--- layout: post title: DockerCon EU 2015 subtite: Insights, Outlooks and Inbetweens description: Notes from DevOpsCon 2015 category: general author: ThomasSc author_email: thomas.schuering@haufe-lexware.com --- # Insights, Outlooks and Inbetweens Once upon a time in a ~~galaxy~~ container far, far away ... We, a bunch or ~~rebels~~ Haufe-employees, entered the halls of container - wisdom: DockerCon EU 2015 in Barcelona, Spain. Hailing from different departments and locations (Freiburg AND Timisoira, CTO's, ICT, DevOps, ...), the common goal was to learn about the current state of Docker, the technology behind it and its evolving eco-system. The unexpected high level catering (at least on the first day and the DockerCon Party in the Marine Museum) was asking for more activity than moving from one session to the next, but we had to bear that burden (poor us!). We met with a couple of companies (Rancher Labs, SysDig, Zanlado and some more) to get a feeling what is already available on the market and how mature do the solutions feel? A rough overview what we've seen and heared: # Day one ... started with a bunch of exciting news (if you're fascinated by Docker as me ;- )) in the general session. Have a look at the video of [Day 1 General Session](http://blog.docker.com/2015/11/dockercon-eu-2015-day-1-general-session/) Here's what what stuck in my mind (no specific order and might be intermixed with later presentations ;-)): - Security - Docker Content Trust - Hardware signing for Docker images - Security scans for Images: Project Nautilus - No more exception from isolation: Namespacing User(Id) - Security made easy - Does it (Docker) scale? - Scale testing with Docker swarm on AWS - Managing containers - Docker UCP (Universal Control Plane) # Day two ... continued not as highbeat as day one, but still was going strong. Here's the recording to [Day 2 General Session](http://blog.docker.com/2015/11/dockercon-eu-2015-day-2-general-session/) # Things "inbetween" ... were quite interesting, too. We met with some guys from Zalando (yes, the guys who're screeming a lot in their adverts), who were explaining how they are using some home-brewn (git-available) facade (or tool if you like) to ease the pain with running a custom PaaS on AWS. The project [STUPS](https://stups.io/) uses a plethora of Docker-containers and is to be found on its own web-page and [github](https://github.com/zalando-stups) .