--- layout: post title: Open Tabs No 6 subtitle: On Makers, Microservices, and Balanced Teams. category: opinion tags: [api, culture, cto, devops] author: holger_reinhardt author_email: holger.reinhardt@haufe-lexware.com header-img: "images/bg-post.alt.jpg" --- Here is the latest from [Open Tabs](http://dev.haufe.com/meta/category/opinion/) - my weekly column with links and commentary on my browser tabs. #### Innovation Lets start this week edition with a survey about [PropTech-Startups und Digitalizierung in der Immobilienwirtschaft](http://www.zia-deutschland.de/pressemeldung/studie-von-zia-und-ey-proptech-startups-und-grownups-entern-immobilienwirtschaft/) (sorry, German only). If you are more inclined towards the latest fashion in wearables, check out the latest in [SnapChat Spectacles and the Future of Wearables](https://stratechery.com/2016/snapchat-spectacles-and-the-future-of-wearables/). #### Emerging Technology Machine Learning is an area we are actively investigating - here is a somewhat dated but hopefully still relevant survey on [What are the most powerful open source sentiment analysis tools?](https://breakthroughanalysis.com/2012/01/08/what-are-the-most-powerful-open-source-sentiment-analysis-tools/). There has been literally an explosion of voice-enabled interfaces - and some interesting thoughts from the CEO of IFTTT can be found in [Why voice is the catalyst for compatibility](https://medium.com/startup-grind/why-voice-is-the-catalyst-for-compatibility-bec7cc7e5d57#.p2cnovhdl). And obviously no week goes by without one more blockchain based services showing up on my radar - this weeks featured blip is [Pikcio - Blockchain-based messaging and transaction platform](https://www.matchupbox.com). And for an interesting new entry under the serverless topic, check out [webtask.io](https://webtask.io/docs/how). #### Devops Might as well been posted under Microservices or Container, but [Automating the continous deployment pipeline with containerized microservices](http://public.ludekvesely.cz/the-devops-2-toolkit.pdf) is broader than just Container or Microservices. Something similar could be said about [API First Transformation at Etsy – Operations](https://codeascraft.com/2016/09/26/api-first-transformation-at-etsy-operations/), but again API here is just a means to a cultural shift in operations. #### Microservices One of the most vexing questions in Microservice Architecture is how to find bounded context's. I owe Daniel from OpenCredo the link to [Code as a Crime Scene](http://www.adamtornhill.com/articles/crimescene/codeascrimescene.htm). My friend and former collegue Irakli also keeps exploring it in [Microservices: Rule of Twos](http://www.freshblurbs.com/blog/2016/10/09/microservicies-rule-of-twos.html). And even though I have metioned already in [my report from QCon 16 in NYC](http://dev.haufe.com/qcon-ny-summary/#think-before-you-tool), you really should [Meet Zipkin: A Tracer for Debugging Microservices](http://thenewstack.io/meet-zipkin-tracer-debugging-microservices/). #### Maker For those of you who are not content in building things with bits and bytes, check out [The complete 3D guide to joinery](https://twitter.com/TheJoinery_jp). #### Frontend On the topic of conversational interfaces, this weeks frontend link goes to [Amazing Chat Interface Inspiration](https://medium.muz.li/amazing-chat-interface-inspiration-9ce35222b93a#.mti7whgp5). #### Product & Marketing In the product section, I definitly plan to read [On Writing Product Specs](https://goberoi.com/on-writing-product-specs-5ca697b992fd#.q706rrtke) as well as [Drive development with budgets not estimates](https://signalvnoise.com/posts/3746-drive-development-with-budgets-not-estimates). And for hiring the new Product Owner for our Foundational Services team I would like to brush up on my interview skills with the [The Ultimate Guide to Product Manager Interview Questions](http://www.venturegrit.com/how-to-interview-a-product-manager-the-ultimate-guide/). #### Container Always a popular topic for containers in production: [Assessing the current state of container security](http://thenewstack.io/assessing-the-state-current-container-security/) #### Culture So here is a bit more controversial article on [Agile in management and leadership](http://alistair.cockburn.us/Agile+in+management+and+leadership). The one principle which caught my eye was the first one. The one I struggle with is number 3. Who am I to know who the right team members are for any given situation? Instead I prefer to take [a lesson from buffer (again from QCon)](http://dev.haufe.com/qcon-ny-summary/#learnings-from-a-culture-first-startup) and take the responsibility to create a balanced team instead. #### API [Atlassian joins Open API Initiative, open sources RADAR doc generator](https://developer.atlassian.com/blog/2016/05/open-api-initiative/) is the first link under the API heading. GraphQL continues to occupy significan tab space in my browser: [5 Potential Benefits of Integrating GraphQL](http://nordicapis.com/5-potential-benefits-integrating-graphql/) and [GitHub Dumps REST Calls for Facebook’s GraphQL](http://thenewstack.io/github-dumps-rest-graphql-api/). It is also always a good sport to keep an eye on our competition: [Introducing Postman for the QuickBooks Online API](https://developer.intuit.com/hub/blog/2016/09/19/introducing-postman-quickbooks-online-api). APIEvangelist is at it again with [Github Needs Client OAuth Proxy For More Complete Client-Side Apps On Pages](http://apievangelist.com/2016/09/27/github-needs-client-oauth-proxy-for-more-complete-clientside-apps-on-pages/). This should cover it for this week. Plenty to read, think and catch up on. See you again next week.