--- layout: page description: "creating new local low-carbon collaborations across Scotland" --- {% for post in paginator.posts %}
{% comment %}

{{ post.title }}

{% if post.subtitle %}

{{ post.subtitle }}

{% endif %}
{% if post.author %} {% assign author = site.data.authors[post.author] %} {% if author %} {% assign author_name = author.name %} {% else %} {% assign author_name = post.author %} {% endif %} {% else %} {% assign author_name = site.title %} {% endif %} Posted by {{ author_name }} on {{ post.date | date: "%B %-d, %Y" }}

{{ landing.excerpt | strip_html }}

{% endcomment %}

There are hundreds of groups in Scotland making progress and creating change on environmental issues.

But these groups often work in isolation.

Our research team would like to invite you to learn with us about the diversity of approaches in Scotlands grassroots.

Let us seek to find common ground!

Here's how you can get involved:

Host a workshop

Learn about:

Attend our conference on "Faith Communities and Environmental Activism" in May 2017

{% endfor %} {% if paginator.total_pages > 1 %} {% endif %}