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This commit is contained in:
Jeremy Kidwell 2023-10-12 09:14:32 +01:00
parent 14676c530c
commit 986fe916af
3 changed files with 74 additions and 0 deletions

nomis.R Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@

openstreetmap_parse.R Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
require(sqldf) # using sqldf to filter while loading very large data sets
require(sf) # new simplefeature data class, supercedes sp in many ways, also includes gdal functions
# setup workspace
if (dir.exists("data") == FALSE) {
# Import filtered geojson files
# Note: preferred option here is to use R package osmdata, but the server loads generated by this extraction are too high and cause timeouts.
# Processing data outside R using osmium for now:
osm_uk_points <- st_read(system.file("pow_osm.gpkg", package = "spData"))
vector_filepath = system.file("data/osm-gb-2018Aug29_pow_osm.pbf", package = "sf")
osm_uk_points = st_read(vector_filepath)
rbind(osm_uk_points, ___)
# Processing handled outside R for now in QGIS
# Command for identifying candidates in OSM raw csv files: grep -E 'Masjid|islamic|muslim|mosque|Madrasah|Imam' *|wc -l

ordnance_survey.R Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
require(sf) # simplefeature data class, supercedes sp in many ways, also includes gdal functions
# Data is open access, but there isn't a static link that seems to be readily
# accessible so I would advise that users download this directly from
# Select area: "All of Great Britain" and data format: GeoPackage
# Fair warning, this will produce a massive file, around 3.5gb compressed and over 7gb uncompressed
# This operation currently fails, but am keeping it here just for later modification
if (file.exists(here("data", "opmplc_gb.gpkg", "data", "opmplc_gpkg_gb")) == FALSE) { download.file("", destfile = here("data", ""))}
unzip("data/", exdir = "data")
# For academics in the UK, an alternative is to use the DigiMap service, which also provides an enhanced
# PointX database. Sadly, this dataset is paywalled by digimap, though most academic researchers
# should be able to aquire it through an institutional subscription from Digimap, Ordnance Survey Data Download.
# The POI set is located under "Boundary and Location Data" under "Points of Interest," "select visible area"
# for whole UK then download.
# Load in data, specifying the layer "important_building"
# We're going to use a more sophisticated st_read command which can filter this very large file
# h/t to for this approach
# The feature_code for places of worship in the OpenMap product is Feature Code: 15025. This is equivalent to PointX "6340459"
os_openmap_pow <- st_read(here("data", "opmplc_gpkg_gb", "data", "opmplc_gb.gpkg"),
query= "SELECT * FROM important_building WHERE feature_code = '15025';")
st_write(os_openmap_pow, dsn = con, layer = "ecs",
overwrite = FALSE, append = FALSE)
# These features are stored as polygons by OS so we can't export to a file as point data
# so CSV will end up with a blank column. FYI, if this weren't the case, here's how you'd export to CSV
st_write(os_openmap_pow, here("data", "os_openmap_pow.csv"), layer_options = "GEOMETRY=AS_XY")
# Here's how you'd export to (yuck!) shapefile:
st_write(os_openmap_pow, here("data", "os_openmap_pow.shp"), delete_layer = TRUE)
# St_wrte can also write to sql databases, and if you are working with massive complex datasets
# it can soemtimes be more efficient to load the dataset into a PostGRES database with PostGIS extensions
# loaded. You can then run queries from R on that database drawing in specific subsets of data using
# geospatial sql operations. I give an example of this in the `openstreetmapparse.R` file in this repo
# And ultimately, st_write is a wrapper for GDAL, so you can export to a wide range of file types
# including geoJSON, gpx etc etc.