, reduce food waste and home compost.æ "
Ayr United Football Academy will reduce local carbon emissions through the Eco Player Interactive Challenge (EPIC).æ EPIC will see local sports kit recycling centres established at six sports centres across South Ayrshire with a series of events to hand out and collect kit and provide further information on the benefits of recycling and what can be recycled.æ
"LEAP'sæ(Lightburn Elderly Association Project) R:evolve Recycle inter-generational project willæutilise the skills of the older generation to help reduce clothes and textiles being sent to landfill by providing a platform where people can trade, mend and alter their clothes and furniture completely free of charge.ææThe projectæwill also run a number of initiatives, developed and facilitated by local volunteers.æ These will include a chain of swap shop boutiques, furniture, textile repair and upcyclingæworkshops, plus an education programme for schools.æ "
Healthy n Happy Community Development Trust will further develop its Bike Town project which aims to help people in Cambuslang and Rutherglen get out of their cars and onto their bikes for local journeys. æAs well as decreasing carbon emissions the project aims for travel by bike to cut transport costs and boost health.æ A bike recycling facility will help reduce the number of bikes going to landfill.æ
"Lanarkshire Sports Club will run the Recycle Kit project to tackle carbon emissions around sports related activities.æ This community-led project will encompass a sports kit and footwear recycling scheme, an eco-friendly bulk laundry system.æ The project will also involve the promotion of a car share initiative to change travel habits long term.æ "
Stirling Food Hub is a project run by Forth Environment Link and will establish a pilot Food Hub at Stirling Cycle Hub. æThis will provide a central and recognisable point of information on and access to local food. æFurther project activities to reduce carbon emissions include work with local schools and a community engagement campaign to tackle food waste.æ
"Balfron Development Trust's Wild Aye projectæis a community-led programme of activities to reduce carbon emissions caused by car use in the villages of Balfron and Balfron Station.æ Project activities include promotion of cycling and walking with improved maintenance and signposting of local walkways, a lift share scheme and an innovative pedal-powered shopping delivery service.æ "
"Transition Stirling's Tool Shed is a project run by Towards Transition Stirling and will cut local carbon emissions by helping to increase production and consumption of local food and cutting waste.æ The project will include practical workshops on growing, foraging and cooking sustainable food. Further project workshops will provide advice on how to refurbish furniture and mend clothing.æ "
"Climate Challenge Initiative is a project run by Isaro Social Integration Network to help ethnic minority communities in West Dunbartonshire to reduce carbon emissions by offering energy efficiency and low-carbon travel advice to families living in fuel poverty.æ The project will also reduce the amount of textile waste going to landfill through regular, creative upcycling activities.æ "
"Clydebank Housing Association's Grow Your Own Garden project aimsæto enable more local people, groups and volunteer gardeners to be involved in community gardening activities at Whitecrook Community Garden, Clydebank.æ As well as reducing local carbon emissions the project will enable access to fresh, healthy food while increasing skills and confidence through gardening workshops.æ "
Carbon Sprouts is a project run by The Leamy Foundation between Alexandria and Renton to cut carbon emissions through provision of community growing space and a series of workshops devised to support local food production and food waste reduction.æ
"Beechbrae's Community Garden projectæwill reduce local carbon emissions through increasing production of fruit and vegetables and by tackling food waste.æ Project activities include provision of growing space, growing workshops and food waste challenges.æ "
"Craigshill Good Neighbour Network's Textile Waste Into Transformed Textile for Everyday Re-use (TWITTER) aims to cut carbon emissions by reducing the amount of clothing and textile items from Craigshill, West Lothian that end up in landfill.æ Project activities willæinclude pop-up clothing and textile collection points, upcycling workshops and waste reduction advice forums.æ "
Horshader Community Development's Grow Your Own project is about minimising carbon emissions through the revitalising of food growing skills in the community alongside a programme of waste reduction and hands on cookery workshops.æ A study will also be carried out to investigate the potential benefits and cultivation protocols for plant wind breaks.æ
"Local Food for Local People is a community project run in partnership by Tagsa Uibhist and Cothrom and aims to create a low carbon future for Uist.æ The project will create new community growing space for local produce to reduce food miles and run cooking and meal planning sessions to reduce food waste.æ Additional activities include food waste collections and composting stations, plus horticultural training and employment opportunities.æ "
Tighean Innse Gall will work with Point and Sandwick Development Trust to reduce household carbon emissions and in turn reduce fuel bills and fuel poverty.æ Advice about how community members can improve their energy efficacy will be provided during home visits.æ
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Description,Amount,Group Name,Round,Region,Group Type,Project_Type
"Allan Church and Community Halls' projectÊinÊBannockburnÊwill install insulation, secondary glazing and energy efficient lighting in the Allan Church Halls Community Facility. These measures will help to reduce energy use and carbon emissions, both reducing bills and helping to tackle climate change.ÊThe project also aims to work more widely with the Bannockburn community to reduce carbon emissions associated with energy use, travel and waste. ","143,575",Allan Church and Community Halls' ,16,,Church,Refurbishment
Broughty Ferry New Kirk - St Aidan's Church aims to increase its energy efficiency through improved insulation.ÊThe church will provide a support and advice service for residents on how to combat fuel poverty and reduce their carbon footprint. It will also act as a base to serve all the needs of the local community by offering a safe and suitable community building adapted for a wide range of uses. ,"108,813",Broughty Ferry New Kirk ,11,,Church,Refurbishment
"Church of Pentecost (UK) - Glasgow District will run the Travel Less Grow More project which will work with church members to decrease carbon emissions caused by car travel and food.Ê The project will promote a car sharing website and offer fuel efficient driving training.Ê Free loan bikes, cycle maintenance workshops and cycle proficiency lessons will be offered to encourage shorter journeys to be made by bike instead of car.Ê A new community growing space will be created on previously derelict land, enabling the community to grow and consume more locally and seasonally grown food and to compost food waste, with advice also available to help reduce food waste. ","89,008",Church of Pentecost (UK) - Glasgow District,19,,Church,
,"£1,350",Church of Scotland in partnership with Angus Secondary Schools,8,Angus,Church,
"Destiny Church Trust will take steps to reduce the energy use and carbon emissions of their church building in the south side of Glasgow through installation of double glazed windows and energy efficient lighting. As well as providing a warmer, more comfortable building and reducing bills, the project will help to tackle climate change through the reduction in carbon emissions. In addition, the project will work with the local community to reduce energy use by providing information and advice on energy efficiency measures. A community growing space and food waste composting will also be encouraged through workshops offered at the church cafe. ","146,661",Destiny Church Trust,16,,Church,Refurbishment
" Elie, Kilconquhar and Colinsburgh Churches - the Kilconquhar Church InsulationÊand Lighting project aims to instal ceiling insulation and energy efficient lighting which will lead to a large reduction in energy use and greenhouse gas emissions. This will help the environment and give increased comfort for all users of the only community resource in the village. ","12,690","Elie, Kilconquhar and Colinsburgh Churches",9,,Church,Refurbishment
Gate Church International's Carbon Saving project in Dundee will install energy efficiency measures in the Grade A listed St Mark's Church and the community centre on Greenfield Place.Ê The project will also include initiatives to tackle food and clothing waste in the community.Ê ,"150,000",Gate Church International's,22,Dundee City,Church,
"Hawick Baptist Church - Renovation of The Well. The aim of the project is to provide an eco-refurbishment of The Well, an old Hawick building serving the community with clubs for young and old. A programme of education on energy-saving measures, and free energy-saving home assessments to all hall users and associates will also be introduced. ","34,663",Hawick Baptist Church,7,,Church,Refurbishment
" Hawick Congregational Community Church's Reaching Out GROW project will improve insulation and install double glazing in the church hall. This will help save energy and reduce its carbon footprint as well as providing a warm building, suitable for use as a community hub. The project will also raise awareness of energy efficiency in the local community, changing behaviour to reduce energy consumption. ","34,957",Hawick Congregational Community Church's ,12,,Church,Refurbishment
"Kirkcaldy Old Kirk Greener Heritage is a project to make the historic community building of Kirkcaldy Old Kirk more sustainable by installing energy efficient measures to save energy, reduce bills and carbon emissions.Ê The project will also offer help to the local communityÊ to improve home energy efficiency through free home energy audits.Ê Further reductions in local carbon emissions will be gained by through activities including fuel efficient driving lessons.Ê ","95,042",Kirkcaldy Old Kirk,22,Fife,Church,
"Milton of Campsie Parish Church's Stirling Hall Eco Project will reduce energy use and carbon emissions by installing roof and wall insulation, energy efficient lighting and triple glazing. These measures will create a more comfortable community space with the project also working with the local community to help reduce energy use, fuel poverty and carbon emissions. ","149,973",Milton of Campsie Parish Church's,18,,Church,
Mure Memorial Church in Baillieston is replacing all 62 windows in the Sanctuary and halls. ,"63,853",Mure Memorial Church,10,,Church,Refurbishment
" Selkirk Parish Church has been awarded a grantÊto make energy efficiency a priority in the renovation of the church hall and to encourage energy efficient behaviour at the church and in the community. The project, A Greener Future for Selkirk Parish Church, aims to reduce heat loss, energy use and carbon emissions and make the building more suitable for all sections of the community. The project will also promote and encourage energy efficient behaviour amongst church members and hall users, leading to a greener future for both the church and itsÊcommunity. ","29,190",Selkirk Parish Church,14,,Church,Refurbishment
SPC Gardening Group will encourage the Springburn Parish Church community to take up gardening and grow their own fruit and vegetables in raised beds situated in the church grounds. ÊFurther activities to reduce local carbon emissions will include cookery classes to tackle food waste and a composting scheme.Ê ,"50,000",Springburn Parish Church,22,Glasgow City,Church,
,"£97,655",St Andrews Episcopal Church St Andrews,8,Fife,Church,
"Action on Climate Change will reduce energy use, bills and carbon emissions at St Bryce Kirk by fitting secondary glazing.Ê Further project activities involve work with local households to improve home energy efficiency, increase the consumption of local produce, reduce food waste and reuse and recycle household items.Ê ","52,456",St Bryce Kirk,22,Fife,Church,
" St Columba's Church of Scotland in Stirling city centre will thermally upgrade its main hall to save energy and reduce its carbon footprint. The project will also provide advice on energy efficient behaviour to the 150 church users and 325 hall users who make use of the facilities, which will help to further reduce theÊcarbon footprint ofÊthe local community. ","152,276",St Columba's Church of Scotland,13,,Church,Refurbishment
"St Columba's RC Parish Church, Edinburgh, will install energy efficient measures such as insulation, draught proofing and secondary glazing in the three church halls as part of its Energy Efficiency and Community Project 2014. These improvements will reduce carbon emissions and running costs and be used as an example to the community of measures that can be taken to improve energy efficiency in the home. Presentations and workshops will further support the local community to reduce energy use, fuel poverty and carbon emissions as well as raising awareness of climate change. ","53,140",St Columba's RC Parish Church,18,,Church,
"St Joseph's Church will transform the Cardowan Old School Centre, Stepps into a sustainable community hub through installation of energy efficient measures. As well as reducing energy use and carbon emissions at the Centre, the project will work with local residents to improve energy efficiency with advice available from a dedicated energy advisor.ÊThese activities will help local residents save money and reduce carbon emissions. Further reductions in carbon emissions will be made through the provision of community growing space enabling local residents to grow and consume food locally, helping them to experience the benefits of a healthy diet and learn new skills. ","127,681",St Joseph's Church,16,,Church,Refurbishment
" St Mary's Episcopal Church and Primary School in Dunblane, will work together to reduce the Carbon Footprint of their Church Hall. The project will also raise awareness among local organisations, families and individuals of all ages of the need to be energy aware in the areas of home, travel and food consumption and will therefore have a wider impact on the carbon consumption of the Dunblane community at large, resulting in behaviour change. ","20,988",St Mary's Episcopal Church,9,,Church,Refurbishment
The St Mary's Carbon Reduction project is a new partnership between St Mary's Episcopal Church Broughty Ferry and Balgillo Nursery.Ê A state of the art energy saving lighting system in the church will halve carbon emissions while a specially designed educational programme will work with local organisations and households to reduce energy use.Ê The project will also raise awareness of climate change impacts in the local community and ways to adapt to them. ,"54,303",St Mary's Episcopal Church Broughty Ferry and Balgillo Nursery,19,,Church,
St Michael's Parish Church of Scotland in Linlithgow has been awarded a grant to run the EMPOWERING St Michael's and Linlithgow project which will replace inefficient lighting in the church with modern LED lighting technology. This will substantially reduce electricity consumption and carbon emissions and serve as a catalyst to encourage all users and visitors to St Michael's to take similar action at home. ,"73,300",St Michael's Parish Church of Scotland ,15,,Church,Refurbishment
"St Ninian's Craigmailen Parish Church, Linlithgow will install energy efficient measures including insulation and cladding as part of its Greening Longcroft Community Halls project. This will reduce energy use, bills and carbon emissions, helping to tackle climate change as well as making the building more comfortable for all users. The project will also promote energy efficient behaviour and lower carbon travel amongst church members and hall users leading to a more sustainable future for the church and community. ","42,160",St Ninian's Craigmailen Parish Church,17,,Church,
"St Oswald's Church will install insulation and secondary glazing at their premises in the south side of Glasgow as part of their Kings Park Climate Action project. The reduction of energy use, bills and carbon emissions will help save money and combat climate change.ÊThe project willÊalso work with the local community to improve energy efficiency and provide community growing space by converting an area of derelict land into allotments. ","76,197",St Oswald's Church,16,,Church,Refurbishment / Food growing
"St. Ninians Old Parish Church Hall has been refurbished to reduce its carbon footprint, through insulating its external walls, installing secondary glazing and ceiling insulation, fitting energy efficient lighting and reducing draughts in this 19th century listed building. This will enable a renewable heating system (based on air-source heat pumps) to be installed, and a planned display area will highlight the importance of energy saving improvements in existing buildings in reducing climate change. ","144,809",St. Ninians Old Parish Church Hall,7,,Church,Refurbishment
" Stenhouse St. Aidan's Parish Church - Edgar Church Hall in Edinburgh will be refurbished with secondary glazing on all windows. This will provide a modern, multi-purpose space suitable for a wide variety of community uses. The new space will be easier to keep warm, reducing the congregation's carbon footprint. Users of the building will be issued with guidance on energy use which will promote energy efficient behaviour. ","40,000",Stenhouse St. Aidan's Parish Church,12,,Church,Refurbishment
" The Church of Pentecost will install energy efficient lighting and insulation at their church hall in Mount Florida, Glasgow to decrease energy use, bills and their carbon footprint. They will also increase awareness of climate change issues and promote energy efficient behaviour amongst building users and the local community. This will take the form of awareness raising events and local energy advisors. ","197,237",The Church of Pentecost,12,,Church,Refurbishment
" The Gate Christian Fellowship's Gate Church Carbon Saving project in DundeeÊaims to promote behaviour changes towards low carbon lifestyles, increase the uptake of low carbon transport and install energy efficiency measures in two buildings in the West End of Dundee; Grade A listed St Marks Church on Perth Road and the community centre on Greenfield Place. ","198,016",The Gate Christian Fellowship's,15,,Church,Refurbishment
"The Leamy Foundation's Carbon Sprouts project will establish a community growing space at St Mungo's Episcopal Church in Alexandria, West Dunbartonshire.Ê Additional carbon cutting activities include workshops to help the local community reduce food waste and to promote local and seasonalÊfood. ","63,649",The Leamy Foundation's,21,,Church,
"The St Bryce Kirk Centre in Kirkcaldy will upgrade lighting, insulation and draught-proofing to slash the Centre's energy consumption and carbon emissions through the Action On Energy project.Ê The project will also offer a series of activities including household energy audits and fuel efficient driver training to help the local community reduce their own energy consumption and carbon emissions. ","57,740",The St Bryce Kirk Centre,21,,Church,
"Tron St Mary's Parish Church's project will reduce local carbon emissions through increased local produce grown at sites within local schools and community areas across Barmulloch and Balornock.Ê The project will also raise awareness of the advantages of home growing, recycling and composting.Ê ","47,990",Tron St Mary's Parish Church's,22,Glasgow City,Church,
"Tron St MaryÕs Parish Church's Red Road Climate Challenge project will look to help local people take positive initiatives to tackle climate change and improve their quality of life during a period when the demolition of the Red Road flats results in a poor quality environment. Placemaking workshops will involve local people in producing an action plan, develop community growing, while making the church hall an energy efficient community hub, and helping local people to reduce their fuel bills. ","203,756",Tron St MaryÕs Parish Church's,16,,Church,Unique!
Urray and Kilchrist Church of Scotland in the Highlands aims to reduce its CO2Êemissions through modern insulation techniques and energy efficient systems at their Community Hall. This will transform the hall into a safe and comfortable environment for the whole community and cut fuel bills. The church is active through the eco-congregation scheme through which it will continue to engage with the local community in raising awareness of its carbon footprint. ,"30,660",Urray and Kilchrist Church of Scotland,11,,Church,Refurbishment
"Wallacewell New Charge Church of Scotland's Oasis At Wallacewell project in Glasgow will feature nine raised beds for community growing and a composting facility.Ê Workshops will help community members to grow at home and reduce food waste going to landfill.Ê The project will further reduce local carbon emissions by improving the energy efficiency of the Wallacewell community building via installation of roof insulation, double glazed windows, LED lighting and zoned heating controls.Ê A home energy efficiency advice scheme will enable the local community to reduce their own energy use, bills, fuel poverty levels and carbon emissions. ","55,048",Wallacewell New Charge Church of Scotland's,19,,Church,
"Wardie Parish Church's Climate Champions project will improve the energy efficiency of Wardie Church Halls, north Edinburgh, reducing energy use, bills and carbon emissions while helping to combat climate change. Energy efficient measures installed will include new windows and doors, plus insulation. The project will also work with the local community to help them reduce their carbon emissions through sustainable travel to the Halls, local food growing and adoption of energy efficient behaviour in their homes. ","52,634",Wardie Parish Church's,17,,Church,
Wick St. Fergus Church of Scotland's heating and lightingÊproject involves the provision of first time insulation in the roof space of the church to minimise heat loss. The replacement of filament light bulbs with energy efficient bulbs to reduce electricity consumption will also helpÊto reduce the carbon footprint of the church. ,"15,000",Wick St. Fergus Church of Scotland's ,10,,Church,Refurbishment
"Colston Milton Parish Church, Glasgow - Colston Milton Community Development Project, conducting a feasibility study on building and maintaining ecologically and economically sustainable buildings for the benefit of the people of Milton - ","42,809",,1,,Church,Feasibilty study
"Church of the Sacred Heart, Edinburgh - Lauriston Halls Refurbishment: the 100-year-old Lauriston Hall in Edinburgh's West Port is a large city centre community space. Funding to help to introduce natural light and provide insulation to the ceiling, wall and floor, to reduce by up to 80 per cent the carbon emissions of this elegant building. - ","136,666",,4,,Church,Refurbishment
"Ascend Scotland Ltd, Glasgow - CERCH (Carbon Emission Reduction in Community Halls), to support, encourage and enable local community and church halls and centres across the south-west of Glasgow to improve their energy efficiency, reduce their carbon emissions, and subsequently reduce energy costs. The resultant improvement in the comfort of the halls and cheaper running costs will encourage use by local groups and residents, which will in turn reinvigorate community ownership and interest in the halls. - ","62,890",,5,,Church,Refurbishment
"Scottish Episcopal Church - St Ninian's Heating Project, Alyth, Perthshire, for reduction in carbon emissions by the congregation of St Ninian's as part of the community, changing to gas central heating, as recommended by the Energy Saving Trust, the grant being for the radiators and pipe insulation, as well as an awareness raising weekend to encourage the community to reduce their individual carbon footprints. - ","1,590",,5,,Church,Refurbishment
"Church of St John Evangelist (St John's), Edinburgh - Earth Be Glad. Earth be Glad is a web tool to enable the whole community of St John's Church, Princes Street, to measure and reduce its carbon emissions collectively, with the help of resources already provided by other organisations. Other faith communities will be able to use the programme to monitor progress towards a target reduction in carbon emissions of 5 per cent per year. - ","32,900",,6,,Church,Carbon Monitoring (web)
Reference in a new issue