require(sqldf) # using sqldf to filter while loading very large data sets require(data.table) require(sf) # new simplefeature data class, supercedes sp in many ways, also includes gdal functions # setup workspace setwd("/Users/kidwellj/gits/mapping_worship") if (dir.exists("data") == FALSE) { dir.create("data")} # Import filtered geojson files # Note: preferred option here is to use R package osmdata, but the server loads generated by this extraction are too high and cause timeouts. # Processing data outside R using osmium for now: osm_uk_points <- st_read(system.file("pow_osm.gpkg", package = "spData")) vector_filepath = system.file("data/osm-gb-2018Aug29_pow_osm.pbf", package = "sf") osm_uk_points = st_read(vector_filepath) rbind(osm_uk_points, ___) # Processing handled outside R for now in QGIS # Command for identifying candidates in OSM raw csv files: grep -E 'Masjid|islamic|muslim|mosque|Madrasah|Imam' *|wc -l