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An open textbook introducing data science to religious studies.
Content here, unless otherwise indicated are copyright by Jeremy H. Kidwell. Please re-use them as they are covered by Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence (CC BY 4.0).
You can set up a local copy of this textbook by taking the following steps:
(1) clone this repository using `git clone https://github.com/kidwellj/hacking_religion_textbook.git` ([install git](https://git-scm.com/downloads) if you haven't already)
(2) [install quarto](https://quarto.org/docs/get-started/)
(3) change to the `hacking_religion` subdirectory and run `quarto preview`
Alternatively you can render a copy of the book using `quarto render`
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\title{Hacking Religion: TRS \& Data Science in Action}
\author{Jeremy H. Kidwell}
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\renewcommand*\contentsname{Table of contents}
This is a Quarto book.
To learn more about Quarto books visit
\chapter{Introduction: Hacking
\section{Who this book is for}\label{who-this-book-is-for}}
\section{Why this book?}\label{why-this-book}}
\section{The hacker way}\label{the-hacker-way}}
Tell the truth
Do not deceive using beauty
Work transparently: research as open code using open data
Draw others in: produce reproducible research
Learn by doing
\section{Using the R programming
Why R?
Explain accelerated approach in this book, working from examples and
providing exposure to concepts in a streamlined way, pointing to other
Point to other guides,
\section{Other useful guides:}\label{other-useful-guides}}
\href{https://r4ds.hadley.nz/}{R For Data Science 2e}
to Cultural Analytics and Python}
\href{https://datasciencebox.org/01-overview}{Data Science in a Box}
\chapter{The 2021 UK Census}\label{the-2021-uk-census}}
\section{How to get data}\label{how-to-get-data}}
\section{What is data?}\label{what-is-data}}
\section{Your first project: building a pie
Importing data from a CSV file
Examining data:
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Content tbd
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Content tbd
\chapter{Survey Data: Spotlight
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Content tbd
\chapter{Mapping churches: geospatial data
\chapter{Data scraping, corpus analysis and
An open textbook introducing data science to religious studies
Reference in a new issue