Theological Ethics Final Exam

Exam Format

  • At least 12 questions
  • 90 minutes to answer 2 questions
  • almost all topics will be represented
  • questions will invite critical reflection on the issue as it might be framed by "theological ethics".

what we've covered so far

  • genetic embryo screening
  • animal testing
  • pornography
  • polygamy
  • dating reality shows
  • gun control
  • drug legalization
  • censorship
  • abortion

coming up...

  • immigration and asylum
  • plastic surgery
  • climate change
  • Artificial intelligence
  • surveillance
  • social media
  • etc.

Let's Discuss!

How to prepare?

Think about a range of these issues, consider theological resources and perspectives on those issues

But how do I do critical theological reflection?

pick one of the following, discuss with your neighbour - what are theological resources and perspectives for this issue?

  • genetic embryo screening
  • animal testing
  • pornography
  • polygamy
  • dating reality shows
  • gun control
  • drug legalization
  • censorship
  • abortion

In my view good critical theological reflection will do one or more of the following

  • compare differences and symmetries between theological and secular philosophical reflection (virtue, deontological, egoist, utilitarian, etc.
  • reflect "from within" a tradition on that issue using resources like scripture, theological reflection (relationship between creatures and creator within Abrahamic traditions)