# jeremykidwell.info This is the code for my website at http://jeremykidwell.info. I've borrowed structure and template from [Kieran Healy](http://kieranhealy.org/blog/archives/2014/02/24/powered-by-hugo/) and [Steve Francia](https://github.com/consequently/consequently-hugo). Both of these sites (and mine) use the [Kube CSS framework](http://imperavi.com/kube/) and requires Hugo version 0.15 or higher. Unlike wordpress, drupal, etc., this website is crafted using a [static site generator](https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2015/11/modern-static-website-generators-next-big-thing/) which has a range of benefits, not least of which being far less susceptible to hacking. I'm using [Hugo](http://gohugo.io/), which is known to have a speed advantage over some of the [other popular options](https://www.staticgen.com) and is written by Steve Francia. Anyone can use this site as a template to make their own, just clone (or fork) this one, clean out the files in content/blog, content/news, content/presentations, content/publications, content/resources, and content/teaching and then alter specific mentions of my name or site URL in files located in layouts/*. You should also adjust some of the specifics in config.yaml. Then [install hugo](http://gohugo.io/overview/quickstart/) and it's up to you from there.