## Contributing Pull Requests from our design, development and operations teams of [Haufe.Group](http://www.haufe-lexware.com) and its subsidiaries are greatly appreciated. If you've never contributed to an open source project before we are more than happy to walk you through how to create a pull request. The short version of it is to simply clone this repo into (a) a repo of your own account under (b) the name `[your_account_name].github.io`. Upon your first commit the blog should be published at `http://[your_account_name].github.io`. In this way you can add your changes and test them live. When you are finished create a pull request with your changes and submit it against our blog repo. Support for Categories and Tags were inspired by [this blog entry](http://www.minddust.com/post/tags-and-categories-on-github-pages/). A list of the defined categories and tags can be found at `_data/categories.yml` and `_data\tags.yml` respectively. If you want to add new categories or tags, you need to add them to the corresponding `.yml` file and add the matching template into the `meta/category` or `meta/tag` directories. Please do not go overboard with adding new categories and tags but try to stay within the ones we have. On the other hand - if you feel strongly about adding one, feel free to submit a pull request. If you want to find out more about using `github-pages` for blogging or want to improve our blog the following links might be good starting points * [Jekyll documentation, i.e. how to include images](http://jekyllrb.com/docs/posts/) * [Github pages powered by Jekyll](https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll/wiki/sites) * Liquid Documentation [here](https://docs.shopify.com/themes/liquid-documentation/basics) and [here](https://github.com/Shopify/liquid/wiki/Liquid-for-Designers) Please note to set the proxy if you are working from within the Haufe Intranet set HTTP_PROXY= set HTTPS_PROXY= If you find bugs or issues you can [open an issue](https://github.com/Haufe-Lexware/Haufe-Lexware.github.io/issues/new) describing the problem that you're looking to resolve and we'll go from there. ### Setting up jekyll on Mac OS X If you happen to have Mac OS X device, it is a lot simpler to test your additions using the `jekyll` command line directly; you don't have to set up github pages, and you can still verify everything is fine. To install `jekyll`, issue the following command in Terminal (I here assume you have the Mac OS X developer command line tools installed, which include ruby/gem): ``` $ sudo gem install jekyll ``` That will take a while. After that, `cd` into your `Haufe-Lexware.github.io` git clone (on your own fork obviously) and issue a ``` $ jekyll build ``` This will throw a couple of errors due to missing gems; install them one after the other in the order they occur: ``` $ sudo gem install jekyll-paginate $ ... ``` Eventually (and hopefully) your `jekyll build` will succeed. After the build has succeeded, you can do a `jekyll serve`, and after that, you can browse the site locally on [``]( **Note**: The `https_proxy` setting is also needed on Mac OS X if you're inside the Haufe intranet: ``` $ export http_proxy= $ export https_proxy= ``` ### Setting up jekyll on Windows The short version of this is: It's complicated, and not actually advisable. The most promising path to doing this is most probably to set up a Linux VM and do it from there; that involves setting up ruby correctly, which may also be challenging, but it's still a lot simpler (and more supported) than directly on Windows.