2018-09-06 10:51:15 +01:00

39 lines
1.2 KiB

### Build and deploy a presentation
### Bits here stolen from Kieran Healy (
### and Matthew Brett (
### If you want to use this file as-is, then you
### need to change the variables below to your
### own SSH user, document root, etc.
### However, you will most likely also want to
### customize the various steps (e.g. the css target)
### so that it matches the details of your own
### setup.
### Apart from hugo, you will also need rsync to deploy
### the site, and the java-based yuicompressor to
### minify the CSS, should you keep that step.
DOCUMENT_ROOT = /home/jeremyki/public_html/
STATIC_FILES_DIR = files/presentations/
FILENAME = presentation_20180130_cambridge_energy
default: $(PUBLIC_DIR).pdf
reveal: $(PUBLIC_DIR).html
%.pdf :
pandoc -t beamer -s $< -o $@
%.html :
# May need git submodule add to make
# this one work.
pandoc -t revealjs -s -o $@ $< -V revealjs-url=./reveal.js
### for later
### rsync:
### rsync -crzve 'ssh -p 22' $(PUBLIC_DIR) $(SSH_USER):$(DOCUMENT_ROOT)
rm *.pdf *.html