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synced 2025-02-18 19:57:07 +00:00
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@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
# Load some new libraries used by functions below
library(hrbrthemes) # Used for ipsum theme etc.
library(ggeasy) # used for easy_center_title() which is not strictly necessary, but tidier than theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))
# Define colour palettes
# TODO: confirm final colour scheme for charts and normalise across usage of different themes
coul3 <- brewer.pal(3, "RdYlBu") # Using RdYlBu range to generate 3 colour palette: https://colorbrewer2.org/#type=diverging&scheme=RdYlBu&n=5
coul4 <- brewer.pal(4, "RdYlBu")
coul5 <- brewer.pal(5, "RdYlBu")
coul6 <- brewer.pal(6, "RdYlBu")
coul7 <- brewer.pal(7, "RdYlBu")
coul4_reversed <- c("#2C7BB6", "#ABD9E9", "#FDAE61", "#D7191C")
coul6_reversed <- c("#4575B4", "#91BFDB" , "#E0F3F8" , "#FEE090", "#FC8D59", "#D73027")
white <- "#ffffff"
purple <- "#590048"
ochre <- "#B18839"
ochre_12 <- wheel(ochre, num = 12)
purple_12 <- wheel(purple, num = 12)
# Reusable Functions ------------------------------------------------------
# Importing code for colortools() now deprecated and removed from CRAN here. Some minor modifications to update code, but generally all credit here goes to Gaston Sanchez
setColors <- function(color, num) {
# convert to RGB
rgb_col = col2rgb(color)
# convert to HSV
hsv_col = rgb2hsv(rgb_col)[,1]
# get degree
hue = hsv_col[1]
sat = hsv_col[2]
val = hsv_col[3]
cols = seq(hue, hue + 1, by=1/num)
cols = cols[1:num]
cols[cols > 1] <- cols[cols > 1] - 1
# get colors with hsv
colors = hsv(cols, sat, val)
# transparency
if (substr(color, 1, 1) == "#" && nchar(color) == 9)
alpha = substr(color, 8, 9)
colors = paste(colors, alpha, sep="")
complementary <- function(color, plot=TRUE, bg="white", labcol=NULL, cex=0.8, title=TRUE) {
tmp_cols = setColors(color, 12)
comp_colors <- tmp_cols[c(1, 7)]
# plot
if (plot)
# labels color
if (is.null(labcol))
lab_col = rep("", 12)
if (mean(col2rgb(bg)) > 127)
lab_col[c(1, 7)] <- "black"
lab_col[c(2:6,8:12)] <- col2HSV(bg)
}) else ({
lab_col[c(1, 7)] <- "white"
lab_col[c(2:6,8:12)] <- col2HSV(bg)
}) else ({
lab_col = rep(labcol, 12)
if (mean(col2rgb(bg)) > 127)
lab_col[c(1, 7)] <- labcol
lab_col[c(2:6,8:12)] <- col2HSV(bg)
}) else ({
lab_col[c(1, 7)] <- labcol
lab_col[c(2:6,8:12)] <- col2HSV(bg)
# hide non-adjacent colors
tmp_cols[c(2:6,8:12)] <- paste(substr(tmp_cols[c(2:6,8:12)],1,7), "0D", sep="")
pizza(tmp_cols, labcol=lab_col, bg=bg, cex=cex)
# title
if (title)
title(paste("Complementary (opposite) color of: ", tmp_cols[1]),
col.main=lab_col[1], cex.main=0.8)
# result
sequential <- function(color, percentage=5, what="saturation", s=NULL, v=NULL, alpha=NULL, fun="linear", plot=TRUE, verbose=TRUE) {
# convert to HSV
col_hsv = rgb2hsv(col2rgb(color))[,1]
# transparency
if (is.null(alpha))
alpha = 1
if (substr(color, 1, 1) == "#" && nchar(color) == 9)
alpha = substr(color, 8, 9)
# get hue, saturation, and value
hue = col_hsv[1]
if (is.null(s)) s = col_hsv[2]
if (is.null(v)) v = col_hsv[3]
# sequence function
getseq = switch(fun,
linear = seq(0, 1, by=percentage/100),
sqrt = sqrt(seq(0, 1, by=percentage/100)),
log = log1p(seq(0, 1, by=percentage/100)),
log10 = log10(seq(0, 1, by=percentage/100))
# what type of sequence?
if (what == "saturation") ({
sat = getseq
fixed = paste("v=", round(v,2), " and alpha=", alpha, sep="")
if (is.numeric(alpha))
seq_col = hsv(hue, s=sat, v=v, alpha=alpha)
if (is.character(alpha)) ({
seq_col = hsv(hue, s=sat, v=v)
seq_col = paste(seq_col, alpha, sep="")
if (what == "value") ({
val = getseq
fixed = paste("s=", round(s,2), " and alpha=", alpha, sep="")
if (is.numeric(alpha))
seq_col = hsv(hue, s=s, v=val, alpha=alpha)
if (is.character(alpha)) ({
seq_col = hsv(hue, s=s, v=val)
seq_col = paste(seq_col, alpha, sep="")
if (what == "alpha") ({
alpha = getseq
fixed = paste("s=", round(s,2), " and v=", round(v,2), sep="")
seq_col = hsv(hue, s=s, v=v, alpha=alpha)
# if plot TRUE
if (plot)
n = length(seq(0, 1, by=percentage/100))
fx = unlist(fixed)
plot(0, 0, type="n", xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1), axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="")
rect(0:(n-1)/n, 0, 1:n/n, 1, col=seq_col, border="lightgray")
mtext(seq_col, side=1, at=0.5:(n)/n, cex=0.8, las=2)
title(paste("Sequential colors based on ", what, "\n with fixed ", fx, sep=""),
# result
if (verbose)
wheel <- function(color, num=12, bg="gray95", border=NULL, init.angle=105, cex=1, lty=NULL, main=NULL, verbose=TRUE, ...) {
if (!is.numeric(num) || any(is.na(num) | num < 0))
stop("\n'num' must be positive")
x <- rep(1, num)
x <- c(0, cumsum(x)/sum(x))
dx <- diff(x)
nx <- length(dx)
# set colors
col = setColors(color, num)
labels = col
# labels color
labcol = ifelse( mean(col2rgb(bg)) > 127, "black", "white")
# prepare plot window
par(bg = bg)
pin <- par("pin")
xlim <- ylim <- c(-1, 1)
if (pin[1L] > pin[2L])
xlim <- (pin[1L]/pin[2L]) * xlim
else ylim <- (pin[2L]/pin[1L]) * ylim
plot.window(xlim, ylim, "", asp = 1)
# get ready to plot
if (is.null(border[1])) ({
border <- rep(bg, length.out = nx)
}) else ({
border <- rep(border, length.out = nx)
if (!is.null(lty))
lty <- rep(NULL, length.out = nx)
angle <- rep(45, length.out = nx)
radius = seq(1, 0, by=-1/num)[1:num]
twopi <- -2 * pi
t2xy <- function(t, rad) ({
t2p <- twopi * t + init.angle * pi/180
list(x = rad * cos(t2p), y = rad * sin(t2p))
# plot colored segments
for (i in 1L:nx)
n <- max(2, floor(200 * dx[i]))
P <- t2xy(seq.int(x[i], x[i + 1], length.out = n), rad=radius[1])
polygon(c(P$x, 0), c(P$y, 0), angle = angle[i],
border = border[i], col = col[i], lty = lty[i])
P <- t2xy(mean(x[i + 0:1]), rad=radius[1])
lab <- labels[i]
if (!is.na(lab) && nzchar(lab)) ({
adjs = 0.5
if (P$x > 1e-08) adjs <- 0
if (P$x < -1e-08) adjs <- 1
lines(c(1, 1.05) * P$x, c(1, 1.05) * P$y)
text(1.1 * P$x, 1.1 * P$y, labels[i], xpd = TRUE,
adj = adjs, cex=cex, col=labcol, ...)
# add title
title(main = main, ...)
# return color names
if (verbose)
# function to produce horizontal bar chart, colours drawn from "ochre" colour wheel defined above to match report
plot_horizontal_bar <- function(x) {
## code if a specific palette is needed for matching
fill = wheel(ochre, num = as.integer(count(x[1])))
#fill = scale_fill_brewer()
# make plot
ggplot(x, aes(x = n, y = response, fill = fill)) +
geom_col(colour = "white") +
## add percentage labels
geom_text(aes(label = perc),
## make labels left-aligned and white
hjust = 1, nudge_x = -.5, colour = "black", size=3) +
## reduce spacing between labels and bars
scale_fill_identity(guide = "none") +
## get rid of all elements except y axis labels + adjust plot margin
theme_ipsum_rc() +
theme(plot.margin = margin(rep(15, 4))) +
qualtrics_process_single_multiple_choice <- function(x) {
# create separate data frame
df <- as.data.frame(x)
# make column names coherent and simplified
names(df) <- c("response")
# filter out NA values
df <- filter(df, !is.na(response))
# generate new dataframe with sums per category and sort in descending order
sums <- df %>%
dplyr::count(response, sort = TRUE) %>%
response = forcats::fct_rev(forcats::fct_inorder(response))
# add new column with percentages for each sum
sums <- sums %>%
dplyr::mutate(perc = scales::percent(n / sum(n), accuracy = 1, trim = FALSE))
qualtrics_process_single_multiple_choice_unsorted_streamlined <- function(x) {
# create separate data frame
df <- as.data.frame(as_factor(x))
# make column names coherent and simplified
names(df) <- c("response")
# filter out NA values
df <- filter(df, !is.na(response))
# generate new dataframe with sums per category and sort in descending order
sums <- df %>%
dplyr::count(response, sort = FALSE)
# add new column with percentages for each sum
sums <- sums %>%
dplyr::mutate(perc = scales::percent(n / sum(n), accuracy = 1, trim = FALSE))
qualtrics_process_single_multiple_choice_basic <- function(x) {
# create separate data frame
df <- as_factor(x)
# make column names coherent and simplified
names(df) <- c("response")
# filter out NA values
df <- filter(df, !is.na(response))
# generate new dataframe with sums per category and sort in descending order
sums <- df %>%
dplyr::count(response, sort = FALSE)
# add new column with percentages for each sum
sums <- sums %>%
dplyr::mutate(perc = scales::percent(n / sum(n), accuracy = 1, trim = FALSE))
qualtrics_process_single_multiple_choice_unsorted <- function(x) {
# create separate data frame
df <- as.data.frame(x)
# make column names coherent and simplified
names(df) <- c("response")
# filter out NA values
df <- filter(df, !is.na(response))
# generate new dataframe with sums per category and sort in descending order
sums <- df %>%
dplyr::count(response, sort = FALSE) %>%
response = forcats::fct_rev(forcats::fct_inorder(response))
# add new column with percentages for each sum
sums <- sums %>%
dplyr::mutate(perc = scales::percent(n / sum(n), accuracy = 1, trim = FALSE))
# function to produce a summary table of results for a single column using flextable
chart_single_result_flextable <- function(.data, var) {
table <- table(.data)
# add calculations and convert to a flextable object
table %>%
prop.table %>% # turn this into a table of proportions
# flextable requires a dataframe
as.data.frame() %>%
set_names(c("Variable", "Count")) %>%
# arrange in descending order
arrange({{ var }}) %>%
# convert table object to a flextable()
flextable(defaults = TRUE) %>%
# adjust column widths automatically to fit widest values
style(part = 'body', pr_t=fp_text(font.family='Roboto')) %>%
style(part = 'header', pr_t=fp_text(font.family='Roboto')) %>%
# note, likert also uses set_caption() so need to specify flextable:: here
flextable::set_caption(caption, style = "Table Caption", autonum = run_autonum(seq_id = "tab", bkm = "figures", bkm_all = TRUE)) %>%
autofit() %>%
theme_vanilla() %>%
# format numbers in count column as rounded percentages
set_formatter( table, Count = function(x) sprintf( "%.1f%%", x*100 ))
chart_single_result_flextable_unsorted <- function(.data, var) {
table <- table(.data)
# add calculations and convert to a flextable object
table %>%
prop.table %>% # turn this into a table of proportions
# flextable requires a dataframe
as.data.frame() %>%
set_names(c("Variable", "Count")) %>%
# convert table object to a flextable()
flextable(defaults = TRUE) %>%
# adjust column widths automatically to fit widest values
style(part = 'body', pr_t=fp_text(font.family='Roboto')) %>%
style(part = 'header', pr_t=fp_text(font.family='Roboto')) %>%
# note, likert also uses set_caption() so need to specify flextable:: here
flextable::set_caption(caption, style = "Table Caption", autonum = run_autonum(seq_id = "tab", bkm = "figures", bkm_all = TRUE)) %>%
autofit() %>%
theme_vanilla() %>%
# format numbers in count column as rounded percentages
set_formatter( table, Count = function(x) sprintf( "%.1f%%", x*100 ))
@ -27,6 +27,21 @@ The first thing to note here is that we've drawn in a different type of data fil
One of the challenges we faced when running this study is how to gather responsible data from surveys regarding religious identity. We'll dive into this in depth as we do analysis and look at some of the agreements and conflicts in terms of respondent attribution. Just to set the stage, we used the following kinds of question to ask about religion and spirituality:
One of the challenges we faced when running this study is how to gather responsible data from surveys regarding religious identity. We'll dive into this in depth as we do analysis and look at some of the agreements and conflicts in terms of respondent attribution. Just to set the stage, we used the following kinds of question to ask about religion and spirituality:
::: {.callout-tip}
### What is Religion?
Breakout box about beliefs in the paranormal:
World Values survey - cf. paranormal belief breakdown by generation analysis by Bobby Duffy (KCL)
God heaven hell afterlife
Draw on European
Theos, Faith of the Faithless Report (2012)
### "What is your religion?"
### "What is your religion?"
@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ Data science is quickly consolidating as a new field, with new tools and user co
## The hacker way
## The hacker way
It's worth emphasising at the outset that this isn't meant to be a generic data science book. My own training as a researcher lies in the field of religious ethics, and my engagement with digital technology has, from the very start, been a context for exploring matters of personal values, and social action. A fair bit of ink has been spilled in books, magazines, blogs, zines, and tweets unpacking what exactly it means to be a "hacker". Pressing beyond some of the more superficial cultural stereotypes, I want to explain a bit here about how hacking can be a much more substantial vision for ethical engagement with technology and social transformation.
It's worth emphasising at the outset that this isn't meant to be a generic data science book. My own training as a researcher lies in the field of religious ethics, and my engagement with digital technology has, from the very start, been a context for exploring matters of personal values, and social action. A fair bit of ink has been spilled in books, magazines, blogs and zines unpacking what exactly it means to be a "hacker". Pressing beyond some of the more superficial cultural stereotypes, I want to explain a bit here about how hacking can be a much more substantial vision for ethical engagement with technology and social transformation.
Back in the 1980s Steven Levy tried to capture some of this in his book "Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution". As Levy put it, the "hacker ethic" included: (1) sharing, (2) openness, (3) decentralisation, (4) free access to computers and (5) world improvement. The key point here is that hacking isn't just about writing and breaking code, or testing and finding weaknesses in computer systems and networks. It can be a more substantial ethical code.
Back in the 1980s Steven Levy tried to capture some of this in his book "Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution". As Levy put it, the "hacker ethic" included: (1) sharing, (2) openness, (3) decentralisation, (4) free access to computers and (5) world improvement. The key point here is that hacking isn't just about writing and breaking code, or testing and finding weaknesses in computer systems and networks. There is often a more substantial underpinning ethical code which dovetails with on-the-surface matters of curiosity and craft.
This emphasis on ethics is especially important when we're doing data science because this kind of research work will put you in positions of influence and grant you power over others. You might think this seems a bit overstated, but it never ceases to amaze me how much bringing a bar chart which succinctly shows some sort of social trend can sway a conversation or decision making process. There is something unusually persuasive that comes with the combination of aesthetics, data and storytelling. I've met many people who have come to data science out of a desire to bring about social transformation in some sphere of life. People want to use technology and communication to make the world better. However, it's possible that this can quickly get out of hand. It's important to have a clear sense of what sorts of convictions guide your work in this field, a "hacker code" of sorts. With this in mind, I'd like to share with you my own set of principles:
This emphasis on ethics is especially important when we're doing data science because this kind of research work will put you in positions of influence and grant you power over others. You might think this seems a bit overstated, but it never ceases to amaze me how much bringing a bar chart which succinctly shows some sort of social trend can sway a conversation or decision making process. There is something unusually persuasive that comes with the combination of aesthetics, data and storytelling. I've met many people who have come to data science out of a desire to bring about social transformation in some sphere of life. People want to use technology and communication to make the world better. However, it's possible that this can quickly get out of hand. It's important to have a clear sense of what sorts of convictions guide your work in this field, a "hacker code" of sorts. With this in mind, I'd like to share with you my own set of principles:
Reference in a new issue