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if an item is // hidden, we check if its parent is visible, and so on while (j > 0 && items.eq(j).is(':hidden')) j--; items.eq(j).addClass('active'); }, 250)); }; bookInner.on('scroll.bookdown', scrollHandler); bookBody.on('scroll.bookdown', scrollHandler); })(); // do not refresh the page if the TOC item points to the current page $('a[href="' + href + '"]').parent('li.chapter').children('a') .on('click', function(e) { bookInner.scrollTop(0); bookBody.scrollTop(0); return false; }); var toolbar = config.toolbar; if (!toolbar || toolbar.position !== 'static') { var bookHeader = $('.book-header'); bookBody.addClass('fixed'); bookHeader.addClass('fixed') .css('background-color', bookBody.css('background-color')) .on('click.bookdown', function(e) { // the theme may have changed after user clicks the theme button bookHeader.css('background-color', bookBody.css('background-color')); }); } });"page.change", function(e) { // store TOC scroll position var summary = $('ul.summary'); gs.set('tocScrollTop', summary.scrollTop()); 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