Note: I've taken this, with thanks from @hartzell. All notes below are theirs: # Setup This describes getting a silver apple remote (A1294) working with a headless piCorePlayer. It requires `v5.0.0`, which includes fixes for how `squeezelite` is called so that it finds the `~tc/.lircrc` file. I'm using it with an IQaudio DAC+ with a 3-pin header soldered into the appropriate holes. LIRC has a git repository, [lirc git repo][lirc-git], but unfortunately its web-based git browser isn't working. If you clone the repo, you'll find a [configuration document][lirc-config] that's interesting reading. The [LIRC project web site][lirc] includes a database of `lircd.conf` files for various remotes that includes entries for the silver and white apple remotes. **BUT**, they're for an older version of LIRC and don't work with the piCorePlayer version. I found functional versions on the net for the [A1294][lirc-a1294] and the [A1156][lirc-1156] (*untested). [Squeezelite][squeezelite] uses the [lirc_client][lirc-client] API to interact with LIRC. It compares events that it receives with a set of cmds from the "squeezeplayer" remote and then from a table populated from a `.lircrc` file. When piCorePlayer has LIRC installed and you've uploaded a custom `lircrc` file, squeezeplayer is run with the `-i /home/tc/.lircrc` option. # Debugging 1. use `sudo mode2 -d /dev/lirc0` to see the raw events coming from LIRC. This is the lowest-ish level and will confirm that you have the kernel bits in place and the hardware wired up correctly. 2. use `irw` to dump the higher level events (e.g. `KEY_OK`), which confirms that you have a `lircd.conf` file that works for your device. 3. enable ir debug (or sdebug?) output in the piCorePlayer squeezelite page and watch the log file (e.g. ssh into the pi at `tc` and `tail -f /var/log/pcp_squeezelite.log`) to see what squeezelite is doing with the events. [lirc]: [lirc-git]: [lirc-client]: [lirc-config]: file:///Users/hartzell/tmp/lirc/doc/html-source/configuration-guide.html [squeezelite]: [squeezelite-ir]: [pcp-lirc]: [lirc-a1294]: [lirc-a1156]: