Dear, XXX I am working on a module aimed at students studying XXX. As part of the module the students will be split up into groups of roughly 5 or 6 to work on a consultancy project for an organisation. The module starts XXX until XXX. The consultancy project will take place during XXX. I am in contact as I hoped that XXX would be able to host a team of students. Below are more details about what it entails to host students. **The role of the organisation:** -Offer one group of students a project brief to work on. -A representative to act as a point of contact/mentor for the students and guide them through the professional experience. -Organisation to invite students into the work premises to set the brief and give the students the opportunity to ask any initial questions (2 hour) -To allow students the opportunity to work in their teams from the office (perhaps within a meeting room) a minimum of 3 times during the consultancy project. Days/hours can be flexible. **Benefits to the organisation:** -Students offer a fresh perspective, new ideas and add a new dynamic to the office environment. -A great opportunity for XXX to promote themselves and opportunities to students. -A way to spot talent. -To contribute to our students development. It would be great to hear your thoughts. I hope it is okay you at some point so we can talk through any questions that you may have? Best wishes, XXX