--- title: "Introduction to Geospatial Data Visualisation" author: "Jeremy H. Kidwell" date: "2019-03-12" site: bookdown::bookdown_site documentclass: book bibliography: [book.bib] biblio-style: apalike link-citations: yes github-repo: kidwellj/intro_to_geospatial_carto url: 'http\://jeremykidwell.info/files/bookdown/intro_to_geospatial_carto/' description: "A brief OER lab/course intended to give Undergraduates a basic orientation to geospatial data using the carto platform" --- # Introduction to the module {-} This module has been designed to enable independent learners to gain a basic familiarity with data visualisation, using the CartoDB platform. Ideally, a student should expect to invest at least four hours in independent learning activities over the course of a week. It should be possible to work through this a bit more slowly and in-depth. I have tried to point to a range of resources, both those which are accessible and those which are challenging. For the week, we have divided content into four challenges. Included here (and below) is a brief introduction to the course. There are four additional sessions, which each have associated activities.