Analysing the Development Trust Association Scotland footprint

Jeremy H. Kidwell, PhD
18 May 2018

Provisional analysis compiled by Dr Jeremy Kidwell for DTAS. Based on live, open, and reproducible code!

Outline for the day

  • Representation in areas of deprivation
  • Mapping community anchors
  • Bonus: social media and DTAS

About the research

  • Begun in 2014 at Ediburgh Uni, now Birmingham
  • Driving question: How do we improve visibility and efficacy of community-level work?
    • Generating (open access) data sets
    • Consultancy as participatory research
    • Connecting researchers, policymakers, third sector

Work to Date

  • Ongoing research partnerships
    • Scottish Community Alliance
    • DTAS (239 sites)
    • Eco-Congregation Scotland (~400) and Eco-Church England & Wales (~2500)
    • Christians Against Poverty (600)
    • Ecolise (European network of networks)
  • Additional data sets produced for
    • GWSF, City Farms & Gardens, Community Land Scotland, Church(es) of Scotland, England & Wales…
  • Digital “geospatial intelligence” Carto platform up and running )

1. Focus: DTAS and Deprivation

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-3

DTAS Groups Located within 15% most deprived areas

name rank
Ferguslie Park Housing Association 1.00
Cassiltoun Housing Association 24.00
Cranhill Development Trust 65.00
Connect Community Trust 74.00
Rosemount Development Trust 128.00
Barmulloch Community Development Company 188.00
Community Central Hall 331.00
Thenue Housing Association Ltd 331.00
Dumbarton Road Corridor Environment Trust 338.00
Lambhill Stables 353.00
The Stove Network 361.00
Kirkhill & Bunchrew Community Trust 362.00
Burntisland Community Development Trust 386.00
Catrine Community Trust 392.00
Renton Community Development Trust 593.00
Fauldhouse Community Development Trust Ltd 622.00
Galston Community Development Trust 624.00
Fuse Youth Cafe 662.00
CLEAR Buckhaven 669.00
Govanhill Community Development Trust 677.00
One Dalkeith 778.00
Burnfoot Community Futures 843.00
Healthy n Happy Community Development Trust 844.00
South Kintyre Development Trust 858.00
Love Milton 1027.00

GWSHF Groups Located within 15% most deprived areas

name rank
Drumchapel Housing Co-op 9.00
Wellhouse HA 10.00
Ferguslie Park HA 11.00
Pineview HA 16.00
Cunninghame HA 17.00
North View HA 26.00
Hawthorn Housing Co-operative 41.00
Elderpark HA 66.00
Blairtummock HA 141.00
Govan HA 156.00
ng homes 168.00
Rutherglen & Cambuslang HA 169.00
Parkhead HA 193.00
Ruchazie HA 195.00
Cassiltoun HA 243.00
Govanhill HA 275.00
Provanhall HA 297.00
Ayrshire Housing 350.00
Linthouse HA 352.00
Shettleston HA 357.00
Oak Tree HA 358.00
Cloch HA 398.00
Gardeen HA 439.00
Hillhead HA 458.00
Rosehill HA 489.00
Ancho HA 532.00
Spire View HA 551.00
Cadder HA 567.00
Atrium Homes 584.00
Barrhead HA 601.00
Paisley HA 694.00
Reidvale HA 711.00
Glen Oaks HA 736.00
Prospect Community Housing 738.00
Faifley HA 743.00
Lochfield Park HA 756.00
Wishaw & District HA 780.00
Copperworks HA 859.00
Easthall Park Housing Co-op 877.00
Queens Cross HA 897.00
Molendinar Park HA 910.00
Dalmuir Park HA 912.00
Williamsburgh HA 937.00
Whiteinch & Scotstoun HA 989.00
Calvay HA 1039.00

Running Comparisons

It may be useful to know the number of groups present (as above), but we can illuminate this information by testing out how frequently different types of groups appear in these areas.


We can compare this frequency against some other features. The ordnance survey tells us that total pubs in Scotland are:

[1] 3360


The total numnber of Pubs located within these deprived areas noted above is:

[1] 0.1505952


To take another example, there are (according to the Ordnance Survey), the following number of places of worship in Scotland:

[1] 4468

Of all these, our deprived areas have:

[1] 0.123769


Another example we can look at is retail grocery stores. A geospatial company called GeoLytix publishes a complete set of British retailers on a regular basis. As of last November, they indicated that there were the following number of grocery stores in Scotland:

[1] 1408

Within our deprived areas, this represents

[1] 0.1477273

Retail, ctd.

We can break this down by brand to get a more interesting indication. There are the following number of Morrison's brand stores in Scotland:

[1] 60

Of these, the following percentage are located in deprived areas:

[1] 0.25

Retail, ctd.

We find the predictable contrast by turning to Sainsburys. There are the following number of Sainsburys stores in Scotland:

[1] 101

Represented in our deprived areas are just:

[1] 0.06930693

Retail, ctd.

Sadly, the best bellweather of a deprived area in Scotland isn't any of the above, but rather pawnbrokers and check cashing stores. There are the following number of pawnbrokers:

[1] 134

…and check cashing stores:

[1] 17

Retail, ctd.

Representation in our areas of of deprivation is, for check cashing establishments:

[1] 0.2352941

and pawnbrokers:

[1] 0.3283582

Pawnbrokers Mapped

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-20

Targetting possile community anchors

I've put together two different resources for DTAS to access this data:


  • What details can we add to this data set to make it most useful?
  • What other kinds of data and analysis can you see being of value to you for strategic decision making?
  • Possible demos:
    • Common Ground Map
    • Carto Platform
    • QGIS

Bonus: Social Media Use

  • Research question: how do community groups use social media?

Bonus: Social Media Use

  • Total Groups = 240; average founding data: 2004 (.8)
  • How many have website? = 215
  • How many have a facebook page? = 179; average founding date 2004 (.5)
  • How many have a twitter feed? = 54; avg founded 2005 (.6)
  • No social media at all? = 13; avg founded 2007 (.9)