// bigfoot - v2.1.1 - 2015.04.04 // ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ // / /\ / /\ / /\ / /\ ___ / /\ / /\ // / /::\ / /::\ / /::\ / /::\ /__/\ / /:/_ / /::\ // / /:/\:\ / /:/\:\ / /:/\:\ / /:/\:\ \ \:\ / /:/ /\ / /:/\:\ // / /:/~/:// /:/ \:\ / /:/~/:// /:/ \:\ \ \:\ / /:/ /:/_ / /:/~/:/ // /__/:/ /://__/:/ \__\:\/__/:/ /://__/:/ \__\:\ ___ \__\:\/__/:/ /:/ /\/__/:/ /:/___ // \ \:\/:/ \ \:\ / /:/\ \:\/:/ \ \:\ / /://__/\ | |:|\ \:\/:/ /:/\ \:\/:::::/ // \ \::/ \ \:\ /:/ \ \::/ \ \:\ /:/ \ \:\| |:| \ \::/ /:/ \ \::/~~~~ // \ \:\ \ \:\/:/ \ \:\ \ \:\/:/ \ \:\__|:| \ \:\/:/ \ \:\ // \ \:\ \ \::/ \ \:\ \ \::/ \__\::::/ \ \::/ \ \:\ // \__\/ \__\/ \__\/ \__\/ ~~~~ \__\/ \__\/ // // These are the key variables for styling the popover. // Just set the variable to none if you don't want that styling. // KEY VARIABLES // ============================================================================= // STYLES $popover-width: 22em !default; // Ideal width of the popover $popover-max-width: 90% !default; // Best as a % to accommodate smaller viewports $popover-max-height: 15em !default; // Maximum size of the content area $popover-color-background: rgb(250, 250, 250) !default; // Color of the popover background $popover-border-radius: 0.5em !default; // Radius of the corners of the popover $popover-border: 1px solid rgb(195, 195, 195) !default; // Border of the popover/ tooltip $popover-inactive-opacity: 0 !default; // Opacity of the popover when instantiated/ deactivating $popover-active-opacity: 0.97 !default; // Opacity of the popover when active $popover-box-shadow: 0px 0px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3) !default; // Sets the box shadow under the popover/ tooltip $popover-bottom-position: auto !default; // Sets the bottom position of the popover. Use only when setting positionPopover to false in the script $popover-left-position: auto !default; // Sets the left position of the popover. Use only when setting positionPopover to false in the script $popover-tooltip-size: 1.3em !default; // Sets the side lengths of the tooltip $popover-scroll-indicator-width: 0.625em !default; // The width of the scroll indicator $popover-scroll-indicator-aspect-ratio: (15/12) !default; // The ratio of the height over the width of the scroll indicator $popover-scroll-indicator-opacity: 0.1 !default; // The active opacity of scroll indicators $popover-initial-transform-state: scale(0.1) translateZ(0) !default; // The inital transform state for the popover $popover-active-transform-state: scale(1) translateZ(0) !default; // The transform state for the popover once it is fully activated // OPTIONAL ELEMENTS $popover-include-tooltip: true !default; // Adds a tooltip pointing to the footnote button $popover-include-scroll-indicator: true !default; // Adds an elipsis at the bottom of scrollable popovers $popover-include-scrolly-fades: true !default; // Fades content in on scrollable popovers $popover-scroll-indicator-icon: url("") !default; // OTHER VARIABLES // ============================================================================= // POPOVER $popover-margin-top: 0.1em !default; $popover-padding-content-horizontal: 1.3em !default; $popover-padding-content-top: 1.1em !default; $popover-padding-content-bottom: 1.2em !default; $popover-z-index: 10 !default; // Set the base so that it's above the other body children $popover-initial-transform-origin: 50% 0 !default; // POPOVER CONTENT WRAPPER $popover-content-color-background: $popover-color-background !default; $popover-content-border-radius: $popover-border-radius !default; // OTHER POPOVER ELEMENTS $popover-tooltip-background: $popover-color-background !default; $popover-tooltip-radius: 0 !default; $popover-scroll-indicator-bottom-position: 0.45em !default; $popover-scrolly-fade-gradient-start-location: 50% !default; $popover-scroll-indicator-padding: (($popover-padding-content-horizontal/2) - ($popover-scroll-indicator-width/2)) !default; // TRANSITIONS $popover-transition-default-duration: 0.25s !default; $popover-scroll-indicator-transition-properties: opacity !default; // Use none for areas you don't want to transition $popover-transition-properties: opacity, transform !default; // no mixin to do proper prefixing of the transform, so I have to do it manually; see mixin below $popover-scroll-indicator-transition-properties: opacity !default; $popover-scroll-up-transition-delay: 0.4s !default; // Sets the delay for the transition of the scroll indicator when scrolling upwards $popover-transition-default-timing-function: ease !default; // ___ ___ ___ // _____ /__/\ ___ ___ / /\ /__/\ // / /::\ \ \:\ / /\ / /\ / /::\ \ \:\ // / /:/\:\ \ \:\ / /:/ / /:/ / /:/\:\ \ \:\ // / /:/~/::\ ___ \ \:\ / /:/ / /:/ / /:/ \:\ _____\__\:\ // /__/:/ /:/\:|/__/\ \__\:\ / /::\ / /::\ /__/:/ \__\:\/__/::::::::\ // \ \:\/:/~/:/\ \:\ / /://__/:/\:\ /__/:/\:\\ \:\ / /:/\ \:\~~\~~\/ // \ \::/ /:/ \ \:\ /:/ \__\/ \:\\__\/ \:\\ \:\ /:/ \ \:\ ~~~ // \ \:\/:/ \ \:\/:/ \ \:\ \ \:\\ \:\/:/ \ \:\ // \ \::/ \ \::/ \__\/ \__\/ \ \::/ \ \:\ // \__\/ \__\/ \__\/ \__\/ // // These are the key variables for styling the button. // Just set the variable to none if you don't want that styling. // KEY VARIABLES // ============================================================================= $button-height: 0.95em !default; // The total height of the button $button-width: auto !default; // The total button width (applies only if $button-apply-dimensions is true) $button-inner-circle-size: 0.25em !default; // Total height/width of the ellipsis circles $button-border-radius: 0.3em !default; // Border radius on the button itself $button-left-margin: 0.2em !default; // Margin between the button and the text to its left $button-right-margin: 0.1em !default; // Margin between the button and the text to its right $button-vertical-adjust: -0.1em !default; // Pushes the buttons along the vertical axis to align it with text as desired $button-inner-circle-left-margin: 1*$button-inner-circle-size !default; // Space between the ellipsis circles $button-color: rgb(110, 110, 110) !default; // Background color of the button $button-hovered-color: $button-color !default; // Background color of the button when being hovered $button-activating-color: $button-color !default; // Background color of the button when being clicked $button-active-color: $button-color !default; // Background color of the button when active $button-standard-opacity: 0.2 !default; // Opacity for when the button is just sittin' there $button-hovered-opacity: 0.5 !default; // Opacity for when the button is being hovered over $button-activating-opacity: $button-hovered-opacity !default; // Opacity for when the button is being clicked $button-active-opacity: 1 !default; // Opacity for when the button is active $button-active-style-delay: 0.1s !default; // Delay before applying .active styles; this can be used to match to the popover activation transition $button-inner-circle-color: white !default; // Background color of the ellipsis circle $button-inner-circle-border: none !default; // Border of the ellipsis circle // OTHER VARIABLES // ============================================================================= $button-total-padding: $button-height - $button-inner-circle-size !default; $button-per-side-padding: 0.5*$button-total-padding !default; $button-transition-properties: background-color !default; // ----- // ___ ___ ___ ___ // /__/\ ___ /__/| ___ /__/\ / /\ // | |::\ / /\ | |:| / /\ \ \:\ / /:/_ // | |:|:\ / /:/ | |:| / /:/ \ \:\ / /:/ /\ // __|__|:|\:\ /__/::\ __|__|:| /__/::\ _____\__\:\ / /:/ /::\ // /__/::::| \:\\__\/\:\__/__/::::\____\__\/\:\__ /__/::::::::\/__/:/ /:/\:\ // \ \:\~~\__\/ \ \:\/\ ~\~~\::::/ \ \:\/\\ \:\~~\~~\/\ \:\/:/~/:/ // \ \:\ \__\::/ |~~|:|~~ \__\::/ \ \:\ ~~~ \ \::/ /:/ // \ \:\ /__/:/ | |:| /__/:/ \ \:\ \__\/ /:/ // \ \:\ \__\/ | |:| \__\/ \ \:\ /__/:/ // \__\/ |__|/ \__\/ \__\/ @mixin print-styles { // These styles restore the original footnote numbers and texts when the page is printed @media not print { .footnote-print-only { display: none !important; } } @media print { .bigfoot-footnote, .bigfoot-footnote__button { display: none !important; } } } // ----- // ___ ___ ___ // _____ /__/\ ___ ___ / /\ /__/\ // / /::\ \ \:\ / /\ / /\ / /::\ \ \:\ // / /:/\:\ \ \:\ / /:/ / /:/ / /:/\:\ \ \:\ // / /:/~/::\ ___ \ \:\ / /:/ / /:/ / /:/ \:\ _____\__\:\ // /__/:/ /:/\:|/__/\ \__\:\ / /::\ / /::\ /__/:/ \__\:\/__/::::::::\ // \ \:\/:/~/:/\ \:\ / /://__/:/\:\ /__/:/\:\\ \:\ / /:/\ \:\~~\~~\/ // \ \::/ /:/ \ \:\ /:/ \__\/ \:\\__\/ \:\\ \:\ /:/ \ \:\ ~~~ // \ \:\/:/ \ \:\/:/ \ \:\ \ \:\\ \:\/:/ \ \:\ // \ \::/ \ \::/ \__\/ \__\/ \ \::/ \ \:\ // \__\/ \__\/ \__\/ \__\/ //* // The button that activates the footnote. By default, this will appear as a // flat button that has an ellipse contained inside of it. // @state .is-active - The associated popover has been activated and is visible. // @since 2.1.0 // @author Chris Sauve .bigfoot-footnote__button { // POSITIONING position: relative; z-index: 5; top: $button-vertical-adjust; // DISPLAY AND SIZING box-sizing: border-box; -moz-box-sizing: border-box;; display: inline-block; padding: $button-per-side-padding; margin: 0 $button-right-margin 0 $button-left-margin; // BACKDROP border: none; border-radius: $button-border-radius; cursor: pointer; background-color: rgba($button-color, $button-standard-opacity); backface-visibility: hidden; // TEXT font-size: 1rem; line-height: 0; vertical-align: middle; text-decoration: none; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; // TRANSITIONS transition-property: $button-transition-properties; transition-duration: $popover-transition-default-duration; &:hover, &:focus { outline: none; background-color: rgba($button-hovered-color, $button-hovered-opacity); } &:active { background-color: rgba($button-activating-color, $button-activating-opacity); } &.is-active { background-color: rgba($button-active-color, $button-active-opacity); transition-delay: $button-active-style-delay; } // Clearfix &:after { content: ''; display: table; clear: both; } } // _____ ___ ___ // / /::\ / /\ ___ / /\ // / /:/\:\ / /::\ / /\ / /:/_ // / /:/ \:\ / /:/\:\ / /:/ / /:/ /\ // /__/:/ \__\:| / /:/ \:\ / /:/ / /:/ /::\ // \ \:\ / /://__/:/ \__\:\ / /::\ /__/:/ /:/\:\ // \ \:\ /:/ \ \:\ / /://__/:/\:\\ \:\/:/~/:/ // \ \:\/:/ \ \:\ /:/ \__\/ \:\\ \::/ /:/ // \ \::/ \ \:\/:/ \ \:\\__\/ /:/ // \__\/ \ \::/ \__\/ /__/:/ // \__\/ \__\/ //* // Each of the three circles forming the ellipse within the button. // @since 2.1.0 // @author Chris Sauve .bigfoot-footnote__button__circle { // DISPLAY AND SIZING display: inline-block; width: $button-inner-circle-size; height: $button-inner-circle-size; margin-right: $button-inner-circle-left-margin; float: left; // Gets rid of margin on the last circle &:last-child { margin-right: 0; } } // ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ // / /\ / /\ /__/\ ___ / /\ ___ /__/\ // / /:/ / /::\ \ \:\ / /\ / /::\ / /\ \ \:\ // / /:/ / /:/\:\ \ \:\ / /:/ / /:/\:\ / /:/ \ \:\ // / /:/ ___ / /:/ \:\ _____\__\:\ / /:/ / /:/~/::\ /__/::\ _____\__\:\ // /__/:/ / /\/__/:/ \__\:\/__/::::::::\ / /::\ /__/:/ /:/\:\\__\/\:\__ /__/::::::::\ // \ \:\ / /:/\ \:\ / /:/\ \:\~~\~~\//__/:/\:\\ \:\/:/__\/ \ \:\/\\ \:\~~\~~\/ // \ \:\ /:/ \ \:\ /:/ \ \:\ ~~~ \__\/ \:\\ \::/ \__\::/ \ \:\ ~~~ // \ \:\/:/ \ \:\/:/ \ \:\ \ \:\\ \:\ /__/:/ \ \:\ // \ \::/ \ \::/ \ \:\ \__\/ \ \:\ \__\/ \ \:\ // \__\/ \__\/ \__\/ \__\/ \__\/ //* // The container for the button and popover. This is required so that the popover // is guaranteed to have a relatively-positioned container, and to help with the // positioning calculation. // @since 2.1.0 // @author Chris Sauve .bigfoot-footnote__container { display: inline-block; position: relative; text-indent: 0; } // ___ ___ ___ // / /\ / /\ ___ /__/\ ___ // / /::\ / /::\ / /\ \ \:\ / /\ // / /:/\:\ / /:/\:\ / /:/ \ \:\ / /:/ // / /:/~/:// /:/~/:/ /__/::\ _____\__\:\ / /:/ // /__/:/ /://__/:/ /:/___\__\/\:\__ /__/::::::::\ / /::\ // \ \:\/:/ \ \:\/:::::/ \ \:\/\\ \:\~~\~~\//__/:/\:\ // \ \::/ \ \::/~~~~ \__\::/ \ \:\ ~~~ \__\/ \:\ // \ \:\ \ \:\ /__/:/ \ \:\ \ \:\ // \ \:\ \ \:\ \__\/ \ \:\ \__\/ // \__\/ \__\/ \__\/ @include print-styles; // ----- // ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ // / /\ / /\ / /\ / /\ ___ / /\ / /\ // / /::\ / /::\ / /::\ / /::\ /__/\ / /:/_ / /::\ // / /:/\:\ / /:/\:\ / /:/\:\ / /:/\:\ \ \:\ / /:/ /\ / /:/\:\ // / /:/~/:// /:/ \:\ / /:/~/:// /:/ \:\ \ \:\ / /:/ /:/_ / /:/~/:/ // /__/:/ /://__/:/ \__\:\/__/:/ /://__/:/ \__\:\ ___ \__\:\/__/:/ /:/ /\/__/:/ /:/___ // \ \:\/:/ \ \:\ / /:/\ \:\/:/ \ \:\ / /://__/\ | |:|\ \:\/:/ /:/\ \:\/:::::/ // \ \::/ \ \:\ /:/ \ \::/ \ \:\ /:/ \ \:\| |:| \ \::/ /:/ \ \::/~~~~ // \ \:\ \ \:\/:/ \ \:\ \ \:\/:/ \ \:\__|:| \ \:\/:/ \ \:\ // \ \:\ \ \::/ \ \:\ \ \::/ \__\::::/ \ \::/ \ \:\ // \__\/ \__\/ \__\/ \__\/ ~~~~ \__\/ \__\/ // //* // The popover for the footnote. This popover will be, by default, be sized and positioned // by the script. However, many of the sizes can be established in this stylesheet and // will be respected by the script. `max-width` will limit the width of the popover // relative to the viewport. `width` (on `bigfoot-footnote__wrapper`) will set the // absolute max width. Max height can be set via a `max-height` property // on `bigfoot-footnote__content`. // By default, the popover has a light gray background, a shadow for some depth, // rounded corners, and a tooltip pointing to the footnote button. // @state .is-active - The popover has been activated and is visible. // @state .is-positioned-top - The popover is above the button. // @state .is-positioned-bottom - The popover is below the button. // @state .is-scrollable - The popover content is greater than the popover height. // @state .is-fully-scrolled - The popover content is scrolled to the bottom. // @since 2.1.0 // @author Chris Sauve .bigfoot-footnote { // POSITIONING position: absolute; z-index: $popover-z-index; top: 0; left: 0; // DISPLAY AND SIZING display: inline-block; box-sizing: border-box; // Height is set in .footnote-content-wrapper max-width: $popover-max-width; // 1.414213... is to get the diagonal height of the tooltip using pythagorus, yo. margin: ((1.4142135624 * $popover-tooltip-size / 2) + $button-height + $popover-margin-top) 0; // fits the popover to the contents // BACKDROP background: $popover-color-background; opacity: $popover-inactive-opacity; border-radius: $popover-border-radius; border: $popover-border; box-shadow: $popover-box-shadow; // TEXT line-height: 0; // TRANSITIONS transition-property: $popover-transition-properties; transition-duration: $popover-transition-default-duration; transition-timing-function: $popover-transition-default-timing-function; // TRANSFORMS transform: $popover-initial-transform-state; transform-origin: $popover-initial-transform-origin; &.is-positioned-top { top: auto; bottom: 0; } &.is-active { transform: $popover-active-transform-state; opacity: $popover-active-opacity; } &.is-bottom-fixed { // POSITIONING position: fixed; bottom: 0; top: auto; left: 0; right: auto; transform: translateY(100%); // DISPLAY AND SIZING width: 100%; margin: 0; // BACKDROP border-radius: 0; opacity: 1; border-width: 1px 0 0; // TRANSITIONS transition: transform 0.3s ease; &.is-active { transform: translateY(0); } .bigfoot-footnote__wrapper { margin: 0 0 0 50%; transform: translateX(-50%); max-width: 100%; } .bigfoot-footnote__wrapper, .bigfoot-footnote__content { border-radius: 0; } .bigfoot-footnote__tooltip { display: none; } } &.is-scrollable { // A scrollable indicator in the left margin of the popover. &:after { // CONTENT content: ''; // POSITIONING position: absolute; bottom: $popover-scroll-indicator-padding; left: $popover-scroll-indicator-padding; z-index: ($popover-z-index + 4); // DISPLAY AND SIZING display: block; height: ($popover-scroll-indicator-width*$popover-scroll-indicator-aspect-ratio); width: $popover-scroll-indicator-width; // BACKDROP background-image: $popover-scroll-indicator-icon; background-size: cover; opacity: $popover-scroll-indicator-opacity; transition-properties: $popover-scroll-indicator-transition-properties; transition-duration: $popover-transition-default-duration; transition-timing-function: $popover-transition-default-timing-function; } .bigfoot-footnote__wrapper { &:before, &:after { content: ''; position: absolute; width: 100%; // Above the content z-index: ($popover-z-index + 2); left: 0; } &:before { top: -1px; height: $popover-padding-content-top; border-radius: $popover-border-radius $popover-border-radius 0 0; background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, $popover-color-background $popover-scrolly-fade-gradient-start-location, transparentize($popover-color-background, 1) 100%); } &:after { bottom: -1px; height: $popover-padding-content-bottom; border-radius: 0 0 $popover-border-radius $popover-border-radius; background-image: linear-gradient(to top, $popover-color-background $popover-scrolly-fade-gradient-start-location, transparentize($popover-color-background, 1) 100%); } } ::-webkit-scrollbar { display: none; } } &.is-fully-scrolled { &:after, &:before { opacity: 0; transition-delay: 0; } } } //* // Wraps around the footnote content. This is necessary in order to have an element // above the tooltip and that can provide top and bottom indicators that there is // additional content on scrollable popovers. // @since 2.1.0 // @author Chris Sauve .bigfoot-footnote__wrapper { // POSITIONING position: relative; // Above the outer tooltip, below the inner tooltip z-index: ($popover-z-index + 4); // DISPLAY AND SIZING width: $popover-width; display: inline-block; box-sizing: inherit; overflow: hidden; margin: 0; // BACKDROP background-color: $popover-color-background; border-radius: $popover-border-radius; // TEXT line-height: 0; } //* // Contains the actual footnote content. There is very little prescription here // on the footnote content itself, except for removing and top margin on the first // element and bottom margin on the last child. // @since 2.1.0 // @author Chris Sauve .bigfoot-footnote__content { // POSITIONING position: relative; z-index: ($popover-z-index - 2); // Below fading bars // DISPLAY AND SIZING display: inline-block; max-height: $popover-max-height; padding: $popover-padding-content-top $popover-padding-content-horizontal $popover-padding-content-bottom; box-sizing: inherit; overflow: auto; -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch; // BACKDROP background: $popover-content-color-background; border-radius: $popover-content-border-radius; // TEXT -webkit-font-smoothing: subpixel-antialiased; line-height: normal; // INTERIOR ELEMENTS img { max-width: 100%; } *:last-child { margin-bottom: 0 !important; } *:first-child { margin-top: 0 !important; } } //* // A triangular shape pointing towards the footnote button. // @since 2.1.0 // @author Chris Sauve .bigfoot-footnote__tooltip { // POSITIONING position: absolute; // Above the footnote-main-wrapper and the outer tooltip z-index: ($popover-z-index + 2); // DISPLAY AND SIZING box-sizing: border-box; margin-left: (-0.5 * $popover-tooltip-size); // Smaller by one border-width's worth width: $popover-tooltip-size; height: $popover-tooltip-size; transform: rotate(45deg); // BACKDROP background: $popover-tooltip-background; border: $popover-border; box-shadow: $popover-box-shadow; border-top-left-radius: $popover-tooltip-radius; .is-positioned-bottom & { top: (-0.5 * $popover-tooltip-size); } .is-positioned-top & { bottom: (-0.5 * $popover-tooltip-size); } }