require(RCurl) # used for fetching reproducible datasets require(sf) # new simplefeature data class, supercedes sp in many ways # using GEOS 3.6.1, GDAL 2.1.3, PROJ 4.9.3 require(sp) # needed for proj4string, deprecated by sf() require(rgdal) # version version: 1.3-6 require(rgeos) # used for buffering below require(devtools) require(ggplot2) # setwd("~/Downloads/test") # load data transition_wgs <- read.csv(text=getURL("")) coordinates(transition_wgs) <- c("X", "Y") proj4string(transition_wgs) <- CRS(wgs84) transition_sp <- spTransform(transition_wgs, bng) transition_sf <- st_as_sf(transition, coords = c("X", "Y"), crs=27700) # Download data as ESRI Shapefile from page at: unzip("") # # Download data as ESRI Shapefile from page at: unzip("") sssi_sf <- st_read("./data/SSSI_SCOTLAND.shp") sssi_sp <- readOGR("./data", "SSSI_SCOTLAND") forest_inventory_sf <- st_read("./data/National_Forest_Inventory_Woodland_Scotland_2017.shp") forest_inventory_sp <- readOGR("./data", "National_Forest_Inventory_Woodland_Scotland_2017") # Test validity of geometry rgeos::gIsValid(sssi_sp) valid <- st_is_valid(sssi_sf) valid[valid == FALSE] # Alternative approach from stackexchange using simplified geometry sssi_sp2 <- rgeos::gSimplify(sssi_sp, tol=3) par(mfrow=c(1,2)) plot(sssi_sp[1,]) plot(sssi_sp2[1,]) system.time( sssi_b1000 <- rgeos::gBuffer(sssi_sp2, width = 20, quadsegs = 30) ) sssi_sf2 <- sf::st_simplify(sssi_sf) system.time( sssi_b1000 <- sf::st_buffer(sssi_sf2, dist = 20) ) # Render ggplot2 plot on simplified geometry ggplot(sssi_sf2) + geom_sf(aes(fill = PA_CODE)) plot(sssi_sf2) # First test out plots using spatialfeatures and spdf with core R system.time( plot(sssi_sf2) ) system.time( plot() ) system.time( plot(sssi_sp) ) # First test out plots using spatialfeatures and spdf with ggplot2 system.time( ggplot() + geom_sf(data = sssi_sf) ) system.time( ggplot() + geom_polygon(data = sssi_sp) ) # Now try to run a count within a buffer: st_crs(sssi_sf) <- 27700 st_crs(transition_sf) <- 27700 # CRS uses meters for units, so buffer here should be a modest 50m: count_data_sf <- sum(apply(st_within(points_sf, st_buffer(sssi, dist = 50), sparse=FALSE), 1, any)) # count_data_sf <- sum(apply(gWithin(points_sf, gBuffer(sssi,width=50) sessioninfo::session_info()